709 resultados para Cork taint
While a great amount of attention is being given to the development of nanodevices, both through academic research and private industry, the field is still on the verge. Progress hinges upon the development of tools and components that can precisely control the interaction between light and matter, and that can be efficiently integrated into nano-devices. Nanofibers are one of the most promising candidates for such purposes. However, in order to fully exploit their potential, a more intimate knowledge of how nanofibers interact with single neutral atoms must be gained. As we learn more about the properties of nanofiber modes, and the way they interface with atoms, and as the technology develops that allows them to be prepared with more precisely known properties, they become more and more adaptable and effective. The work presented in this thesis touches on many topics, which is testament to the broad range of applications and high degree of promise that nanofibers hold. For immediate use, we need to fully grasp how they can be best implemented as sensors, filters, detectors, and switches in existing nano-technologies. Areas of interest also include how they might be best exploited for probing atom-surface interactions, single-atom detection and single photon generation. Nanofiber research is also motivated by their potential integration into fundamental cold atom quantum experiments, and the role they can play there. Combining nanofibers with existing optical and quantum technologies is a powerful strategy for advancing areas like quantum computation, quantum information processing, and quantum communication. In this thesis I present a variety of theoretical work, which explores a range of the applications listed above. The first work presented concerns the use of the evanescent fields around a nanofiber to manipulate an existing trapping geometry and therefore influence the centre-of-mass dynamics of the atom. The second work presented explores interesting trapping geometries that can be achieved in the vicinity of a fiber in which just four modes are allowed to propagate. In a third study I explore the use of a nanofiber as a detector of small numbers of photons by calculating the rate of emission into the fiber modes when the fiber is moved along next to a regularly separated array of atoms. Also included are some results from a work in progress, where I consider the scattered field that appears along the nanofiber axis when a small number of atoms trapped along that axis are illuminated orthogonally; some interesting preliminary results are outlined. Finally, in contrast with the rest of the thesis, I consider some interesting physics that can be done in one of the trapping geometries that can be created around the fiber, here I explore the ground states of a phase separated two-component superfluid Bose-Einstein condensate trapped in a toroidal potential.
The observation chart is for many health professionals (HPs) the primary source of objective information relating to the health of a patient. Information Systems (IS) research has demonstrated the positive impact of good interface design on decision making and it is logical that good observation chart design can positively impact healthcare decision making. Despite the potential for good observation chart design, there is a paucity of observation chart design literature, with the primary source of literature leveraging Human Computer Interaction (HCI) literature to design better charts. While this approach has been successful, this design approach introduces a gap between understanding of the tasks performed by HPs when using charts and the design features implemented in the chart. Good IS allow for the collection and manipulation of data so that it can be presented in a timely manner that support specific tasks. Good interface design should therefore consider the specific tasks being performed prior to designing the interface. This research adopts a Design Science Research (DSR) approach to formalise a framework of design principles that incorporates knowledge of the tasks performed by HPs when using observation charts and knowledge pertaining to visual representations of data and semiology of graphics. This research is presented in three phases, the initial two phases seek to discover and formalise design knowledge embedded in two situated observation charts: the paper-based NEWS chart developed by the Health Service Executive in Ireland and the electronically generated eNEWS chart developed by the Health Information Systems Research Centre in University College Cork. A comparative evaluation of each chart is also presented in the respective phases. Throughout each of these phases, tentative versions of a design framework for electronic vital sign observation charts are presented, with each subsequent iteration of the framework (versions Alpha, Beta, V0.1 and V1.0) representing a refinement of the design knowledge. The design framework will be named the framework for the Retrospective Evaluation of Vital Sign Information from Early Warning Systems (REVIEWS). Phase 3 of the research presents the deductive process for designing and implementing V0.1 of the framework, with evaluation of the instantiation allowing for the final iteration V1.0 of the framework. This study makes a number of contributions to academic research. First the research demonstrates that the cognitive tasks performed by nurses during clinical reasoning can be supported through good observation chart design. Secondly the research establishes the utility of electronic vital sign observation charts in terms of supporting the cognitive tasks performed by nurses during clinical reasoning. Third the framework for REVIEWS represents a comprehensive set of design principles which if applied to chart design will improve the usefulness of the chart in terms of supporting clinical reasoning. Fourth the electronic observation chart that emerges from this research is demonstrated to be significantly more useful than previously designed charts and represents a significant contribution to practice. Finally the research presents a research design that employs a combination of inductive and deductive design activities to iterate on the design of situated artefacts.
This thesis outlines the synthetic chemistry involved in the preparation of a range of novel indazole compounds and details the subsequent investigation into their potential as biologically active agents. The synthetic route utilised in this research to form the indazole structure was the [3+2] dipolar cycloaddition of diazo carbonyl compounds with reactive aryne intermediates generated in situ. The preparation of further novel indazole derivatives containing different functional groups and substituents was performed by synthesising alternative 1,3- dipole and dipolarophile analogues and provided additionally diverse compounds. Further derivatisation of the indazole product was made possible by deacylation and alkylation methods. Transformation reactions were performed on alkenecontaining ester side chains to provide novel epoxide, aldehyde and tertiary amine derivatives. The first chapter is a review of the literature beginning with a short overview on the structure, reactivity and common synthetic routes to diazo carbonyl derivatives. More attention is given to the use of diazo compounds as 1,3-dipoles in cycloaddition reactions or where the diazo group is incorporated into the final product. A review of the interesting background, structure and reactivity of aryne intermediates is also presented. In addition, some common syntheses of indazole compounds are presented as well as a brief discussion on the importance of indazole compounds as therapeutic agents. The second chapter discusses the synthetic routes employed towards the synthesis of the range of indazoles. Initially, the syntheses of the diazo carbonyl and aryne precursors are described. Next, the synthetic methods to prepare the indazole compounds are provided followed by discussion on derivatisation of the indazole compounds including N-deacylation, N-benzylation and ester side-chain transformation of some alkene-containing indazoles. A series of novel indazole derivatives were submitted for anti-cancer screening at the U.S National Cancer Institute (NCI). A number of these derivatives were identified as hit compounds, with excellent growth inhibition. The results obtained from biological evaluation from the NCI are provided with further results pending from the Community for Open Antimicrobial Drug Discovery. The third chapter details the full experimental procedures, including spectroscopic and analytical data for all the compounds prepared during this research.
Recoding embraces mechanisms that augment the rules of standard genetic decoding. The deviations from standard decoding are often purposeful and their realisation provides diverse and flexible regulatory mechanisms. Recoding events such as programed ribosomal frameshifting are especially plentiful in viruses. In most organisms only a few cellular genes are known to employ programed ribosomal frameshifting in their expression. By far the most prominent and therefore well-studied case of cellular +1 frameshifting is in expression of antizyme mRNAs. The protein antizyme is a key regulator of polyamine levels in most eukaryotes with some exceptions such as plants. A +1 frameshifting event is required for the full length protein to be synthesized and this requirement is a conserved feature of antizyme mRNAs from yeast to mammals. The efficiency of the frameshifting event is dependent on the free polyamine levels in the cell. cis-acting elements in antizyme mRNAs such as specific RNA structures are required to stimulate the frameshifting efficiency. Here I describe a novel stimulator of antizyme +1 frameshifting in the Agaricomycotina class of Basidiomycete fungi. It is a nascent peptide that acts from within the ribosome exit tunnel to stimulate frameshifting efficiency in response to polyamines. The interactions of the nascent peptide with components of the peptidyl transferase centre and the protein exit tunnel emerge in our understanding as powerful means which the cell employs for monitoring and tuning the translational process. These interactions can modulate the rate of translation, protein cotranslational folding and localization. Some nascent peptides act in concert with small molecules such as polyamines or antibiotics to stall the ribosome. To these known nascent peptide effects we have added that of a stimulatory effect on the +1 frameshifting in antizyme mRNAs. It is becoming evident that nascent peptide involvement in regulation of translation is a much more general phenomenon than previously anticipated.
The use of structural health monitoring of civil structures is ever expanding and by assessing the dynamical condition of structures, informed maintenance management can be conducted at both individual and network levels. With the continued growth of information age technology, the potential arises for smart monitoring systems to be integrated with civil infrastructure to provide efficient information on the condition of a structure. The focus of this thesis is the integration of smart technology with civil infrastructure for the purposes of structural health monitoring. The technology considered in this regard are devices based on energy harvesting materials. While there has been considerable focus on the development and optimisation of such devices using steady state loading conditions, their applications for civil infrastructure are less known. Although research is still in initial stages, studies into the uses associated with such applications are very promising. Through the use of the dynamical response of structures to a variety of loading conditions, the energy harvesting outputs from such devices is established and the potential power output determined. Through a power variance output approach, damage detection of deteriorating structures using the energy harvesting devices is investigated. Further applications of the integration of energy harvesting devices with civil infrastructure investigated by this research includes the use of the power output as a indicator for control. Four approaches are undertaken to determine the potential applications arising from integrating smart technology with civil infrastructure, namely • Theoretical analysis to determine the applications of energy harvesting devices for vibration based health monitoring of civil infrastructure. • Laboratory experimentation to verify the performance of different energy harvesting configurations for civil infrastructure applications. • Scaled model testing as a method to experimentally validate the integration of the energy harvesting devices with civil infrastructure. • Full scale deployment of energy harvesting device with a bridge structure. These four approaches validate the application of energy harvesting technology with civil infrastructure from a theoretical, experimental and practical perspective.
Background Delirium is highly prevalent, especially in older patients. It independently leads to adverse outcomes, but remains under-detected, particularly hypoactive forms. Although early identification and intervention is important, delirium prevention is key to improving outcomes. The delirium prodrome concept has been mooted for decades, but remains poorly characterised. Greater understanding of this prodrome would promote prompt identification of delirium-prone patients, and facilitate improved strategies for delirium prevention and management. Methods Medical inpatients of ≥70 years were screened for prevalent delirium using the Revised Delirium Rating Scale (DRS--‐R98). Those without prevalent delirium were assessed daily for delirium development, prodromal features and motor subtype. Survival analysis models identified which prodromal features predicted the emergence of incident delirium in the cohort in the first week of admission. The Delirium Motor Subtype Scale-4 was used to ascertain motor subtype. Results Of 555 patients approached, 191 patients were included in the prospective study. The median age was 80 (IQR 10) and 101 (52.9%) were male. Sixty-one patients developed incident delirium within a week of admission. Several prodromal features predicted delirium emergence in the cohort. Firstly, using a novel Prodromal Checklist based on the existing literature, and controlling for confounders, seven predictive behavioural features were identified in the prodromal period (for example, increasing confusion; and being easily distractible). Additionally, using serial cognitive tests and the DRS-R98 daily, multiple cognitive and other core delirium features were detected in the prodrome (for example inattention; and sleep-wake cycle disturbance). Examining longitudinal motor subtypes in delirium cases, subtypes were found to be predominantly stable over time, the most prevalent being hypoactive subtype (62.3%). Discussion This thesis explored multiple aspects of delirium in older medical inpatients, with particular focus on the characterisation of the delirium prodrome. These findings should help to inform future delirium educational programmes, and detection and prevention strategies.
Ellipticine is a natural product which possesses multimodal anti-cancer activity. This thesis encompasses the synthesis and biological evaluation of novel ellipticine and isoellipticine derivatives as anti-cancer agents. Expanding on previous work within the group utilising vinylmagnesium bromide, derivatisation of the C5 position of ellipticine was accomplished by reaction of a key ketolactam intermediate with Grignard reagents. Corresponding attempts to introduce diverse substitution at the C11 position were unsuccessful, although one novel C11 derivative was produced using an alkyllithium reagent. A panel of novel ellipticinium salts encompassing a range of substitutions at the N2, C9 and N6 positions were prepared. Extensive derivatisation of the N10 position of isoellipticine was undertaken for the first time. Novel substitution in the form of acid and methyl ester functionalities were introduced at the C7 position of isoellipticine while novel C7 aldehyde and alcohol derivatives were synthesised. A large panel of isoellipticinium salts were prepared with conditions adjusted for the reactivity of the alkyl halide. Novel coupling reactions to increase the yield of isoellipticine were attempted but proved unsuccessful. A panel of 54 novel derivatives was prepared and a multimodal analysis of their anti-cancer activity was conducted. The NCI 60-human tumour cell lines screen was a primary source of information on the in vitro activity of compounds with derivatives found to exert potent anticancer effects, with mean GI50 values as low as 1.01 μM across the full range of cancer types and as low as 16 nM in individual cell lines. A second in vitro screen in collaboration with researchers in the University of Nantes identified derivatives which could potently inhibit growth in a p53 mutant NSCLC cell line. The cell cycle effects of a selected panel of isoellipticines were studied in leukaemia cell lines by researchers in the Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, UCC. Emerging from this, the therapeutic potential of one of the derivatives in AML was then assessed in vivo in an AML xenograft mouse model, with tumour weight reduced by a factor of 7 in treated mice relative to control.
This is a practitioner doctorate aimed at both Universities about to introduce Entrepreneurship as a subject and practitioners who may be turning to teaching what they know building on their business experience. In this Portfolio the transition from Entrepreneur to Lecturer in Entrepreneurship is explored and several approaches were used to support the transition. A Professional Development Memoir offers a review of the life of an entrepreneur through the lens of Meaning Making Systems in order to bring clarity to the theories used by the Entrepreneur implicitly in his practice. Reflecting on these theories offers insight as to how the entrepreneur perceived and acted on market opportunities. Imparting some of the knowledge accumulated from practice is one goal in teaching. Economics and pedagogical theories were identified, researched and applied to inform the structure, design and delivery of a module in Entrepreneurship within a post graduate programme that focussed on business practice. Theories of Entrepreneurship grounded in Economics indicate the importance of this business function within the broad Economic System for economic development. The role of theory is to offer students ways of organising how they think about entrepreneurship. Gardner’s Teaching for Understanding framework is used to bring structure to the development of the module. Several leading exemplars on the teaching of Entrepreneurship are attended to offer a context both for the content of the Module and its subsequent implementation within a framework of best practice in the teaching of Entrepreneurship. The practical running of a business by the students as a central element of the Module provided a deep and valuable learning experience allowing them to experience Entrepreneurship in a real way for themselves.
Infants and young children are at particular risk of iron deficiency and its associated consequences for growth and development. The main objectives of this thesis were to quantify iron intakes, status and determinants of status in two year olds; explore determinants of neonatal iron stores; investigate associations between iron status at birth and two years with neurodevelopmental outcomes at two years and explore the influence of growth on iron status in early childhood, using data from the Cork BASELINE (Babies after SCOPE: Evaluating Longitudinal Impact using Neurological and Nutritional Endpoints) Birth Cohort Study (n=2137). Participants were followed prospectively with interviewer-led questionnaires and clinical assessments at day 2 and at 2, 6, 12 and 24 months. At two years, there was a low prevalence of iron deficiency and iron deficiency anaemia in this cohort, representing the largest study of iron status in toddlers in Europe, to date. The increased consumption of iron-fortified products and compliance with recommendations to limit unmodified cows’ milk intakes in toddlers has contributed to the observed improvements in status. Low serum ferritin concentrations at birth, which reflect neonatal iron stores, were shown to track through to two years of age; delivery by Caesarean section, being born small-for-gestational age and maternal obesity and smoking in pregnancy were all associated with significantly lower neonatal iron stores. Despite a low prevalence of iron deficiency in this cohort, both a mean corpuscular volume <74fl and ferritin concentrations <20μg/l were associated with lower neurodevelopmental outcomes at two years. An inverse association between growth in the second year of life and iron status at two years was also observed. This thesis has presented data from one of the largest, extensively-characterised cohorts of young children, to date, to explore iron and its associations with growth and development.
Background: It is well documented that children with Specific Language Impairment (SLI) experience significant grammatical deficits. While much of the focus in the past has been on their morphosyntactic difficulties, less is known about their acquisition of complex syntactic structures such as relative clauses. The role of memory in language performance has also become increasingly prominent in the literature. Aims: This study aims to investigate the control of an important complex syntactic structure, the relative clause, by school age children with SLI in Ireland, using a newly devised sentence recall task. It also aims to explore the role of verbal and short-termworking memory in the performance of children with SLI on the sentence recall task, using a standardized battery of tests based on Baddeley’s model of working memory. Methods and Procedures: Thirty two children with SLI, thirty two age matched typically developing children (AM-TD) between the ages of 6 and 7,11 years and twenty younger typically developing (YTD) children between 4,7 and 5 years, completed the task. The sentence recall (SR) task included 52 complex sentences and 17 fillers. It included relative clauses that are used in natural discourse and that reflect a developmental hierarchy. The relative clauses were also controlled for length and varied in syntactic complexity, representing the full range of syntactic roles. There were seven different relative clause types attached to either the predicate nominal of a copular clause (Pn), or to the direct object of a transitive clause (Do). Responses were recorded, transcribed and entered into a database for analysis. TheWorkingMemory Test Battery for children (WMTB-C—Pickering & Gathercole, 2001) was administered in order to explore the role of short-term memory and working memory on the children’s performance on the SR task. Outcomes and Results: The children with SLI showed significantly greater difficulty than the AM-TD group and the YTD group. With the exception of the genitive subject clauses, the children with SLI scored significantly higher on all sentences containing a Pn main clause than those containing a transitive main clause. Analysis of error types revealed the frequent production of a different type of relative clause than that presented in the task—with a strong word order preference in the NVN direction indicated for the children with SLI. The SR performance for the children with SLI was most highly correlated with expressive language skills and digit recall. Conclusions and Implications: Children with SLI have significantly greater difficulty with relative clauses than YTD children who are on average two years younger—relative clauses are a delay within a delay. Unlike the YTD children they show a tendency to simplify relative clauses in the noun verb noun (NVN) direction. They show a developmental hierarchy in their production of relative clause constructions and are highly influenced by the frequency distribution of the relative clauses in the ambient language.
Over the course of the later Middle Ages nearly half the landmass of the British Isles fell under the control of a handful of Gaelic dynasties in Ireland and Scotland. The impact of this profound geopolitical recasting of much of the Atlantic Archipelago has however, received very little scholarly attention. Instead, historians have tended to view events within this expanding Gaelic world, or Gàidhealtachd, as peripheral to the political development of the British Isles and the course of Anglo-Scottish relations during the later Medieval period. Drawing upon a comprehensive range of sources from Ireland, Scotland, and England, as well as significant archival research, this thesis challenges the concept of the so-called 'Celtic fringe' and illustrates how developments within the Gàidhealtachd impacted upon the course of 'British' politics during the period c.1350-1513. The thesis centres on an examination of how two competing Gaelic alliance systems came to dominate much of the Gàidhealtachd from the late fourteenth century through to the early 1500s. The first of these alliance blocs was controlled chiefly by the O'Neills of Tyrone, the O'Briens of Thomond, and MacDonalds of the Hebrides; in the other network the O'Donnells of Tyrconnell, the Burkes of Mayo and the Campbells of Argyll held sway. By tracing the interconnectivity of the lordships in each respective network, the thesis investigates how these alliance systems became a durable force not only within the Gàidhealtachd but also on the broader 'British' stage. The thesis is structured in a manner that makes the intricate, lineage-based world of the Gàidhealtachd more accessible. Each chapter shifts between the various regions of the Gaelic world and examines how developments in one region impacted upon corresponding territory. Ultimately, this provides historians with a new model for exploring what has previously been a majorly neglected area of Irish and British history.
Muscarine was identified as an active principle of the poisonous mushroom Amanita muscaria over 170 years ago and has been identified as an agonist of acetylcholine. The synthesis of all stereoisomers of muscarine have been accomplished at this stage by chemical methods and the biological activity of these compounds tested. A number of synthetic routes to enantiomerically pure muscarine and its analogues have been published. In this work, we are focussed on the use of a novel biotransformation strategy to access these compounds. Asymmetric synthesis involves targeting a synthetic pathway leading to one enantiomer of a compound and biocatalysis is one strategy used in asymmetric synthesis. Chapter 1 consists of a review of the relevant literature pertaining to the synthesis and stereoselective transformations of 3-hydroxytetrahydrofuranss. A review of synthetic routes to these compounds is presented, with a particular focus on routes to the natural product muscarine and its analogues. Chapter 2 discusses the preparative routes to the 3-hydroxytetrahydrofurans via 3(2H)- furanones. Steps amongst which include Rh(II) mediate cyclisation and kinetic resolution via baker’s yeast mediated carbonyl reduction, resulting in enantioenriched 3- hydroxytetrahydrofuran derivatives. Finally, application of this methodology to the preparation of all four enantiomers of an analogue of desmethylmuscarine and the synthesis of epimuscarine is described. Chapter 3 consists of a detailed experimental section outlining the synthetic procedures employed.
The amount and quality of available biomass is a key factor for the sustainable livestock industry and agricultural management related decision making. Globally 31.5% of land cover is grassland while 80% of Ireland’s agricultural land is grassland. In Ireland, grasslands are intensively managed and provide the cheapest feed source for animals. This dissertation presents a detailed state of the art review of satellite remote sensing of grasslands, and the potential application of optical (Moderate–resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS)) and radar (TerraSAR-X) time series imagery to estimate the grassland biomass at two study sites (Moorepark and Grange) in the Republic of Ireland using both statistical and state of the art machine learning algorithms. High quality weather data available from the on-site weather station was also used to calculate the Growing Degree Days (GDD) for Grange to determine the impact of ancillary data on biomass estimation. In situ and satellite data covering 12 years for the Moorepark and 6 years for the Grange study sites were used to predict grassland biomass using multiple linear regression, Neuro Fuzzy Inference Systems (ANFIS) models. The results demonstrate that a dense (8-day composite) MODIS image time series, along with high quality in situ data, can be used to retrieve grassland biomass with high performance (R2 = 0:86; p < 0:05, RMSE = 11.07 for Moorepark). The model for Grange was modified to evaluate the synergistic use of vegetation indices derived from remote sensing time series and accumulated GDD information. As GDD is strongly linked to the plant development, or phonological stage, an improvement in biomass estimation would be expected. It was observed that using the ANFIS model the biomass estimation accuracy increased from R2 = 0:76 (p < 0:05) to R2 = 0:81 (p < 0:05) and the root mean square error was reduced by 2.72%. The work on the application of optical remote sensing was further developed using a TerraSAR-X Staring Spotlight mode time series over the Moorepark study site to explore the extent to which very high resolution Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data of interferometrically coherent paddocks can be exploited to retrieve grassland biophysical parameters. After filtering out the non-coherent plots it is demonstrated that interferometric coherence can be used to retrieve grassland biophysical parameters (i. e., height, biomass), and that it is possible to detect changes due to the grass growth, and grazing and mowing events, when the temporal baseline is short (11 days). However, it not possible to automatically uniquely identify the cause of these changes based only on the SAR backscatter and coherence, due to the ambiguity caused by tall grass laid down due to the wind. Overall, the work presented in this dissertation has demonstrated the potential of dense remote sensing and weather data time series to predict grassland biomass using machine-learning algorithms, where high quality ground data were used for training. At present a major limitation for national scale biomass retrieval is the lack of spatial and temporal ground samples, which can be partially resolved by minor modifications in the existing PastureBaseIreland database by adding the location and extent ofeach grassland paddock in the database. As far as remote sensing data requirements are concerned, MODIS is useful for large scale evaluation but due to its coarse resolution it is not possible to detect the variations within the fields and between the fields at the farm scale. However, this issue will be resolved in terms of spatial resolution by the Sentinel-2 mission, and when both satellites (Sentinel-2A and Sentinel-2B) are operational the revisit time will reduce to 5 days, which together with Landsat-8, should enable sufficient cloud-free data for operational biomass estimation at a national scale. The Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (InSAR) approach is feasible if there are enough coherent interferometric pairs available, however this is difficult to achieve due to the temporal decorrelation of the signal. For repeat-pass InSAR over a vegetated area even an 11 days temporal baseline is too large. In order to achieve better coherence a very high resolution is required at the cost of spatial coverage, which limits its scope for use in an operational context at a national scale. Future InSAR missions with pair acquisition in Tandem mode will minimize the temporal decorrelation over vegetation areas for more focused studies. The proposed approach complements the current paradigm of Big Data in Earth Observation, and illustrates the feasibility of integrating data from multiple sources. In future, this framework can be used to build an operational decision support system for retrieval of grassland biophysical parameters based on data from long term planned optical missions (e. g., Landsat, Sentinel) that will ensure the continuity of data acquisition. Similarly, Spanish X-band PAZ and TerraSAR-X2 missions will ensure the continuity of TerraSAR-X and COSMO-SkyMed.
Heating, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC) systems are significant consumers of energy, however building management systems do not typically operate them in accordance with occupant movements. Due to the delayed response of HVAC systems, prediction of occupant locations is necessary to maximize energy efficiency. We present an approach to occupant location prediction based on association rule mining, allowing prediction based on historical occupant locations. Association rule mining is a machine learning technique designed to find any correlations which exist in a given dataset. Occupant location datasets have a number of properties which differentiate them from the market basket datasets that association rule mining was originally designed for. This thesis adapts the approach to suit such datasets, focusing the rule mining process on patterns which are useful for location prediction. This approach, named OccApriori, allows for the prediction of occupants’ next locations as well as their locations further in the future, and can take into account any available data, for example the day of the week, the recent movements of the occupant, and timetable data. By integrating an existing extension of association rule mining into the approach, it is able to make predictions based on general classes of locations as well as specific locations.
This thesis proposes to trace and explore an emotional geography and cartography of the republican withdrawal at the end of the Spanish Civil War in Catalonia during the months of January and February 1939. Thus, it complements existing historiographical scholarship on the Spanish Civil War and Spanish Republican Exile, especially with regard to what was experienced in Catalan territory. However, its main purpose is not that of the historian, to reveal and explain unexplored stories, but to locate existing narratives, memoirs, journals and testimonies carefully in the landscape in which they took place, exposing their emotional bonds with the places and spaces of the withdrawal of the protagonists of the Republican exodus of 1939. Whilst there has been significant work in recent years to “recover” spaces associated with violent of traumatic memories of conflict and displacement, including the creation of a network of “Democratic Memory” places in Catalonia, the spaces explored in this thesis have not so far been construed as places of memory. In part, this is because of the diversity of emotions and affective responses they provoked and continue to evoke, but also because the geography of the Retirada is characterized by mobility and multiplicity. So instead of an historical approach, despite being influenced by Walter Benjamin's concept of history, this thesis draws on existing methods and approaches related to cultural geography, in particular, the emerging interdisciplinary field known as emotional geographies. In order to create a vision of La Retirada that is sensitive to its mobility and multiplicity, the primary methodology used has been that of interdisciplinary assemblage, juxtaposing images, documents and stories of past and present, in a process redolent of that which Marianne Hirsch calls "post-memory".