1000 resultados para Cerda Rodríguez, Joselín
O efeito estimulante da spiperona e da naloxana sob a maturação ovariana foram avaliados em fêmeas de Aegla uruguayana Schmitt, 1942 e, para isto, tais neuroreguladores foram incorporados ao alimento e administrados a uma dose de 10-8 mol/animal a cada sessão de alimentação. Fêmeas adultas foram coletadas com puçá em um arroio próximo à cidade de Salto, Província de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Dez fêmeas foram sacrificadas, medidas, pesadas e os seus ovários foram retirados e pesados para a determinação do índice gonadossomático (IG). As demais fêmeas (30) foram divididas em três grupos experimentais - (a) controle: alimentadas com pellets controle composto por ração para peixe - 34% de proteína e 43% de proteína; (b) spiperona: alimentadas com pellets controle enriquecidos com spiperona; (c) naloxana: alimentadas com pellets controle enriquecidos com naloxana. Após 7 semanas as fêmeas foram sacrificadas e avaliado o IG. Os ovários e o hepatopâncreas foram quantificados quanto aos níveis de lipídeos totais e colesterol. A naloxana produziu um aumento significativo nos níveis de lipídeos tanto nas gônadas como no hepatopâncreas em relação ao grupo controle. A spiperona produziu aumento significativo nos níveis de lipídeos nas gônadas e no hepatopâncreas e de colesterol no hepatopâncreas quando comparados ao controle. Os níveis de lipídeos foram significativamente menores na hemolinfa das fêmeas que foram alimentadas com pellets com spiperona e maiores nas fêmeas tratadas com naloxana quando comparadas as fêmeas que foram alimentadas apenas com ração. A spiperona e a naloxana, ao inibir os efeitos da dopamina e dos opióides endógenos, provavelmente causaram a secreção do hormônio estimulante das gônadas e a inibição do hormônio inibidor das gônadas, causando, portanto indução do desenvolvimento ovariano. Tal hipótese é reforçada pelos aumentos do índice gonadossomático verificado nestes grupos experimentais.
Growth, metabolic rate, and energy reserves of Cherax quadricarinatus (von Martens, 1868) juveniles were evaluated in crayfish acclimated for 16 weeks to either 25ºC (temperature near optimum) or 20ºC (marginal for the species). Additionally, the modulating effect of ecdsyone on acclimation was studied. After 12 weeks of exposure, weight gain of both experimental groups acclimated to 25ºC (control: C25, and ecdysone treated: E25) was significantly higher than that of those groups acclimated to 20ºC (C20 and E20). A total compensation in metabolic rate was seen after acclimation from 25ºC to 20ºC; for both the control group and the group treated with ecdysone. A Q10value significantly higher was only observed in the group acclimated to 20ºC and treated with ecdysone. A reduction of glycogen reserves in both hepatopancreas and muscle, as well as a lower protein content in muscle, was seen in both groups acclimated to 20ºC. Correspondingly, glycemia was always higher in these groups. Increased lipid levels were seen in the hepatopancreas of animals acclimated to 20ºC, while a higher lipid level was also observed in muscle at 20ºC, but only in ecdysone-treated crayfish.
Here we examine major anatomical characteristics of Corydoras aff. paleatus (Jenyns, 1842) post-hatching development, in parallel with its neurobehavioral evolution. Eleutheroembryonic phase, 4.3-8.8 days post-fertilization (dpf); 4.3-6.4 mm standard length (SL) encompasses from hatching to transition to exogenous feeding. Protopterygiolarval phase (8.9-10.9 dpf; 6.5-6.7 mm SL) goes from feeding transition to the commencement of unpaired fin differentiation, which marks the start of pterygiolarval phase (11-33 dpf; 6.8-10.7 mm SL) defined by appearance of lepidotrichia in the dorsal part of the median finfold. This phase ends with the full detachment and differentiation of unpaired fins, events signaling the commencement of the juvenile period (34-60 dpf; 10.8-18.0 mm SL). Eleutheroembryonic phase focuses on hiding and differentiation of mechanosensory, chemosensory and central neural systems, crucial for supplying the larval period with efficient escape and nutrient detection-capture neurocircuits. Protopterygiolarval priorities include visual development and respiratory, digestive and hydrodynamic efficiencies. Pterygiolarval priorities change towards higher swimming efficacy, including carangiform and vertical swimming, necessary for the high social interaction typical of this species. At the end of the protopterygiolarval phase, simple resting and foraging aggregations are seen. Resting and foraging shoals grow in complexity and participant number during pterygiolarval phase, but particularly during juvenile period.
A new species of gall midge, Lopesia eichhorniae sp. nov. (Cecidomyiidae, Diptera), associated with rhizomes of Eichhornia azurea (Sw.) Kunth (Pontederiaceae) is described. This is the first record of Lopesia galls in this species of macrophyte, quite common in natural and artificial lakes in Southeast Brazil. Illustrations of the adults (male and female), pupa, larva, and gall of the new species are presented.
Objectiu: Donar informació sobre els riscos del tabac, avaluar l’hàbit tabàquic i el compliment de la normativa vigent per part de la comunitat universitària a través d’una campanya de sensibilització. Metodologia: Prèviament a l’inici de les activitats es van dissenyar i passar unes enquestes per avaluar l’hàbit tabàquic als estudiants (a l’aula) i treballadors de l’Escola de Ciències de la Salut. Durant la setmana d’activitats, que coincidia amb el Dia Internacional de LLuita Antitabàquica, es va crear una taula informativa a càrrec dels estudiants de l’assignatura Atencions d’Infermeria a Addiccions i Toxicomanies, per tal d’informar de forma àmplia sobre el tabaquisme, conseqüències i tractaments. Al mateix temps i de forma passiva en uns monitors de TV es donava més informació, amb una material creat per aquesta campanya. Resultats: Els mitjans de comunicació van demostrar, des de l’inici de la campanya, un gran interès. Respecte a la participació per part de la comunitat universitària podem dir que va ser acceptable, al voltant de 1000 persones van passar per la taula informativa. El perfil dels estudiants que van contestar l’enquesta va ser dona (66.4%), alumne de fisioteràpia (49%), fumadors (regulars i ocasionals 52%). Dintre del grup de fumadors regulars per gèneres les dones fumen més 37%, front als homes 27.7%. Consum setmanal de cigarretes (regulars i ocasionals), presenta una mitjana de 59 (D.E=49). La majoria ha fet algun intent de deixar de fumar, 61%. Respecte al temps d’ abstinència un 69.9% no ha passat de 3 mesos i un 96% pensa que fumar en un espai tancat és perjudicial pels altres. Per últim, de tots el entrevistats la gran majoria (97.8%), declaren que fumen davant seu i a un 41.4 % els molesta. Conclusions: La Comissió fa una valoració positiva general, de com es van desenvolupar les diferents activitats. No obstant s’observa poca sensibilització per una part de la comunitat universitària respecte a la llibertat de viure.
En esta investigación se analizan los factores que influyen en la revelación de información tanto obligatoria como voluntaria (activos intangibles) en las entidades de crédito españolas en sus informes anuales, contrastando si son diferentes los factores que influyen en la revelación de una u otra información.
Aquest informe presenta els resultats d'un estudi dels usuaris de les revistes electròniques de compra consorciada del CBUC que complementa els obtinguts en estudis previs d'anàlisi de les estadístiques d'ús de revistes electròniques. L'estudi es va realitzar a través d'una enquesta distribuïda entre els mesos de maig i juny de 2005 als prop de 15.000 professors de les universitats que formen part del CBUC, en la qual se'ls preguntava per l'ús i la valoració de la col·lecció de revistes electròniques i impreses disponibles a la seva institució. Es van rebre un total de 2.682 respostes, que representen una taxa de resposta situada al voltant del 18%.
Estudi aproximatiu a la síntesi en fase sòlida de la part glicosídica de la digitoxina, essencial per l’activitat biològica com a reguladora de les propietats farmacocinètiques, i per tant molt important per l’avenç de la química mèdica i bioinorgànica. La metodologia que s’ha seguit inclou: síntesi de la pentosa de partença adequada, a partir de la qual, es van obtindre les unitats de 2,6- didesoxiglicósids; síntesi dels suports polimèrics necessaris per la síntesi en fase sòlida dels compostos objectiu; estudi de diferent tipus de glicosil dadors i activador de tioglicosids, lactols i tricloroacetimidats per la reacció de glicosilació amb el linker. S’ha assolit comprensió i coneixement de la tecnologia associada a la síntesi en fase sòlida, que requereix procediment diferenciat de la síntesi en solució convencional.
The purpose of this paper is twofold. First, we construct a DSGE model which spells out explicitly the instrumentation of monetary policy. The interest rate is determined every period depending on the supply and demand for reserves which in turn are affected by fundamental shocks: unforeseeable changes in cash withdrawal, autonomous factors, technology and government spending. Unexpected changes in the monetary conditions of the economy are interpreted as monetary shocks. We show that these monetary shocks have the usual effects on economic activity without the need of imposing additional frictions as limited participation in asset markets or sticky prices. Second, we show that this view of monetary policy may have important consequences for empirical research. In the model, the contemporaneous correlations between interest rates, prices and output are due to the simultaneous effect of all fundamental shocks. We provide an example where these contemporaneous correlations may be misinterpreted as a Taylor rule. In addition, we use the sign of the impact responses of all shocks on output, prices and interest rates derived from the model to identify the sources of shocks in the data.
The aim of this note is to complement some of the results appearing in Dolado et al. (2003) article “Publishing Performance in Economics: Spanish Rankings” Particularly we want to focus on three issues: the robustness of the results regardless of the time span considered, the evaluation of a researcher to the advance of the knowledge, and to what extent the choice of a particular database to download the results can affect the results. Differences are significant when we expand the time period considered. There are also small but significant differences if we combine datasets to derive the rankings.
1. E' descrito o órgão odorífero de um macho do genus Eriopyga das noctuídas (Lepidoptera, Hadeninae) morfológica , microanatômica e histològicamente. A classificação sistemática do exemplar foi feita pelo Prof. Dr. A. DE COSTA LIMA. Se se trata de uma espécie nova não foi possível esclarecer, pois o material para o exame histológico foi aproveitado em parte nos preparados. 2. A parte glandular do órgão esta situada num sulco longitudinal e lateral de ambos os lados do tergito do segmento II, III e IV. O pincel-distribuidor insere-se num aumento do ângulo anterior do tergito do segmento II e que pode ser enrolado. 3. O órgão representa o tipo dos órgãos odoríferos compostos. 4. As células glandulares formam uma placa glandular em conjunto, que possui apenas algumas poucas e reduzidas cerdas expedidoras como restos da existência anterior geral de cerdas. 5. As células glandulares não possuem aparelhos expedidores e a secreção deve difundir-se pela cutícula. 6. A placa glandular e coberta por uma rêde de fascículos musculares ou fascículos elásticos que derivam dos músculos dorsoventrais, inserindo-se entre as células glandulares. Eventualmente elas aumentam a pressão da secreção nas células. 7. A secreção e transmitida ao ar por meio de um pincel-distribuidor, que pode ser aberto por músculos. 8. A estrutura do pincel-distribuidor tem uma zona solida no meio. Esta zona serve como limite que evita a perda da secreção retirada pela ponte para a parte basal da cerda. 9. E´ descrita uma glândula auxiliar, cuja secreção eventualmente possa aumentar a ação da descrita zona de limite. 10. Das observações deve-se concluir que o órgão odorífero desta espécie do gênero Eriopyga possui um grau de evolução relativamente alto.
The purpose of this paper is to study the determinants of equilibrium in the market for daily funds. We use the EONIA panel database which includes daily information on the lending rates applied by contributing commercial banks. The data clearly shows an increase in both the time series volatility and the cross section dispersion of rates towards the end of the reserve maintenance period. These increases are highly correlated. With respect to quantities, we find that the volume of trade as well as the use of the standing facilities are also larger at the end of the maintenance period. Our theoretical model shows how the operational framework of monetary policy causes a reduction in the elasticity of the supply of funds by banks throughout the reserve maintenance period. This reduction in the elasticity together with market segmentation and heterogeneity are able to generate distributions for the interest rates and quantities traded with the same properties as in the data.
This paper presents a general equilibrium model of money demand where the velocity of money changes in response to endogenous fluctuations in the interest rate. The parameter space can be divided into two subsets: one where velocity is constant as in standard cash-in-advance models, and another one where velocity fluctuates as in Baumol (1952). The model provides an explanation of why, for a sample of 79 countries, the correlation between the velocity of money and the inflation rate appears to be low, unlike common wisdom would suggest. The reason is the diverse transaction technologies available in different economies.
This paper analyzes the propagation of monetary policy shocks through the creation of credit in an economy. Models of the monetary transmission mechanism typically feature responses which last for a few quarters contrary to what the empirical evidence suggests. To propagate the impact of monetary shocks over time, these models introduce adjustment costs by which agents find it optimal to change their decisions slowly. This paper presents another explanation that does not rely on any sort of adjustment costs or stickiness. In our economy, agents own assets and make occupational choices. Banks intermediate between agents demanding and supplying assets. Our interpretation is based on the way banks create credit and how the monetary authority affects the process of financial intermediation through its monetary policy. As the central bank lowers the interest rate by buying government bonds in exchange for reserves, high productive entrepreneurs are able to borrow more resources from low productivity agents. We show that this movement of capital among agents sets in motion a response of the economy that resembles an expansionary phase of the cycle.