984 resultados para Curve of accumulation


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A dissertação apresenta uma análise acerca da produção, custódia e uso do arquivo pessoal de Edgard Roquette-Pinto, hoje sob a guarda definitiva da Academia Brasileira de Letras (ABL). Busca-se evidenciar as representações que circulam o local de guarda deste acervo, sugerir a reconstituição da relação do titular com seu arquivo, iluminar os diversos padrões de acumulação e interferências a que o arquivo teria sido submetido, bem como, possibilitar a reflexão sobre os efeitos das interferências realizadas pelos pesquisadores que antecederam à organização, e pelos arquivistas no momento de sua organização.


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Esta tese diz respeito ao desenvolvimento tecnológico e inovação em indústrias intensivas em recursos naturais no contexto de economias emergentes. A tese explora como a acumulação de capacidades tecnológicas e os mecanismos de aprendizagem influenciaram a trajetória tecnológica na indústria de bioetanol de cana-de-açúcar no Brasil, durante o período de meados da década de 1970 a 2014. Muito se avançou na compreensão do processo de catch-up tecnológico de empresas e indústrias de economias emergentes. Contudo, essas pesquisas geralmente exploram o processo de catch-up tecnológico relacionado às trajetórias tecnológicas já mapeadas pelos líderes mundiais em indústrias de manufatura e transformação. Parte desses estudos ignora que o desenvolvimento de atividades industriais poderia ocorrer em indústrias intensivas em recursos naturais. Além disso, indústrias intensivas em recursos naturais são geralmente encapsuladas como commodities e low-tech, caracterizadas por uma limitada oportunidade de aprendizagem tecnológica e acumulação de capacidades tecnológicas. Entretanto, o processo de industrialização em indústrias intensivas em recursos naturais em regiões como a América Latina ainda é pouco compreendido e são escassas as pesquisas que investigam o processo de catch-up tecnológico em nível de indústria, com raras exceções. Baseando-se em evidências da indústria de bioetanol do Brasil, esta pesquisa explora um processo de catch-up tecnológico que tem recebido pouca atenção na literatura. Esta pesquisa adotou um desenho qualitativo com base em uma estratégia de estudo de caso em nível de indústria, com extensivo trabalho de campo e coleta de evidências empíricas de primeira mão com cobertura de longo prazo em 20 organizações. Esta pesquisa encontrou que: (1) a evolução da trajetória tecnológica da indústria de bioetanol no Brasil caracterizou-se pela abertura de uma direção distinta daquela mapeada por líderes tecnológicos existentes. Esse processo de desvio qualitativo da trajetória tecnológica dominante iniciou durante os primeiros estágios de desenvolvimento tecnológico. Assim, a indústria percorreu uma trajetória de entrada precoce em path-creating; (2) a evolução dessa trajetória tecnológica não se deu de maneira homogenia. Foram encontrados três padrões relativamente distintos de acumulação de capacidades tecnológicas para funções (ou áreas) tecnológicas específicas: feedstock, processos agrícolas e processos industriais. Nas funções de feedstock e processos industriais, houve acumulação de capacidades tecnológicas de liderança mundial, enquanto na função processos agrícolas a acumulação de capacidades tecnológicas não evoluiu além do nível intermediário; (3) essas capacidades foram acumuladas de forma dispersa entre os atores da indústria (empresas produtoras, institutos de pesquisa, universidades, fornecedores, empresas de biotecnologia etc.) e possibilitaram a abertura de oportunidades de exploração de novos negócios, ainda que modestamente aproveitadas; e (4) a sutil heterogeneidade encontrada nos padrões de acumulação de capacidades tecnológicas foi influenciada pela combinação de mecanismos de aprendizagem tecnológica utilizados pela indústria ao longo do tempo. Por fim, constatou-se também que essa trajetória tecnológica contribuiu para gerar implicações significativas e foi também influenciada por fatores outros. Não obstante, esses resultados merecem esforço de investigação mais sistemático, uma vez que foram examinados aqui de forma superficial. Concluiu-se, portanto, que posições tecnológicas relevantes, especialmente por indústrias de economias emergentes, podem ser alcançadas por meio de trajetórias tecnológicas que não se baseiam, necessariamente, em tecnologias dominantes, já exploradas por líderes mundiais, de economias avançadas. Assim, os processos alternativos de catch-up podem ser altamente relevantes para a obtenção de progresso industrial. Ademais, a pesquisa concluiu que as indústrias intensivas em recursos naturais oferecem oportunidades para inovações significativas, e podem ser protagonistas nesse processo de catch-up alternativo, particularmente no contexto de países abundantes em recursos naturais. Assim sendo, esta pesquisa contribui para gerar novas evidências e explicações que nos ajudem a ampliar a noção de alternativas para o desenvolvimento industrial e econômico no contexto de economias emergentes. No debate sobre desenvolvimento industrial e econômico, as trajetórias tecnológicas alternativas, bem como as indústrias intensivas em recursos naturais, deveriam receber uma atenção especial por parte de decisores de políticas públicas e de ações empresariais.


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Esta tese relaciona-se ao tema da acumulação de capacidades tecnológicas em nível de empresa, suas fontes (mecanismos de aprendizagem) e suas implicações para a performance competitiva empresarial, em indústrias relacionadas a recursos naturais no contexto de economias emergentes. Durante os últimos 40 anos muito se avançou no campo da pesquisa sobre acumulação de capacidades tecnológicas em nível de empresas em economias emergentes. Porém, ainda há importantes lacunas a serem exploradas particularmente em relação a natureza e dinâmica de trajetórias de acumulação de capacidades tecnológicas intra-empresariais, no contexto de indústrias relacionadas a recursos naturais, especialmente na mineração. O objetivo da pesquisa aqui reportada é contribuir para minimizar esta lacuna. Particularmente, esta tese explora variações intra-empresariais de trajetórias de acumulação de capacidades tecnológicas, suas fontes (mecanismos subjacentes de aprendizagem) e algumas implicações que são geradas para a performance competitiva da empresa, no âmbito da indústria de mineração no Brasil, especificamente na empresa mineradora Vale, no período entre 1942 e 2015. Para alcançar este objetivo, a pesquisa apoia-se na combinação das literaturas de acumulação de capacidade tecnológica, inovação, aprendizagem e desenvolvimento industrial para a construção da base conceitual. Em paralelo, a pesquisa vale-se de um desenho de pesquisa qualitativo e indutivo baseado em evidências primárias com base em extensivos trabalhos de campo. Esse desenho de pesquisa é operacionalizado a partir de um estudo de caso individual em profundidade na Vale, no âmbito de três grandes áreas tecnológicas: prospecção e pesquisa mineral, lavra, e processamento mineral. Por meio da implementação dessa estratégia, a pesquisa encontrou: (1) Trajetórias de acumulação de capacidades tecnológicas relativamente distintas entre as três áreas de análise. Especificamente: (i) na área de prospecção e pesquisa mineral observou-se uma trajetória de seguidora tecnológica que alcança posição de liderança mundial em inovação e produção; (ii) na área de lavra também evidenciou-se uma trajetória de seguidora tecnológica que alcança posição de liderança mundial em inovação e produção, porém, com acumulação tardia de capacidades tecnológicas; e (iii) na área de processamento mineral houve o alcance precoce de posição de liderança mundial em inovação e produção a partir da criação de uma trajetória distinta da já mapeada pelos líderes globais. As trajetórias de acumulação de capacidades tecnológicas convergem para uma situação similar a partir de 2011 quando as três áreas apresentaram posição de liderança mundial em inovação e ao mesmo tempo demonstraram indícios de entrada em um processo de estagnação, que restringe as oportunidades de entrada em novas trajetórias tecnológicas e de entrada em novos negócios. (2) As variações encontradas nas trajetórias de acumulação de capacidades tecnológicas são explicadas pela maneira pela qual diferentes mecanismos subjacentes de aprendizagem foram combinados e utilizados pela empresa. Foram encontradas quatro combinações de mecanismos de aprendizagem que contribuíram para explicar as diferentes direções das trajetórias de acumulação de capacidades tecnológicas. (3) As variações nas três trajetórias de acumulação de capacidades tecnológicas geraram implicações distintas para a performance competitiva, mais especificamente em termos de performance inovadora, operacional/ambiental e de novos negócios. Os resultados da pesquisa geram contribuições para o entendimento do relacionamento intra-empresarial entre acumulação de capacidades tecnológicas e os mecanismos de aprendizagem subjacentes. E contribuem para o entendimento da mineração como uma indústria que oferece oportunidades para inovações significativas que, inclusive podem implicar na diversificação do tecido industrial nacional. Portanto, tal indústria deve receber atenção especial por parte de decisores de políticas públicas e de ações empresariais para evitar que empresas com alto potencial inovativo desconstruam suas capacidades inovadoras e consequentemente limitem seus impactos para o desenvolvimento tecnológico e econômico no contexto de economias emergentes.


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The eutrofization is a natural process of accumulation of nutrients in aquatic´s body that it has been accelerated for the human´s actives, mainly the related with the activities of camp, industrial and the inadequate disposition of the domestic sewage. The enrichment of the aquatic´s body with nutrients, mainly the nitrogen and the phosphorus, and the consequent proliferation of algae and Cyanobacteria can commit the quality of the water for the public provisioning, for the fish farming and for other ends. The problem becomes more critical when there is a shortage of water naturally as in the semi-arid area of the Brazilian northeast. Before that problem this work had as objective evaluates the trophic state of six reservoirs of the basin of River Seridó of Rio Grande of Norte and also estimate the capacity of load of match of the reservoir and risk probabilities based on the established limits by the resolution Conama 357/05. The results demonstrate that the six reservoirs are eutrofization, with concentration of total phosphorus and cloro a in the water upster to 50 e 12 μg l-1. The results show that space homogeneity exists in the state trophic of the reservoirs, but a significant variation interanual in function of the increase of the concentrations of nutrients and decrease of the transparency of the water with the reduction of the body of water accumulated in the reservoirs.The results of the simulation risk estocastic show that the reservoirs could receive annually from 72 to 216 Kg of P, assuming a risk of 10% of increasing in more than 30 μg l-1 the annual medium concentrations of total match in the water of these reservoirs. This load could be high in until 360 kg of P a year in case the managers assume a risk of 10% of increasing in more than 50 μg l-1 the annual medium concentrations of total phosphorus in the waters of these reservoirs


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he present model of agriculture is based on intensive use of industrial inputs, due to its rapid response, but it brings harmful consequences to the environment, and it is necessary the use of modern inputs. And an alternative is the use of rock biofertilizers in agriculture, a product easy to use, with higher residual effect and does not harm the environment. The objective of study was to evaluate the inoculation and co-inoculation of different microorganisms in the solubilization of rock phosphate and potash ground microbial evaluating the best performance in the production of biofertilizers comparing with rocks pure in soil chemical properties and, verify effect of inoculation of the bacterium Paenibacillus polymyxa in the absorption of minerals dissolved in the development of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata [L.] Walp.). The first bioassay was conducted in Laboratory (UFRN) for 72 days in Petri dishes, where the rock powder was increased by 10% and sulfur co-inoculated and inoculated with bacterial suspension of Paenibacillus polymyxa grown in medium tryptone soy broth, Ralstonia solanacearum in medium Kelman, Cromobacterium violaceum in medium Luria-Bertani and Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans in medium Tuovinen and Kelly,and fungi Trichoderma humatum and Penicillium fellutanum in malt extract. Every 12 days, samples were removed in order to build up the release curve of minerals. The second bioassay was conducted in a greenhouse of the Agricultural Research Corporation of Rio Grande do Norte in experimental delineation in randomized block designs, was used 10 kg of an Yellow Argissolo Dystrophic per pot with the addition of treatments super phosphate simple (SS), potassium chloride (KCl), pure rock, biofertilizers in doses 40, 70, 100 and 200% of the recommendation for SS and KCl, and a control, or not inoculated with bacteria P. polymyxa. Were used seeds of cowpea BRS Potiguar and co-inoculated with the bacterial suspension of Bradyrhizobium japonicum and P. polymyxa. The first crop was harvested 45 days after planting, were evaluated in the dry matter (ADM), macronutrients (N, P, K, Ca, Mg) and micronutrients (Zn, Fe, Mn) in ADM. And the second at 75 days assessing levels of macro end micronutrients in plants and soil, and the maximum adsorption capacity of P in soil. The results showed synergism in co-inoculations with P. polymyxa+R. solanacearum and, P. polymyxa+C. violaceum solubilizations providing higher P and K, respectively, and better solubilization time at 36 days. The pH was lower in biofertilizers higher doses, but there was better with their addition to P at the highest dose. Significant reduction of maximum adsorption capacity of phosphorus with increasing dose of biofertilizer. For K and Ca was better with SS+KCl, and Mg to pure rock. There was an effect of fertilization on the absorption, with better results for P, K and ADM with SS+KCL, and N, Ca and Mg for biofertilizers. Generally, the P. polymyxa not influence the absorption of the elements in the plant. In treatments with the uninoculated P. polymyxa chemical fertilizer had an average significantly higher for weight and number of grains. And in the presence of the bacteria, biofertilizers and chemical fertilizers had positive values in relation to rock and control. The data show that the rocks and biofertilizers could meet the need of nutrients the plants revealed as potential for sustainable agriculture


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The system built to characterize electrodes and, consequently, deposited fine films are constituted by a hollow cathode that works to discharges and low pressures (approximately 10-3 to 5 mbar), a source DC (0 to 1200 V), a cylindrical camera of closed borossilicato for flanges of stainless steel with an association of vacuum bombs mechanical and spread. In the upper flange it is connected the system of hollow cathode, which possesses an entrance of gas and two entrances for its refrigeration, the same is electrically isolated of the rest of the equipment and it is polarized negatively. In front of the system of hollow cathode there is a movable sample in stainless steel with possibility of moving in the horizontal and vertical. In the vertical, the sample can vary its distance between 0 and 70 mm and, in the horizontal, can leave completely from the front of the hollow cathode. The sample and also the cathode hollow are equipped with cromel-alumel termopares with simultaneous reading of the temperatures during the time of treatment. In this work copper electrodes, bronze, titanium, iron, stainless steel, powder of titanium, powder of titanium and silício, glass and ceramic were used. The electrodes were investigated relating their geometry change and behavior of the plasma of the cavity of hollow cathode and channel of the gas. As the cavity of hollow cathode, the analyzed aspects were the diameter and depth. With the channel of the gas, we verified the diameter. In the two situations, we investigated parameters as flow of the gas, pressure, current and applied tension in the electrode, temperature, loss of mass of the electrode with relationship at the time of use. The flow of gas investigated in the electrodes it was fastened in a work strip from 15 to 6 sccm, the constant pressure of work was among 2.7 to 8 x 10-2 mbar. The applied current was among a strip of work from 0,8 to 0,4 A, and their respective tensions were in a strip from 400 to 220 V. Fixing the value of the current, it was possible to lift the curve of the behavior of the tension with the time of use. That curves esteem in that time of use of the electrode to its efficiency is maximum. The temperatures of the electrodes were in the dependence of that curves showing a maximum temperature when the tension was maximum, yet the measured temperatures in the samples showed to be sensitive the variation of the temperature in the electrodes. An accompaniment of the loss of mass of the electrode relating to its time of use showed that the electrodes that appeared the spherical cavities lost more mass in comparison with the electrodes in that didn't appear. That phenomenon is only seen for pressures of 10-2 mbar, in these conditions a plasma column is formed inside of the channel of the gas and in certain points it is concentrated in form of spheres. Those spherical cavities develop inside of the channel of the gas spreading during the whole extension of the channel of the gas. The used electrodes were cut after they could not be more used, however among those electrodes, films that were deposited in alternate times and the electrodes that were used to deposit films in same times, those films were deposited in the glass substrata, alumina, stainless steel 420, stainless steel 316, silício and steel M2. As the eletros used to deposit films in alternate time as the ones that they were used to deposit in same times, the behavior of the thickness of the film obeyed the curve of the tension with relationship the time of use of the electrode, that is, when the tension was maximum, the thickness of the film was also maximum and when the tension was minimum, the thickness was minimum and in the case where the value of the tension was constant, the thickness of the film tends to be constant. The fine films that were produced they had applications with nano stick, bio-compatibility, cellular growth, inhibition of bacterias, cut tool, metallic leagues, brasagem, pineapple fiber and ornamental. In those films it was investigated the thickness, the adherence and the uniformity characterized by sweeping electronic microscopy. Another technique developed to assist the production and characterization of the films produced in that work was the caloteste. It uses a sphere and abrasive to mark the sample with a cap impression, with that cap form it is possible to calculate the thickness of the film. Through the time of life of the cathode, it was possible to evaluate the rate of waste of its material for the different work conditions. Values of waste rate up to 3,2 x 10-6 g/s were verified. For a distance of the substratum of 11 mm, the deposited film was limited to a circular area of 22 mm diameter mm for high pressures and a circular area of 75 mm for pressure strip. The obtained films presented thickness around 2,1 µm, showing that the discharge of arch of hollow cathode in argon obeys a curve characteristic of the tension with the time of life of the eletrodo. The deposition rate obtained in this system it is of approximately 0,18 µm/min


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With the new discoveries of oil and gas, the exploration of fields in various geological basins, imports of other oils and the development of alternative fuels, more and more research labs have evaluated and characterized new types of petroleum and derivatives. Therefore the investment in new techniques and equipment in the samples analysis to determine their physical and chemical properties, their composition, possible contaminants, especification of products, among others, have multiplied in last years, so development of techniques for rapid and efficient characterization is extremely important for a better economic recovery of oil. Based on this context, this work has two main objectives. The first one is to characterize the oil by thermogravimetry coupled with mass spectrometry (TG-MS), and correlate these results with from other types of characterizations data previously informed. The second is to use the technique to develop a methodology to obtain the curve of evaluation of hydrogen sulfide gas in oil. Thus, four samples were analyzed by TG-MS, and X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF). TG results can be used to indicate the nature of oil, its tendency in coke formation, temperatures of distillation and cracking, and other features. It was observed in MS evaluations the behavior of oil main compounds with temperature, the points where the volatilized certain fractions and the evaluation gas analysis of sulfide hydrogen that is compared with the evaluation curve obtained by Petrobras with another methodology


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Oil production and exploration techniques have evolved in the last decades in order to increase fluid flows and optimize how the required equipment are used. The base functioning of Electric Submersible Pumping (ESP) lift method is the use of an electric downhole motor to move a centrifugal pump and transport the fluids to the surface. The Electric Submersible Pumping is an option that has been gaining ground among the methods of Artificial Lift due to the ability to handle a large flow of liquid in onshore and offshore environments. The performance of a well equipped with ESP systems is intrinsically related to the centrifugal pump operation. It is the pump that has the function to turn the motor power into Head. In this present work, a computer model to analyze the three-dimensional flow in a centrifugal pump used in Electric Submersible Pumping has been developed. Through the commercial program, ANSYS® CFX®, initially using water as fluid flow, the geometry and simulation parameters have been defined in order to obtain an approximation of what occurs inside the channels of the impeller and diffuser pump in terms of flow. Three different geometry conditions were initially tested to determine which is most suitable to solving the problem. After choosing the most appropriate geometry, three mesh conditions were analyzed and the obtained values were compared to the experimental characteristic curve of Head provided by the manufacturer. The results have approached the experimental curve, the simulation time and the model convergence were satisfactory if it is considered that the studied problem involves numerical analysis. After the tests with water, oil was used in the simulations. The results were compared to a methodology used in the petroleum industry to correct viscosity. In general, for models with water and oil, the results with single-phase fluids were coherent with the experimental curves and, through three-dimensional computer models, they are a preliminary evaluation for the analysis of the two-phase flow inside the channels of centrifugal pump used in ESP systems


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O conhecimento sobre o crescimento e o acúmulo de nutrientes em hipobiotos de caramboleira permite melhor eficiência da adubação na produção de hipobiotos (porta-enxertos). Objetivou-se determinar o crescimento e o acúmulo de nutrientes em hipobiotos de caramboleira cultivada em solução nutritiva. O experimento constituiu de cinco tratamentos, referentes aos tempos de coleta 25; 50; 75; 100 e 125 dias após o transplantio, dispostos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado em seis repetições. As plantas utilizadas foram obtidas de sementes de frutos de caramboleira 'Malásia', cultivadas em vasos com solução nutritiva. Nos diferentes órgãos dos hipobiotos (folhas, caule e raízes), avaliou-se o crescimento e o acúmulo de nutrientes e os índices nutricionais, a cada 25 dias. O ponto de enxertia (6 mm) foi atingido aos 110 dias após o transplantio. A ordem decrescente dos nutrientes acumulados em cada hipobioto produzido é de (em mg por planta): N = 634; K = 368; Ca = 152; Mg = 106; S = 98; P = 88 (em µg por planta) de: Fe = 2.963; Mn = 2.165; B = 722; Zn =780, e Cu = 96. O acúmulo médio de nutrientes é maior nas folhas > caule = raízes. O período de maior exigência de nutrientes pelos hipobiotos é compreendido entre 25-75 dias após o transplantio. As diferentes taxas de acumulação líquida dos nutrientes, nas diferentes partes da caramboleira, nem sempre acompanham a taxa de acumulação de nutrientes do respectivo órgão.


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Investigations in the field of pharmaceutical analysis and quality control of medicines require analytical procedures with good perfomance characteristics. Calibration is one of the most important steps in chemical analysis, presenting direct relation to parameters such as linearity. This work consisted in the development of a new methodology to obtain calibration curves for drug analysis: the stationary cuvette one. It was compared to the currently used methodology, and possible sources of variation between them were evaluated. The results demonstrated that the proposed technique presented similar reproducibility compared to the traditional methodology. In addition to that, some advantages were observed, such as user-friendliness, cost-effectiveness, accuracy, precision and robustness. Therefore, the stationary cuvette methodology may be considered the best choice to obtain calibration curves for drug analyis by spectrophotometry


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This work aims at analyzing how Adam Smith, one of the founders of the liberal regime was seen by Roberto Campos, one of the patriarchs of Brazilian liberalism. In this sense, it will be shown how and why the legacy of Scotland was used to legitimize the new pattern of accumulation necessary to capitalism from the second half of the twentieth century on. So, it is the intention to make explicit that the changes in Campos discursive form are consistent with the requirements of capitalism in crisis and were fundamental in the creation of another common sense. To achieve these goals it will be assessed in what way the liberal rhetoric of the Brazilian, harmonized with foreign authors with the same vision, has become an important weapon to transform Smith into a myth in contrast to the political and economic criteria advocated by the same, but valuable to what Roberto Campos intended


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A reciclagem agrícola do lodo de esgoto tem provocado o acúmulo de metais pesados no solo e na água, podendo atingir níveis tóxicos e causar danos às plantas cultivadas, aos animais e ao homem, por meio da cadeia trófica. Neste intuito foi desenvolvido o presente experimento, em condições de campo, entre 2000 e 2002, onde foram avaliados os efeitos da aplicação de lodo de esgoto por dois anos, sobre a extração de metais de transição (essenciais e não) pelo extrator DTPA em um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico (LVd) de textura média. As concentrações dos elementos metálicos: Mn, Fe, Cd, Ni, Co, Pb e Cr não foram detectados pelo método da absorção atômica na solução obtida com o extrator DTPA. A aplicação de lodo de esgoto causou inicialmente pequena elevação no pH do solo, posteriormente a diminuição do mesmo, e manteve-se próximo ao original. Foi possível concluir que, com a aplicação consecutiva do lodo, os teores extraíveis de Fe e Mn nas amostras de solos aumentaram gradativamente nos dois anos agrícolas, com as doses do lodo de esgoto aplicado, época de amostragens, e foram superiores ao tratamento testemunha. O extrator apresentou capacidade restrita para avaliação da fitodisponibilidade dos metais pesados decorrentes das baixas concentrações nas amostras de solo.


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This work analyses the ability of National States and regions have to formulations development strategies. Redeeming the initial development concept as a conflictual process, the hypothesis is that it presents internal and external constraints, as the latter have a higher preponderance, revealed the role played by money. In this case, one can point to as sub-hypothesis that the growth models with external constraint, mainly through the balance of payments, may illustrate the fact that countries are subject to international economic interactions that limit the possibility of bringing acylating strategies well successful in overcoming backwardness. For the specific case of regions, indicates that the external constraint remains an element of embarrassment for regional development, but redeems itself the center-periphery relations in this context to discuss the role of monetary and financial system as an explanation for the disparities regional income. On the domestic front, we highlight the importance of social structures of accumulation as an element of internal cohesion necessary to achieve successful development trajectories. It points also to the importance of the State in the process rescuing some of the main theoretical contributions of the political economy of development, incorporating the concept of globalization on theoretical frameworks presented. This construction where development depends on the actions of external and internal conditions, where money plays a key role as a guideline for reflections on regional development. The attempt was to transplant our considerations on the general development to address the case of regions. Finally, we conclude by greater confidence in the hypothesis and sub-hypotheses of departure, which led to propositions of economic policies