989 resultados para Didactic poetry, English.
This booklet is designed to�improve pupils' nutrition and implement healthier eating and drinking practices. It contains�practical tips for parents, carers and children on how to pack an appetising, healthy lunchbox.
This booklet takes smokers through the stages of stopping smoking:preparing to stopstoppingstaying stoppedIt also provides advice on the various forms of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) and non-nicotine medications available, as well as a list of contacts for advice and support.Note: translations are of the 2009 leaflet, which will have lower costs for packets of cigarettes.
This leaflet is used to support the Northern Ireland breast screening programme and explains the additional tests that may be offered at a breast assessment clinic following a mammogram that has shown a possible abnormality�
This leaflet is used to support the Northern Ireland breast screening programme and help women decide whether to attend breast screening. Translations are of the 2014 version.This is also available in audio format by clicking�here.�
This booklet provides the facts about the vaccines babies will receive just after their first birthday: the first MMR vaccine and the PCV and Hib/Men C booster vaccines.
This leaflet for women provides updated information on rubella and how to get vaccinated so it is not passed on during pregnancy.Rubella, otherwise known as German measles, can be very serious for the unborn baby in the first three months of pregnancy and can cause damage to the sight, hearing, heart and brain, a condition known as congenital rubella syndrome (CRS).Infection can be prevented by the MMR vaccine, which protects the mother and her unborn baby.
Your baby will be given a series of routine health checks in the first few weeks of life. This will include a hearing screen. The hearing screen uses a quick simple test to check the hearing of all newborn babies. � .
The newborn blood spot pre-screening information leaflet for parents has been revised to include information about sickle cell disorders (SCD) and medium chain�acyl coA dehydrogenase deficiency (MCADD) family history. The revised pre-screening leaflet should be given to all pregnant women by 30 weeks gestation and reissued to parents following delivery, before day five.Further information about screening and the care of children with SCD is available at:
This information leaflet is for all men invited to take part in the Northern Ireland Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) Screening Programme. Men will automatically be invited for screening in their 65th year, while men aged over 65 can request a scan through the central screening office.
�This leaflet provides information on�Hepatitis�B - how the virus�is spread,�the symptoms of the virus and treatment available.
Factsheet for patients who have tested positive for the hepatitis B virusThe factsheet is only available by contacting the Duty Room on 028 9032 1313.
As a parent you want the best start for your baby. What your child eats and drinks is important for his/her health now and in the future. The information in this leaflet may be quite different from what you have read before, or what your friends or family may tell you they did. New research is constantly being carried out into infant nutrition and the information and advice in this leaflet is based on up-to-date scientific evidence. It will help you make sure that your child is getting a good start. (Note: translations are of the 2007 version)
This booklet provides information on the routine immunisations that are given to babies up to year old to protect them from serious childhood diseases. It describes the DtaP/IPV/Hib, pneumococcal and MenC vaccines and now includes information on the rotavirus vaccine given to babies at two and three months old from July 2013.(A new version will be available from summer 2015)
Guidance on healthy breaks for schoolchildren.
Guidance on healthy breaks for schoolchildren. (Translations revised March 2014)