909 resultados para Colón, Diego, 1478-1526


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Uncooperative iris identification systems at a distance suffer from poor resolution of the acquired iris images, which significantly degrades iris recognition performance. Super-resolution techniques have been employed to enhance the resolution of iris images and improve the recognition performance. However, most existing super-resolution approaches proposed for the iris biometric super-resolve pixel intensity values, rather than the actual features used for recognition. This paper thoroughly investigates transferring super-resolution of iris images from the intensity domain to the feature domain. By directly super-resolving only the features essential for recognition, and by incorporating domain specific information from iris models, improved recognition performance compared to pixel domain super-resolution can be achieved. A framework for applying super-resolution to nonlinear features in the feature-domain is proposed. Based on this framework, a novel feature-domain super-resolution approach for the iris biometric employing 2D Gabor phase-quadrant features is proposed. The approach is shown to outperform its pixel domain counterpart, as well as other feature domain super-resolution approaches and fusion techniques.


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Genomic DNA obtained from patient whole blood samples is a key element for genomic research. Advantages and disadvantages, in terms of time-efficiency, cost-effectiveness and laboratory requirements, of procedures available to isolate nucleic acids need to be considered before choosing any particular method. These characteristics have not been fully evaluated for some laboratory techniques, such as the salting out method for DNA extraction, which has been excluded from comparison in different studies published to date. We compared three different protocols (a traditional salting out method, a modified salting out method and a commercially available kit method) to determine the most cost-effective and time-efficient method to extract DNA. We extracted genomic DNA from whole blood samples obtained from breast cancer patient volunteers and compared the results of the product obtained in terms of quantity (concentration of DNA extracted and DNA obtained per ml of blood used) and quality (260/280 ratio and polymerase chain reaction product amplification) of the obtained yield. On average, all three methods showed no statistically significant differences between the final result, but when we accounted for time and cost derived for each method, they showed very significant differences. The modified salting out method resulted in a seven- and twofold reduction in cost compared to the commercial kit and traditional salting out method, respectively and reduced time from 3 days to 1 hour compared to the traditional salting out method. This highlights a modified salting out method as a suitable choice to be used in laboratories and research centres, particularly when dealing with a large number of samples.


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Migraine is a common neurological disorder and is characterized by debilitating head pain and an assortment of additional symptoms which can include nausea, emesis, photophobia, phonophobia, and occasionally, visual sensory disturbances. A number of genes have been implicated in the pathogenesis of this disease, including genes involved in regulating the vascular system. Of particular importance are the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene and the role it plays in migraine with aura. Migraine with aura has previously been shown to have a significant comorbidity with stroke, making the vascular class of genes a priority for migraine studies. In this report, we outline the importance of the MTHFR gene in migraine and also discuss the use of a genetic isolate to investigate MTHFR genetic variants. From this study, 3 MTHFR single nucleotide polymorphisms showing association with migraine in the Norfolk Island population have been identified, thus reinforcing the potential role of MTHFR in migraine susceptibility. Further studies will continue to build a gene profile of variants involved in the complex disease migraine and improve understanding of the underlying genetic causes of this disorder.


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Objective To evaluate relative telomere length of female migraine patients. Background Migraine is a debilitating disorder affecting 6-28% of the population. Studies on the mechanisms of migraine have demonstrated genetic causes but the pathophysiology and subcellular effects of the disease remain poorly understood. Shortened telomere length is associated with age-related or chronic diseases, and induced stresses. Migraine attacks may impart significant stress on cellular function, thus this study investigates a correlation between shortening of telomeres and migraine. Methods Relative telomere length was measured using a previously described quantitative polymerase chain reaction method. A regression analysis was performed to assess differences in mean relative telomere length between migraine patients and healthy controls. Results The leukocyte telomeres of a cohort of 142 Caucasian female migraine subjects aged 18-77 years and 143 matched 17-77-year-old healthy control Caucasian women were examined.A significantly shorter relative telomere length was observed in the migraine group compared with the control group after adjusting for age and body mass index (P = .001). In addition, age of onset was observed to associate with the loss of relative telomere length, especially at early age of onset (<17 years old). No association was observed between relative telomere length and the severity and frequency of migraine attacks and the duration of migraine. Conclusion Telomeres are shorter in migraine patients and there is more variation in telomere length in migraine patients.


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OBJECTIVE: To investigate the role of the dopamine receptor genes, DRD1, DRD3, and DRD5 in the pathogenesis of migraine. BACKGROUND: Migraine is a chronic debilitating disorder affecting approximately 12% of the white population. The disease shows strong familial aggregation and presumably has a genetic basis, but at present, the type and number of genes involved is unclear. The study of candidate genes can prove useful in the identification of genes involved in complex diseases such as migraine, especially if the contribution of the gene to phenotypic expression is minor. Genes coding for proteins involved in dopamine metabolism have been implicated in a number of neurologic conditions and may play a contributory role in migraine. Hence, genes that code for enzymes and receptors modulating dopaminergic activity are good candidates for investigation of the molecular genetic basis of migraine. METHODS: We tested 275 migraineurs and 275 age- and sex-matched individuals free of migraine. Genotypic results were determined by restriction endonuclease digestion of polymerase chain reaction products to detect DRD1 and DRD3 alleles and by Genescan analysis after polymerase chain reaction using fluorescently labelled oligonucleotide primers for the DRD5 marker. RESULTS: Results of chi-square statistical analyses indicated that the allele distribution for migraine cases compared to controls was not significantly different for any of the three tested gene markers (chi2 = 0.1, P =.74 for DRD1; chi2 = 1.8, P =.18 for DRD3; and chi2 = 20.3, P =.08 for DRD5). CONCLUSIONS: These findings offer no evidence for allelic association between the tested dopamine receptor gene polymorphisms and the more prevalent forms of migraine and, therefore, do not support a role for these genes in the pathogenesis of the disorder.


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Effective management of chronic diseases is a global health priority. A healthcare information system offers opportunities to address challenges of chronic disease management. However, the requirements of health information systems are often not well understood. The accuracy of requirements has a direct impact on the successful design and implementation of a health information system. Our research describes methods used to understand the requirements of health information systems for advanced prostate cancer management. The research conducted a survey to identify heterogeneous sources of clinical records. Our research showed that the General Practitioner was the common source of patient's clinical records (41%) followed by the Urologist (14%) and other clinicians (14%). Our research describes a method to identify diverse data sources and proposes a novel patient journey browser prototype that integrates disparate data sources.


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Purpose Contrast adaptation has been speculated to be an error signal for emmetropization. Myopic children exhibit higher contrast adaptation than emmetropic children. This study aimed to determine whether contrast adaptation varies with the type of text viewed by emmetropic and myopic young adults. Methods Baseline contrast sensitivity was determined in 25 emmetropic and 25 spectacle-corrected myopic young adults for 0.5, 1.2, 2.7, 4.4, and 6.2 cycles per degree (cpd) horizontal sine wave gratings. The adults spent periods looking at a 6.2 cpd high-contrast horizontal grating and reading lines of English and Chinese text (these texts comprised 1.2 cpd row and 6 cpd stroke frequencies). The effects of these near tasks on contrast sensitivity were determined, with decreases in sensitivity indicating contrast adaptation. Results Contrast adaptation was affected by the near task (F2,672 = 43.0; P < 0.001). Adaptation was greater for the grating task (0.13 ± 0.17 log unit, averaged across all frequencies) than reading tasks, but there was no significant difference between the two reading tasks (English 0.05 ± 0.13 log unit versus Chinese 0.04 ± 0.13 log unit). The myopic group showed significantly greater adaptation (by 0.04, 0.04, and 0.05 log units for English, Chinese, and grating tasks, respectively) than the emmetropic group (F1,48 = 5.0; P = 0.03). Conclusions In young adults, reading Chinese text induced similar contrast adaptation as reading English text. Myopes exhibited greater contrast adaptation than emmetropes. Contrast adaptation, independent of text type, might be associated with myopia development.


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The interaction of Au particles with few layer graphene is of interest for the formation of the next generation of sensing devices(1). In this paper we investigate the coupling of single gold nanoparticles to a graphene sheet, and multiple gold nanoparticles with a graphene sheet using COMSOL Multiphysics. By using these simulations we are able to determine the electric field strength and associated hot-spots for various gold nanoparticle-graphene systems. The Au nanoparticles were modelled as 8 nm diameter spheres on 1.5 nm thick (5 layers) graphene, with properties of graphene obtained from the refractive index data of Weber(2) and the Au refractive index data from Palik(3). The field was incident along the plane of the sheet with polarisation tested for both s and p. The study showed strong localised interaction between the Au and graphene with limited spread; however the double particle case where the graphene sheet separated two Au nanoparticles showed distinct interaction between the particles and graphene. An offset was introduced (up to 4 nm) resulting in much reduced coupling between the opposed particles as the distance apart increased. Findings currently suggest that the graphene layer has limited interaction with incident fields with a single particle present whilst reducing the coupling region to a very fine area when opposing particles are involved. It is hoped that the results of this research will provide insight into graphene-plasmon interactions and spur the development of the next generation of sensing devices.


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The properties of ellipsoidal nanowires are yet to be examined. They have likely applications in sensing, solar cells, microelectronics and cloaking devices. Little is known of the qualities that ellipse nanowires exhibit as we vary the aspect ratio with different dielectric materials and how varying these attributes affects plasmon coupling and propagation. It is known that the distance a plasmon can travel is further if it is supported by a thicker circular nanowire, while thinner nanowires are expected to be able to increase QD coupling. Ellipsoidal nanowires may be a good compromise due to their ability to have both thin and thick dimensions. Furthermore it has been shown that the plasmon resonances along the main axis of an ellipsoidal particle is governed by the relative aspect ratio of the ellipsoid, which may lead to further control of the plasmon. Research was done by the use of COMSOL Multiphysics by looking at the fundamental plasmon mode supported by an ellipsoidal nanowire and then studying this mode for various geometrical parameters, materials and illumination wavelength. Accordingly it was found that ellipsoidal nanowires exhibit a minimum for the wavenumber and a maximum for the propagation distance at roughly the same dimensions - Highlighting that there is an aspect ratio for which there is poor coupling but low loss. Here we investigate these and related attributes.


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Two hundred million people are displaced annually due to natural disasters with a further one billion living in inadequate conditions in urban areas. Architects have a responsibility to respond to this statistic as the effects of natural and social disasters become more visibly catastrophic when paired with population rise. The research discussed in this paper initially questions and considers how digital tools can be employed to enhance rebuilding processes, but still achieve sensitive, culturally appropriate and accepted built solutions. Secondly the paper reflects on the impact ‘real-world’ projects have on architectural education. Research aspirations encouraged an atypical ‘research by design’ methodology involving a focused case study in the recently devastated village Keigold, Ranongga, Solomon Islands. Through this qualitative approach specific place data and the accounts of those affected were documented through naturalistic and archival methods of observation and participation. Findings reveal a number of unanticipated results which would have been otherwise undetected if field research within the design and rebuilding process was not undertaken, reflecting the importance of place specific research in the design process. Ultimately, the study proves that it is critical for issues of disaster to be addressed on a local rather than global scale; decisions cannot be speculative, or solved at a distance, but require intensive collaborative work with communities to achieve optimum solutions. Architectural education and design studios would continue to benefit from focused community engagement and field research within the design process.


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Persistent monitoring of the ocean is not optimally accomplished by repeatedly executing a fixed path in a fixed location. The ocean is dynamic, and so should the executed paths to monitor and observe it. An open question merging autonomy and optimal sampling is how and when to alter a path/decision, yet achieve desired science objectives. Additionally, many marine robotic deployments can last multiple weeks to months; making it very difficult for individuals to continuously monitor and retask them as needed. This problem becomes increasingly more complex when multiple platforms are operating simultaneously. There is a need for monitoring and adaptation of the robotic fleet via teams of scientists working in shifts; crowds are ideal for this task. In this paper, we present a novel application of crowd-sourcing to extend the autonomy of persistent-monitoring vehicles to enable nonrepetitious sampling over long periods of time. We present a framework that enables the control of a marine robot by anybody with an internet-enabled device. Voters are provided current vehicle location, gathered science data and predicted ocean features through the associated decision support system. Results are included from a simulated implementation of our system on a Wave Glider operating in Monterey Bay with the science objective to maximize the sum of observed nitrate values collected.


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This pilot project aimed to try something different - rekindle positive memories of swimming in people with dementia who enjoyed swimming throughout their lives, and involve them in active swimming again using a swimming club intervention. Club members were recruited from two residential aged care facilities in Queensland, Australia (n=25 recruited, n=18 commenced, n=11 (median age=88.4, IQR=12.3; 1 male) completed the intervention). The 12 week program consisted of two, 45 minute sessions per week held at a municipal pool, using a trained instructor and assistants. Measures, taken at baseline, Week 6, Week 9 and post intervention included psychosocial and physical assessments such as the Revised Memory and Behavior Problems Checklist, Psychological Well-Being in Cognitively Impaired Persons, Seniors Physical Performance Battery and bioelectric impedance analysis. Stakeholder focus groups determined the barriers and facilitators for the club. Three outcomes have been achieved: 1) the development of a dementia specific, evidence-based, aquatic exercise program. This valuable resource will ensure that the benefits will be maximized with tailored exercises for strength, agility, flexibility, balance, relaxation and stress reduction, 2) improved quality of life for members, with statistically significant improvements in psychological wellbeing (χ2 =8.66, p<0.05), BPSD expression (χ2=16.91, p=0.001) and staff distress (χ2=16.86, p=0.001) and 3) an informative website with instructional video clips and a manual to assist others in implementing and maintaining a Watermemories Swimming Club. This pilot project has provided strong evidence that aquatic exercise can produce positive physical, psychosocial and behavioral outcomes for people with dementia.


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Objectives To describe the intervention protocol for the first multilevel ecological intervention for physical activity in retirement communities that addresses individual, interpersonal and community influences on behavior change. Design A cluster randomized controlled trial design was employed with two study arms: a physical activity intervention and an attention control successful aging condition. Setting Sixteen continuing care retirement communities in San Diego County. Participants Three hundred twenty older adults, aged 65 years and older, are being recruited to participate in the trial. In addition, peer leaders are being recruited to lead some study activities, especially to sustain the intervention after study activities ceased. Intervention Participants in the physical activity trial receive individual, interpersonal and community intervention components. The individual level components include pedometers, goal setting and individual phone counseling. The interpersonal level components include group education sessions and peer-led activities. The community level components include resource audits and enumeration, tailored walking maps, and community improvement projects. The successful aging group receives individual and group attention about successful aging topics. Measurements The main outcome is light to moderate physical activity, measured objectively by accelerometry. Other objective outcomes included physical functioning, blood pressure, physical fitness, and cognitive functioning. Self report measures include depressive symptoms and health related quality of life. Results The intervention is being delivered successfully in the communities and compliance rates are high. Conclusion Ecological Models call for interventions that address multiple levels of the model. Previous studies have not included components at each level and retirement communities provide a model environment to demonstrate how to implement such an intervention.


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"Principles of Addiction provides a solid understanding of the definitional and diagnostic differences between use, abuse, and disorder. It describes in great detail the characteristics of these syndromes and various etiological models. The book's three main sections examine the nature of addiction, including epidemiology, symptoms, and course; alcohol and drug use among adolescents and college students; and detailed descriptions of a wide variety of addictive behaviors and disorders, encompassing not only drugs and alcohol, but caffeine, food, gambling, exercise, sex, work, social networking, and many other areas. This volume is especially important in providing a basic introduction to the field as well as an in-depth review of our current understanding of the nature and process of addictive behaviors. Principles of Addiction is one of three volumes comprising the 2,500-page series, Comprehensive Addictive Behaviors and Disorders. This series provides the most complete collection of current knowledge on addictive behaviors and disorders to date. In short, it is the definitive reference work on addictions."--publisher website


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"Biological Research on Addiction examines the neurobiological mechanisms of drug use and drug addiction, describing how the brain responds to addictive substances as well as how it is affected by drugs of abuse. The book's four main sections examine behavioral and molecular biology; neuroscience; genetics; and neuroimaging and neuropharmacology as they relate to the addictive process. This volume is especially effective in presenting current knowledge on the key neurobiological and genetic elements in an individual's susceptibility to drug dependence, as well as the processes by which some individuals proceed from casual drug use to drug dependence. Biological Research on Addiction is one of three volumes comprising the 2,500-page series, Comprehensive Addictive Behaviors and Disorders. This series provides the most complete collection of current knowledge on addictive behaviors and disorders to date. In short, it is the definitive reference work on addictions."--publisher website