718 resultados para Constructivist grounded theory


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The direction of care delivery goes from the action to the being; a process built from professional experience, which gains special characteristics when the service is delivered by telephone. The goal of this research was to understand the interaction between professionals and users in a remote care service; to do so, a research is presented, using Grounded Theory and Symbolic Interactionism as theoretical references. Data were collected through eight interviews with professionals who deliver care by telephone. The theoretical understanding permitted the creation of the theoretical model of the Imaginative Construction of Care, which shows the interaction processes the professional experiences when delivering care by telephone. In this model, individual and social facts are added, showing the link between the concepts, with special emphasis on uncertainty, sensitivity and professional responsibility, as essential components of this experience.


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Multinationals from emerging countries such as Brazil now take the path of internationalisation where early movers have already been. However, these companies have to develop new tools to deal with their own challenges, since they come from countries with different historical backgrounds and specificities. This paper explores challenges for Brazilian MNCs in terms of HRM when operating abroad. It presents the results of six cases of Brazilian MNCs through a grounded theory study. Results show these companies had to deal with their former economic turbulence, shortage of qualified workforce to work internationally and the need to develop HRM competencies to operate globally.


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No conhecimento em Administração, não é simples encontrar a discussão sobre como sistematizar uma pesquisa acadêmica para a criação de métodos de gestão (frameworks). Como planejar uma pesquisa exploratória, qualitativa e interdisciplinar, para a geração de métodos de planejamento e gestão, é o foco neste trabalho. A pesquisa bibliográfica (desk research), a análise documental, a grounded theory e o estudo de caso são métodos de pesquisa que podem ser utilizados nos trabalhos que produzem sequências de etapas gerenciais, apesar da importância de muitos outros na pesquisa qualitativa. A contribuição empírica deste trabalho começa com a apresentação de diferentes métodos de gestão, aprovados recentemente em journals e conferências acadêmicas, e que foram construídos sob um método (processo) comum de pensamento. Na sequência, além da discussão de como estruturar uma pesquisa científica para a geração de métodos gerenciais, apresentam-se os processos para publicação (e reconhecimento) dessa linha de trabalho.


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OBJECTIVE: To portray the family experience when the discovery of hearing impairment in their child. METHODS: Qualitative research with Symbolic Interactionism and Grounded Theory as theoretical and methodological frameworks. Data collection instrument: semi-structured interview. The study included nine families (32 participants). RESULTS: The theme, "Seeing an idealized future collapse", shows that for the family, discovered the possibility of having a child with hearing loss is a moment that involves many negative feelings. CONCLUSION: Discover the hearing loss has a meaning of the expected loss of the perfect child, frustrated expectations and uncertain future. The family has been inadequately approached and the diagnosis has been made late, which requires immediate changes to the practices of professionals.


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„Wie eine andere Welt“ – Eine Grounded Theory-Studie zur Frage der Teilhabe von Eltern an schulischer Kommunikation am Beispiel von RealschülerInnen Autorin: Sabine Rech Die Arbeit geht explizit auf das Verhältnis von Familie und Schule ein, wobei dieses Verhältnis nicht traditionellerweise unter dem Aspekt des Einflusses von Eltern auf die Schule bzw. der Einflussmöglichkeiten und der Zusammenarbeit von Eltern und Schule thematisiert wird, sondern inwiefern Eltern an schulischer Kommunikation teilhaben. Dies schließt unausweichlich die Frage ein, inwiefern das Thema Schule in der familialen Kommunikation aufkommt bzw. ob und welche Irritationen dadurch entstehen. Die Arbeit verfolgt dabei theoretisch einen systemtheoretischen Ansatz, mit dem die Systeme Familie und Schule eingeordnet werden. Methodisch wird mit der Grounded Theory eine eigene Studie an RealschülerInnen und ihren Eltern zur Forschung herangezogen. Nach dem Referat des Forschungsstandes und der theoretischen Rahmung wird die konkrete empirische Studie an zwei Fragen zu entfalten: „Wie gestaltet sich der Lebensalltag im Elternhaus unter dem Einfluss einer komplexen Teilhabe an schulbezogener Kommunikation“ und „Auf welche Weise erfolgt die Inklusion der Kommunikation des formal organisierten Schullebens in den emotional ausgestatteten Familienalltag und damit die Teilhabe der Eltern an der im Elternhaus geführten schulbezogenen Kommunikation?“. Diese Fragen werden in einen empirischen Rahmen gefasst und durch die Auswertung des Datenmaterials der Untersuchungsgruppe (16 RealschülerInnen der achten Klasse und 6 Elternteile) ausgewertet. Die Ergebnisse dieser Analyse, die an dieser Stelle nicht in ihrer Differenziert dargestellt werden können, zeigen als wesentlichen Ertrag das Bild von der Schule als „andere Welt“ für Eltern der RealschülerInnen. Dies lässt sich empirisch durch die Analyse der Kommunikation in der Familie belegen. Die Analyse des Datenmaterials der SchülerInnen weist hingegen darauf hin, dass Jugendliche die Schule nicht als etwas Fremdes und Distanziertes erleben, sondern hier eine Bereicherung ihrer eigenen Lebenswelt definieren.


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Zusammenfassung Die Integration verhaltensauffälliger Schülerinnen und Schüler stellt besondere Herausforderungen an die Kompetenz von Lehrerinnen und Lehrern. Zum einen wirkt sich die spezielle Problematik dieser Schülergruppe auf die Beziehungsgestaltung mit Peers und Lehrpersonen aus, zum anderen werden auch spezifische methodische Änderungen im Unterrichts- und Lerngeschehen notwendig, um den Anforderungen, die auffällige Schüler an die Unterrichtsgestaltung stellen, gerecht zu werden. Dabei ist die Gruppe der auffälligen Schülerinnen und Schüler selbst sehr heterogen. Vor dem Hintergrund einer systemisch-konstruktivistischen Sichtweise von Auffälligkeit nähert sich diese Arbeit der Themenstellung der Integration verhaltensauffälliger Schülerinnen und Schüler und legt dar, dass hier vor allem das Passungsverhältnis zwischen (auffälligem) Individuum und sämtlichen Systemen seiner Umwelt in eine Schieflage geraten ist. Auf dieser Basis wurde nach erfolgreichen Modellen der Integration verhaltensauffälliger Schülerinnen und Schüler gesucht, wobei dem immer wiederkehrenden Verweis auf den hilfreichen Beitrag der Freinet-Pädagogik hierbei mit einer eigenen empirischen Studie nachgegangen wurde. An zwei Freinet-Schulen in Deutschland wurde mit Hilfe von teilnehmender Beobachtung, Interviews und Gruppendiskussion die Lehrersichtweise fördernder und hemmender Bedingungen des Integrationsgeschehens erhoben und analysiert. Dabei trat vor allem eine spezifische Haltung der Freinet-Lehrerinnen und Lehrer gegenüber den in der Literatur immer wieder als besonders schwierig dargestellten auffälligen Schülerinnen und Schülern zutage. Diese Einstellung besteht vor allem in der kompetenzorientierten Sicht der auffälligen Schülerinnen und Schüler, die ihre Stärken unterstützt. Auf dieser Basis wird durch viele pädagogische, beraterische und therapeutische Angebote bei den Prozessen, die noch nicht gelingen, angesetzt. Diese Haltung, die sich auch in entsprechenden Rahmenbedingungen ausdrückt (z.B. in Gremien, die die Partizipation der Kinder gewährleisten, oder in auf das Individuum abgestimmten Arbeitstechniken), wurde zusammen mit den Rahmenbedingungen als „Kernkategorie“ Schulkultur im Sinne der Grounded Theory gefasst. Indem die Lehrerinnen und Lehrer an beiden Schulen zuerst die besonderen Begabungen aller ihrer Schülerinnen und Schüler sahen und die auffälligen nicht als spezielle Gruppe heraushoben (die zudem nicht als immer störend oder „schwierig“ klassifiziert wurden), trugen sie nicht nur entscheidend zur gelingenden Integration dieser konkreten Schülerinnen und Schüler bei, sondern stellen auch ein Beispiel für die Erweiterung der pädagogischen Professionalität von Lehrern dar. Die anfängliche enge Fragestellung auf das Integrationsgeschehen von auffälligen Schülerinnen und Schülern konnte durch den Bezug zur Schulkultur und zum schulkulturellen Passungsverhältnis der Schüler erweitert werden. Die vorliegende Arbeit gibt so nicht nur Aufschluss über die Integrationspraxis an Freinet-Schulen, sondern auch über die verschiedenen Dimensionen ihrer jeweiligen Schulkultur.


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Innerhalb der vorliegenden Untersuchung geht es um die Verknüpfung von Medienbildung, homosexueller Sozialität und der Methodik der Biografieanalyse. Ausgangsbasis ist eine sozialkonstruktivistische Sichtweise auf Geschlecht und (Homo-) Sexualität, wobei eine sozio-historische Kontextualisierung von Homosexualität unter Berücksichtigung von Diskriminierung erfolgt. Im Fokus steht der Coming-out-Prozess, der zwischen Zeigen und Verstecken changiert und mittels des Mediums Internet einen Raum findet, indem neue Bestimmungen homosexueller Identitäten und Formen homosexueller Sozialität möglich werden. Kommunikative Aspekte des Internets werden ausführlich expliziert und durch die strukturelle Medienbildungstheorie nach Marotzki (2009) ergänzt, um mögliche verbundene Bildungsprozesse zu beschreiben. Innerhalb dieser Theorie werden vier kritische Reflexionshorizonte (Wissensbezug, Handlungsbezug, Grenzbezug, Biografiebezug) entfaltet und auf die Artikulations- und Präsentationsmöglichkeiten des Internets bezogen. Deutlich wird, dass das Internet Spielräume für Identitäten bietet, denen Potenziale für reale Identitätskonstruktionen inneliegen. Fassbar werden diese Potenziale durch das medienpädagogische Konstrukt der Medienbiografie, sowie Konzepte der erziehungswissenschaftlichen Biografieforschung (Konstrukt Bildung nach Marotzki, 1990a; Konstrukt Sexualbiografie nach Scheuermann, 1999; 1995). Empirisch orientiert sich die Studie an Methodologie und Methodik der Biografieforschung, Grounded Theory (Glaser/Strauss, 1967) und dem narrationsstrukturellen Verfahren nach Schütze (1984, 1983). Konkret wird auf folgende Forschungsfragen referiert: Wie gestalten sich Lern- und Bildungsprozesse für männliche Homosexuelle in digitalen Medienwelten? Welche Möglichkeiten und Gestaltungschancen gibt es für die Repräsentation des (sexuellen) Selbst im Medium Internet? Welche Auswirkungen haben diese virtuellen Prozesse auf die real gelebte Biografie und das Selbst- und Weltverhältnis der einzelnen Homosexuellen? Durch Rekonstruktion von vier Fallbeispielen werden Möglichkeiten des Internets für die Repräsentation und Identitätsgestaltung von männlichen Homosexuellen präsentiert, bei denen die Gestaltbarkeit von Konstruktionen sexueller Identität und die Problematik der Subjekt-Umwelt-Relation deutlich werden. Im weiteren erfolgt ein kontrastierender Vergleich der Einzelfälle (Dimensionen: Familie, Peer Group, sexualbiografische Entwicklung, Medienbildungsprozesse, biografische Fallstruktur), die einer anschließenden Konstruktion von vier idealtypischen Prozessvarianten der sexualbiografischen Identitätsentwicklung zugeführt werden. Vier verschiedene Möglichkeiten des Internets als Präsentationstraum der eigenen Sexualität und Konstruktionen homosexueller Identität lassen sich somit skizzieren (Virtualitätslagerung, Zweckorientierung, reflexive Balancierung, periodische Selbstaktualisierung). Tentative Bildungs- und Identitätsprozesse sind also in der Virtualität des Internets möglich und können rekursiv-zirkulär auf reale Identitätsentwicklungen und reale Zugänge zu spezifischen sozialen Gruppen einwirken.


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La tesi tematizza come proprio oggetto di indagine i percorsi di partecipazione politica e civica dei giovani nei contesti di transizione alla vita adulta, concentrandosi sull’influenza delle relazioni tra generazioni su tali espressioni di coinvolgimento. L’approfondimento empirico consiste in una ricerca qualitativa condotta presso il quartiere Navile di Bologna nel 2012. Basandosi sull’approccio metodologico della grounded theory, essa ha coinvolto un campione di giovani e un campione di adulti per loro significativi attraverso interviste semistrutturate. Dall’analisi emerge una rilevante disaffezione giovanile nei confronti della politica che, tuttavia, non traduce in un rifiuto del coinvolgimento, ma in una “partecipazione con riserva” espressa attraverso atteggiamenti tutt’altro che passivi nei confronti della politica formale - basati sulla logica della riforma, della resistenza o della ribellione - e mediante un forte investimento in attività partecipative non convenzionali (associazionismo e coinvolgimento). A fare da sfondo all’interesse partecipativo dei giovani si colloca una lettura negativa della propria condizione presente ed un conseguente conflitto intergenerazionale piuttosto manifesto, che si riflette sulle stesse modalità di attivazione. La politica, nelle sue espressioni più strettamente formali, viene interpretata come un ‘territorio adulto’, gestito secondo logiche che lasciano poco spazio ai giovani i quali, per tale ragione, scelgono di attivarsi secondo modalità alternative in cui il confronto con l’altro, quando presente, avviene prevalentemente tra pari o su basi avvertite come più paritarie. Il distanziamento dei giovani dalla politica formale riflette quindi una parallela presa di distanza dagli adulti, i quali risultano smarriti nello svolgimento delle loro funzioni di modello e di riconoscimento. La loro ambivalenza rispetto ai giovani - ossia il continuo oscillare tra il profondo pessimismo e il cieco ottimismo, tra la guida direttiva e la deresponsabilizzazione - si traduce in un riconoscimento parziale delle reali potenzialità ed esigenze dei giovani come cittadini ed adulti emergenti.


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This study examined the meaning-making and psychosocial processes of five female legacy students at Bucknell University, each of whom having had at least one parent graduate from the institution. With a research philosophy, design, and methodology rooted in qualitative inquiry and phenomenology, inductive data analysis led to three primary categories that underscored legacy identity development. The first, Paradox of Influence and Identity, revealed through six themes nuanced experiences of separation-individuation. Second, Teaching and Learning, comprised of five themes, illuminated the impact of family — and of Bucknell parent alumni in particular — on their children’s internal working models. Lastly, Bucknell — the Environmental Contextand the five themes grouped therein highlighted the contributions of University community members, and of the campus culture and climate itself, to the co-construction of psychosocial formation. A tentative outline of grounded theory was offered, which explored categorical relationships; Paradox of Influence and Identity emerged as thedominant phenomenon, informing and being reinforced by the data of Teaching and Learning and Bucknell — the Environmental Context. Provisional intervention strategies for student affairs practice, in the contexts of academics, residential life, and career development, were discussed. Further, triangulated research is needed to substantiate and evolve the findings and theoretical model of this thesis.


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A major deficiency in disaster management plans is the assumption that pre-disaster civil-society does not have the capacity to respond effectively during crises. Following from this assumption a dominant emergency management strategy is to replace weak civil-society organizations with specialized disaster organizations that are often either military or Para-military and seek to centralize decision-making. Many criticisms have been made of this approach, but few specifically addresses disasters in the developing world. Disasters in the developing world present unique problems not seen in the developed world because they often occur in the context of compromised governments, and marginalized populations. In this context it is often community members themselves who possess the greatest capacity to respond to disasters. This paper focuses on the capacity of community groups to respond to disaster in a small town in rural Guatemala. Key informant interviews and ethnographic observations are used to reconstruct the community response to the disaster instigated by Hurricane Stan (2005) in the municipality of Tectitán in the Huehuetenango department. The interviews were analyzed using techniques adapted from grounded theory to construct a narrative of the events, and identify themes in the community’s disaster behavior. These themes are used to critique the emergency management plans advocated by the Guatemalan National Coordination for the Reduction of Disasters (CONRED). This paper argues that CONRED uncritically adopts emergency management strategies that do not account for the local realities in communities throughout Guatemala. The response in Tectitán was characterized by the formation of new organizations, whose actions and leadership structure were derived from “normal” or routine life. It was found that pre-existing social networks were resilient and easily re-oriented meet the novel needs of a crisis. New or emergent groups that formed during the disaster utilized social capital accrued by routine collective behavior, and employed organizational strategies derived from “normal” community relations. Based on the effectiveness of this response CONRED could improve its emergency planning on the local-level by utilizing the pre-existing community organizations rather than insisting that new disaster-specific organizations be formed.


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The fields of Rhetoric and Communication usually assume a competent speaker who is able to speak well with conscious intent; however, what happens when intent and comprehension are intact but communicative facilities are impaired (e.g., by stroke or traumatic brain injury)? What might a focus on communicative success be able to tell us in those instances? This project considers this question in examining communication disorders through identifying and analyzing patterns of (dis) fluent speech between 10 aphasic and 10 non-aphasic adults. The analysis in this report is centered on a collection of data provided by the Aphasia Bank database. The database’s collection protocol guides aphasic and non-aphasic participants through a series of language assessments, and for my re-analysis of the database’s transcripts I consider communicative success is and how it is demonstrated during a re-telling of the Cinderella narrative. I conducted a thorough examination of a set of participant transcripts to understand the contexts in which speech errors occur, and how (dis) fluencies may follow from aphasic and non-aphasic participant’s speech patterns. An inductive mixed-methods approach, informed by grounded theory, qualitative, and linguistic analyses of the transcripts functioned as a means to balance the classification of data, providing a foundation for all sampling decisions. A close examination of the transcripts and the codes of the Aphasia Bank database suggest that while the coding is abundant and detailed, that further levels of coding and analysis may be needed to reveal underlying similarities and differences in aphasic vs. non-aphasic linguistic behavior. Through four successive levels of increasingly detailed analysis, I found that patterns of repair by aphasics and non-aphasics differed primarily in degree rather than kind. This finding may have therapeutic impact, in reassuring aphasics that they are on the right track to achieving communicative fluency.


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OBJECTIVE: Many patients use the Internet to obtain health-related information. It is assumed that health-related Internet information (HRII) will change the consultation practice of physicians. This article explores the strategies, benefits and difficulties from the patients' and physicians' perspective. METHODS: Semi-structured interviews were conducted independently with 32 patients and 20 physicians. Data collection, processing and analysis followed the core principles of Grounded Theory. RESULTS: Patients experienced difficulties in the interpretation of the personal relevance and the meaning of HRII. Therefore they relied on their physicians' interpretation and contextualisation of this information. Discussing patients' concerns and answering patients' questions were important elements of successful consultations with Internet-informed patients to achieve clarity, orientation and certainty. Discussing HRII with patients was appreciated by most of the physicians but misleading interpretations by patients and contrary views compared to physicians caused conflicts during consultations. CONCLUSION: HRII is a valuable source of knowledge for an increasing number of patients. Patients use the consultation to increase their understanding of health and illness. Determinants such as a patient-centred consultation and timely resources are decisive for a successful, empowering consultation with Internet-informed patients. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: If HRII is routinely integrated in the anamnestic interview as a new source of knowledge, the Internet can be used as a link between physicians' expertise and patient knowledge. The critical appraisal of HRII during the consultation is becoming a new field of work for physicians.


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Improved pregnancy rates in IVF have led to increasing numbers of surplus embryos which can potentially be used for purposes like donation to another infertile couple or further research. Individuals report high levels of ambivalence concerning the donation of surplus embryos. This study examined which strategies infertile patients use to deal with this ambivalence when asked to evaluate potential dispositions of surplus embryos created during IVF. Guideline-based interviews with fertility patients were audio-recorded and transcribed verbatim. Following the principle of theoretical sampling, eight interviews were analysed by use of Grounded Theory. Analyses focused on processes of individual attitude formation. Strategies for handling ambivalence during attitude formation were identified: the six strategies comprise cognitive and communicative strategies, and were integrated into a model of attitude formation under ambivalence. As ambivalence is a relevant phenomenon in attitude formation within IVF treatment, assessment of ambivalence is strongly recommended in social science studies investigating ethical problems in patient care. In the context of informed consent, there is a need for individual counselling which draws attention to the conflicting values during attitude formation. Counsellors should be aware of the signs of and the strategies to deal with ambivalence.


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The article introduces the E-learning Circle, a tool developed to assure the quality of the software design process of e-learning systems, considering pedagogical principles as well as technology. The E-learning Circle consists of a number of concentric circles which are divided into three sectors. The content of the inner circles is based on pedagogical principles, while the outer circle specifies how the pedagogical principles may be implemented with technology. The circle’s centre is dedicated to the subject taught, ensuring focus on the specific subject’s properties. The three sectors represent the student, the teacher and the learning objectives. The strengths of the E-learning Circle are the compact presentation combined with the overview it provides, as well as the usefulness of a design tool dealing with complexity, providing a common language and embedding best practice. The E-learning Circle is not a prescriptive method, but is useful in several design models and processes. The article presents two projects where the E-learning Circle was used as a design tool.


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Maintaining a loyal customer base is challenging for “Deal of the Day” (DoD) platforms. DoD providers market and sell deals on products and services, yet it is the merchants who ultimately deliver those to consumers. Low entry and switching costs drive competition in this market. However, research on the determinants of user loyalty in the DoD context is limited. This study uses Grounded Theory and Structural Equation Modeling to explore the phenomenon of DoD platform loyalty. Particularly, monetary benefits, signal-to-noise ratio, perceived risk, and service friendliness during a merchant encounter emerge as powerful determinants of loyalty in this novel context.