925 resultados para Dried foods.


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The addition of preservatives to some kind of foods may be a potential risk of spoilage, as it is the transformation of sorbate into the off-odour 1-3-pentadiene by certain microbial species. This is the case of the capacity of some strains of moulds and yeasts that are able to decarboxylate sorbic acid and transform it into 1-3 pentadiene, a volatile compound with an unpleasant petroleum odour. (Casas et al. 2004).


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The general purpose of this study was the determination of the safety conditions to avoid the presence of explosive atmospheres in the wastewater industry. Eight Spanish plants located in Madrid, Barcelona and Málaga were considered and several sludge samples were taken in different seasons. The base for the assessment of the spontaneous ignition behaviour of dust accumulations is the experimental determination of the self-ignition temperature under isothermal conditions. Self-ignition temperatures at four volumes were obtained for one sample of sewage sludge, allowing their extrapolation to large storage facilities. A simple test method, based also on an isothermal study of samples, is the UN classification of substances liable to spontaneous combustion. Two different samples were so tested, obtaining unlike results if transported in packages of different volumes. By means of thermogravimetric techniques it is possible to analyse the thermal susceptibility of dried sewage sludge. Apparent activation energy can be obtained from the rate of weight loss. It is also applied to the study of self-ignition susceptibility by modifying test conditions when oxygen stream is introduced. As a consequence of this oxidant contribution, sample behaviour can be very different during testing and a step drop or sudden loss of weight is observed at a characteristic temperature for every substance, associated to a rapid combustion. Plotting both the activation energy and the characteristic temperature, a map of self-ignition risk was obtained for 10 samples, showing different risk levels for samples taken in different locations and at different seasons. A prediction of the self-ignition risk level can be also determined.


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The treatment and disposal of sewage sludge is becoming an urgent need whereby different technologies were developed and integrated into the waste cycle all over the world. One of the most used technologies is the thermal drying of the sludge. Thermally dried sewage sludge has interesting properties that allow its use as an alternative fuel, but also needs some consideration from the point of view of its safe operation. The aim of this study was the research on the flammability properties of sewage sludge, including ignition sensitivity, explosion severity, thermal sensitivity and thermal stability. Furthermore relationships among those properties and composition parameters have been determined, added to the study of their variation depending on their origin or season. Finally, properties related to spontaneous combustion were determined. To study these relationships and characteristics sludge samples were selected from different locations in Spain and taken during different seasons.


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Visible-near infrared reflectance spectra are proposed for the characterization of IRMM 481 peanuts variety in comparison to powder food materials: wheat flour, milk and cocoa. Multidimensional analysis of reflectance spectra of powder samples shows a specific NIR band centred at 1200 nm that identifies peanut compared to the rest of food ingredients, regardless compaction level and temperature. Spectral range of 400-1000 nm is not robust for identification of blanched peanut. The visible range has shown to be reliable for the identification of pre-treatment and processing of unknown commercial peanut samples. A spectral index is proposed based on the combination of three wavelengths around 1200 nm that is 100% robust against pre-treatment (raw or blanched) and roasting (various temperatures and treatment duration).


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Allergies and food intolerances are at the forefront of institutional interest (European Regulation No 1169/2011) for their impact on consumer health. Allergies to peanuts and other nuts and gluten intolerance, makes production processes involving mixtures of powders a great concern for the industry, given the need to indicate the existence of traces of any of them. The food industry requires non-destructive and non-invasive methods of quantification that meet sensitivity requirements but also specificity levels. Optical methods such as NIR spectrophotometry or hyper-spectral image are currently some of the technologies that show potential success. This is the context of this paper that evaluates how to use NIR spectroscopy (900-1600nm) to detect traces of 15 different kinds of nuts and 20 other flours.


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A biomonitorização humana ou biomonitoramento (BH) é definido como a medida periódica de determinada substância química ou seu metabólito em fluidos biológicos, principalmente sangue e urina, de uma população com o objetivo de avaliar a exposição e os riscos à saúde. Tal método tem se tornado comum em países desenvolvidos, porém ainda é uma prática pouco utilizada no Brasil. Isso ocorre pela dificuldade de coleta, armazenamento e transporte das amostras, principalmente em regiões sem infraestrutura e de difícil acesso. Diante disso, alguns procedimentos alternativos de coleta de amostra vêm sendo propostos. Um destes procedimentos é o Dried Blood Spot (DBS) ou coleta e armazenamento de amostra em papel-cartão. Este método oferece uma série de vantagens sobre os procedimentos de coleta convencionais, principalmente por reduzir consideravelmente o volume de amostra coletada. Entretanto, pouco se sabe sobre a estabilidade dos analitos após a deposição da amostra no cartão e do risco de contaminação da amostra pelo substrato sólido. Além disso, procedimentos de extração dos analitos do papel, para posterior quantificação, ainda não estão totalmente estabelecidos. Neste sentido, o presente trabalho avaliou de forma sistemática o procedimento de coleta de sangue por DBS visando sua futura aplicação em programas de biomonitoramento no Brasil para determinação dos elementos químicos As, Cd, Cu, Hg, Mn, Pb, Se e Zn por espectrometria de massas com plasma indutivamente acoplado (ICP-MS). Para isso, no estudo foram utilizadas três diferentes marcas comerciais de cartão coletor: Whatman 903(TM), Munktell(TM), e DMPK-C(TM). Todas as marcas de cartão apresentaram baixas concentrações dos elementos químicos. Após a deposição da amostra no papel cartão verificou-se que a concentração dos elementos químicos manteve-se estável por um período de pelo menos 60 dias (temperatura ambiente e ao abrigo da luz). Foi otimizado o método de extração dos analitos do substrato, com melhor condição obtida após a imersão do papel (corte circular de diâmetro de 1/2´´) por 60 minutos em solução extratora (0,5% v/v HNO3 e 0,01% v/v Triton(TM) X-100) na proporção de 1:50 v/v, seguida de 10 segundos de agitação por vortex. Após a extração, a solução resultante contendo os analitos foi diretamente injetada no ICP-MS. Cabe também destacar que não foram observadas diferenças estatísticas nas concentrações dos elementos químicos com coleta de sangue da veia do antebraço (sangue venoso) ou do dedo (sangue capilar). Os resultados obtidos no presente estudo, devem contribuir para a implementação deste procedimento em análises de elementos químicos (biomonitoramento da população brasileira), principalmente considerando as dificuldades de coleta, armazenamento e transporte de amostras clínicas em nosso país por sua extensão territorial. Além disso, este procedimento pode facilitar estudos com populações vulneráveis e que vivem em áreas remotas e de difícil acesso.