1000 resultados para Comparative embryology


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We analyzed data from historical controls treated with meglumine antimoniate to compare the frequency of adverse events observed in patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis treated with the same dose of meglumine antimoniate contaminated with heavy metals in an endemic area of the State of Bahia, Brazil. Group A patients were treated in 2000 with the drug produced by Eurofarma Laboratórios Ltda., São Paulo, Brazil (lot A) and group B patients were treated in 1996 with the reference drug produced by Rhodia Farma Ltda., São Paulo, Brazil (lot B). We observed an unusual higher frequency of skin reactions in group A patients. However, all type of adverse events observed in group A were also observed in group B. The physico-chemical analysis of these lots revealed that lot A had lower pH and higher concentration of total and trivalent antimony, lead, cadmium, and arsenic. Our findings suggest that the skin reactions could be attributed to heavy metal contamination of lot A.


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The protein profiles of the New Guinea "C" dengue virus type 2 (DENV-2)prototype and those of a Brazilian DENV-2 isolated in the State of Rio de Janeiro in 1995 were compared. SDS-PAGE analysis showed that the virus from Rio de Janeiro expresses NS5 (93.0 kDa), NS3 (66.8 kDa) E (62.4 kDa) and NS1 (41.2 kDa) proteins differently from the New Guinea "C" virus. The immunoblot revealed specificity and antigenicity for the NS3 protein from DENV-2 Rio de Janeiro mainly in primary infections, convalescent cases, and in secondary infections in both cases and only antigenicity for E and NS1 proteins for both viruses in primary and secondary infections.


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The ultrastructural morphology of the ventral region of the head (rostrum and buccula) and proesternum (stridulatory sulcus) of nymphs from the 1st to 5th instars of Triatoma guazu Lent & Wygodzinsky, 1979 and Triatoma jurbergi Carcavallo, Galvão & Lent, 1998 was described. Morphological differences between the two species and of the five nymphal stages development of each species were observed. These structures showed systematic differential characteristics of the studied species and may be used to increase their taxonomic range.


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Blood-feeding and autogenous sub-colonies were selected from a laboratory, stock colony of Aedes togoi, which was originally collected from Koh Nom Sao, Chanthaburi province, Southeast Thailand. Comparative biology and filarial susceptibility between the two sub-colonies (blood-feeding: F11, F13; autogeny: F38, F40) were investigated to evaluate their viability and vectorial capacity. The results of comparison on biology revealed intraspecific differences, i.e., the average egg deposition/gravid female (F11/F38; F13/F40), embryonation rate (F13/F40), hatchability rate (F11/F38; F13/F40), egg width (F11/F38), wing length of females (F13/F40), and wing length and width of males (F11/F38) in the blood-feeding sub-colony were significantly greater than that in the autogenous sub-colony; and egg length (F11/F38) and width (F13/F40), and mean longevity of adult females (F11/F38) and males (F13/F40) in the blood-feeding sub-colony were significantly less than that in the autogenous sub-colony. The results of comparison on filarial susceptibility demonstrated that both sub-colonies yielded similar susceptibilities to Brugia malayi [blood-feeding/autogeny = 56.7% (F11)/53.3%(F38), 60%(F13)/83.3%(F40)] and Dirofilaria immitis [blood-feeding/autogeny = 85.7%(F11)/75%(F38), 45%(F13)/29.4%(F40)], suggesting autogenous Ae. togoi sub-colony was an efficient laboratory vector in study of filariasis.


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Reducing comparative optimism regarding risk perceptions in traffic accidents has been proven to be particularly difficult (Delhomme, 2000). This is unfortunate because comparative optimism is assumed to impede preventive action. The present study tested whether a road safety training course could reduce drivers' comparative optimism in high control situations. Results show that the training course efficiently reduced comparative optimism in high control, but not in low control situations. Mechanisms underlying this finding and implications for the design of road safety training courses are discussed.


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Cette thèse de doctorat propose une analyse comparative détaillée du phénomène de l'enchâssement narratif dans deux textes antiques du IIe s. apr. J.-C. : Leucippé et Clitophon d'Achille Tatius, écrit en grec ancien, et les Métamorphoses d'Apulée, en latin. Ces deux oeuvres sont rattachées par la critique moderne à un genre désigné comme le roman antique.Si le corpus est abordé de façon minutieuse, ce travail n'a pas la forme du commentaire philologique traditionnel, mais d'une nouvelle forme de commentaire, inspirée du Narratological Commentary de VOdyssée par Irene de Jong. L'analyse est sous-tendue par divers mouvements de synthèse et de comparaison ; cela est fait en recourant à diverses méthodes provenant de différents domaines de recherche : philologie grecque et latine, rhétorique antique, narratologie moderne et comparaison différentielle, telle que proposée par Ute Heidmann, qui défend une approche des textes non-hiérarchisante, focalisée autant sur les ressemblances que les dissemblances et les différences entre les textes étudiés.A la croisée de ces différents domaines de recherche, la thèse tente d'offrir de nouveaux apports. Sur le plan philologique, cette étude comparative de l'enchâssement dans deux textes antiques porte l'attention sur des voix et des récits qui étaient encore restés « in-ouïs » par la critique ; en ce sens qu'ils n'avaient pas encore été tous étudiés. Appliquant une comparaison non-hiérarchisante et différentielle, cette thèse va à l'encontre de deux opinions communes en philologie classique. Elle nuance l'idée générale d'une séparation étanche entre roman grec et roman latin, ainsi que l'idée reçue selon laquelle le dialogue entre la culture grecque et latine serait unilatéral, allant seulement du grec au latin et non pas aussi vice-versa. En ce qui concerne la critique sur l'enchâssement en philologie classique et plus concrètement dans les travaux sur le roman antique, l'apport de cette thèse peut être résumé par les termes « contextualisant » et « englobant ». Le contexte culturel de la Seconde Sophistique, mouvement fortement marqyé par la performance, l'oralité et la rhétorique, est pris en compte en prenant appui, en particulier, sur les traités d'art oratoire et les exercices de rhétorique. Si l'importance de ces derniers a été récemment reconnue et leur intérêt renouvelé par la critique, un rapprochement explicite avec le phénomène de l'enchâssement n'avait pas encore été effectué. Par ailleurs, l'étude du récit enchâssé dans deux romans antiques est ici, pour la première fois, effectuée dans son intégralité, en vue de mieux comprendre le procédé de l'enchâssement au sein des oeuvres étudiées, mais aussi en tant que phénomène à part entière.Sur le plan narratologique, la prise en considération de tous les récits enchâssés a permis de proposer l'ébauche d'une « grammaire de l'enchâssement narratif », applicable aussi à d'autres textes. Pour ce faire, le dispositif conceptuel proposé, entre autres, par Genette a été étendu et affiné. Les notions de récit et d'histoire ont également été élargies. Considérant l'histoire comme tout contenu comportant des séquences logico-temporelles, la narrativité a été étendue à tout discours portant sur cette histoire, ce qui a permis d'intégrer dans l'étude des rêves, oracles, plans, lamentations aussi bien que des actes comme les menaces, promesses, reproches, et même les énumérations et descriptions.Soulignant le dialogue entre la culture grecque et latine, la comparaison menée dans ce travail peut être qualifiée d'interculturelle et d'interdisciplinaire, en raison de l'intégration dialogique des philologies grecque et latine, de la narratologie et de la rhétorique.


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In mammalian cells, proper gene regulation is achieved by the complex interplay of transcription factors that activate or repress gene expression by binding to the regulatory regions of target promoters. While transcriptional activators have been extensively characterised and classified into functional groups, relatively little is known about the comparative strength and cell type-specificity of transcriptional repressors. Here, we have compared the ability of a series of eukaryotic repression domains to silence basal and activated transcription. A series of the most potent repression domains was further tested in the context of a gene therapy gene-switch system in various cell types. The results indicate that the analysed repression domains exert varying silencing activities in different promoter contexts. Furthermore, their potential for gene silencing varies also depending on the cellular context. When multimerised within one chimeric repressor protein, particular combinations of repressor domains were found to display synergistic repressing effects and efficient repression in a panel of cell lines. This approach thus allowed the identification of transcriptional repressors that are both potent and versatile in terms of cellular specificity as a basis for gene switch systems.


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Experiments were carried out to analyze the biological characteristics of two sympatric isolates of Schistosoma mansoni derived from humans and murines in a low endemic transmission area (Sumidouro county, state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). Sympatric reared-laboratory Biomphalaria glabrata and C3H/He mice were used as experimental hosts. Parameters assessed comprised: precercarial period, infectivity and mortality (snails), prepatent period, infectivity (percentage of cercariae maturation into adult worm) and intestinal egg count (mice). The murine isolate showed a shorter precercarial period and higher infectivity than human isolate (p < 0.05). This biological heterogenicity did not correspond to the vertebrate data because any biological parameter presented significant difference (p > 0.05). These data suggest that both isolates are local sub-populations, providing support for the hypotheses that in a same biotope mixed populations or sub-populations circulate among their main host (human beings) and/or rodent as an anfixenous infection.


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We investigated the residual efficacy of four insecticide formulations used in Chagas disease vector control campaigns: cyfluthrin 12.5% suspension concentrace (SC), lambda-cyhalothrin 10% wettable powder (WP), deltamethrin 2.5% SC, and 2.5% WP on four types of circular blocks of wood, straw with mud, straw with mud painted with lime, and mud containing 5% of cement. Three concentrations of these insecticides were tested: the LC90 (previously determined on filter paper), the double of the LC90, and the recommended operational dose. For each bioassay test, 15 third-stage nymphs of Triatoma infestans (Klug) (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) were exposed for 120 h to each treatment at 24 h, 30, 60, 90, and 180 days post-spraying. Mortality rates, moulting history and behaviour were recorded at 24, 48, 72, and 120 h of exposure. Mortality rates were highest during the first 30 days post-spraying. Highest mortality rates (above 50%) were observed for deltamethrin 2.5% SC and lambda-cyhalothrin 10% WP on wood blocks up to three months post-spraying. Mud was the substrate on which treatments showed lowest persistence, with the other two substrates showing intermediate residual efficacy of all treatments. During the first 30 days WP formulations were not as effective as SC flowable formulations but, overall in the longer term, WP gave grater mortality rates of T. infestans nymphs exposed at up to six months post-spraying. Porous surfaces, especially mud, showed most variability presumably due to absorption of the insecticide. In contrast the less porous surfaces (i.e. wood and lime-coated mud) kept mortality rates high for longer post-treatment, irrespective of the insecticide concentration used.


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Genetic diversity is the amount of variation observed between DNA sequences from distinct individuals of a given species. This pivotal concept of population genetics has implications for species health, domestication, management and conservation. Levels of genetic diversity seem to vary greatly in natural populations and species, but the determinants of this variation, and particularly the relative influences of species biology and ecology versus population history, are still largely mysterious. Here we show that the diversity of a species is predictable, and is determined in the first place by its ecological strategy. We investigated the genome-wide diversity of 76 non-model animal species by sequencing the transcriptome of two to ten individuals in each species. The distribution of genetic diversity between species revealed no detectable influence of geographic range or invasive status but was accurately predicted by key species traits related to parental investment: long-lived or low-fecundity species with brooding ability were genetically less diverse than short-lived or highly fecund ones. Our analysis demonstrates the influence of long-term life-history strategies on species response to short-term environmental perturbations, a result with immediate implications for conservation policies.


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The main purpose of the present study was to examine if there is difference in terms of incidence rates of congenital toxoplasmosis among populations assisted in public and private hospitals from Uberlândia, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. A total of 805 serum samples from cord blood were collected, being 500 from public hospital and 305 from private hospital, and all patients answered a questionnaire about pregnancy and newborns. An indirect enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was performed to detect IgG antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii and the positive samples were retested to verify the presence of specific IgM and IgA antibodies in a capture ELISA. We found significant differences among data from both hospitals with respect to maternal age, origin city, gestational age, number of visits to physicians during pregnancy, type of delivery, and birth weight. Seroprevalence of IgG antibodies against T. gondii for patients from public and private hospitals was 57.6% and 41.9% respectively, and this difference was statistically significant (P < 0.0001). In addition, the frequency of congenital toxoplasmosis measured by the presence of IgM and/or IgA antibodies toward T. gondii was exclusively located in samples from public hospital (0.8%), and no positive sample was seen in private hospital (0%). Considering that almost all babies suffering from congenital toxoplasmosis, if undiagnosed and untreated, will develop visual or neurological impairments by adulthood, the results presented herein emphasized the importance to accomplish screening programs for toxoplasmosis during pregnancy, particularly in the public hospitals, due to the expressive rate of congenital disease showed in the patients attended at these centers.


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The authors present 10 grids which are widely used in Health Sciences for the assessment of quality in research. They proceed through a comparative thematic analysis of these grids and show which points of view are preferred. They insist on the issues that differentiate these grids from each other and suggest the analysis of their differences by distinguishing the theoretical perspectives that underpin each one of these grids. Whilst the authors of the assessment grids rarely refer to the implicit theoretical backgrounds that guide their work, findings show that these grids convey varied epistemologies and research models. This gap renders the comparison of quality assessment in qualitative research a very difficult task, unless we shift our focus on the relationship between the grids, their theoretical backgrounds and their specific research subjects.