689 resultados para Chinese Americans


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Diabetes in adults (type 2) has emerged as a world health problem. Prevalence and risk factors have been found to vary in different populations. The wide range of prevalence rates worldwide indicates the importance of genetic and environmental factors in the etiology of the disease. The few available studies suggest that Filipinos are among the higher-risk groups for developing diabetes. This cross-sectional study estimated the overall prevalence rate of type 2 diabetes among Filipino Americans, ages 20–74 years and residents of Houston Metropolitan Statistical Area, Texas, to be 16.1%. The observed high prevalence was associated with age, sex, family history of diabetes, obesity, region of birth; and, in women, gestational diabetes and income. The diabetic Filipino Americans had a higher proportion of parental history of diabetes, medical history of hypertension, and history of smoking; were physically less active, but generally non-obese, compared with the United States diabetic population. ^


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Despite of the proven efficacy of the Pap test, Asian populations still have low Pap screening compliance. The purpose of this dissertation was to investigate factors that influencing women's decision to obtain a Pap test, and to describe the development and evaluation of a cervical cancer educational program promoting the Pap screening behavior among women in Taiwan. ^ The first study examined factors associated with Pap screening compliance. Psychometric properties of measurement instruments were also assessed. The scale reliabilities were as the follows: Cronbach alpha 0.70 for knowledge scale, 0.88 for pros scale, 0.68 for cons scale, and 0.72 for perceived norms scale. Results from multiple logistic regression analysis, after adjusted for marital status, showed women who compliant to Pap screening guidelines had significantly higher knowledge, higher perceived benefits (pros), lower perceived barriers (cons), and higher perceived norms to receive a Pap test. ^ The second study described the development of a program called “Love yourself before you take care of your family”, designed to increase Pap screening behavior among women in Taiwan. The development of this program was guided by Intervention Mapping (IM), an innovative process of intervention design. The program used methods such as information transmission, modeling, persuasion, and facilitation. Strategies included direct mail campaigns, role model stories with women's testimonials, and phone intervention. ^ The third study examined the effectiveness of a randomized trial of the carefully-designed intervention (N = 424). Participants were female family members of inpatients admitted to one of the major teaching hospitals in Taiwan during August and September 1999. Women in the intervention group reported a higher rate of receiving a Pap test than women in the control group (50% versus 32%) after a three-month intervention (p = 0.002). Women in the intervention group showed increased knowledge (p = .016), perceived pros (p = 0.008), and susceptibility (p = .011) between baseline and follow-up. They also showed higher perceived pros of Pap tests than women in control group at follow-up (p = .031). This result suggested that program development based on theories and evidences could maximize the intervention impact for a specific target population. ^


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This dissertation was written in the format of three journal articles. Paper 1 examined the influence of change and fluctuation in body mass index (BMI) over an eleven-year period, on changes in serum lipid levels (total, HDL, and LDL cholesterol, triglyceride) in a population of Mexican Americans with type 2 diabetes. Linear regression models containing initial lipid value, BMI and age, BMI change (slope of BMI), and BMI fluctuation (root mean square error) were used to investigate associations of these variables with change in lipids over time. Increasing BMI over time was associated with gains in total and LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels in women. Fluctuation of BMI was not associated with detrimental lipid profiles. These effects were independent of age and were not statistically significant in men. In Mexican-American women with type 2 diabetes, weight reduction is likely to result in more favorable levels of total and LDL cholesterol and triglyceride, without concern for possible detrimental effects of weight fluctuation. Weight reduction may not be as effective in men, but does not appear to be harmful either. ^ Paper 2 examined the associations of upper and total body fat with total cholesterol, HDL and LDL cholesterol, and triglyceride levels in the same population. Multilevel analysis was used to predict serum lipid levels from total body fat (BMI and triceps skinfold) and upper body fat (subscapular skinfold), while controlling for the effects of sex, age and self-correlations across time. Body fat was not strikingly associated with trends in serum lipid levels. However, upper body fat was strongly associated with triglyceride levels. This suggests that loss of upper body fat may be more important than weight loss in management of the hypertriglyceridemia commonly seen in type 2 diabetes. ^ Paper 3 was a review of the literature reporting associations between weight fluctuation and lipid levels. Few studies have reported associations between weight fluctuation and total, LDL, and HDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels. The body of evidence to date suggests that weight fluctuation does not strongly influence levels of total, LDL and HDL cholesterol and triglyceride. ^


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This paper is part of a five-year research project funded by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR) that addresses the health, disability and service needs of Native Americans in eastern tribes. The Participatory Action Research model with a community-based approach was used to facilitate collaboration among the participating tribes. Native American research technicians conducted individual interviews with members of their tribes. Demographics, prevalence of disabilities, and various factors associated with health and mental health are presented. Of the 858 tribal members who responded to survey questions, the third most prominent health problem reported was mental illness.


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This paper documents the results of a pilot paired testing program to examine the treatment of Native Americans by real estate agents in rental housing markets in three states and owner-occupied housing markets in one state. The study finds that the level of discrimination experienced by Native Americans in rental markets exceed those experienced by Hispanics, Blacks, and Asian-Americans.


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In the last thirty years, increasing efforts have been made to reduce the prevalence of adolescent tobacco use in the United States. Although the prevalence has declined dramatically over the past decade, there are still sharp differences in adolescent smoking-initiation rates across racial/ethnic groups. Large-scale surveys frequently assess smoking-related attitudes, self-efficacy, and intentions to explain the differences in smoking rates between African Americans and Whites. However, there is little agreement about which constructs are significant. Moreover, the psychometric properties of smoking-related attitude, self-efficacy, and intention constructs have not been fully examined. More studies are needed to understand existing patterns of tobacco use and to validate and fully exploit the constructs' relationship to adolescent smoking initiation across racial/ethnic groups. ^ This dissertation reports on a secondary analysis of data from a large multi-ethnic convenience sample of sixth- through eighth-grade students in 22 schools in East Texas and the city of Houston. The specific aims of this dissertation were to (1) describe smoking and alternate tobacco product use rates by race/ethnicity, gender, age, and grade level (Article 1); (2) test the factorial validity of smoking-related attitudes, self-efficacy, and intentions using confirmatory factor analysis techniques (Article 2); and (3) test the factorial invariance of smoking-related attitudes, self-efficacy, and intentions between African Americans and Whites (Article 3). ^ The prevalence findings confirm the disparities in tobacco use among African American, Hispanic, and White adolescents that other surveys have reported (Article 1). This study also demonstrates the usefulness of examining use patterns of not only cigarettes but also alternative tobacco products in younger multiethnic populations, as well as of providing epidemiological data estimates about different phases of smoking. The confirmatory factor analysis provides evidence of construct validity of attitude, self-efficacy, and intention scales for the multiethnic sample (Article 2). Finally, the factorial invariance analyses indicates that some measures representing smoking-related attitudes, self-efficacy, and intentions may not be appropriate for use among both African Americans and Whites (Article 3). Additional research is needed to further our understanding of the patterns and predictors of youth tobacco use initiation. ^


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Purpose. The purpose of this randomized control repeated measures trial was to determine the effectiveness of a self-management intervention led by community lay workers called promotoras on the health outcomes of Mexican Americans with type 2 diabetes living in a major city on the Texas - Mexico border. The specific aims of this study, in relation to the intervention group participants, were to: (1) decrease the glycosylated hemoglobin (A1c) blood levels at the six-month assessment, (2) increase diabetes knowledge at the three and six-month assessments, and (3) strengthen the participants' beliefs in their ability to manage diabetes at the three and six-month assessments.^ Methods. One hundred and fifty Mexican American participants were recruited at a Catholic faith-based clinic and randomized into an intervention group and a usual-care control group. Personal characteristics, acculturation and baseline A1c, diabetes knowledge and diabetes health beliefs were measured. The six-month, two-phase intervention was culturally specific and it was delivered entirely by promotoras. Phase One of the intervention consisted of sixteen hours of participative group education and bi-weekly telephone contact follow-up. Phase Two consisted of bi-weekly follow-up using inspirational faith-based health behavior change postcards. The A1c levels, diabetes knowledge and diabetes health beliefs were measured at baseline, and three and six months post-baseline. The mean changes between the groups were analyzed using analysis of covariance. ^ Results. The 80% female sample, with a mean age of 58 years, demonstrated very low: acculturation, income, education, health insurance coverage, and strong Catholicism. No significant changes were noted at the three-month assessment, but the mean change of the A1c levels (F (1, 148 = 10.28, p < .001) and the diabetes knowledge scores (F (1, 148 = 9.0, p < .002) of the intervention group improved significantly at six months, adjusting for health insurance coverage. The diabetes health belief scores decreased in both groups.^ Conclusions. This study demonstrated that an intervention led by promotoras could result in decreased A1c levels and increased diabetes knowledge in spite of the very low acculturation, educational level and insurance coverage of the intervention group participants. Clinical implications and recommendations for future research are suggested. ^


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Several studies have examined the association between high glycemic index (GI) and glycemic load (GL) diets and the risk for coronary heart disease (CHD). However, most of these studies were conducted primarily on white populations. The primary aim of this study was to examine whether high GI and GL diets are associated with increased risk for developing CHD in whites and African Americans, non-diabetics and diabetics, and within stratifications of body mass index (BMI) and hypertension (HTN). Baseline and 17-year follow-up data from ARIC (Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities) study was used. The study population (13,051) consisted of 74% whites, 26% African Americans, 89% non-diabetics, 11% diabetics, 43% male, 57% female aged 44 to 66 years at baseline. Data from the ARIC food frequency questionnaire at baseline were analyzed to provide GI and GL indices for each subject. Increases of 25 and 30 units for GI and GL respectively were used to describe relationships on incident CHD risk. Adjusted hazard ratios for propensity score with 95% confidence intervals (CI) were used to assess associations. During 17 years of follow-up (1987 to 2004), 1,683 cases of CHD was recorded. Glycemic index was associated with 2.12 fold (95% CI: 1.05, 4.30) increased incident CHD risk for all African Americans and GL was associated with 1.14 fold (95% CI: 1.04, 1.25) increased CHD risk for all whites. In addition, GL was also an important CHD risk factor for white non-diabetics (HR=1.59; 95% CI: 1.33, 1.90). Furthermore, within stratum of BMI 23.0 to 29.9 in non-diabetics, GI was associated with an increased hazard ratio of 11.99 (95% CI: 2.31, 62.18) for CHD in African Americans, and GL was associated with 1.23 fold (1.08, 1.39) increased CHD risk in whites. Body mass index modified the effect of GI and GL on CHD risk in all whites and white non-diabetics. For HTN, both systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure modified the effect on GI and GL on CHD risk in all whites and African Americans, white and African American non-diabetics, and white diabetics. Further studies should examine other factors that could influence the effects of GI and GL on CHD risk, including dietary factors, physical activity, and diet-gene interactions. ^


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The disparate burden of breast cancer-related morbidity and mortality experienced by African American women compared with women of other races is a topic of intense debate in the medical and public health arenas. The anomaly is consistently attributed to the fact that at diagnosis, a large proportion of African American women have advanced-stage disease. Extensive research has documented the impacts of cultural factors and of socioeconomic factors in shaping African American women's breast-health practices; however, there is another factor of a more subtle influence that might have some role in establishing these women's vulnerability to this disease: the lack of or perceived lack of partner support. Themes expressed in the research literature reflect that many African American breast cancer patients and survivors consider their male partners as being apathetic and nonsupportive. ^ The purpose of this study was to learn how African American couples' ethnographic paradigms and cultural explanatory model of breast cancer frame the male partners' responses to the women's diagnosis and to assess his ability to cope and willingness to adapt to the subsequent challenges. The goal of the study was to determine whether these men's coping and adaptation skills positively or negatively affect the women's self-care attitudes and behaviors. ^ This study involved 4 African American couples in which the woman was a breast cancer survivor. Participants were recruited through a community-based cancer support group and a church-based cancer support group. Recruitment sessions were held at regular meetings of these organizations. Accrual took 2 months. In separate sessions, each male partner and each survivor completed a demographic survey and a questionnaire and were interviewed. Additionally, the couples were asked to participate in a communications activity (Adinkra). This activity was not done to fulfill any part of the study purpose and was not included in the data analysis; rather, it was done to assess its potential use as an intervention to promote dialogue between African American partners about the experience of breast cancer. ^ The questionnaire was analyzed on the basis of a coding schema and the interview responses were analyzed on the principles of hermeneutic phenomenology. In both cases, the instruments were used to determine whether the partner's coping skills reflected a compassionate attitude (positive response) versus an apathetic attitude (negative response) and whether his adaptation skills reflected supportive behaviors (the positive response) versus nonsupportive behaviors (the negative response). Overall, the women's responses showed that they perceived of their partners as being compassionate, yet nonsupportive, and the partner's perceived of themselves likewise. Only half of the women said that their partners' coping and adaptation abilities enabled them to relinquish traditional concepts of control and focus on their own well-being. ^ The themes that emerged indicate that African American men's attitudes and behaviors regarding his female partner's diagnosis of breast cancer and his ability to cope and willingness to adapt are influenced by their ritualistic mantras, folk beliefs, religious teachings/spiritual values, existential ideologies, socioeconomic status, and environmental factors and by their established perceptions of what causes breast cancer, what the treatments and outcomes are, and how the disease affects the entire family, particularly him. These findings imply that a culturally specific intervention might be useful in educating African American men about breast cancer and their roles in supporting their female partners, physically and psychologically, during diagnosis, treatment, and recovery. ^


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The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 was created to prohibit discrimination against disabled persons in our society. The goal of the ADA as a comprehensive civil rights law is to "ensure equal opportunity and complete participation, independent living and economic self-sufficiency" for disabled persons (U.S. Department of Justice, 2008). As part of Title II and III of the ADA, states and local governments are required to provide people with disabilities the same chance to engage in and benefit from all programs and services including recreational facilities and activities as every other citizen. Recreational facilities and related structures must comply with accessibility standards when creating new structures or renovating existing ones. Through a systematic literature review of articles accessed through online databases, articles relating to children with disabilities, their quality of life and their experience gained through play were reviewed, analyzed and synthesized. Additionally, the ADA's Final Rule regarding accessible playgrounds was evaluated through a descriptive analysis which yielded the following five components relating the importance of barrier-free playgrounds to children with disabilities: appropriate dimensions for children, integration of the play area, variety of activity and stimulation, availability of accessible play structures to communities, and financial feasibility. These components were used as evaluation criteria to investigate the degree to which the ADA's Final Rule document met these criteria. An evaluation of two federal funding sources, the Urban Parks and Recreation Renewal Program (UPARR) and the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF), was also conducted which revealed three components relating the two programs' ability to support the realization of the ADA's Final Rule which included: current budget for the program, ability of local communities to attain funds, and level of ADA compliance required to receive funding. Majority of the evaluation of the Final Rule concluded it be adequate in development of barrier-free playgrounds although there are some portions of the guidelines that would benefit from further elucidation. Both funding programs were concluded to not adequately support the development of barrier-free playgrounds and therefore it was recommended that their funding be re-instated or increased as necessary. ^


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To identify genetic susceptibility loci for severe diabetic retinopathy, 286 Mexican-Americans with type 2 diabetes from Starr County, Texas completed detailed physical and ophthalmologic examinations including fundus photography for diabetic retinopathy grading. 103 individuals with moderate-to-severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy or proliferative diabetic retinopathy were defined as cases for this study. DNA samples extracted from study subjects were genotyped using the Affymetrix GeneChip® Human Mapping 100K Set, which includes 116,204 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) across the whole genome. Single-marker allelic tests and 2- to 8-SNP sliding-window Haplotype Trend Regression implemented in HelixTreeTM were first performed with these direct genotypes to identify genes/regions contributing to the risk of severe diabetic retinopathy. An additional 1,885,781 HapMap Phase II SNPs were imputed from the direct genotypes to expand the genomic coverage for a more detailed exploration of genetic susceptibility to diabetic retinopathy. The average estimated allelic dosage and imputed genotypes with the highest posterior probabilities were subsequently analyzed for associations using logistic regression and Fisher's Exact allelic tests, respectively. To move beyond these SNP-based approaches, 104,572 directly genotyped and 333,375 well-imputed SNPs were used to construct genetic distance matrices based on 262 retinopathy candidate genes and their 112 related biological pathways. Multivariate distance matrix regression was then used to test hypotheses with genes and pathways as the units of inference in the context of susceptibility to diabetic retinopathy. This study provides a framework for genome-wide association analyses, and implicated several genes involved in the regulation of oxidative stress, inflammatory processes, histidine metabolism, and pancreatic cancer pathways associated with severe diabetic retinopathy. Many of these loci have not previously been implicated in either diabetic retinopathy or diabetes. In summary, CDC73, IL12RB2, and SULF1 had the best evidence as candidates to influence diabetic retinopathy, possibly through novel biological mechanisms related to VEGF-mediated signaling pathway or inflammatory processes. While this study uncovered some genes for diabetic retinopathy, a comprehensive picture of the genetic architecture of diabetic retinopathy has not yet been achieved. Once fully understood, the genetics and biology of diabetic retinopathy will contribute to better strategies for diagnosis, treatment and prevention of this disease.^


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The number of people with end-stage-renal-disease (ESRD) and living with dialysis is a growing public health concern. Most studies about the impact of ESRD on people’s lives have placed attention on the medical and clinical dimension of ESRD. Very few have given attention to the environmental and cultural context in which people with ESRD live, the adaptation that these individuals must make to adjust to living with ESRD and dialysis, or the occupations in which they engage. Additionally these studies have not focused on Mexican Americans who are disproportionately affected by this illness and condition. This qualitative study explores the needs, perceptions, and issues facing Mexican Americans with ESRD living with dialysis as well as their families. Participants were residents of the Lower Rio Grande Valley and included individuals with ESRD, family members, and the healthcare providers who give care to them. The Health Belief Model and Lifestyle Performance Model served as the theoretical frameworks. The study also explored the daily occupations of this population. ^ In-depth interviews were conducted on 15 Mexican Americans with ESRD living with dialysis, 15 family members, and six dialysis healthcare providers. A video documentary of the day-to-day life of three individuals with ESRD and their families was produced. Such data do not currently exist and will greatly enhance the understanding of the human experience of living with ESRD. The results suggest that a collective effort of the family unit is at work to deal with the demands of dialysis. An imbalance and disharmony exist among the occupational activities, which creates occupational deprivation and disruption for both the individuals and family members. Implications for practice and recommendations for further research are described. ^


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Background. Physical Activity (PA) is a central part in the fight to reduce obesity rates that are higher in Mexican Americans in the United States than any other ethnic groups. More than half of all Americans do not meet the daily PA recommendations and 48% of Mexican Americans do not exercise. The built environment is believed to affect participation in physical activity. The influence of the built environmental on physical activity levels in low-income Mexican Americans living along the Texas-Mexico border has not been investigated. ^ Purpose. The purpose of this secondary data analysis was trifold: (1) to determine the levels of self-reported PA in adults living in Brownsville, Texas; (2) to characterize the perceptions of this population regarding the built environment; and (3) to determine the association between self-reported PA and the built environment in Mexican Americans living in Brownsville, Texas. ^ Methods. 400 participants from the Tu Salud ¡Sí Cuenta! (TSSC) community-wide campaign were included in this secondary data analysis. Percentages for level of physical activity and the built environment were calculated using SPSS. Perceptions of the built environment were assessed by 14 items. Logistic regression analysis was used to assess the relationship between physical activity and built environment. All models were adjusted for age, gender, and level of education. ^ Results. The majority of men (41.97%) and women (59%), combined (56.7%)did not meet the 2008 PA Guidelines for Americans. We analyzed 14 built environment variables to characterize participants’ perceptions of the built environment. We conducted odds ratio (OR) to find if those who met PA levels associated the built environment such as neighborhood shops ([OR:1.806], CI:1.074,3.038 ]) bus stops ([OR:1.436], CI:.806,2.558) unattended stray dogs ([OR: 1.806], CI:1. 074,3.038), sidewalk access ([OR: .858],CI:.437,1.686), access to free parks ([OR:.549],CI:.335,.900) heavy traffic in neighborhood ([OR:.802], CI:.501,1.285), crime rate ([OR:.779], CI:.494,1.228) ranked the highest by mean score. The association between physical activity and the perceived built environment factors for Mexican Americans participating in the TSSCStudy were weakly associated. ^ Conclusions. This study provides evidence that PA levels are low in this Mexican American population. The built environment factors assessed in this study characterized the need for further studies of the variables that are seen as important to the Mexican American population. Lastly, the association of PA levels to the built environment was weak overall and further studies are recommended of the built environment.^


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Colorectal cancer (CRC) has been one of the leading causes of cancer death in the United States. Although incidence and mortality rates of colorectal cancer in the United States have decreased in recent years, the disparity in CRC incidence and mortality between African Americans and Whites remain. Disparity in CRC screening rates is believed to be one of the causes that contribute to the disparity in CRC incidence and mortality between these two races. Finding the differences in CRC screening barriers and predictors between these two groups can help us to design more effective intervention programs to improve CRC screening rates for African Americans. However, most of the previous studies have investigated different types of CRC screening barriers for African Americans and/or Whites, but no studies have compared the same CRC screening barriers between African Americans and Whites. The purpose of this study is to describe and compare the same CRC screening barriers between these two races. Using chi-square analysis, significant differences between African Americans and Whites were found for marital status, income and education. Compared to Whites, African Americans were less aware of CRC screening procedures and lacked CRC knowledge. Significant differences were found between African Americans and Whites in the awareness of sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy and barium enema. After adjusting for sex, education, marital status, and household income, six out of thirteen CRC screening barriers and two out of nine CRC screening predictors remained to be statistically significantly different between African Americans and Whites. The results of this study indicated that different CRC screening barriers and predictors had different impact on African Americans, and African Americans had more CRC barriers to overcome than Whites.^


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This synthesis of the literature provides descriptive analysis and outlines current self-management interventions for African Americans with type 2 diabetes. Specifically, this study describes and explores the design of those studies whose interventions have been shown to lower HbA1C levels in this population by at least 0.5% points, an improvement that provides approximately 10% reduction in long term complications from this disease.^ Results. In total, 37 articles were reviewed and 17 articles met inclusion criteria for analysis. Analysis of each study's methodology and results was performed and selected studies with interventions that resulted in improvements in HbA1C outcomes equal to 0.5% or greater for both group 1 and 2 were summarized by intervention type in table format. Descriptive analysis, outlining the number and characteristics of proximal and distal mediating components addressed in Group 1 studies, was performed in order to determine whether mediating components may have had some relation to effectiveness of intervention on outcome HbA1C. Descriptive analysis revealed that no particular design is substantially more effective than another among Behavioral studies although, there may be an advantage in using culturally sensitive, group interventions that address greater numbers of distal mediating components. Among Process studies, structured approaches (i.e. algorithm care and scheduled follow up), as well as utilization of specialty and group care are represented as effective for African American populations. ^ Conclusions. It may be summarized that by targeting behavior and addressing provider delivery (i.e. algorithm use, group care, home care, and provider follow up) in this population, a greater yield in outcome improvements may be accomplished. However, many gaps exist in a review process that stratifies results and focuses on identifying group specific intervention successes and failures. Further research in different populations will aid researchers and practitioners in discovering the best evidence, and identifying models that could be utilized in practice to achieve the best diabetes management for at risk groups.^