999 resultados para Commercial maritime archaeology


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IPH submitted their views on the Draft BAI General and Commercial Communications Code. IPH previously submitted views to the BAI in the first phase of consultation (Oct 2011). The final code will regulate the advertising of food and non-alcoholic beverages that are high in fat, salt or sugar on Irish television channels. The submission sets out approaches to appropriate scheduling and content restrictions as well as to possible exemptions.


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The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) is an independent statutory organisation responsible for certain aspects of television and radio services in Ireland, guided by the Broadcasting Act 2009. The BAI are undertaking a review of the Children’s Commercial Communications Code section 11 rules on Diet and Nutrition. This section sets down standards with which commercial communications for food and drink shown during children’s programmes and/or where these communications are for food and drink products or services that are of special interest to children.


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During a 9-month period, 217 patients were newly diagnosed as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) carriers by using a commercial rapid PCR-based test (GeneXpert). However, no MRSA was recovered by culturing the second swab in 61 of these patients. Further analyses showed that 28 (12.9%) of the patients harbored S. aureus isolates with a staphylococcal cassette chromosome element lacking the mecA gene and were thus incorrectly determined to be MRSA carriers.


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Non-Commercial State Agencies – Public Service Agreement Progress Report – October 2011 Click here to download PDF 35KB


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A partir de les fonts epigràfiques, es fa un estudi interdisciplinari de la vida privada i pública de Mallorca en època romana, tot analitzant-ne el sistema econòmic i polític, la societat, les formes d'expressió cultural, la religió i les creences, la geografia i la topografia, els principals esdeveniments històrics, els jaciments arqueològics, les dades d'interès antropològic i la situació lingüística. El punt de partida és la pregunta següent: quines dades sobre la Mallorca romana es poden obtenir a partir de les fonts epigràfiques? I també: com s'organitzava la societat mallorquina en època romana, quines divinitats eren objecte de culte, amb quines comunitats o pobles tenia relacions comercials, quins rituals funeraris seguia, quina estructura econòmica la gestionava, quina llengua parlava i d'acord amb quin sistema polític es governava.


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Summary: Victims of crime are not only physical persons. Firms also experience some different forms of victimization either from outsiders or front employees. Crimes committed inside the firm are various: theft, embezzlement, fraud, fraudulent management, money laundering, vandalism etc. Assessed damage could be considerable. But in general, most of the criminological studies relating to victimization have been interested in individuals as victims. In Switzerland, to date, research on firms'victimization is simply rare and traditional research methods such as victimization survey, self-reported delinquency or controlled experiments are not very much utilized in Swiss white-collar crime studies. Thus, in order to improve the situation, we have decided to start a victimization study on white-collar crime committed in firms of the canton of Geneva. To narrow the field of research, our project seeks to apprehend white-collar crime as a series of offences committed by employees inside the firm, by fraud or deceit, aiming at an illegitimate enrichment. The phenomenon of white-collar crime perpetrated has been evaluated by examining the presence of risk factors and prevention strategies. Furthermore, the correlation between the victimization rate and some aspects of vulnerability has also been investigated. Using data collected from the victimization survey carried out in 2005, some of the key research questions are the following: - which are the types of offences committed? - Which types of measure of prevention are the most efficient to prevent such offences ? - Which type of business is more vulnerable? - Which are the risk factors? - Which is the profile of the authors? - Which are the motivations?, etc. Findings show that companies which valorize their employees and pursue a transparent management style suffer a lower victimization rate. Further, the retail sector seems to be more affected than the financial sector and big firms are more vulnerable.


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Anopheles aquasalis larvae are salt water tolerant, preferring concentrations between 10 and 20 parts per thousand (ppt). The larvicidal efficacy of two formulations of Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis (Vectobac-12AS® and Bactivec®), was investigated against An. aquasalis at salinities of 0, 10, and 20 ppt. A probit analysis was used to calculate the lethal concentrations (LC50 and LC95) for each product at each salinity. The LC50 and LC95 were higher for Bactivec® than Vectobac-12AS®, and for Bactivec®, the LC50 and LC95 increased with salinity. Vectobac-12AS® should thus be preferred to Bactivec® for An. aquasalis control, especially in saline breeding habitats.


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The pigments and the plasters of the Roman frescoes discovered at the House of Diana (Cosa, Grosseto, Italy) were analysed using non-destructive and destructive mineralogical and chemical techniques. The characterization of both pigments and plasters was performed through optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and electron microprobe analysis. The pigments were identified by Raman spectroscopy and submitted to stable isotope analysis. The results were integrated with the archaeological data in order to determine and reconstruct the provenance, trade patterns and the employment of the raw materials used for the elaboration of the frescoes.


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In this paper we examine the problem of compositional data from a different startingpoint. Chemical compositional data, as used in provenance studies on archaeologicalmaterials, will be approached from the measurement theory. The results will show, in avery intuitive way that chemical data can only be treated by using the approachdeveloped for compositional data. It will be shown that compositional data analysis is aparticular case in projective geometry, when the projective coordinates are in thepositive orthant, and they have the properties of logarithmic interval metrics. Moreover,it will be shown that this approach can be extended to a very large number ofapplications, including shape analysis. This will be exemplified with a case study inarchitecture of Early Christian churches dated back to the 5th-7th centuries AD