897 resultados para David, Gérard, approximately 1460-1523.
A experiência ficcional de Gérard Aké Loba — Kocoumbo, l’étudiant noir(1960), Les fils de Kouretcha (1970), Les dépossédés (1973) e Le sas des parvenus(1990), ancorada na dinâmica de culturas, no respeito e na honorabilidade do Eu e do Outro, centra-se na problemática da utopia e da construção da identidade pós-colonial. Considerando que a Literatura, enquanto sistema semiótico de produção e recepção de textos, se encontra vinculada a uma visão do mundo, iremos ver como nela se manifestam as relações entre o Ocidente (Europeu) e as regiões da África francófona (Costa do Marfim) no percurso das metamorfoses que conduzem ao Pós-Colonialismo. Procuraremos, de igual modo, problematizar a utopia, e também a distopia, comungando da proposta de Éric Aunoble2, para quem estas questões deverão ser compreendidas na sua relação com o tempo e com a historicidade presente por tentarem responder “aux attentes de leurs temps”.
The increase in ultraviolet radiation (UV) at surface, the high incidence of non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC) in coast of Northeast of Brazil (NEB) and reduction of total ozone were the motivation for the present study. The overall objective was to identify and understand the variability of UV or Index Ultraviolet Radiation (UV Index) in the capitals of the east coast of the NEB and adjust stochastic models to time series of UV index aiming make predictions (interpolations) and forecasts / projections (extrapolations) followed by trend analysis. The methodology consisted of applying multivariate analysis (principal component analysis and cluster analysis), Predictive Mean Matching method for filling gaps in the data, autoregressive distributed lag (ADL) and Mann-Kendal. The modeling via the ADL consisted of parameter estimation, diagnostics, residuals analysis and evaluation of the quality of the predictions and forecasts via mean squared error and Pearson correlation coefficient. The research results indicated that the annual variability of UV in the capital of Rio Grande do Norte (Natal) has a feature in the months of September and October that consisting of a stabilization / reduction of UV index because of the greater annual concentration total ozone. The increased amount of aerosol during this period contributes in lesser intensity for this event. The increased amount of aerosol during this period contributes in lesser intensity for this event. The application of cluster analysis on the east coast of the NEB showed that this event also occurs in the capitals of Paraiba (João Pessoa) and Pernambuco (Recife). Extreme events of UV in NEB were analyzed from the city of Natal and were associated with absence of cloud cover and levels below the annual average of total ozone and did not occurring in the entire region because of the uneven spatial distribution of these variables. The ADL (4, 1) model, adjusted with data of the UV index and total ozone to period 2001-2012 made a the projection / extrapolation for the next 30 years (2013-2043) indicating in end of that period an increase to the UV index of one unit (approximately), case total ozone maintain the downward trend observed in study period
The survey presented here describes the bacterial diversity and community structures of a pristine forest soil and an anthropogenic, terra preta from the Western Amazon forest using molecular methods to identify the predominant phylogenetic groups. Bacterial community similarities and species diversity in the two soils were compared using oligonucleotide fingerprint grouping of 16S rRNA gene sequences for 1500 clones (OFRG) and by DNA sequencing. The results showed that both soils had similar bacterial community compositions over a range of phylogenetic distances, among which Acidobacteria were predominant, but that terra preta supported approximately 25% greater species richness. The survey provides the first detailed analysis of the composition and structure of bacterial communities from terra preta anthrosols using noncultured-based molecular methods. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Este texto tem por objetivo ressaltar um aspecto que não tem sido tratado com a devida profundidade na literatura que estuda a formalização da Teoria Geral do Emprego, dos Juros e da Moeda de John Maynard Keynes (1936). Mais precisamente, o texto destaca a estratégia de formalização adotada por David G. Champernowne em seu artigo intitulado Unemployment, Basic and Monetary: the classical analysis and the keynesian, publicado em 1935-36 na Review of Economic Studies. Chamamos a atenção para o fato dele distinguir a teoria clássica da teoria de Keynes não apenas pelos pressupostos adotados por cada teoria, mas principalmente pela construção de subsistemas a partir de um sistema geral, com características recursivas (relações de causalidade) distintas. As explicações em prosa, a descrição algébrica das funções comportamentais e condições de equilíbrio e a ilustração por meio de diagramas, além da escolha de conjuntos específicos de variáveis para representar cada uma das teorias e suas diferentes versões são aspectos deste artigo de Champernowne que merecem uma análise mais minuciosa.
In this paper we present the methodological procedures involved in the digital imaging in mesoscale of a block of travertines rock of quaternary age, originating from the city of Acquasanta, located in the Apennines, Italy. This rocky block, called T-Block, was stored in the courtyard of the Laboratório Experimental Petróleo "Kelsen Valente" (LabPetro), of Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), so that from it were performed Scientific studies, mainly for research groups universities and research centers working in brazilian areas of reservoir characterization and 3D digital imaging. The purpose of this work is the development of a Model Solid Digital, from the use of non-invasive techniques of digital 3D imaging of internal and external surfaces of the T-Block. For the imaging of the external surfaces technology has been used LIDAR (Light Detection and Range) and the imaging surface Interior was done using Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), moreover, profiles were obtained with a Gamma Ray Gamae-spectômetro laptop. The goal of 3D digital imaging involved the identification and parameterization of surface geological and sedimentary facies that could represent heterogeneities depositional mesoscale, based on study of a block rocky with dimensions of approximately 1.60 m x 1.60 m x 2.70 m. The data acquired by means of terrestrial laser scanner made available georeferenced spatial information of the surface of the block (X, Y, Z), and varying the intensity values of the return laser beam and high resolution RGB data (3 mm x 3 mm), total points acquired 28,505,106. This information was used as an aid in the interpretation of radargrams and are ready to be displayed in rooms virtual reality. With the GPR was obtained 15 profiles of 2.3 m and 2 3D grids, each with 24 sections horizontal of 1.3 and 14 m vertical sections of 2.3 m, both the Antenna 900 MHz to about 2600 MHz antenna. Finally, the use of GPR associated with Laser Scanner enabled the identification and 3D mapping of 3 different radarfácies which were correlated with three sedimentary facies as had been defined at the outset. The 6 profiles showed gamma a low amplitude variation in the values of radioactivity. This is likely due to the fact of the sedimentary layers profiled have the same mineralogical composition, being composed by carbonate sediments, with no clay in siliciclastic pellitic layers or other mineral carrier elements radioactive
To better understand the process of slow luteal regression of the nonpregnant cycle in dogs and the acute luteolysis that occurs prepartum, the present study investigated in vitro PGF2 alpha production by the endometrium, corpus luteum and placental explants obtained at known times of the cycle from pregnant bitches (days 63, 64 and immediately postpartum; day 0 = estimated day of the ovulatory LH surge) and from nonpregnant diestrus bitches (approximately days 65, 75 and 85). Both basal PGF2 alpha production and its production in the presence of the protein kinase C (PKC) stimulator 12,13-phorbol dibutyrate (PDBu) were determined. For PDBu-supplemented incubations, mean PGF2 alpha production (pg/mL/mg/6 h) by endometrium explants of the nonpregnant bitches in late diestrus was highest on day 65 (205 +/- 87) and reduced to low levels (38 +/- 17 and 11 +/- 11) on days 75 and 85, respectively. The production by corpus luteum explants from these bitches was significantly less on day 65 (46 +/- 14) than that of the day 65 endometrium explants, and was slightly increased on day 85 (103 +/- 52). The corresponding mean PGF2 alpha production by the endometrium explants of pregnant bitches was on average much greater (i.e., two to three-fold) compared to nonpregnant bitches (P < 0.01) and involved high concentrations at day 64 (1523 +/- 467) and postpartum, compared to somewhat lower levels on day 63 (830 +/- 65); luteal PGF production (165 +/- 4) was also higher than in nonpregnant bitches around day 65. For pregnant bitches, PGF production per gram of tissue in the endometrium explants was greater than for the CL or placenta explants (180 +/- 37). Therefore, the endometrium of the pregnant bitch has an increased capability to produce PGF2a immediately prepartum, which on a tissue weight basis, exceeds that of either corpora lutea or the placenta. However, assuming a larger mass of placental tissue in vivo, we inferred that the placenta may contribute substantially to peripheral PGF concentrations. (c) 2006 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Paracoccidioides brasiliensis is a thermally dimorphic fungus, and causes the most prevalent systemic mycosis in Latin America. Infection is initiated by inhalation of conidia or mycelial fragments by the host, followed by further differentiation into the yeast form. Information regarding gene expression by either form has rarely been addressed with respect to multiple time points of growth in culture. Here, we report on the construction of a genomic DNA microarray, covering approximately 25% of the genome of the organism, and its utilization in identifying genes and gene expression patterns during growth in vitro. Cloned, amplified inserts from randomly sheared genomic DNA (gDNA) and known control genes were printed onto glass slides to generate a microarray of over 12 000 elements. To examine gene expression, mRNA was extracted and amplified from mycelial or yeast cultures grown in semi-defined medium for 5, 8 and 14 days. Principal components analysis and hierarchical clustering indicated that yeast gene expression profiles differed greatly from those of mycelia, especially at earlier time points, and that mycelial gene expression changed less than gene expression in yeasts over time. Genes upregulated in yeasts were found to encode proteins shown to be involved in methionine/cysteine metabolism, respiratory and metabolic processes (of sugars, amino acids, proteins and lipids), transporters (small peptides, sugars, ions and toxins), regulatory proteins and transcription factors. Mycelial genes involved in processes such as cell division, protein catabolism, nucleotide biosynthesis and toxin and sugar transport showed differential expression. Sequenced clones were compared with Histoplasma capsulatum and Coccidioides posadasii genome sequences to assess potentially common pathways across species, such as sulfur and lipid metabolism, amino acid transporters, transcription factors and genes possibly related to virulence. We also analysed gene expression with time in culture and found that while transposable elements and components of respiratory pathways tended to increase in expression with time, genes encoding ribosomal structural proteins and protein catabolism tended to sharply decrease in expression over time, particularly in yeast. These findings expand our knowledge of the different morphological forms of P. brasiliensis during growth in culture.
Results from our laboratory revealed propolis activity on Giardia trophozoites proliferation. Since therapeutic agents can inhibit the activity of proteases related to relevant biologic and physiologic processes of parasites, this study was undertaken to characterise the proteolytic activity of excretory/secretory products (ESP) of trophozoites treated with propolis. ESP was obtained from culture supernatants of trophozoites exposed to 250 and 500 mu g mL(-1) of propolis. ESP were tested in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis for the protein profiles and the protease activity was assayed in gelatin-containing gels. Synthetic inhibitors were used to characterise the protease classes. Treated and non-treated ESP showed a similar protein and hydrolysis pattern. A simple pattern of protein composed by five evident bands of approximately 167, 132, 79, 61 and 51 kDa was found, and the zymograms comprised hydrolysis zones distributed from > 170 to 23 kDa. No inhibition was seen on protease activity of propolis-treated trophozoites, whose hydrolysis pattern was similar to control. One may conclude that both ESP degraded gelatin and the activity was predominantly due to cysteine proteases. Although propolis had no effect on the proteolytic activity, further studies could identify the active constituents responsible for propolis antigiardial activity and their mechanisms of action.
Aspectos ultramorfológicos do ovo de Telmatoscopus albipunctatus (Williston) (Diptera, Psychodidae). As moscas da família Psychodidae, também conhecidas como moscas de banheiro, são de importância médica e veterinária. Informações gerais sobre ciclo de vida e hábitos do adulto são facilmente encontradas, mas pouco se sabe sobre a morfologia do ovo. Dessa forma, neste estudo, a ultramofologia do ovo de Telmatoscopus albipunctatus (Williston, 1893) foi analisada por microscopia eletrônica de varredura com o objetivo de descrever sua estrutura, provendo importantes dados para futuras comparações entre moscas de diferentes espécies e gêneros. O aspecto geral do ovo de T. albipunctatus é similar a outros Psychodidae, medindo aproximadamente 0.4 mm de comprimento e 0.1 mm de largura. Entretanto, baseado nas esculturas contínuas e descontínuas do exocórion, as quais podem ser espécie-específicas, podemos inferir que os ovos de T. albipunctatus podem sobreviver sob condições de muita umidade ou seca, dificultando o controle da espécie. Nossos resultados ressaltam a importância do uso da microscopia eletrônica como uma ferramenta no estudo dos padrões do exocórion. A morfologia externa do ovo de T. albipunctatus pode ser usada como base para futuros estudos e como ferramenta para comparação de diferentes espécies de moscas do gênero Psychodidae.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)