983 resultados para DSpace CRIS
The lifespan of plants ranges from a few weeks in annuals to thousands of years in trees. It is hard to explain such extreme longevity considering that DNA replication errors inevitably cause mutations. Without purging through meiotic recombination, the accumulation of somatic mutations will eventually result in mutational meltdown, a phenomenon known as Muller’s ratchet. Nevertheless, the lifespan of trees is limited more often by incidental disease or structural damage than by genetic aging. The key determinants of tree architecture are the axillary meristems, which form in the axils of leaves and grow out to form branches. The number of branches is low in annual plants, but in perennial plants iterative branching can result in thousands of terminal branches. Here, we use stem cell ablation and quantitative cell-lineage analysis to show that axillary meristems are set aside early, analogous to the metazoan germline. While neighboring cells divide vigorously, axillary meristem precursors maintain a quiescent state, with only 7–9 cell divisions occurring between the apical and axillary meristem. During iterative branching, the number of branches increases exponentially, while the number of cell divisions increases linearly. Moreover, computational modeling shows that stem cell arrangement and positioning of axillary meristems distribute somatic mutations around the main shoot, preventing their fixation and maximizing genetic heterogeneity. These features slow down Muller’s ratchet and thereby extend lifespan.
Até que ponto a falta de infraestrutura pode atrapalhar a aprendizagem de crianças e jovens? Ainda não existe uma resposta definitiva para esta pergunta, feita há várias décadas por especialistas em educação em todo mundo, mas pesquisadores da FGV começaram uma série de estudos sobre o tema denominada Universo Escolar.
Analisamos os determinantes de precificação de Certificados de Recebíveis Imobiliários (CRIs) com relação ao ativo objeto e níveis de garantias, controlando por variáveis de tamanho, prazo e rating. Verifica-se um prêmio médio adicional em CRIs de 1,0 p.p. quando comparados com debêntures de prazos semelhantes e de mesmo rating. A justificativa desse prêmio é analisada em duas frentes: (a) apesar de CRI seguir relativa padronização, encontramos que o papel pode representar diferentes níveis de risco e ativos-objeto; e (b) essa falta de padronização leva a níveis de precificação diferenciados por suas características específicas de riscos. Os diferentes níveis de risco são percebidos pelas diversas garantias utilizadas sendo que 41% das emissões possuem garantias pessoais de originadores (aval ou fiança). Conclui-se que existe, em geral, uma diferença de retornos positiva (o spread médio na emissão dos CRIs indexados à inflação foi de 321 bps superior à curva de juros de mercado), sendo mais preponderante a depender do segmento (prêmio para os segmentos residencial e loteamentos) e mitigado pelo nível de garantias oferecido. É possível verificar um prêmio médio de 1,4 p.p. para os segmentos residencial e de loteamentos. Algumas características das emissões foram analisadas como controle (tamanho, prazo e, por fim, das notas e origem da agência avaliadora de rating). Os CRIs de maior volume e maior prazo apresentam spreads menores. Quanto ao rating, os CRIs apresentam efeitos diversos a depender do segmento. Para CRIs residenciais, o efeito é positivo (redução de spread) caso a emissão seja avaliada por alguma agência de rating, enquanto que para os CRIs comerciais, o efeito é negativo. O efeito pode ser positivo para os CRIs comerciais (redução de spread) em caso de avaliação por agência de rating internacional ou possuir notas de rating superiores à nota ‘A’.
Le projet de recherche-création proposé survole la québécité à travers un pan majeur de l’étude des Amériques : le territoire. L’adoption du territoire québécois, de son espace, et de sa densité – effectué à la fois sous un axe méridional (le Saint-Laurent) et septentrional (le Nord) –, s’effectue dans mon corpus acousmatique à travers l’utilisation de concepts théoriques établis par plusieurs figures québécoises et internationales. La description des sources d'inspiration du cycle d’œuvres acousmatique proposé, étant principalement issues de sphères extramusicales — la démarche de divers artistes et chercheurs québécois ayant contribué à l’émergence poétique de mon corpus tels que Pierre Perrault, René Derouin, Daniel Chartier, et Louis-Edmond Hamelin — y tient une place importante. La portion musicale est effectuée de façon analytique à l’aide de deux méthodes propres au genre électroacoustique – analyse typologique de Pierre Schaeffer, et fonctionnelle de Stéphane Roy –, qui, à travers l’œuvre de certains compositeurs de musiques électroniques internationaux permettent de souligner la pluralité des conceptions territoriales et le réseau sémantique universel sous-jacent, laissant place à une lecture plus large de cette thématique. La méthodologie proposée permet donc à la fois de cerner l’universel – modèles naturels, références psychoacoustiques –, le local – utilisation de poèmes québécois, référents animaux ou anecdotiques précis tels que des cris d’oiseaux et des prises sonores du Saint-Laurent –, et la relation dichotomique entre la nature et la culture dans mon corpus, afin qu’émerge un discours musical cohérent basé sur le territoire québécois.
In this study, the Mean Transit Time and Mixing Model Analysis methods are combined to unravel the runoff generation process of the San Francisco River basin (73.5 km**2) situated on the Amazonian side of the Cordillera Real in the southernmost Andes of Ecuador. The montane basin is covered with cloud forest, sub-páramo, pasture and ferns. Nested sampling was applied for the collection of streamwater samples and discharge measurements in the main tributaries and outlet of the basin, and for the collection of soil and rock water samples. Weekly to biweekly water grab samples were taken at all stations in the period April 2007-November 2008. Hydrometric data, Mean Transit Time and Mixing Model Analysis allowed preliminary evaluation of the processes controlling the runoff in the San Francisco River basin. Results suggest that flow during dry conditions mainly consists of lateral flow through the C-horizon and cracks in the top weathered bedrock layer, and that all subcatchments have an important contribution of this deep water to runoff, no matter whether pristine or deforested. During normal to low precipitation intensities, when antecedent soil moisture conditions favour water infiltration, vertical flow paths to deeper soil horizons with subsequent lateral subsurface flow contribute most to streamflow. Under wet conditions in forested catchments, streamflow is controlled by near surface lateral flow through the organic horizon. Exceptionally, saturation excess overland flow occurs. By absence of the litter layer in pasture, streamflow under wet conditions originates from the A horizon, and overland flow.
Manganese nodules and manganese-coated pumice fragments were recovered at Station E6 at the middle of the flat Northwest Pacific Basin, during the Japanese Deep Sea Expedition of 1961 undertaken aboard R/V Ryofu Maru.
For piano solo.
Première série.
O atentado em Nice, na França, fez aumentar o medo — que já era grande — dos brasileiros de um eventual ato terrorista nos Jogos. Veja os dados da FGV/DAPP: na semana que antecedeu o ataque com o caminhão, 46 mil brasileiros publicaram no Twitter sobre a segurança na Rio-2016. Após o atentato, já são mais de 59 mil.
The paper presents in brief the Bulgarian Digital Mathematical Library BulDML and the Czech Digital Mathematical Library DML-CZ. Both libraries use the open source software DSpace and both are partners in the European Digital Mathematics Library EuDML. We describe their content and metadata schemas; outline the architecture system and overview the statistics of its use.
The aim of this paper is to survey the European Digital Mathematics Library project goals and achievements as well as an outlook for sustainable development. “Making mathematics literature published in Europe available online” www.eudml.org
El principal logro de la Cumbre Europa-América Latina celebrada en Guadalajara en mayo pasado, ha sido ratificar el compromiso de las partes para culminar el Acuerdo UE Mercosur en octubre del 2004, y plantear la posibilidad de que se pueda firmar, a margen de lo que ocurra en la Organización Mundial del Comercio (OMC). Si este acuerdo se firma, la principal tarea pendiente en la "Asociación Estratégica Birregional" será la relación de la UE con los países andinos y centroamericanos. El autor destaca que en Guadalajara lo que con mayor claridad se planteó fue el hecho de que la falta de voluntad política de la UE no es el único obstáculo para que progrese la "Asociación Birregional", y que uno de los más importantes es la falta de compromiso con la integración de los propios países latinoamericanos. En la medida en que estas cuestiones se clarifiquen, contribuirán a definir la agenda de la relación birregional de cara a la próxima Cumbre, que se celebrará en Viena en el 2006.
We acknowledge the facilities, scientific and technical assistance of the Australian Microscopy & Microanalysis Research Facility at: Centre for Microscopy Characterisation and Analysis, The University of Western Australia; Electron Microscopy Unit, The University of New South Wales. These facilities are funded by the Universities, State and Commonwealth Governments. DW was funded by the European Commission and the Australian Research Council (FT140100321). This is ARC CCFS paper number XXX. We acknowledge Martin van Kranendonk, Owen Green, Cris Stoakes, Nicola McLoughlin, the late John Lindsay and the Geological Survey of Western Australia for fieldwork assistance, Thomas Becker for assistance with Raman microspectroscopy, Anthony Burgess from FEI for the preparation of one of the TEM wafers, and Russell Garwood, Tom Davies, Imran Rahman & Stephan Lautenschlager for training and advice on the SPIERS and AVIZO software suites. We thank Chris Fedo and an anonymous reviewer for comments that improved the manuscript.
We acknowledge the facilities, scientific and technical assistance of the Australian Microscopy & Microanalysis Research Facility at: Centre for Microscopy Characterisation and Analysis, The University of Western Australia; Electron Microscopy Unit, The University of New South Wales. These facilities are funded by the Universities, State and Commonwealth Governments. DW was funded by the European Commission and the Australian Research Council (FT140100321). This is ARC CCFS paper number XXX. We acknowledge Martin van Kranendonk, Owen Green, Cris Stoakes, Nicola McLoughlin, the late John Lindsay and the Geological Survey of Western Australia for fieldwork assistance, Thomas Becker for assistance with Raman microspectroscopy, Anthony Burgess from FEI for the preparation of one of the TEM wafers, and Russell Garwood, Tom Davies, Imran Rahman & Stephan Lautenschlager for training and advice on the SPIERS and AVIZO software suites. We thank Chris Fedo and an anonymous reviewer for comments that improved the manuscript.
Le projet de recherche-création proposé survole la québécité à travers un pan majeur de l’étude des Amériques : le territoire. L’adoption du territoire québécois, de son espace, et de sa densité – effectué à la fois sous un axe méridional (le Saint-Laurent) et septentrional (le Nord) –, s’effectue dans mon corpus acousmatique à travers l’utilisation de concepts théoriques établis par plusieurs figures québécoises et internationales. La description des sources d'inspiration du cycle d’œuvres acousmatique proposé, étant principalement issues de sphères extramusicales — la démarche de divers artistes et chercheurs québécois ayant contribué à l’émergence poétique de mon corpus tels que Pierre Perrault, René Derouin, Daniel Chartier, et Louis-Edmond Hamelin — y tient une place importante. La portion musicale est effectuée de façon analytique à l’aide de deux méthodes propres au genre électroacoustique – analyse typologique de Pierre Schaeffer, et fonctionnelle de Stéphane Roy –, qui, à travers l’œuvre de certains compositeurs de musiques électroniques internationaux permettent de souligner la pluralité des conceptions territoriales et le réseau sémantique universel sous-jacent, laissant place à une lecture plus large de cette thématique. La méthodologie proposée permet donc à la fois de cerner l’universel – modèles naturels, références psychoacoustiques –, le local – utilisation de poèmes québécois, référents animaux ou anecdotiques précis tels que des cris d’oiseaux et des prises sonores du Saint-Laurent –, et la relation dichotomique entre la nature et la culture dans mon corpus, afin qu’émerge un discours musical cohérent basé sur le territoire québécois.