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The solaR package allows for reproducible research both for photovoltaics (PV) systems performance and solar radiation. It includes a set of classes, methods and functions to calculate the sun geometry and the solar radiation incident on a photovoltaic generator and to simulate the performance of several applications of the photovoltaic energy. This package performs the whole calculation procedure from both daily and intradaily global horizontal irradiation to the final productivity of grid-connected PV systems and water pumping PV systems. It is designed using a set of S4 classes whose core is a group of slots with multivariate time series. The classes share a variety of methods to access the information and several visualization methods. In addition, the package provides a tool for the visual statistical analysis of the performance of a large PV plant composed of several systems. Although solaR is primarily designed for time series associated to a location defined by its latitude/longitude values and the temperature and irradiation conditions, it can be easily combined with spatial packages for space-time analysis.


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The Photovoltaic (PV) Module Reliability Workshop was held in Golden, Colorado, on Feb. 28?March 1, 2012. The objective was to share information to improve PV module reliability because such improvements reduce the cost of solar electricity and give investors confidence in the technology. NREL led the workshop, which was sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Solar Energy Technologies Program (Solar Program).


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Power losses due to wind turbine wakes are of the order of 10 and 20% of total power output in large wind farms. The focus of this research carried out within the EC funded UPWIND project is wind speed and turbulence modelling for large wind farms/wind turbines in complex terrain and offshore in order to optimise wind farm layouts to reduce wake losses and loads.


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The paper presents research conducted in the Flow workpackage of the EU funded UPWIND project which focuses on improving models for flow within and downwind of large wind farms in complex terrain and offshore. The main activity is modelling the behaviour of wind turbine wakes in order to improve power output predictions.


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Análisis de sensibilidad de modelos de turbulencia para un modelo CFD de viento aplicados a un emplazamiento en terreno complejo. Validación con datos de viento y turbulencia registrados a 3 alturas en 3 torres de medida.


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Comparativa de dos técnica de simulación de rotor: BEM (Blade Element Momentum) y MRF (Moving Reference Frame) para el perfil S809 de NREL


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A simplified CFD wake model based on the actuator disk concept is used to simulate the wind turbine, represented by a disk upon which a distribution of forces, defined as axial momentum sources, are applied on the incoming non-uniform flow. The rotor is supposed to be uniformly loaded, with the exerted forces function of the incident wind speed, the thrust coefficient and the rotor diameter. The model is tested under different parameterizations of turbulence models and validated through experimental measurements downwind of a wind turbine in terms of wind speed deficit and turbulence intensity.


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A simplified CFD wake model based on the actuator-disk concept is used to simulate the wind turbine, represented by an actuator disk upon which a distribution of forces, defined as axial momentum sources, are applied on the incoming flow. The rotor is supposed to be uniformly loaded, with the exerted forces as a function of the incident wind speed, the thrust coefficient and the rotor diameter. The model is validated through experimental measurements downwind of a wind turbine in terms of wind speed deficit. Validation on turbulence intensity will also be made in the near future.


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Computational fluid dynamic (CFD) methods are used in this paper to predict the power production from entire wind farms in complex terrain and to shed some light into the wake flow patterns. Two full three-dimensional Navier–Stokes solvers for incompressible fluid flow, employing k − ϵ and k − ω turbulence closures, are used. The wind turbines are modeled as momentum absorbers by means of their thrust coefficient through the actuator disk approach. Alternative methods for estimating the reference wind speed in the calculation of the thrust are tested. The work presented in this paper is part of the work being undertaken within the UpWind Integrated Project that aims to develop the design tools for next generation of large wind turbines. In this part of UpWind, the performance of wind farm and wake models is being examined in complex terrain environment where there are few pre-existing relevant measurements. The focus of the work being carried out is to evaluate the performance of CFD models in large wind farm applications in complex terrain and to examine the development of the wakes in a complex terrain environment.


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La situación actual del mercado energético en España y el imparable aumento de las tasas por parte de las eléctricas, está fomentando la búsqueda de fuentes de energía alternativas que permitan a la población poder abastecerse de electricidad, sin tener que pagar unos costes tan elevados. Para cubrir esta necesidad, la energía fotovoltaica y sobretodo el autoconsumo con inyección a red o balance neto, está adquiriendo cada vez más importancia dentro del mundo energético. Pero la penetración de esta tecnología en la Red Eléctrica Española tiene un freno, la desconfianza por parte del operador de la red, ya que la fotovoltaica es una fuente de energía intermitente, que puede introducir inestabilidades en el sistema en caso de alta penetración. Por ello se necesita ganar la confianza de las eléctricas, haciendo que sea una energía predecible, que aporte potencia a la red eléctrica cuando se le pida y que opere participando en la regulación de la frecuencia del sistema eléctrico. Para tal fin, el grupo de investigación de Sistemas Fotovoltaicos, perteneciente al IES de la UPM, está llevando a cabo un proyecto de investigación denominado PV CROPS, financiado por la Comisión Europea, y que tiene por objetivo desarrollar estas estrategias de gestión. En este contexto, el objetivo de este Proyecto Fin de Carrera consiste en implementar un Banco de Ensayos con Integración de Baterías en Sistemas FV Conectados a Red, que permita desarrollar, ensayar y validar estas estrategias. Aprovechando la disponibilidad para usar el Hogar Digital, instalado en la EUITT de la UPM, hemos montado el banco de ensayos en un laboratorio contiguo, y así, poder utilizar este Hogar como un caso real de consumos energéticos de una vivienda. Este banco de ensayos permitirá obtener información de la energía generada por la instalación fotovoltaica y del consumo real de la "casa" anexa, para desarrollar posteriormente estrategias de gestión de la electricidad. El Banco de Ensayos está compuesto por tres bloques principales, interconectados entre sí:  Subsistema de Captación de Datos y Comunicación. Encargado de monitorizar los elementos energéticos y de enviar la información recopilada al Subsistema de Control. Formado por analizadores de red eléctrica, monofásicos y de continua, y una pasarela orientada a la conversión del medio físico Ethernet a RS485.  Subsistema de Control. Punto de observación y recopilación de toda la información que proviene de los elementos energéticos. Es el subsistema donde se crearán y se implementarán estrategias de control energético. Compuesto por un equipo Pxie, controlador empotrado en un chasis de gama industrial, y un equipo PC Host, compuesto por una workstation y tres monitores.  Subsistema de Energía. Formado por los elementos que generan, controlan o consumen energía eléctrica, en el Banco de Ensayos. Constituido por una pérgola FV, un inversor, un inversor bidireccional y un bloque de baterías. El último paso ha sido llevar a cabo un Ejemplo de Aplicación Práctica, con el que hemos probado que el Banco de Ensayos está listo para usarse, es operativo y completamente funcional en operaciones de monitorización de generación energética fotovoltaica y consumo energético. ABSTRACT. The current situation of the energetic market in Spain and the unstoppable increase of the tax on the part of the electrical companies, is promoting the search of alternative sources of energy that allow to the population being able to be supplied of electricity, without having to pay so high costs. To meet this need, the photovoltaic power and above all the self-consumption with injection to network, it is increasingly important inside the energetic world. It allows to the individual not only to pay less for the electricity, in addition it allows to obtain benefits for the energy generated in his own home. But the penetration of this technology in the Electrical Spanish Network has an obstacle, the distrust on the part of the operator of the electrical network, due to the photovoltaic is an intermittent source of energy, which can introduce instabilities in the system in case of high penetration. Therefore it´s necessary to reach the confidence of the electricity companies, making it a predictable energy, which provides with power to the electrical network whenever necessary and that operates taking part in the regulation of the frequency of the electric system. For such an end, the group of system investigation Photovoltaic, belonging to the IES of the UPM, there is carrying out a project of investigation named PV CROPS, financed by the European Commission, and that has for aim to develop these strategies of management. In this context, the objective of this Senior Thesis consists in implementing a Bank of Tests with Integration of Batteries in Photovoltaic Systems Connected to Network, which allows developing, testing and validating these strategies. Taking advantage of the availability to use the Digital Home installed in the EUITT of the UPM, we have mounted the bank of tests in a contiguous laboratory to use this Home as a real case of energetic consumptions of a house. This bank of tests will allow obtaining information of the energy generated by the photovoltaic installation and information of the royal consumption of the attached "house", to develop later strategies of management of the electricity. The Bank of Tests is composed by three principal blocks, interconnected each other:  Subsystem of Gathering of data and Communication. In charge of monitoring the energetic elements and sending the information compiled to the Subsystem of Control. Formed by power analyzers, AC and DC, and a gateway for the conversion of the Ethernet physical medium to RS485.  Subsystem of Control. Point of observation and compilation of all the information that comes from the energetic elements. It is the subsystem where there will be created and there will be implemented strategies of energetic control. Composed of a Pxie, controller fixed in an industrial range chassis, and a PC Host, formed by a workstation and three monitors.  Subsystem of Energy. Formed by the elements of generating, controlling or consuming electric power, in the Bank of Tests. Made of photovoltaic modules, an inverter, a twoway inverter and a batteries block. The last step has been performing an Example of Practical Application we have proved that the Bank of Tests is ready to be used, it´s operative and fully functional in monitoring operations of energetic photovoltaic generation and energetic consumption.


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The advantages of fast-spectrum reactors consist not only of an efficient use of fuel through the breeding of fissile material and the use of natural or depleted uranium, but also of the potential reduction of the amount of actinides such as americium and neptunium contained in the irradiated fuel. The first aspect means a guaranteed future nuclear fuel supply. The second fact is key for high-level radioactive waste management, because these elements are the main responsible for the radioactivity of the irradiated fuel in the long term. The present study aims to analyze the hypothetical deployment of a Gen-IV Sodium Fast Reactor (SFR) fleet in Spain. A nuclear fleet of fast reactors would enable a fuel cycle strategy different than the open cycle, currently adopted by most of the countries with nuclear power. A transition from the current Gen-II to Gen-IV fleet is envisaged through an intermediate deployment of Gen-III reactors. Fuel reprocessing from the Gen-II and Gen-III Light Water Reactors (LWR) has been considered. In the so-called advanced fuel cycle, the reprocessed fuel used to produce energy will breed new fissile fuel and transmute minor actinides at the same time. A reference case scenario has been postulated and further sensitivity studies have been performed to analyze the impact of the different parameters on the required reactor fleet. The potential capability of Spain to supply the required fleet for the reference scenario using national resources has been verified. Finally, some consequences on irradiated final fuel inventory are assessed. Calculations are performed with the Monte Carlo transport-coupled depletion code SERPENT together with post-processing tools.


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inor actinides (MAs) transmutation is a main design objective of advanced nuclear systems such as generation IV Sodium Fast Reactors (SFRs). In advanced fuel cycles, MA contents in final high level waste packages are main contributors to short term heat production as well as to long-term radiotoxicity. Therefore, MA transmutation would have an impact on repository designs and would reduce the environment burden of nuclear energy. In order to predict such consequences Monte Carlo (MC) transport codes are used in reactor design tasks and they are important complements and references for routinely used deterministic computational tools. In this paper two promising Monte Carlo transport-coupled depletion codes, EVOLCODE and SERPENT, are used to examine the impact of MA burning strategies in a SFR core, 3600 MWth. The core concept proposal for MA loading in two configurations is the result of an optimization effort upon a preliminary reference design to reduce the reactivity insertion as a consequence of sodium voiding, one of the main concerns of this technology. The objective of this paper is double. Firstly, efficiencies of the two core configurations for MA transmutation are addressed and evaluated in terms of actinides mass changes and reactivity coefficients. Results are compared with those without MA loading. Secondly, a comparison of the two codes is provided. The discrepancies in the results are quantified and discussed.


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El presente proyecto surge como resultado de un proyecto real, consistente en la elaboración de un estudio energético a un edificio perteneciente al Sector Terciario. Pretende llevarse a cabo la realización de una auditoría energética en una Residencia de Mayores con el objetivo principal de obtener un conocimiento óptimo del perfil de los consumos energéticos, identificando y valorando las posibilidades de ahorro de energía según cada sistema, proponiendo medidas de mejora y realizando su evaluación técnica y económica. Para la consecución de este objetivo principal se ha necesitado realizar una campaña de medidas que ha consistido en la obtención de mediciones y registros de parámetros eléctricos, térmicos y de confort, inventariar equipos e instalaciones existentes, conocer las condiciones normales de funcionamiento del centro, analizar y estudiar los datos recogidos durante las visitas y la información aportada por el personal del centro. Con las medidas de mejora energética propuestas se reduce el consumo del edificio un 4,39 %, dando como resultado un periodo de retorno de 4,40 años. ABSTRACT The following project is the result of a real project, involving the development of an energy study to a building belonging to the Tertiary Sector. Energetic audit is performed at a home for the elderly with the main aim of getting knowledge on its optimal energy consumption profile. For this purpose, the possibilities in the energy savings for each system are identified and evaluated. To achieve our goal, we have carried out a measurement campaign consisting of: obtaining and recording measurements of electrical, thermal and comfort parameters, inventory of existing equipment and facilities, acquisition of knowledge about the normal operating conditions of the center, and analysis and study of the data collected during visits and information provided by the staff. As a conclusion of this study it should be noted that the proposed improvement measures will minimize energy consumption of the building 4.39%, resulting in a payback period of 4,40 years.


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Young trees transplanted from nursery into open field require a minimum amount of soil moisture to successfully root in their new location, especially in dry-climate areas. One possibility is to obtain the required water from air moisture. This can be achieved by reducing the temperature of a surface below the air dew point temperature, inducing water vapor condensation on the surface. The temperature of a surface can be reduced by applying the thermoelectric effect, with Peltier modules powered by electricity. Here, we present a system that generates electricity with a solar photovoltaic module, stores it in a battery, and finally, uses the electricity at the moment in which air humidity and temperature are optimal to maximize water condensation while minimizing energy consumption. Also, a method to reduce the evaporation of the condensed water is proposed. The objective of the system is to sustain young plants in drier periods, rather than exclusively irrigating young plants to boost their growth.


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A methodology based on daily estimation balance between water needs and water availability was used to evaluate the feasibility of the most economic windmill irrigation system. For this purpose, several factors were included: three-hourly wind velocity (W3 h, m/s), flow supplied by the wind pump as a function of the elevation height (H, m) and daily greenhouse evapotranspiration as a function of crop planting date. Monthly volumes of water required for irrigation (Dr, m3/ha) and in the water tank (Vd, m3), as well as the monthly irrigable area (Ar, ha), were estimated by cumulative deficit water budgeting taking in account these factors.