1000 resultados para Colite Experimental
Dissertação apresentada à Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologias da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau Mestre em Engenharia Civil – Reabilitação de Edifícios
RESUMO - Os sistemas de saúde deparam-se, actualmente, com novos paradigmas, ao nível da qualidade da prestação de cuidados de saúde, bem como no que se refere à necessidade de controlo dos custos com o sector da saúde, obrigando as organizações a adaptarem-se por forma a fornecerem a resposta mais adequada às crescentes necessidades dos indivíduos. O reconhecimento desta realidade tem levado os governos de muitos países a definir políticas orientadas para problemas de saúde específicos e a adoptar estratégias de intervenção que privilegiam uma abordagem integrada com o objectivo de melhorarem progressivamente o nível de saúde das populações, a qualidade dos cuidados prestados e a eficiência na utilização de recursos. Em Portugal, a aplicação dos princípios que estiveram na base dos modelos de gestão da doença, deu origem ao modelo experimental de Gestão Integrada da Doença, que incorpora a gestão clínica da doença, centrada no doente, com especial enfoque na sua autogestão e na clarificação das melhores práticas profissionais, visando a sua uniformização; a reorganização do modelo de prestação de cuidados, com a criação de Centros de Elevada Diferenciação e Centros de Tratamento, com especiais preocupações no que concerne à orientação do doente no sistema para que os cuidados lhe seja ministrados no nível mais adequado; um modelo de financiamento específico, indexado aos resultados, que reflicta a adopção das melhores práticas; um sistema de informação que permita a monitorização e avaliação constante deste processo. O desenvolvimento deste modelo organizacional tem-se revelado como uma estratégia inovadora e como uma ferramenta de elevado potencial para a melhoria da prestação de cuidados de saúde e para a promoção de uma maior efectividade e eficiência, tal como poderá, ainda, constituirse como um veículo, importante e permanente, de informação de apoio à decisão em Saúde. Este modelo visa, no fundo, promover uma acção concertada no sentido da obtenção de uma intervenção precisa, através da mobilização de recursos adequados, que permitam uma melhoria do estado de saúde, da qualidade de vida e do bem-estar global dos doentes. Esta abordagem passa pela colaboração e coordenação dos diferentes níveis de prestação de cuidados, no sentido de oferecerem cuidados integrados de saúde, com níveis de qualidade elevados em termos de prevenção, diagnóstico, tratamento, reabilitação e acompanhamento. ------------------------ --ABSTRACT – The health systems are faced with new paradigms, on one hand in the healthcare services delivered to the populations, and on the other hand, in the need to control costs in the health sector, forcing organizations to adapt and provide the most appropriate response to the individuals growing needs. The magnitude of this problem, in terms of public health, requires the adoption of a directed, targeted, planned and integrated action, based on clear and well defined strategies in order to obtain health gains, improving the quality of care and streamlining the costs. In Portugal, the application of those principles forming the basis of the disease management models, led to the Integrated Disease Management model which, apart from the clinical management of the disease, also incorporates the healthcare delivery structure reorganization, a specific financing model based on an information system that allows the process monitoring and evaluation. The development of Integrated Disease Management models is a central strategy and a tool for improving healthcare delivery, more effectively and efficiently, and can even be an important and permanent vehicle of information for health decision support. Therefore, it is important to promote a concerted action towards achieving a precise intervention, mobilizing the resources, improving the health status, quality of life and the overall patients’ wellbeing. This action means increasing collaboration and coordination of the different levels of care, offering integrated healthcare s
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil – Perfil de Construção
Abdominal angiostrongyliasis is a zoonotic infection produced by a metastrongylid intra-arterial nematode, Angiostrongylus costaricensis. Human accidental infection may result in abdominal lesions and treatment with anti-helminthics is contra-indicated because of potential higher morbidity with excitement or death of worms inside vessels. To evaluate the effect of mebendazole on localization of the worms, male Swiss mice, 5 week-old, were infected with 10 third stage larvae per animal. Twelve infected mice were treated with oral mebendazol, at 5 mg/kg/day, for 5 consecutive days, begining 22 days after inoculation. As control groups, 12 infected but non-treated mice and other 12 non-infected and non-treated mice were studied. The findings at necropsy were, respectively for the treated (T) and control (C) groups: 92% and 80% of the worms were inside the cecal mesenteric arterial branch; 8% and 10% were located inside the aorta. Only in the group C some worms (10%) were found inside the portal vein or splenic artery. These data indicate that treatment with mebendazole does not lead to distal or ectopic migration of A. costaricensis worms.
Exercise promotes several health benefits, such as cardiovascular, musculoskeletal and cardiorespiratory improvements. It is believed that the practice of exercise in individuals with psychiatric disorders, e.g. schizophrenia, can cause significant changes. Schizophrenic patients have problematic lifestyle habits compared with general population; this may cause a high mortality rate, mainly caused by cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. Thus, the aim of this study is to investigate changes in physical and mental health, cognitive and brain functioning due to the practice of exercise in patients with schizophrenia. Although still little is known about the benefits of exercise on mental health, cognitive and brain functioning of schizophrenic patients, exercise training has been shown to be a beneficial intervention in the control and reduction of disease severity. Type of training, form of execution, duration and intensity need to be better studied as the effects on physical and mental health, cognition and brain activity depend exclusively of interconnected factors, such as the combination of exercise and medication. However, one should understand that exercise is not only an effective nondrug alternative, but also acts as a supporting linking up interventions to promote improvements in process performance optimization. In general, the positive effects on mental health, cognition and brain activity as a result of an exercise program are quite evident. Few studies have been published correlating effects of exercise in patients with schizophrenia, but there is increasing evidence that positive and negative symptoms can be improved. Therefore, it is important that further studies be undertaken to expand the knowledge of physical exercise on mental health in people with schizophrenia, as well as its dose-response and the most effective type of exercise.
5th International Conference of Fire Effects on Soil Properties
This study aimed to characterize astrocytic and microglial response in the central nervous system (CNS) of equines experimentally infected with T. evansi. The experimental group comprised males and females with various degrees of crossbreeding, ages between four and seven years. The animals were inoculated intravenously with 10(6) trypomastigotes of T. evansi originally isolated from a naturally infected dog. All equines inoculated with T. evansi were observed until they presented symptoms of CNS disturbance, characterized by motor incoordination of the pelvic limbs, which occurred 67 days after inoculation (DAI) and 124 DAI. The animals in the control group did not present any clinical symptom and were observed up to the 125th DAI. For this purpose the HE histochemical stain and the avidin biotin peroxidase method was used. Lesions in the CNS of experimentally infected horses were those of a wide spread non suppurative meningoencephalomyelitis.The severity of lesions varied in different parts of the nervous system, reflecting an irregular distribution of inflammatory vascular changes. The infiltration of mononuclear cells was associated with anisomorphic gliosis and reactive microglia was identified. The intensity of the astrocytic response in the CNS of the equines infected by T. evansi characterizes the importance of the performance of these cells in this trypanosomiasis. The characteristic gliosis observed in the animals in this experiment suggests the ability of these cells as mediators of immune response. The parasite, T. evansi, was not identified in the nervous tissues.
A influência do sistema nervoso autónomo (SNA) na génese da fibrilhac¸ão auricular (FA) envolve múltiplos mecanismos complexos com impacto nas propriedades eletrofisiológicas cardíacas. A importância dos efeitos da estimulac¸ão autonómica no substrato elétrico auricular e das veias pulmonares (VP) e na vulnerabilidade para FA requer melhor compreensão. Objetivo: Avaliar os efeitos da estimulac¸ão vagal (estim vag) e simpática (estim simp) aguda na condução e refratariedade das aurículas e VP e na indutibilidade de FA no coração de coelho in vivo com inervação autonómica preservada. Métodos: Estudámos 17 coelhos New Zealand de ambos os sexos. Para abordagem de «toráxaberto» procedeu-se a anestesia, entubação e ventilação após bloqueio neuro-muscular. O ECG foi obtido a partir de 3 derivações dos membros. Os eletrogramas foram registados com 4 elétrodos monopolares colocados na superfície epicárdica, distribuídos ao longo das aurículas e com um elétrodo circular adaptado à porção proximal das VP. Estimulou-se o nervo vago cervical direito e o tronco simpático torácico com elétrodos bipolares de platina. Estudámos os períodos refratários efetivos (PRE) e a condução elétrica auricular, entre a aurícula direita lateral-alta (AD) e a aurícula esquerda lateral-alta (AE), e entre AD e VP, em condições basais e durante estim vag, estim simp e estimulação autonómica combinada (dual estim). Para indução de FA, procedeu-se a pacing rápido (50 Hz, 10 s, isolado ou com estim vag, estim simp ou dual estim) com elétrodo bipolar no apêndice auricular direito (AAD), apêndice auricular esquerdo (AAE) e VP. Resultados: Em condições basais: os PRE eram maiores no AAE e registou-se um atraso na ativação da AD para as VP, comparando com a condução interauricular. Durante estim vag ou dual estim: os PRE encurtaram significativamente em todos os locais, o intervalo de condução interauricular variou de 20 ± 4 ms para 30 ± 10 ms (p < 0,05) e 31 ± 11 ms (p < 0,05),respetivamente. Com estim simp obteve-se uma redução significativa dos PRE no AAE e do tempo de condução interauricular para 16 ± 11 ms (p < 0,05). Induziu-se FA em 35 a 53% dos animais com 50 Hz, 65 a 76% com estim vagal ou estim simp, e 75 a 100% com dual estim (p < 0,05). A duração da FA aumentou significativamente durante estim vagal e/ou estim simp. Em 2/3 dos animais com indução de FA com duração >10 s a arritmia terminou imediatamente após interrupção da estim vagal. Conclusões: No coração de coelho inervado in vivo, a estimulação autonómica aguda encurta a refratariedade auricular e das VP, e modifica a velocidade de condução auricular, potenciando a indução e duração de FA. Os resultados sugerem que as variações agudas e a interação da atividade autonómica podem desempenhar um papel importante na fisiopatologia da FA.
To observe the effects of the parasitic infection on the biology of B. tenagophila, field and laboratory populations of this mollusk from Itariri, in Vale do Ribeira, Brazil, were experimentally infected. Each mollusk received 10 miracidia of Schistosoma mansoni (SJ lineage) and was observed throughout the parasite's development. The biological variables were compared according to the criteria "group" and "infectious phase". The main damage caused by the parasitic infection manifested itself in reproduction, longevity and lesions on the shell of the mollusks in the patent phase. An infection rate of 58.8% was observed. Microanatomical study of the mollusk's digestive gland and ovotestis revealed the presence of evolving larval forms and cercariae. It was concluded that the effects of the parasitic infection on both populations were moderate, despite the low survival rate of the infected mollusks, the damage did not prevent either reproduction or the elimination of cercariae, which continued for a long time.
Stone masonry is one of the oldest and most worldwide used building techniques. Nevertheless, the structural response of masonry structures is complex and the effective knowledge about their mechanical behaviour is still limited. This fact is particularly notorious when dealing with the description of their out-of-plane behaviour under horizontal loadings, as is the case of the earthquake action. In this context, this paper describes an experimental program, conducted in laboratory environment, aiming at characterizing the out-of-plane behaviour of traditional unreinforced stone masonry walls. In the scope of this campaign, six full-scale sacco stone masonry specimens were fully characterised regarding their most important mechanic, geometric and dynamic features and were tested resorting to two different loading techniques under three distinct vertical pre-compression states; three of the specimens were subjected to an out-of-plane surface load by means of a system of airbags and the remaining were subjected to an out-of-plane horizontal line-load at the top. From the experiments it was possible to observe that both test setups were able to globally mobilize the out-of-plane response of the walls, which presented substantial displacement capacity, with ratios of ultimate displacement to the wall thickness ranging between 26 and 45 %, as well as good energy dissipation capacity. Finally, very interesting results were also obtained from a simple analytical model used herein to compute a set of experimental-based ratios, namely between the maximum stability displacement and the wall thickness for which a mean value of about 60 % was found.