953 resultados para Complications of pregnancy
BACKGROUND: In rats, oral oleoyl-estrone (OE) decreases food intake and body lipid content. The aim of this study was to determine whether OE treatment affects the energy metabolism of pregnant rats and eventually, of their pups; i.e. changes in normal growth patterns and the onset of obesity after weaning. METHODS: Pregnant Wistar rats were treated with daily intragastric gavages of OE in 0.2 ml sunflower oil from days 11 to 21 of pregnancy (i.e. 10 nmol oleoyl-estrone/g/day). Control animals received only the vehicle. Plasma and hormone metabolites were determined together with variations in cellularity of adipose tissue. RESULTS: Treatment decreased food intake and lowered weight gain during late pregnancy, mainly because of reduced adipose tissue accumulation in different sites. OE-treated pregnant rats' metabolic pattern after delivery was similar to that of controls. Neonates from OE-treated rats weighed the same as those from controls. They also maintained the same growth rate up to weaning, but pups from OE-treated rats slowed their growth rate afterwards, despite only limited differences in metabolite concentrations. CONCLUSION: The OE influences on pup growth can be partially buffered by maternal lipid mobilization during the second half of pregnancy. This maternal metabolic "imprinting" may condition the eventual accumulation of adipose tissue after weaning, and its effects can affect the regulation of body weight up to adulthood.
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: It is accepted that a woman's lifetime risk of developing breast cancer after menopause is reduced by early full term pregnancy and multiparity. This phenomenon is thought to be associated with the development and differentiation of the breast during pregnancy. METHODS: In order to understand the underlying molecular mechanisms of pregnancy induced breast cancer protection, we profiled and compared the transcriptomes of normal breast tissue biopsies from 71 parous (P) and 42 nulliparous (NP) healthy postmenopausal women using Affymetrix Human Genome U133 Plus 2.0 arrays. To validate the results, we performed real time PCR and immunohistochemistry. RESULTS: We identified 305 differentially expressed probesets (208 distinct genes). Of these, 267 probesets were up- and 38 down-regulated in parous breast samples; bioinformatics analysis using gene ontology enrichment revealed that up-regulated genes in the parous breast represented biological processes involving differentiation and development, anchoring of epithelial cells to the basement membrane, hemidesmosome and cell-substrate junction assembly, mRNA and RNA metabolic processes and RNA splicing machinery. The down-regulated genes represented biological processes that comprised cell proliferation, regulation of IGF-like growth factor receptor signaling, somatic stem cell maintenance, muscle cell differentiation and apoptosis. CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests that the differentiation of the breast imprints a genomic signature that is centered in the mRNA processing reactome. These findings indicate that pregnancy may induce a safeguard mechanism at post-transcriptional level that maintains the fidelity of the transcriptional process.
BACKGROUND: The preservation of globe integrity has always been a major concern during the treatment of retinoblastoma for fear of extraocular or metastatic spread. Intravitreal chemotherapy has been attempted as a desperate salvage therapy only for eyes with refractory retinoblastoma. Published data on the safety and efficacy of this route are, however, limited. METHODS: A modified technique of intravitreal injection in eyes with retinoblastoma is described. All children with retinoblastoma who received one or more intravitreal injections using this technique were retrospectively reviewed concerning ocular complications of the injection procedure as well as clinical or histopathological evidence of tumour spread. RESULTS: 30 eyes of 30 children with retinoblastoma received a total of 135 intravitreal injections, with a median follw-up duration of 13.5 months. No extraocular spread was seen on clinical follow-up in any patients and there was no tumour contamination of the retrieved entry sites histopathologically analysed among the five enucleated eyes. No significant ocular side effects were observed except transient localised vitreous haemorrhage (3/135). CONCLUSION: This technique is potentially safe and effective at a low cost and may play a promising role, especially in the treatment of recurrent and/or resistant vitreous disease in retinoblastoma, as an alternative to enucleation and/or external beam radiotherapy. However, this treatment should not replace the primary standard of care of retinoblastoma and should not be considered in group E eyes. Its application should be approved by an ophthalmological-oncological team and it should be performed by an experienced eye surgeon in a tertiary referral centre after careful selection of a tumour-free injection site.
Early complications of myocutaneous flap transfers following surgical eradication of head and neck tumors have been extensively described. However, knowledge concerning long-term complications of these techniques remains limited. We report the cases of two patients with a prior history of squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (HNSCC), who developed a second primary SCC on the cutaneous surface of their flaps, years after reconstruction. Interestingly, it seems that the well-known risk of a second primary SCC in patients with previous head and neck carcinoma also applies to foreign tissues implanted within the area at risk. Given the important expansion of these interventions, this type of complication may become more frequent in the future. Therefore, long-term follow-up of patients previously treated for HNSCC not only requires careful evaluation of the normal mucosa of the upper aero-digestive tract, but also of the cutaneous surface of the flap used for reconstruction.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the pertinence of prenatal diagnosis in cases of congenital uropathy. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective evaluation over a period of 6.5 years. METHOD: 93 cases were involved in the comparison of prenatal ultrasonographic diagnosis with neonatal findings, autopsy results, and follow-up data. RESULTS: 33 fetuses had renal parenchymal lesions, 44 had excretory system lesions, and 6 had bladder and/or urethral lesions. Seventy-three pregnancies lead to live births. Eighteen terminations of pregnancy were performed on the parents' request for extremely severe malformations. Two intrauterine deaths were observed, and two infants died in the postnatal period. Prenatal diagnosis was obtained at an average of 27 weeks gestation. Diagnostic concordance was excellent in 82% and partial in 12% of cases with renal parenchymal lesions; the false-positive rate was 6%. For excretory system lesions, concordance was excellent in 87% and partial in 7.4% of cases, with a false-positive rate of 5.6%. Finally, concordance was excellent in 100% of cases of bladder and/or urethral lesions. The overall rate of total concordance was 86%. Partial concordance cases consisted of malformations different from those previously diagnosed, but prenatal diagnosis nevertheless lead to further investigations in the neonatal period and to proper management. The false-positive diagnoses (5.4%) never lead to termination of pregnancy. CONCLUSION: Prenatal diagnosis of congenital uropathy is effective. A third-trimester ultrasonographic examination is necessary to ensure proper neonatal management, considering that the majority of cases are diagnosed at this gestational age.
INTRODUCTION: Panarteritis nodosa (PAN) is a systemic vasculitis affecting small and medium-sized arteries. Neuro-ophthalmological complications of PAN are rare but numerous, and may affect the eye, the visual and the oculomotor pathways. Such complications occur mainly in patients previously diagnosed with PAN. OBSERVATION: A 51-year-old woman presented with an isolated right trochlear (IV) palsy, in the setting of headaches and fluctuating fever of unknown etiology. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate was 13 mm and full blood cell count was normal. Previous chest X-ray and blood studies were negative for an infection or inflammation. Orbital and cerebral CT scan was normal. Spontaneous recovery of diplopia ensued over four days. Two days later, paresthesia and sensory paresis of the dorsal portion of the left foot were present. Lumbar puncture revealed 14 leucocytes (76 percent lymphocytes) with elevated proteins, but blood studies and serologies were negative. A diagnosis of undetermined meningo-myelo-radiculoneuritis was made. Because of a possible tick bite six weeks previously the patient was empirically treated with 2 g intravenous ceftriaxone for 3 weeks. Fever rapidly dropped. Six weeks after the onset of diplopia, acute onset of blindness in her right eye, diffuse arthralgias and fever motivated a new hospitalization. There was a central retinal artery occlusion of the right eye. Blood studies now revealed signs of systemic inflammation (ESR 30 mm, CRP 12 mg/L, ANA 1/80, pANCA 1/40, leucocytosis 12.4 G/L, Hb 111 g/L, Ht 33 percent). Biopsy of the left sural nerve revealed arterial fibrinoid necrosis. A diagnosis of PAN was made. CONCLUSIONS: Transient diplopia can be the heralding symptom of a systemic vasculitis such as PAN, giant cell arteritis and Wegener granulomatosis. In this patient the presence of accompanying systemic symptoms raised a suspicion of systemic inflammation, but the absence of serologic and imaging abnormalities precluded a specific diagnosis initially. A few weeks later, the presence of a second ischemic event (retinal) and positive blood studies led to a further diagnostic procedure. Oculomotor and abducens palsies have rarely been reported in association with PAN. We report the first case of trochlear nerve paresis as the inaugural neurological sign of PAN. This case highlights the importance of considering inflammatory systemic disorders in patients with acute diplopia particularly when they are young, lack vascular risk factors or cause, and complain of associated systemic symptoms.
Over the past years, cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) has proven its efficacy in large clinical trials, and consequently, the assessment of function, viability, and ischaemia by CMR is now an integrated part of the diagnostic armamentarium in cardiology. By combining these CMR applications, coronary artery disease (CAD) can be detected in its early stages and this allows for interventions with the goal to reduce complications of CAD such as infarcts and subsequently chronic heart failure (CHF). As the CMR examinations are robust and reproducible and do not expose patients to radiation, they are ideally suited for repetitive studies without harm to the patients. Since CAD is a chronic disease, the option to monitor CAD regularly by CMR over many decades is highly valuable. Cardiovascular magnetic resonance also progressed recently in the setting of acute coronary syndromes. In this situation, CMR allows for important differential diagnoses. Cardiovascular magnetic resonance also delineates precisely the different tissue components in acute myocardial infarction such as necrosis, microvascular obstruction (MVO), haemorrhage, and oedema, i.e. area at risk. With these features, CMR might also become the preferred tool to investigate novel treatment strategies in clinical research. Finally, in CHF patients, the versatility of CMR to assess function, flow, perfusion, and viability and to characterize tissue is helpful to narrow the differential diagnosis and to monitor treatment.
Recent guidelines recommend initiation of antihypertensive therapy with fixed-dose combinations in high-risk patients because such patients usually need two or more blood pressure (BP)-lowering agents in order to normalize their BP. Agents that block the renin-angiotensin system (ACE inhibitors or angiotensin II receptor antagonists [angiotensin receptor blockers; ARBs]) are preferred for the management of hypertension in most patients exhibiting subclinical target organ damage, or established cardiovascular or renal diseases. Unless contraindicated they should be one of the components of fixed-dose combinations, whereas the other component may be either a calcium channel antagonist or a thiazide diuretic. Fixed-dose combinations containing an ACE inhibitor or ARB plus a calcium channel antagonist appear particularly effective in preventing complications of coronary heart disease.
Incidence, complications and risk factors for severe falls in patients on maintenance haemodialysis.
BACKGROUND: Falls have been insufficiently studied in patients on maintenance haemodialysis (MHD). This study assessed the incidence and complications of severe falls and the ability of risk factors, including the Performance-Oriented Mobility Assessment (POMA) test, to predict them in this population. METHODS: All patients on MHD from our centre were asked to participate in this survey. POMA test and a record of risk factors for falls were obtained at baseline. Severe falls, as defined by an admission in an emergency ward, were documented prospectively. RESULTS: Eighty-four patients (median age 69.5 years, minimum 26 years, maximum 85 years) were enrolled. Predialytic POMA scores were low (median 20, minimum 5, maximum 26). After a mean follow-up of 20.6 months (142.2 patient-years), 31 severe falls were recorded in 24 patients (28.6%; incidence 0.22 per patient-year) and complicated by fractures in 54.8% of severe falls. In univariate analysis, age, a past history of falls, malnutrition, depression, but not POMA score, were associated with severe falls. A POMA score of >21 had a negative predictive value of 82%. CONCLUSIONS: Severe falls were common in MHD patients in this study and resulted in fractures in >50% of the cases. They were associated with ageing, a past history of falls, malnutrition and depression. Although there was a trend towards a lower POMA score in fallers as compared to non-fallers, the POMA score was not an independent predictor of severe falls in this study. These data may help to stratify the patient's risk of falling in order to target programmes to prevent falls in this population.
THESIS SUMMARY : Metastasis is a multistep process involving tumour cell-autonomous features, the host tissue stroma of the primary tumour, the blood or lymphatic system as well as a receptive target organ. Most studies on factors influencing metastasis have concentrated on the characteristics of the disseminating tumour cell and on early steps of metastasis including invasion and angiogenesis. Although these steps are necessary for tumour cells to disseminate, it is the challenges encountered in the later steps of metastasis -survival while in the circulation and engraftment and outgrowth in the target organ -that account for the inefficiency of circulating tumour cells in establishing secondary lesions. Full understanding of the metastatic process therefore requires elucidation of the mechanisms that regulate these late steps, and in particular that determine what makes any given tissue permissive for metastatic tumour growth. To address this issue, we assessed the mechanisms whereby a physiological situation -pregnancy -can alter host permissiveness toward metastasis. We show that pregnant NOD/SCID mice -injected intravenously with tumour cells -develop more metastases than their non-pregnant counterparts irrespective of the tumour cell type. There was no direct effect of pregnancy-related circulating factors on tumour cell proliferation, and subcutaneous tumour growth does not vary between pregnant and nonpregnant animals. However, decreased elimination of tumour cells from the lung microvasculature was observed in pregnant mice, prompting us to assess whether pregnancy-related adaptations in innate immunity could account for this differential clearing. We found that natural killer (NK) cell fractions are decreased in blood and spleen of pregnant mice and that NK cell cytotoxicity is impaired, as reported previously. The use of NK-deficient mice or tumour cell lines resistant to NK killing abrogates the difference in metastasis load between pregnant and virgin mice. CD11 b+ Gr-1+ myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSC) have previously been shown to accumulate in tumour-bearing mice and to down-modulate NK activity. Accordingly, we show an increase in MDSC in pregnant mouse blood, spleen, lungs and liver. Depletion of MDSC prior to tumour cell injection decreased metastasis load in pregnant NOD/SCID mice but had no effect on virgin mice. Similarly, adoptive transfer of MDSC extracted from pregnant mice into virgin mice lead to increased metastasis take. In parallel, we investigated whether the lung and liver microenvironments are modified during pregnancy thereby providing a more "permissive soil" for the establishment of metastases. A comparative analysis of microarray data of pregnant mouse lungs and liver with "premetastatic niche" gene expression profiles of these organs shows that similar mechanisms could mediate an increase in lung and liver metastasis in pregnant mice and in mice harbouring an aggressive primary tumour. Several commonly up-regulated genes point towards the recruitment of myeloid cells, consistent with the accumulation of MDSC observed in pregnant mice. MDSC have never been evoked in the context of pregnancy before. Although the role of MDSC in pregnancy requires further investigation we suggest that MDSC accumulation constitutes an important and hitherto unrecognised common denominator of maternal immune tolerance and cancer immune escape. RESUME DE THESE : La métastatisation est un processus en plusieurs étapes qui implique des compétences particulières chez les cellules tumorales, le stroma de la tumeur primaire, les vaisseaux sanguins ou lymphatiques ainsi qu'un organe cible' réceptif. Jusqu'alors, la recherche s'est principalement intéressée aux facteurs qui influencent les étapes précoces de la métastatisation donc aux caractéristiques de la cellule métastatique, et aux processus tels que l'invasion et l'angiogenèse, tandis que peu d'études traitent des étapes tardives tel que la survie dans la circulation sanguine et l'établissement d'une lésion dans l'organe cible. En particulier, l'élucidation des facteurs qui déterminent la permissivité d'un tissu à la greffe de cellules disséminantes est indispensable à la compréhension de ce processus complexe qu'est la métastatisation. Nous proposons ici un modèle de souris récapitulant les étapes tardives de la métastatisation dans un contexte d'une permissivité accrue aux métastases chez la souris gravide, et nous évaluons les mécanismes impliqués. Les souris gestantes développent plus de métastases après l'injection intraveineuse de cellules tumorales, indépendamment du type de tumeur d'origine. Les taux élevés d'hormones et de facteurs de croissance chez la souris gravide n'inflúencent pas la prolifération des cellules tumorales et fa croissance de tumeurs sous-cutanées n'est pas non plus accélérée par la gestation. En revanche, une fois injectées, les cellules tumorales sont éliminées ` moins rapidement des vaisseaux pulmonaires chez la souris gravide que chez les contrôles. Cette observation est compatible avec un effet de la gestation sur l'immunité innée et nous avons mis en évidence une diminution des proportions de cellules NK (natural killer) dans le sang et la rate en particulier, ainsi qu'une cytotoxicité moindre envers des cellules tumorales. En utilisant des souris déficientes en cellules NK ou en injectant des cellules résistantes à l'attaqué par des cellules NK, la différence entre souris gestantes et non-gestantes disparaît. Il a été démontré chez des souris porteuses de tumeurs, que l'accumulation de cellules immunosuppressives de la lignée myélo-monocytaire (ou MDSC pour myeloid-derived suppressor tells) pouvait être responsable d'une inhibition de l'activité de cellules NK. Des nombres augmentés de ces cellules, caractérisées par les marqueurs de surface CD11b et Gr-1, ont été trouvés dans le sang, la rate, les poumons et le foie de souris gravides. Leur rôle dans la métastatisation est démontré par le fait que leur dépletion diminue le nombre de lésions secondaires chez la souris gestante, tandis que leur transfert dans des souris non-gestantes augmente le taux de métastases. L'utilisation de puces à ADN sur les foies et poumons de souris gravides a permis de mettre en évidence des différences d'expression génique proches de celles observées dans l'établissement de niches pré-métastatiques. Ceci suggère que des mécanismes similaires pourraient être responsables d'une permissivité accrue aux métastases chez la souris gravide et chez la souris porteuse d'une tumeur primaire agressive, telle que, en particulier, l'accumulation de cellules immunosuppressives dans les organes cibles. C'est la première fois que l'accumulation de MDSC est évoquée chez la souris gravide et nous proposons ici que celles-ci jouent un rôle dans la tolérance immunitaire envers le foetus et sont responsables de l'échappement de cellules tumorales injectées à la surveillance immunitaire par des cellules NK.
AIMS: This study evaluated the evolution of the prenatal diagnosis of congenital heart disease (CHD) between 2003 and 2008 and its repercussion for the CHD prevalence rate at birth in a well-defined population (Canton of Vaud, Switzerland). METHODS AND RESULTS: All 572 cases of CHD reported in the Eurocat Registry of Vaud-Switzerland between 1.5.2003 and 31.12.2008 were analysed and compared with the cases in our clinical database. CHD cases were divided into five different groups according to heart disease severity. The prenatal detection rates increased significantly between 2003 and 2008, with a mean detection rate of 25.2%. There was a significantly higher rate of prenatal diagnosis in the first four groups of CHD severity, with the highest detection rate (87.5%) found in the group with the most severe CHD (group 1). In this group, 85.7% of cases resulted in a termination of pregnancy, and there was a consequent 75% reduction in the prevalence of severe major cardiac malformation at birth. Detection rates were 66% in group 2, 68.6% in group 3, and the lowest in groups 4 and 5, with rates of 25.9% and 12.9%, respectively. CONCLUSION: This study shows that the prenatal detection rate for CHD increased in a well-defined population over the study period. Prenatal diagnosis thus has had a major impact on patients with the most severe types of CHD and has resulted in a significant reduction in severe CHD at birth.
OBJECTIVE: To determine risk of Down syndrome (DS) in multiple relative to singleton pregnancies, and compare prenatal diagnosis rates and pregnancy outcome. DESIGN: Population-based prevalence study based on EUROCAT congenital anomaly registries. SETTING: Eight European countries. POPULATION: 14.8 million births 1990-2009; 2.89% multiple births. METHODS: DS cases included livebirths, fetal deaths from 20 weeks, and terminations of pregnancy for fetal anomaly (TOPFA). Zygosity is inferred from like/unlike sex for birth denominators, and from concordance for DS cases. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Relative risk (RR) of DS per fetus/baby from multiple versus singleton pregnancies and per pregnancy in monozygotic/dizygotic versus singleton pregnancies. Proportion of prenatally diagnosed and pregnancy outcome. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS: Poisson and logistic regression stratified for maternal age, country and time. RESULTS: Overall, the adjusted (adj) RR of DS for fetus/babies from multiple versus singleton pregnancies was 0.58 (95% CI 0.53-0.62), similar for all maternal ages except for mothers over 44, for whom it was considerably lower. In 8.7% of twin pairs affected by DS, both co-twins were diagnosed with the condition. The adjRR of DS for monozygotic versus singleton pregnancies was 0.34 (95% CI 0.25-0.44) and for dizygotic versus singleton pregnancies 1.34 (95% CI 1.23-1.46). DS fetuses from multiple births were less likely to be prenatally diagnosed than singletons (adjOR 0.62 [95% CI 0.50-0.78]) and following diagnosis less likely to be TOPFA (adjOR 0.40 [95% CI 0.27-0.59]). CONCLUSIONS: The risk of DS per fetus/baby is lower in multiple than singleton pregnancies. These estimates can be used for genetic counselling and prenatal screening.
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: The review aims at comprehensively discussing our current knowledge on bone metastases incidence in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), their related complications as well as clinical impact in patients suffering from advanced disease. RECENT FINDINGS: After evoking the use of zoledronic acid as the established standard of care until recently, the new class of drugs available to prevent skeletal related events and targeting receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappa B (RANK) will be emphasized, reporting on denosumab clinical trials, a RANK-ligand (RANKL) targeting monoclonal antibody. Biological hypothesis regarding their mechanisms of action as well a potential direct impact on tumor cells are described according to the most recent laboratory as well as hypothesis-generating clinical data. SUMMARY: Targeting the RANK pathway is an efficient way to prevent complications of bone metastases in NSCLC. Interesting additional direct effects on tumor biology and evolution are being analyzed and prospectively assessed in clinical trials.
First trimester biochemical trisomy screening is based on serum concentrations of pregnancy-associated plasma protein A (PAPP-A) and human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG). Our aim was to confirm previously suggested modifications in serum marker concentrations after in vitro fertilisation (IVF) and embryo transfer (ET), and to assess the need of establishing normal medians for trisomy screening in these. We compared 56 singleton pregnancies obtained after ET (of which 40 in gonadotrophin stimulation cycles) with 120 gestation-matched spontaneous controls. For multiple pregnancies, 17 treated cycles were compared with 25 controls. The levels of PAPP-A, hCG, and pregnancy-specific β1-glycoprotein were determined and compared between treated and spontaneous pregnancies. Serum PAPP-A levels were reduced in pregnancies achieved after gonadotrophin-stimulated IVF and ET, and this was more pronounced in earlier gestational stages. SP1 followed the same trend, while hCG tended to be increased, and this not only in pregnancies obtained from gonadotrophin-stimulated but also from oestrogen supported cycles, and with a more pronounced effect in the later gestational ages examined here. Decreased PAPP-A together with increased hCG concentrations produce falsely elevated results in first trimester Down syndrome screening, but we do not recommend the establishment of normal medians for IVF pregnancies due to the variations in stimulation protocols.
In IVF around 70% of embryos fail to implant. Often more than one embryo is transferred in order to enhance the chances of pregnancy, but this is at the price of an increased multiple pregnancy risk. In the aim to increase the success rate with a single embryo, research projects on prognostic factors of embryo viability have been initiated, but no marker has found a routine clinical application to date. Effects of soluble human leukocyte antigen-G (sHLA-G) on both NK cell activity and on Th1/Th2 cytokine balance suggest a role in the embryo implantation process, but the relevance of sHLA-G measurements in embryo culture medium and in follicular fluid (FF) are inconsistent to date. In this study, we have investigated the potential of sHLA-G in predicting the achievement of a pregnancy after IVF-ICSI in a large number of patients (n = 221). sHLA-G was determined in media and in FF by ELISA. In both FF and embryo medium, no significant differences in sHLA-G concentrations were observed between the groups "pregnancy" and "implantation failure", or between the groups "ongoing" versus "miscarried pregnancies". Our results do not favour routine sHLA-G determinations in the FF nor in embryo conditioned media, with the current assay technology available.