958 resultados para Control Identification.


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Background: During last decade the use of ECG recordings in biometric recognition studies has increased. ECG characteristics made it suitable for subject identification: it is unique, present in all living individuals, and hard to forge. However, in spite of the great number of approaches found in literature, no agreement exists on the most appropriate methodology. This study aimed at providing a survey of the techniques used so far in ECG-based human identification. Specifically, a pattern recognition perspective is here proposed providing a unifying framework to appreciate previous studies and, hopefully, guide future research. Methods: We searched for papers on the subject from the earliest available date using relevant electronic databases (Medline, IEEEXplore, Scopus, and Web of Knowledge). The following terms were used in different combinations: electrocardiogram, ECG, human identification, biometric, authentication and individual variability. The electronic sources were last searched on 1st March 2015. In our selection we included published research on peer-reviewed journals, books chapters and conferences proceedings. The search was performed for English language documents. Results: 100 pertinent papers were found. Number of subjects involved in the journal studies ranges from 10 to 502, age from 16 to 86, male and female subjects are generally present. Number of analysed leads varies as well as the recording conditions. Identification performance differs widely as well as verification rate. Many studies refer to publicly available databases (Physionet ECG databases repository) while others rely on proprietary recordings making difficult them to compare. As a measure of overall accuracy we computed a weighted average of the identification rate and equal error rate in authentication scenarios. Identification rate resulted equal to 94.95 % while the equal error rate equal to 0.92 %. Conclusions: Biometric recognition is a mature field of research. Nevertheless, the use of physiological signals features, such as the ECG traits, needs further improvements. ECG features have the potential to be used in daily activities such as access control and patient handling as well as in wearable electronics applications. However, some barriers still limit its growth. Further analysis should be addressed on the use of single lead recordings and the study of features which are not dependent on the recording sites (e.g. fingers, hand palms). Moreover, it is expected that new techniques will be developed using fiducials and non-fiducial based features in order to catch the best of both approaches. ECG recognition in pathological subjects is also worth of additional investigations.


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The purpose of this research was to study interfering products in fire debris analysis, including their identification and characterization. Different substrates were classified, burned, extracted and analyzed in order to identify all the interfering products that they may release. It has been shown that these products come from three different sources: substrate background products, pyrolysis products and possibly combustion products. Different parameters in the creation of these products were evaluated such as the extinguishment process as well as the weathering of the sample prior to the analysis. It has been shown that the presence of these products is not always constant and thus, makes it difficult to extrapolate data to similar cases. Furthermore, some of these products are similar to the ones found in ignitable liquids. Finally, it shows one more time how important it is to collect and analyze control samples in fire debris analysis. ^


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Mistaken eyewitness identifications of innocent lead to more false convictions in the United States than any other cause. In response to concerns about the reliability of eyewitness evidence, the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) in 1999 published a Guide for the gathering and preservation of eyewitness evidence by law enforcement personnel. Previous research has shown that eyewitness identifications are more accurate when obtained using procedures recommended in the NIJ Guide. This experiment assessed whether informing jurors about the Guide can improve their ability to discriminate between eyewitness identifications likely to be accurate and those likely to be inaccurate and, if so, how to most effectively provide jurors with such information. ^ Seven hundred sixteen U.S. citizens who reported for criminal jury duty participated. Half of the participant jurors read a summary of an armed robbery trial in which the police followed the NIJ Guide when obtaining an eyewitness identification of the defendant. The other half read about an identical case in which the police did not follow the Guide. Jurors received information about the Guide from a court-appointed expert witness, one of the attorneys in the case, the trial judge, the judge in combination with one of the attorneys, or from no one (in the control groups). Jurors then rendered a verdict in the case and answered questions about the evidence in the case. ^ When an expert witness or the judge (either alone or in combination with one of the attorneys) informed jurors about the Guide, the jurors voted to convict defendants likely to be guilty and to acquit defendants likely to be innocent more often than did uninformed jurors assigned to a control group. These data suggest that informing jurors about the NIJ Guide using expert testimony or instructions from a judge will improve the quality and accuracy of jurors' verdict decisions in cases involving eyewitness identification evidence. However, more research is needed to determine whether the judge will remain an effective source of information about the Guide in a longer, more detailed trial scenario and to learn more about the underlying psychological processes governing the effects observed in this experiment. ^


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The ability of a previously PCB-enriched microbial culture from Venice Lagoon marine sediments to dechlorinate pentachlorophenol (PCP) and 2,3,5-trichlorophenol (2,3,5-TCP) was confirmed under anaerobic conditions in microcosms consisting of site water and sediment. Dechlorination activities against Aroclor 1254 PCB mixture were also confirmed as control. Pentachlorophenol was degraded to 2,4,6-TCP (75.92±0.85 mol%), 3,5-DCP (6.40±0.75 mol%), and phenol (15.40±0.87 mol%). From the distribution of the different dechlorination products accumulated in the PCP-spiked cultures over time, two dechlorination pathways for PCP were proposed: (i) PCP to 2,3,4,6-TeCP, then to 2,4,6-TCP through the removal of both meta double-flanked chlorine substituents (main pathway); (ii) alternately, PCP to 2,3,5,6-TeCP, 2,3,5-TCP, 3,5-DCP, then phenol, through the removal of the para double-flanked chlorine, followed by ortho single-flanked chlorines, and finally meta unflanked chlorines (minor pathway). Removal of meta double-flanked chlorines is thus preferred over all other substituents. 2,3,5-TCP, that completely lacks double-flanked chlorines, was degraded to 3,5-DCP through removal of the ortho single-flanked chlorine, with a 99.6% reduction in initial concentration of 2,3,5-TCP by week 14. 16S rRNA PCR-DGGE using Chloroflexi-specific primers revealed a different role of the two microorganisms VLD-1 and VLD-2, previously identified as dechlorinators in the Aroclor 1254 PCB-enriched community, in the dehalogenation of chlorophenols. VLD-1 was observed both in PCP- and TCP-dechlorinating communities, whereas VLD-2 only in TCP-dechlorinating communities. This indicates that VLD-1 and VLD-2 may both dechlorinate ortho single-flanked chlorines, but only VLD-1 is able to remove double-flanked meta or para chlorines.


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Mineral and chemical composition of alluvial Upper-Pleistocene deposits from the Alto Guadalquivir Basin (SE Spain) were studied as a tool to identify sedimentary and geomorphological processes controlling its formation. Sediments located upstream, in the north-eastern sector of the basin, are rich in dolomite, illite, MgO and KB2BO. Downstream, sediments at the sequence base are enriched in calcite, smectite and CaO, whereas the upper sediments have similar features to those from upstream. Elevated rare-earth elements (REE) values can be related to low carbonate content in the sediments and the increase of silicate material produced and concentrated during soil formation processes in the neighbouring source areas. Two mineralogical and geochemical signatures related to different sediment source areas were identified. Basal levels were deposited during a predominantly erosive initial stage, and are mainly composed of calcite and smectite materials enriched in REE coming from Neogene marls and limestones. Then the deposition of the upper levels of the alluvial sequences, made of dolomite and illitic materials depleted in REE coming from the surrounding Sierra de Cazorla area took place during a less erosive later stage of the fluvial system. Such modification was responsible of the change in the mineralogical and geochemical composition of the alluvial sediments.


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The unrestrained proliferation of cancer cells requires a high level of ribosome biogenesis. The first stage of ribosome biogenesis is the transcription of the large ribosomal RNAs (rRNAs); the structural and functional components of the ribosome. Transcription of rRNA is carried out by RNA Polymerase I (Pol-I) and its associated holoenzyme complex. Here we report that BRCA1, a nuclear phosphoprotein, and a known tumour suppressor involved in variety of cellular processes such as DNA damage response, transcriptional regulation, cell cycle control and ubiquitylation, is associated with rDNA repeats, in particular with the regulatory regions of the rRNA gene. We demonstrate that BRCA1 interacts directly with the basal Pol-I transcription factors; upstream binding factor (UBF), selectivity factor-1 (SL1) as well as interacting with RNA Pol-I itself. We show that in response to DNA damage, BRCA1 occupancy at the rDNA repeat is decreased and the observed BRCA1 interactions with the Pol-I transcription machinery are weakened. We propose, therefore, that there is a rDNA associated fraction of BRCA1 involved in DNA damage dependent regulation of Pol-I transcription, regulating the stability and formation of the Pol-I holoenzyme during initiation and/or elongation in response to DNA damage.


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LOPES, Jose Soares Batista et al. Application of multivariable control using artificial neural networks in a debutanizer distillation column.In: INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING - COBEM, 19, 5-9 nov. 2007, Brasilia. Anais... Brasilia, 2007


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One of the most important theories in the study of environmental governance and policy is the pathology of command and control, which describes the negative consequences of top-down, technocratic governance of social and ecological systems. However, to date, this theory has been expressed somewhat inconsistently and informally in the literature, even by the seminal works that have established its importance and popularized it. This presents a problem for the sustainability science community if it cannot be sure of the precise details of one of its most important theories. Without such precision, applications and tests of various elements of the theory cannot be conducted reliably to advance the knowledge of environmental governance. I address this problem by synthesizing several seminal works to formalize this theory. The formalization involves the identification of the individual elements of the theory and a diagrammatic description of their relationships with each other that unfold in a series of semi-independent causal paths. Ideally, with such a formalization, scholars can use this theory more reliably and more meaningfully in their future work. I conclude by discussing the implications this theory has for the governance of natural resources.


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Since Altmann recognized ubiquitously distributed "bioblasts" in 1890, understanding of mitochondria has evolved from "elementary organisms" living inside cells and carrying out vital functions, over the Harman's "free radical theory" in 1956, to one of the driving forces of aging and cause of multiple associated diseases impacting society today. While a tremendous amount of work has contributed to the understanding of mitochondrial biology in different model organisms, the precise molecular mechanisms of basic mitochondrial function have yet to be deciphered. By employing an RNA interference mediated screen in Caenorhabditis elegans, we identified two transcription factors: SPTF-3, a member of Sp1 family, and an uncharacterized, nematode specific W04D2.4. We propose that both proteins modulate expression of many genes with regard to mitochondrial function including mitochondrial single-stranded binding protein encoded by mtss-1, whose promoter was used as transcriptional reporter in the screen. Further, RNA sequencing data indicate that W04D2.4 indirectly regulates expression of mitochondrial DNA via control of genes functionally related to mitochondrial replication and translation machineries. We also demonstrate that from all interventions targeting cytosolic translation, MTSS-1 levels are elevated only upon knockdown of genes encoding cytosolic ribosomal proteins. Reduction of ribosomes leads to increased sptf-3 translation, most likely in an internal ribosome entry side (IRES) mediated manner, eventually inducing mtss-1 expression. Moreover, we identify a novel role for SPTF-3 in the regulation of mitochondrial unfolded stress response (UPRmt) activation, but not endoplasmatic reticulum or oxidative stress responses. Taken together, this study identifies two transcription factors previously not associated with mitochondrial biogenesis and UPRmt in C. elegans, establishing a basis for further investigation of mito-nuclear interactions.


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LOPES, Jose Soares Batista et al. Application of multivariable control using artificial neural networks in a debutanizer distillation column.In: INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING - COBEM, 19, 5-9 nov. 2007, Brasilia. Anais... Brasilia, 2007


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Esta investigación parte de las diferentes iniciativas que se presentan en el escenario nacional e internacional en torno a la intención por consolidar y mejorar la función de control social a la gestión pública que ejercen por mandato constitucional las veedurías ciudadanas, a partir de referentes que orienten la labor de sus integrantes, en el caso concreto del municipio de Envigado dadas sus características y la cultura de participación ciudadana que ha implementado. En ese sentido, se indaga acerca de ¿Cómo fortalecer el control social, a través del mejoramiento en la función de seguimiento a la gestión pública que desarrollan las veedurías ciudadanas en el municipio de Envigado? En este trabajo se propone un modelo para el fortalecimiento del control social a la gestión pública que ejercen las veedurías ciudadanas, como herramienta de consulta para el desarrollo de actividades de seguimiento real y efectivo a las diferentes actuaciones que enmarcan la gestión pública; desde la formulación misma de la Política de Participación Ciudadana y su nuevo marco normativo en Colombia, el análisis e identificación de otras publicaciones que buscan facilitar la labor del veedor ciudadano con guías, instructivos, entre otros; así como un análisis de los principales obstáculos que se presentan en su función, conforme algunos referentes de investigaciones al respecto.


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Seafood products fraud, the misrepresentation of them, have been discovered all around the world in different forms as false labeling, species substitution, short-weighting or over glazing in order to hide the correct identity, origin or weight of the seafood products. Due to the value of seafood products such as canned tuna, swordfish or grouper, these species are the subject of the commercial fraud is mainly there placement of valuable species with other little or no value species. A similar situation occurs with the shelled shrimp or shellfish that are reduced into pieces for the commercialization. Food fraud by species substitution is an emerging risk given the increasingly global food supply chain and the potential food safety issues. Economic food fraud is committed when food is deliberately placed on the market, for financial gain deceiving consumers (Woolfe, M. & Primrose, S. 2004). As a result of the increased demand and the globalization of the seafood supply, more fish species are encountered in the market. In this scenary, it becomes essential to unequivocally identify the species. The traditional taxonomy, based primarily on identification keys of species, has shown a number of limitations in the use of the distinctive features in many animal taxa, amplified when fish, crustacean or shellfish are commercially transformed. Many fish species show a similar texture, thus the certification of fish products is particularly important when fishes have undergone procedures which affect the overall anatomical structure, such as heading, slicing or filleting (Marko et al., 2004). The absence of morphological traits, a main characteristic usually used to identify animal species, represents a challenge and molecular identification methods are required. Among them, DNA-based methods are more frequently employed for food authentication (Lockley & Bardsley, 2000). In addition to food authentication and traceability, studies of taxonomy, population and conservation genetics as well as analysis of dietary habits and prey selection, also rely on genetic analyses including the DNA barcoding technology (Arroyave & Stiassny, 2014; Galimberti et al., 2013; Mafra, Ferreira, & Oliveira, 2008; Nicolé et al., 2012; Rasmussen & Morrissey, 2008), consisting in PCR amplification and sequencing of a COI mitochondrial gene specific region. The system proposed by P. Hebert et al. (2003) locates inside the mitochondrial COI gene (cytochrome oxidase subunit I) the bioidentification system useful in taxonomic identification of species (Lo Brutto et al., 2007). The COI region, used for genetic identification - DNA barcode - is short enough to allow, with the current technology, to decode sequence (the pairs of nucleotide bases) in a single step. Despite, this region only represents a tiny fraction of the mitochondrial DNA content in each cell, the COI region has sufficient variability to distinguish the majority of species among them (Biondo et al. 2016). This technique has been already employed to address the demand of assessing the actual identity and/or provenance of marketed products, as well as to unmask mislabelling and fraudulent substitutions, difficult to detect especially in manufactured seafood (Barbuto et al., 2010; Galimberti et al., 2013; Filonzi, Chiesa, Vaghi, & Nonnis Marzano, 2010). Nowadays,the research concerns the use of genetic markers to identify not only the species and/or varieties of fish, but also to identify molecular characters able to trace the origin and to provide an effective control tool forproducers and consumers as a supply chain in agreementwith local regulations.


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This is a project of the School of Library, Documentation and Information of the National University, is performed to support the initiative of UNESCO to build the Memory of the World (UNESCO, 1995) and to help provide universal access to documentation. To this end, the School of Library Science students has promoted the realization of final graduation work on documentary control of domestic production. This project has the following objectives:Objectives1. Conduct mapping national documentary through the identification, analysis, organization and access to documentary heritage of Costa Rica, to contribute to the Memory of the World.2. Perform bibliometric analysis of documentary records contained in the integrated databases.This project seeks to bring undergraduate students graduating from the school, in making final graduation work on document control. Students have the opportunity to make final graduation work on the documentary production of Costa Rica on a specific theme or on a country's geographical area.Desk audits aimed at identifying the document using access points and indicate its contents to allow recovery by the user.The result is the production of a new document, other than the original, a secondary document: the bibliography. The records in the database each control documentation completed work will be integrated into a single database to be placed on the website of EBDI, for consultation of researchers and interested users.


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Background: Gene expression studies are a prerequisite for understanding the biological function of genes. Because of its high sensitivity and easy use, quantitative PCR (qPCR) has become the gold standard for gene expression quantification. To normalise qPCR measurements between samples, the most prominent technique is the use of stably expressed endogenous control genes, the so called reference genes. However, recent studies show there is no universal reference gene for all biological questions. Roses are important ornamental plants for which there has been no evaluation of useful reference genes for gene expression studies. Results: We used three different algorithms (BestKeeper, geNorm and NormFinder) to validate the expression stability of nine candidate reference genes in different rose tissues from three different genotypes of Rosa hybrida and in leaves treated with various stress factors. The candidate genes comprised the classical "housekeeping genes" (Actin, EF-1α, GAPDH, Tubulin and Ubiquitin), and genes showing stable expression in studies in Arabidopsis (PP2A, SAND, TIP and UBC). The programs identified no single gene that showed stable expression under all of the conditions tested, and the individual rankings of the genes differed between the algorithms. Nevertheless the new candidate genes, specifically, PP2A and UBC, were ranked higher as compared to the other traditional reference genes. In general, Tubulin showed the most variable expression and should be avoided as a reference gene. Conclusions: Reference genes evaluated as suitable in experiments with Arabidopsis thaliana were stably expressed in roses under various experimental conditions. In most cases, these genes outperformed conventional reference genes, such as EF1-α and Tubulin. We identified PP2A, SAND and UBC as suitable reference genes, which in different combinations may be used for normalisation in expression analyses via qPCR for different rose tissues and stress treatments. However, the vast genetic variation found within the genus Rosa, including differences in ploidy levels, might also influence expression stability of reference genes, so that future research should also consider different genotypes and ploidy levels.