988 resultados para Cognex optical inspection systems
Optical data communication systems are prone to a variety of processes that modify the transmitted signal, and contribute errors in the determination of 1s from 0s. This is a difficult, and commercially important, problem to solve. Errors must be detected and corrected at high speed, and the classifier must be very accurate; ideally it should also be tunable to the characteristics of individual communication links. We show that simple single layer neural networks may be used to address these problems, and examine how different input representations affect the accuracy of bit error correction. Our results lead us to conclude that a system based on these principles can perform at least as well as an existing non-trainable error correction system, whilst being tunable to suit the individual characteristics of different communication links.
Recent developments in nonlinear optics reveal an interesting class of pulses with a parabolic intensity profile in the energy-containing core and a linear frequency chirp that can propagate in a fiber with normal group-velocity dispersion. Parabolic pulses propagate in a stable selfsimilar manner, holding certain relations (scaling) between pulse power, width, and chirp parameter. In the additional presence of linear amplification, they enjoy the remarkable property of representing a common asymptotic state (or attractor) for arbitrary initial conditions. Analytically, self-similar (SS) parabolic pulses can be found as asymptotic, approximate solutions of the nonlinear Schr¨odinger equation (NLSE) with gain in the semi-classical (largeamplitude/small-dispersion) limit. By analogy with the well-known stable dynamics of solitary waves - solitons, these SS parabolic pulses have come to be known as similaritons. In practical fiber systems, inherent third-order dispersion (TOD) in the fiber always introduces a certain degree of asymmetry in the structure of the propagating pulse, eventually leading to pulse break-up. To date, there is no analytic theory of parabolic pulses under the action of TOD. Here, we develop aWKB perturbation analysis that describes the effect of weak TOD on the parabolic pulse solution of the NLSE in a fiber gain medium. The induced perturbation in phase and amplitude can be found to any order. The theoretical model predicts with sufficient accuracy the pulse structural changes induced by TOD, which are observed through direct numerical NLSE simulations.
A flexible method for fabricating shallow optical waveguides by using femtosecond laser writing of patterns on a metal coated glass substrate followed by ion-exchange is described. This overcomes the drawbacks of low index contrast and high induced stress in waveguides directly written using low-repetition rate ultrafast laser systems. When compared to conventional lithography, the technique is simpler and has advantages in terms of flexibility in the types of structures which can be fabricated.
In this paper we have done back to back comparison of quantitive phase and refractive index from a microscopic image of waveguide previously obtained by Allsop et al. Paper also shows microscopic image of the first 3 waveguides from the sample. Tomlins et al. have demonstrated use of femtosecond fabricated artefacts as OCT calibration samples. Here we present the use of femtosecond waveguides, inscribed with optimized parameters, to test and calibrate the sensitivity of the OCT systems.
Nonlinear systems with periodic variations of nonlinearity and/or dispersion occur in a variety of physical problems and engineering applications. The mathematical concept of dispersion managed solitons already has made an impact on the development of fibre communications, optical signal processing and laser science. We overview here the field of the dispersion managed solitons starting from mathematical theories of Hamiltonian and dissipative systems and then discuss recent advances in practical implementation of this concept in fibre-optics and lasers.
We propose a novel recursive-algorithm based maximum a posteriori probability (MAP) detector in spectrally-efficient coherent wavelength division multiplexing (CoWDM) systems, and investigate its performance in a 1-bit/s/Hz on-off keyed (OOK) system limited by optical-signal-to-noise ratio. The proposed method decodes each sub-channel using the signal levels not only of the particular sub-channel but also of its adjacent sub-channels, and therefore can effectively compensate deterministic inter-sub-channel crosstalk as well as inter-symbol interference arising from narrow-band filtering and chromatic dispersion (CD). Numerical simulation of a five-channel OOK-based CoWDM system with 10Gbit/s per channel using either direct or coherent detection shows that the MAP decoder can eliminate the need for phase control of each optical carrier (which is necessarily required in a conventional CoWDM system), and greatly relaxes the spectral design of the demultiplexing filter at the receiver. It also significantly improves back-to-back sensitivity and CD tolerance of the system.
We present the impact of Asymmetric filtering of strong (e.g. 35 GHz) optical filters on the performance of 42.7 Gb/s 50% RZ-DPSK systems. The performance is evaluated when offsetting the filter by substantial amounts and it is found that with an offset of almost half the bit rate there is a significant improvement in the calculated Q.
We present a concept for all-optical differential phase-shift keying (DPSK) signal regeneration, based on a new design of Raman amplified nonlinear loop mirror (RA-NOLM). We demonstrate simultaneous amplitude-shape regeneration and phase noise reduction in high-speed DPSK systems by use of the RA-NOLM combined with spectral filtering.
We demonstrate that the use of in-line nonlinear optical loop mirrors (NOLMs) in dispersion-managed (DM) transmission systems dominated by amplitude noise can achieve passive 2R regeneration of a 40 and 80 Gbit/s RZ data stream. This is an indication that the use of this approach could obviate the need for full-regeneration in high data rate, strong DM systems, when intra-channel four-wave mixing poses serious problems.
We present a concept for all-optical regeneration of signals modulated in phase-sensitive modulation formats, which is based on a new design of Raman amplified nonlinear optical loop mirror (RA-NOLM). We demonstrate simultaneous amplitude-shape regeneration and phase-noise reduction in high-speed differential phase-shift-keying transmission systems by use of the RA-NOLM combined with spectral filtering.
In this letter, we numerically demonstrate that the use of inline nonlinear optical loop mirrors in strongly dispersion-managed transmission systems dominated by pulse distortion and amplitude noise can achieve all-optical passive 2R regeneration of a 40-Gb/s return-to-zero data stream. We define the tolerance limits of this result to the parameters of the input pulses.
We analyze the steady-state propagation of optical pulses in fiber transmission systems with lumped nonlinear optical devices (NODs) placed periodically in the line. For the first time to our knowledge, a theoretical model is developed to describe the transmission regime with a quasilinear pulse evolution along the transmission line and the point action of NODs. We formulate the mapping problem for pulse propagation in a unit cell of the line and show that in the particular application to nonlinear optical loop mirrors, the steady-state pulse characteristics predicted by the theory accurately reproduce the results of direct numerical simulations.
A theoretical model is developed to describe the propagation of ultrashort optical pulses in fiber transmission systems in the quasilinear regime, with periodically inserted in-line nonlinear optical devices.
All-optical passive regeneration in 40 Gbit/s-based wavelength-division-multiplexed (WDM) dispersion-managed return-to-zero (RZ) transmission system was discussed. In-line nonlinear optical loop mirrors (NOLM) were used. A feasibility of 300 GHz-spaced two channel unlimited transmission and 150 GHz-spaced two channel 25000 km transmission over the standard fiber were found.