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In hyperdiploid acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL), the simultaneous occurrence of specific aneuploidies confers a more favourable outcome than hyperdiploidy alone. Interphase (I) FISH complements conventional cytogenetics (CC) through its sensitivity and ability to detect chromosome aberrations in non-dividing cells. To overcome the limits of manual I-FISH, we developed an automated four-colour I-FISH approach and assessed its ability to detect concurrent aneuploidies in ALL. I-FISH was performed using centromeric probes for chromosomes 4, 6, 10 and 17. Parameters established for automatic nucleus selection and signal detection were evaluated (3 controls). Cut-off values were determined (10 controls, 1000 nuclei/case). Combinations of aneuploidies were considered relevant when each aneuploidy was individually significant. Results obtained in 10 ALL patients (1500 nuclei/patient) were compared with those by CC. Various combinations of aneuploidies were identified. All clones detected by CC were observed by I-FISH. I-FISH revealed numerous additional abnormal clones, ranging between 0.1% and 31.6%, based on the large number of nuclei evaluated. Four-colour automated I-FISH permits the identification of concurrent aneuploidies of prognostic significance in hyperdiploid ALL. Large numbers of cells can be analysed rapidly by this method. Owing to its high sensitivity, the method provides a powerful tool for the detection of small abnormal clones at diagnosis and during follow up. Compared to CC, it generates a more detailed cytogenetic picture, the biological and clinical significance of which merits further evaluation. Once optimised for a given set of probes, the system can be easily adapted for other probe combinations.


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Mycoplasma hominis is a fastidious micro-organism causing genital and extragenital infections. We developed a specific real-time PCR that exhibits high sensitivity and low intrarun and interrun variabilities. When applied to clinical samples, this quantitative PCR allowed to confirm the role of M. hominis in three patients with severe extragenital infections.


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Blood pressure (BP) is a heritable, quantitative trait with intraindividual variability and susceptibility to measurement error. Genetic studies of BP generally use single-visit measurements and thus cannot remove variability occurring over months or years. We leveraged the idea that averaging BP measured across time would improve phenotypic accuracy and thereby increase statistical power to detect genetic associations. We studied systolic BP (SBP), diastolic BP (DBP), mean arterial pressure (MAP), and pulse pressure (PP) averaged over multiple years in 46,629 individuals of European ancestry. We identified 39 trait-variant associations across 19 independent loci (p < 5 × 10(-8)); five associations (in four loci) uniquely identified by our LTA analyses included those of SBP and MAP at 2p23 (rs1275988, near KCNK3), DBP at 2q11.2 (rs7599598, in FER1L5), and PP at 6p21 (rs10948071, near CRIP3) and 7p13 (rs2949837, near IGFBP3). Replication analyses conducted in cohorts with single-visit BP data showed positive replication of associations and a nominal association (p < 0.05). We estimated a 20% gain in statistical power with long-term average (LTA) as compared to single-visit BP association studies. Using LTA analysis, we identified genetic loci influencing BP. LTA might be one way of increasing the power of genetic associations for continuous traits in extant samples for other phenotypes that are measured serially over time.


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Background: Aproximately 5–10% of cases of mental retardation in males are due to copy number variations (CNV) on the X chromosome. Novel technologies, such as array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH), may help to uncover cryptic rearrangements in X-linked mental retardation (XLMR) patients. We have constructed an X-chromosome tiling path array using bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) and validated it using samples with cytogenetically defined copy number changes. We have studied 54 patients with idiopathic mental retardation and 20 controls subjects. Results: Known genomic aberrations were reliably detected on the array and eight novel submicroscopic imbalances, likely causative for the mental retardation (MR) phenotype, were detected. Putatively pathogenic rearrangements included three deletions and five duplications (ranging between 82 kb to one Mb), all but two affecting genes previously known to be responsible for XLMR. Additionally, we describe different CNV regions with significant different frequencies in XLMR and control subjects (44% vs. 20%). Conclusion:This tiling path array of the human X chromosome has proven successful for the detection and characterization of known rearrangements and novel CNVs in XLMR patients.


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To detect directional couplings from time series various measures based on distances in reconstructed state spaces were introduced. These measures can, however, be biased by asymmetries in the dynamics' structure, noise color, or noise level, which are ubiquitous in experimental signals. Using theoretical reasoning and results from model systems we identify the various sources of bias and show that most of them can be eliminated by an appropriate normalization. We furthermore diminish the remaining biases by introducing a measure based on ranks of distances. This rank-based measure outperforms existing distance-based measures concerning both sensitivity and specificity for directional couplings. Therefore, our findings are relevant for a reliable detection of directional couplings from experimental signals.


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SummarySimultaneous detection of aneuploidies for chromosomes 4, 6,10 and 17 by automated four color l-FISH in high hyperdiploid acute lymphoblastic leukemia: diagnostic assessment, clonal heterogeneity and chromosomal instability in adultsAnna Talamo BlandinService de Génétique Médicale, Unité de Cytogénétique du Cancer, CHUVAcute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is a malignant hemopathy characterized by the accumulation of the immature lymphoid cells in the bone marrow and, most often, in the peripheral blood. ALL is a heterogeneous disease with distinct biological and prognostic entities. At diagnosis, cytogenetic and molecular findings constitute important and independent prognostic factors. High hyperdiploidy with 51-67 chromosomes (HeH), one of the largest cytogenetic subsets of ALL, in childhood particularly, is generally associated with a relatively favorable outcome. Chromosome gain is nonrandom, extracopies of some chromosome occurring more frequently than those of others. Concurrent presence of trisomy for chromosomes 4, 10 and 17 confers an especially good prognosis. The first aim of our work was to develop an automated four color interphase fluorescence in situ hybridization (l-FISH) methodology and to assess its ability to detect concurrent aneuploidies 4, 6, 10 and 17 in 10 ALL patients. Various combinations of aneuploidies were identified. All clones detected by conventional cytogenetics were also observed by l-FISH. However, in all patients, l-FISH revealed numerous additional abnormal clones, leading to a high level of clonal heterogeneity. Our second aim has been to investigate the nature and origin of this clonal heterogeneity and to test for the presence of chromosome instability (CIN) in HeH ALL at initial presentation. Ten HeH ALL and 10 non-HeH ALL patients were analysed by four colour l-FISH and numerical CIN values were determined for all four chromosomes together and for each chromosome and patient group, an original approach in ALL. CIN values in HeH ALL proved to be much higher than#iose in non-HeH ALL, suggesting that numerical CIN may be at the origin of the high level of clonal heterogeneity revealed by l-FISH. Our third aim has been to study the evolution of these cytogenetic features during the course of the disease in 10 HeH ALL patients. Clonal heterogeneity was also observed again during disease progression, particularly at relapse. Clones detected at initial presentation generally reappeared in relapse, in most cases with newly generated ones. A significant correlation between the number of abnormal clones and CIN suggested that the higher the instability, the larger the number of abnormal clones. Whereas clonal heterogeneity and its evolution most probably result from underlying chromosome instability, operating processes remain conjectural.RésuméLa leucémie lymphoblastique aiguë (LLA) est une hémopathie maligne qui résulte de l'accumulationde cellules lymphoïdes immatures dans la moelle osseuse, et, le plus souvent, dans le sangpériphérique également. La LLA est une affection hétérogène au sein de laquelle se distinguentplusieurs entités biologiques et pronostiques. Les données cytogénétiques et moléculaires font partieintégrante du diagnostic et jouent un rôle essentiel dans l'évaluation du pronostic. L'hyperdiploïdieélevée à 51-­67 chromosomes (HeH), relativement fréquente, en particulier chez l'enfant, s'associe àun pronostic favorable. Le gain de chromosomes ne relève pas du hasard, certains chromosomesétant plus fréquemment impliqués que d'autres. La présence simultanée des trisomies 4, 6, et 17s'associe à un pronostic particulièrement bon. Le premier but du travail a été de développer uneméthode d'analyse automatique par hybridation in situ fluorescente interphasique (I-­FISH) à 4couleurs et de tester sa capacité à identifier la présence simultanée d'aneuploïdies 4, 6, 10 et 17 dans10 cas de LLA. Différentes combinaisons d'aneuploïdies ont été identifiées. Tous les clones détectéspar cytogénétique conventionnelle l'ont été par I-­FISH. Or, chez tous les patients, l'I-­FISH a révélé denombreux clones anormaux additionnels générant un degré élevé d'hétérogénéité clonale. Notredeuxième but a été d'investiguer la nature et l'origine de cette hétérogénéité et de tester la présenced'instabilité chromosomique (CIN) chez les patients avec une LLA HeH en presentation initiale. DixLLA HeH et 10 LLA non-­HeH ont été analysées par I-­FISH et les valeurs de CIN numérique ont étédéterminées pour les 4 chromosomes ensemble et pour chaque chromosome et groupe de patients,approche originale dans la LLA. Ces valeurs étant beaucoup plus élevées dans la LLA HeH que dansla LLA non-­HeH, elles favorisent l'hypothèse selon laquelle la CIN serait à l'origine de l'hétérogénéitéclonale révélée par I-­FISH. Le troisième but de notre travail a été d'étudier l'évolution de cescaractéristiques cytogénétiques au cours de la maladie dans 10 cas de LLA HeH. L'hétérogénéitéclonale a été retrouvée lors de la progression de la maladie, en particulier en rechute, où les clonesanormaux détectés en présentation initiale réapparaissent, généralement accompagnés de clonesnouveaux. La corrélation existant entre nombre de clones anormaux et valeurs de CIN suggère queplus l'instabilité est élevée, plus le nombre de clones anormaux est grand. Bien que l'hétérogénéitéclonale et son évolution résultent très probablement de l'instabilité chromosomique, les processus àl'oeuvre ne sont pas entièrement élucidés.


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Malignant melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer, is characterized by a predominant mutation in the BRAF gene. Drugs that target tumours carrying this mutation have recently entered the clinic. Accordingly, patients are routinely screened for mutations in this gene to determine whether they can benefit from this type of treatment. The current gold standard for mutation screening uses real-time polymerase chain reaction and sequencing methods. Here we show that an assay based on microcantilever arrays can detect the mutation nanomechanically without amplification in total RNA samples isolated from melanoma cells. The assay is based on a BRAF-specific oligonucleotide probe. We detected mutant BRAF at a concentration of 500 pM in a 50-fold excess of the wild-type sequence. The method was able to distinguish melanoma cells carrying the mutation from wild-type cells using as little as 20 ng µl(-1) of RNA material, without prior PCR amplification and use of labels.


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In this work we present the results of experimental work on the development of lexical class-based lexica by automatic means. Our purpose is to assess the use of linguistic lexical-class based information as a feature selection methodology for the use of classifiers in quick lexical development. The results show that the approach can help reduce the human effort required in the development of language resources significantly.


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Introduction: Pulmonary fat embolism (PFE) can be a cause of death in cases with trauma, during orthopedic surgery and also in non-traumatic conditions, such as burns, pancreatitis, fatty liver or sickle cell disease. As PMA becomes more widespread, it is important to determine how it affects the diagnosis of PFE. Aims: The aim of this study was to determine if the oily contrast liquid used in PMA induces artefactual PFE, if such artefacts differ from original PFE and if PFE can be detected and graded before PMA. Material and methods: Cases of adults without signs of postmortem change and for which an autopsy with angiography was performed were selected for this study. Pulmonary biopsies of each lung were taken before and after the angiography as were fragments of each lung with a twin-edged knife during the autopsy. The samples were examined under the microscope without fixation or staining and after an Oil-Red O staining. PFE was graded according to Falci et al. Results: Non-artefactual (original) PFE was diagnosed in 4 cases on pre-PMA biopsies. As expected, structures with the aspect of PFE were present in all cases after angiography. The microscopical aspect of original and PMA induced PFE was identical. Grading of the PFE according to Falci et al. was depending on the quality of the biopsies. Conclusions: PMA with oily contrast induces artefactual PFE that cannot be visually differentiated from original PFE. Original PFE can however be diagnosed with pre-angiography biopsies. In order to assure the diagnosis and correct grading of PFE, the quality of the biopsy should be checked before PMA with oily contrast.


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Résumé : Un nombre croissant de cas de malaria chez les voyageurs et migrants a été rapporté. Bien que l'analyse microscopique des frottis sanguins reste traditionnellement l'outil diagnostic de référence, sa fiabilité dépend considérablement de l'expertise de l'examinateur, pouvant elle-même faire défaut sous nos latitudes. Une PCR multiplex en temps réel a donc été développée en vue d'une standardisation du diagnostic. Un ensemble d'amorces génériques ciblant une région hautement conservée du gène d'ARN ribosomial 18S du genre Plasmodium a tout d'abord été conçu, dont le polymorphisme du produit d'amplification semblait suffisant pour créer quatre sondes spécifiques à l'espèce P. falciparum, P. malariae, P. vivax et P. ovale. Ces sondes utilisées en PCR en temps réel se sont révélées capables de détecter une seule copie de plasmide de P. falciparum, P. malariae, P. vivax et P. ovale spécifiquement. La même sensibilité a été obtenue avec une sonde de screening pouvant détecter les quatre espèces. Quatre-vingt-dix-sept échantillons de sang ont ensuite été testés, dont on a comparé la microscopie et la PCR en temps réel pour 66 (60 patients) d'entre eux. Ces deux méthodes ont montré une concordance globale de 86% pour la détection de plasmodia. Les résultats discordants ont été réévalués grâce à des données cliniques, une deuxième expertise microscopique et moléculaire (laboratoire de Genève et de l'Institut Suisse Tropical de Bâle), ainsi qu'à l'aide du séquençage. Cette nouvelle analyse s'est prononcé en faveur de la méthode moléculaire pour tous les neuf résultats discordants. Sur les 31 résultats positifs par les deux méthodes, la même réévaluation a pu donner raison 8 fois sur 9 à la PCR en temps réel sur le plan de l'identification de l'espèce plasmodiale. Les 31 autres échantillons ont été analysés pour le suivi de sept patients sous traitement antimalarique. Il a été observé une baisse rapide du nombre de parasites mesurée par la PCR en temps réel chez six des sept patients, baisse correspondant à la parasitémie déterminée microscopiquement. Ceci suggère ainsi le rôle potentiel de la PCR en temps réel dans le suivi thérapeutique des patients traités par antipaludéens. Abstract : There have been reports of increasing numbers of cases of malaria among migrants and travelers. Although microscopic examination of blood smears remains the "gold standard" in diagnosis, this method suffers from insufficient sensitivity and requires considerable expertise. To improve diagnosis, a multiplex real-time PCR was developed. One set of generic primers targeting a highly conserved region of the 18S rRNA gene of the genus Plasmodium was designed; the primer set was polymorphic enough internally to design four species-specific probes for P. falciparum, P. vivax, P. malarie, and P. ovale. Real-time PCR with species-specific probes detected one plasmid copy of P. falciparum, P. vivax, P. malariae, and P. ovale specifically. The same sensitivity was achieved for all species with real-time PCR with the 18S screening probe. Ninety-seven blood samples were investigated. For 66 of them (60 patients), microscopy and real-time PCR results were compared and had a crude agreement of 86% for the detection of plasmodia. Discordant results were reevaluated with clinical, molecular, and sequencing data to resolve them. All nine discordances between 18S screening PCR and microscopy were resolved in favor of the molecular method, as were eight of nine discordances at the species level for the species-specific PCR among the 31 samples positive by both methods. The other 31 blood samples were tested to monitor the antimalaria treatment in seven patients. The number of parasites measured by real-time PCR fell rapidly for six out of seven patients in parallel to parasitemia determined microscopically. This suggests a role of quantitative PCR for the monitoring of patients receiving antimalaria therapy.


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A 41-year-old male presented with severe frostbite that was monitored clinically and with a new laser Doppler imaging (LDI) camera that records arbitrary microcirculatory perfusion units (1-256 arbitrary perfusion units (APU's)). LDI monitoring detected perfusion differences in hand and foot not seen visually. On day 4-5 after injury, LDI showed that while fingers did not experience any significant perfusion change (average of 31±25 APUs on day 5), the patient's left big toe did (from 17±29 APUs day 4 to 103±55 APUs day 5). These changes in regional perfusion were not detectable by visual examination. On day 53 postinjury, all fingers with reduced perfusion by LDI were amputated, while the toe could be salvaged. This case clearly demonstrates that insufficient microcirculatory perfusion can be identified using LDI in ways which visual examination alone does not permit, allowing prognosis of clinical outcomes. Such information may also be used to develop improved treatment approaches.


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PDMS-based microfluidic devices combined with lanthanide-based immunocomplexes have been successfully tested for the multiplex detection of biomarkers on cancerous tissues, revealing an enhanced sensitivity compared to classical organic dyes.


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MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small non-coding RNAs that regulate various biological processes. Cell-free miRNAs measured in blood plasma have emerged as specific and sensitive markers of physiological processes and disease. In this study, we investigated whether circulating miRNAs can serve as biomarkers for the detection of autologous blood transfusion, a major doping technique that is still undetectable. Plasma miRNA levels were analyzed using high-throughput quantitative real-time PCR. Plasma samples were obtained before and at several time points after autologous blood transfusion (blood bag storage time 42 days) in 10 healthy subjects and 10 controls without transfusion. Other serum markers of erythropoiesis were determined in the same samples. Our results revealed a distinct change in the pattern of circulating miRNAs. Ten miRNAs were upregulated in transfusion samples compared with control samples. Among these, miR-30b, miR-30c, and miR-26b increased significantly and showed a 3.9-, 4.0-, and 3.0-fold change, respectively. The origin of these miRNAs was related to pulmonary and liver tissues. Erythropoietin (EPO) concentration decreased after blood reinfusion. A combination of miRNAs and EPO measurement in a mathematical model enhanced the efficiency of autologous transfusion detection through miRNA analysis. Therefore, our results lay the foundation for the development of miRNAs as novel blood-based biomarkers to detect autologous transfusion.


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The paper proposes an approach aimed at detecting optimal model parameter combinations to achieve the most representative description of uncertainty in the model performance. A classification problem is posed to find the regions of good fitting models according to the values of a cost function. Support Vector Machine (SVM) classification in the parameter space is applied to decide if a forward model simulation is to be computed for a particular generated model. SVM is particularly designed to tackle classification problems in high-dimensional space in a non-parametric and non-linear way. SVM decision boundaries determine the regions that are subject to the largest uncertainty in the cost function classification, and, therefore, provide guidelines for further iterative exploration of the model space. The proposed approach is illustrated by a synthetic example of fluid flow through porous media, which features highly variable response due to the parameter values' combination.