681 resultados para Daughter
ASH1 encodes a protein that is localized specifically to the daughter cell nucleus, where it has been proposed to repress transcription of the HO gene. Using Ash1p purified from baculovirus-infected insect cells, we have shown that Ash1p binds specific DNA sequences in the HO promoter. DNase I protection analyses showed that Ash1p recognizes a consensus sequence, YTGAT. Mutation of this consensus abolishes Ash1p DNA binding in vitro. We have shown that Ash1p requires an intact zinc-binding domain in its C terminus for repression of HO in vivo and that this domain may be involved in DNA binding. A heterologous DNA-binding domain fused to an N-terminal segment of Ash1p functions as an active repressor of transcription. Our studies indicate that Ash1p is a DNA-binding protein of the GATA family with a separable transcriptional repression domain.
Long-term aging of potato (Solanum tuberosum) seed-tubers resulted in a loss of patatin (40 kD) and a cysteine-proteinase inhibitor, potato multicystatin (PMC), as well as an increase in the activities of 84-, 95-, and 125-kD proteinases. Highly active, additional proteinases (75, 90, and 100 kD) appeared in the oldest tubers. Over 90% of the total proteolytic activity in aged tubers was sensitive to trans-epoxysuccinyl-l-leucylamido (4-guanidino) butane or leupeptin, whereas pepstatin was the most effective inhibitor of proteinases in young tubers. Proteinases in aged tubers were also inhibited by crude extracts or purified PMC from young tubers, suggesting that the loss of PMC was responsible for the age-induced increase in proteinase activity. Nonenzymatic oxidation, glycation, and deamidation of proteins were enhanced by aging. Aged tubers developed “daughter” tubers that contained 3-fold more protein than “mother” tubers, with a polypeptide profile consistent with that of young tubers. Although PMC and patatin were absent from the older mother tubers, both proteins were expressed in the daughter tubers, indicating that aging did not compromise the efficacy of genes encoding PMC and patatin. Unlike the mother tubers, proteinase activity in daughter tubers was undetectable. Our results indicate that tuber aging nonenzymatically modifies proteins, which enhances their susceptibility to breakdown; we also identify a role for PMC in regulating protein turnover in potato tubers.
Two different RNA editing systems have been described in the kinetoplast-mitochondrion of trypanosomatid protists. The first involves the precise insertion and deletion of U residues mostly within the coding regions of maxicircle-encoded mRNAs to produce open reading frames. This editing is mediated by short overlapping complementary guide RNAs encoded in both the maxicircle and the minicircle molecules and involves a series of enzymatic cleavage-ligation steps. The second editing system is a C34 to U34 modification in the anticodon of the imported tRNATrp, thereby permitting the decoding of the UGA stop codon as tryptophan. U-insertion editing probably originated in an ancestor of the kinetoplastid lineage and appears to have evolved in some cases by the replacement of the original pan-edited cryptogene with a partially edited cDNA. The driving force for the evolutionary fixation of these retroposition events was postulated to be the stochastic loss of entire minicircle sequence classes and their encoded guide RNAs upon segregation of the single kinetoplast DNA network into daughter cells at cell division. A large plasticity in the relative abundance of minicircle sequence classes has been observed during cell culture in the laboratory. Computer simulations provide theoretical evidence for this plasticity if a random distribution and segregation model of minicircles is assumed. The possible evolutionary relationship of the C to U and U-insertion editing systems is discussed.
Because centrosomes were enriched in the bile canaliculi fraction from the chicken liver through their association with apical membranes, we developed a procedure for isolation of centrosomes from this fraction. With the use of the centrosomes, we generated centrosome-specific monoclonal antibodies. Three of the monoclonal antibodies recognized an antigen of ∼90 kDa. Cloning of its cDNA identified this antigen as a chicken homologue of outer dense fiber 2 protein (Odf2), which was initially identified as a sperm outer dense fiber-specific component. Exogenously expressed and endogenous Odf2 were shown to be concentrated at the centrosomes in a microtubule-independent manner in various types of cells at both light and electron microscopic levels. Odf2 exhibited a cell cycle-dependent pattern of localization and was preferentially associated with the mother centrioles in G0/G1-phase. Toward G1/S-phase before centrosome duplication, it became detectable in both mother and daughter centrioles. In the isolated bile canaliculi and centrosomes, Odf2, in contrast to other centrosomal components, was highly resistant to KI extraction. These findings indicate that Odf2 is a widespread KI-insoluble scaffold component of the centrosome matrix, which may be involved in the maturation event of daughter centrioles.
γ-Tubulin is a ubiquitous and highly conserved component of centrosomes in eukaryotic cells. Genetic and biochemical studies have demonstrated that γ-tubulin functions as part of a complex to nucleate microtubule polymerization from centrosomes. We show that, as in other organisms, Caenorhabditis elegans γ-tubulin is concentrated in centrosomes. To study centrosome dynamics in embryos, we generated transgenic worms that express GFP::γ-tubulin or GFP::β-tubulin in the maternal germ line and early embryos. Multiphoton microscopy of embryos produced by these worms revealed the time course of daughter centrosome appearance and growth and the differential behavior of centrosomes destined for germ line and somatic blastomeres. To study the role of γ-tubulin in nucleation and organization of spindle microtubules, we used RNA interference (RNAi) to deplete C. elegans embryos of γ-tubulin. γ-Tubulin (RNAi) embryos failed in chromosome segregation, but surprisingly, they contained extensive microtubule arrays. Moderately affected embryos contained bipolar spindles with dense and long astral microtubule arrays but with poorly organized kinetochore and interpolar microtubules. Severely affected embryos contained collapsed spindles with numerous long astral microtubules. Our results suggest that γ-tubulin is not absolutely required for microtubule nucleation in C. elegans but is required for the normal organization and function of kinetochore and interpolar microtubules.
Crossing over by homologous recombination between monomeric circular chromosomes generates dimeric circular chromosomes that cannot be segregated to daughter cells during cell division. In Escherichia coli, homologous recombination is biased so that most homologous recombination events generate noncrossover monomeric circular chromosomes. This bias is lost in ruv mutants. A novel protein, RarA, which is highly conserved in eubacteria and eukaryotes and is related to the RuvB and the DnaX proteins, γ and τ, may influence the formation of crossover recombinants. Those dimeric chromosomes that do form are converted to monomers by Xer site-specific recombination at the recombination site dif, located in the replication terminus region of the E. coli chromosome. The septum-located FtsK protein, which coordinates cell division with chromosome segregation, is required for a complete Xer recombination reaction at dif. Only correctly positioned dif sites present in a chromosomal dimer are able to access septum-located FtsK. FtsK acts by facilitating a conformational change in the Xer recombination Holliday junction intermediate formed by XerC recombinase. This change provides a substrate for XerD, which then completes the recombination reaction.
The unwinding of the parental DNA duplex during replication causes a positive linking number difference, or superhelical strain, to build up around the elongating replication fork. The branching at the fork and this strain bring about different conformations from that of (−) supercoiled DNA that is not being replicated. The replicating DNA can form (+) precatenanes, in which the daughter DNAs are intertwined, and (+) supercoils. Topoisomerases have the essential role of relieving the superhelical strain by removing these structures. Stalled replication forks of molecules with a (+) superhelical strain have the additional option of regressing, forming a four-way junction at the replication fork. This four-way junction can be acted on by recombination enzymes to restart replication. Replication and chromosome folding are made easier by topological domain barriers, which sequester the substrates for topoisomerases into defined and concentrated regions. Domain barriers also allow replicated DNA to be (−) supercoiled. We discuss the importance of replicating DNA conformations and the roles of topoisomerases, focusing on recent work from our laboratory.
Specification of unequal daughter cell fates in the Drosophila external sense organ lineage requires asymmetric localization of the intrinsic determinant Numb as well as cell-cell interactions mediated by the Delta ligand and Notch receptor. Previous genetic studies indicated that numb acts upstream of Notch, and biochemical studies revealed that Numb can bind Notch. For a functional assay of the action of Numb on Notch signaling, we expressed these proteins in cultured Drosophila cells and used nuclear translocation of Suppressor of Hairless [Su(H)] as a reporter for Notch activity. We found that Numb interfered with the ability of Notch to cause nuclear translocation of Su(H); both the C-terminal half of the phosphotyrosine binding domain and the C terminus of Numb are required to inhibit Notch. Overexpression of Numb during wing development, which is sensitive to Notch dosage, revealed that Numb is also able to inhibit the Notch receptor in vivo. In the external sense organ lineage, the phosphotyrosine binding domain of Numb was found to be essential for the function but not for asymmetric localization of Numb. Our results suggest that Numb determines daughter cell fates in the external sense organ lineage by inhibiting Notch signaling.
We have constructed simian virus 40 minireplicons containing uniquely placed cis,syn-thymine dimers (T <> T) for the analysis of leading- and lagging-strand bypass replication. Assaying for replication in a human cell-free extract through the analysis of full-size labeled product molecules and restriction fragments spanning the T <> T site resulted in the following findings: (i) The primary site of synthesis blockage with T <> T in either the leading or lagging strand was one nucleotide before the lesion. (ii) Replicative bypass of T <> T was detected in both leading and lagging strands. The efficiency of synthesis past T <> T was 22% for leading-strand T <> T and 13% for lagging-strand T <> T. (iii) The lagging-strand T <> T resulted in blocked retrograde synthesis with the replication fork proceeding past the lesion, resulting in daughter molecules containing small gaps (form II' DNA). (iv) With T <> T in the leading-strand template, both the leading and lagging strands were blocked, representing a stalled replication fork. Uncoupling of the concerted synthesis of the two strands of the replication fork was observed, resulting in preferential elongation of the undamaged lagging strand. These data support a model of selective reinitiation downstream from the lesion on lagging strands due to Okazaki synthesis, with no reinitiation close to the damage site on leading strands [Meneghini, R. & Hanawalt, P.C. (1976) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 425, 428-437].
The life history of Harpegnathos saltator is exceptional among ants because both queens and workers reproduce sexually. Recently mated queens start new colonies alone, but later some of the offspring workers also become inseminated and take over the egg-laying role. This alternation seems associated with the existence of very complex underground nests, which are designed to survive floods. Longevity of ponerine queens is low (a consequence of limited caste dimorphism in this "primitive" subfamily), and upon the death of an H. saltator foundress, the nest represents a substantial investment. The queen's progeny should thus be strongly selected to retain the valuable nests. Unlike the flying queens, the workers copulate with males from their own colonies, and, thus, their offspring are expected to be highly related to the foundress. Colony fission appears not to occur because a daughter fragment would lack an adequate nest for protection. Thus, the annual production of queens in colonies with reproductive workers remains essential for the establishment of new colonies. This contrasts with various other ponerine species in which the queens no longer exist.
Most models of tumorigenesis assume that the tumor grows by increased cell division. In these models, it is generally supposed that daughter cells behave as do their parents, and cell numbers have clear potential for exponential growth. We have constructed simple mathematical models of tumorigenesis through failure of programmed cell death (PCD) or differentiation. These models do not assume that descendant cells behave as their parents do. The models predict that exponential growth in cell numbers does sometimes occur, usually when stem cells fail to die or differentiate. At other times, exponential growth does not occur: instead, the number of cells in the population reaches a new, higher equilibrium. This behavior is predicted when fully differentiated cells fail to undergo PCD. When cells of intermediate differentiation fail to die or to differentiate further, the values of growth parameters determine whether growth is exponential or leads to a new equilibrium. The predictions of the model are sensitive to small differences in growth parameters. Failure of PCD and differentiation, leading to a new equilibrium number of cells, may explain many aspects of tumor behavior--for example, early premalignant lesions such as cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, the fact that some tumors very rarely become malignant, the observation of plateaux in the growth of some solid tumors, and, finally, long lag phases of growth until mutations arise that eventually result in exponential growth.
In the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the spindle pole body (SPB) serves as the microtubule-organizing center and is the functional analog of the centrosome of higher organisms. By expressing a fusion of a yeast SPB-associated protein to the Aequorea victoria green fluorescent protein, the movement of the SPBs in living yeast cells undergoing mitosis was observed by fluorescence microscopy. The ability to visualize SPBs in vivo has revealed previously unidentified mitotic events. During anaphase, the mitotic spindle has four sequential activities: alignment at the mother-daughter junction, fast elongation, translocation into the bud, and slow elongation. These results indicate that distinct forces act upon the spindle at different times during anaphase.
Ceruloplasmin is an abundant alpha 2-serum glycoprotein that contains 95% of the copper found in the plasma of vertebrate species. We report here on the identification of a genetic defect in the ceruloplasmin gene in a patient previously noted to have a total absence of circulating serum ceruloplasmin in association with late-onset retinal and basal ganglia degeneration. In this patient T2 (transverse relaxation time)-weighted magnetic resonance imaging of the brain revealed basal ganglia densities consistent with iron deposition, and liver biopsy confirmed the presence of excess iron. Although Southern blot analysis of the patient's DNA was normal, PCR amplification of 18 of the 19 exons composing the human ceruloplasmin gene revealed a distinct size difference in exon 7. DNA sequence analysis of this exon revealed a 5-bp insertion at amino acid 410, resulting in a frame-shift mutation and a truncated open reading frame. The validity of this mutation was confirmed by analysis of DNA from the patient's daughter, which revealed heterozygosity for this same 5-bp insertion. The presence of this mutation in conjunction with the clinical and pathologic findings demonstrates an essential role for ceruloplasmin in human biology and identifies aceruloplasminemia as an autosomal recessive disorder of iron metabolism. These findings support previous studies that identified ceruloplasmin as a ferroxidase and are remarkably consistent with recent studies on the essential role of a homologous copper oxidase in iron metabolism in yeast. The clinical and laboratory findings suggest that additional patients with movement disorders and nonclassical Wilson disease should be examined for ceruloplasmin gene mutations.
Introducción: La autopercepción del bienestar dimensional se relaciona con características de cuidadoras. Objetivo: Establecer asociación de autopercepción en dimensiones de bienestar y características de cuidadores. Método: Estudio descriptivo, analítico y correlacional. Muestra 300 cuidadores. Matamoros Tamaulipas, México. Cuestionarios: Datos Sociodemográficos, Índice Barthel, Calidad Vida: dimensiones física, psicológica, social; y espiritual, éste con alpha de Cronbach 0.69. Pruebas chi-cuadrada y coeficiente correlación de Pearson. Resultados: Características mayoría mujeres, 42 años, casadas, hija, alfabetizadas, labores hogar, baja escolaridad, sin trabajo o ingresos limitados. Autopercepción con significancia en bienestar general, alfabetización y parentesco; dimensiones física, edad y género; psicológica, escolaridad; social, parentesco y espiritual alfabetización, situación laboral, ocupación y estado civil. Discusión: Características vulneran a cuidadoras a efectos adversos del cuidado y determinan mayor percepción de carga que altera su bienestar dimensional.
El método desarrollado por Edward Jenner para prevenir la viruela en 1798 se difundió con extraordinaria rapidez por Europa. Las primeras vacunaciones en diciembre de 1800 marcan en España el inicio de una práctica que fue promovida por la iniciativa particular de médicos y cirujanos en distintos núcleos del país. Ignacio María Ruiz de Luzuriaga, secretario de la Real Academia de Medicina de Madrid, fue una figura central en la propagación del método al establecer una red espontánea de corresponsales a los que remitía vacuna e información sobre cómo utilizarla. Esta correspondencia, conservada en un legajo de la Academia con el título de Papeles de la vacuna, muestra la relación mantenida no solo con otros facultativos, sino también con miembros de la nobleza y burguesía peninsular que contribuyeron a impulsar la práctica. Este estudio analiza las cartas remitidas por Francisco González de Castejón, Marqués de Vadillo, interesado inicialmente por preservar de la viruela a su hija, y que junto al médico Josef Ubis propagó la vacuna en la provincia de Soria y algunas localidades de Navarra entre los meses de agosto y diciembre de 1801.