955 resultados para Census of population and housing (1980)
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The census of a fishing industry is called a frame survey. This is a rather comprehensive term, because there are many aspects of a fishery which one might wish to know. This is illustrated by the report on the partial census executed by the ADP/FS on the southern landings of L.Kyoga during December 1988, which deals with many socio-economic aspects of fishermen's households.
La década de 1990 significó para Argentina la profundización de la práctica de un nuevo orden que respondía al modelo neoliberal. Dicho modelo creó condiciones de inestabilidad, corrupción, aumento de la desocupación y concentración de la riqueza, lo cual tendría una reconocida incidencia en la evolución de la miseria en el Norte Grande Argentino (NGA), el área más carente del país según distintas variables sociodemográficas. En este territorio se identificaron los núcleos más críticos en relación a la concentración de miseria a principios y finales de dicha década. Uno de estos núcleos corresponde al Chaco Aborigen. La miseria presentó avances, persistencias y descenso en este núcleo. En este trabajo se analizan los principales procesos territoriales ocurridos en la década en cada uno de estos sectores, los cuales podrían asociarse con determinados comportamientos. Dentro de tales procesos se pretende indagar sobre los cambios en las grandes masas de cultivo, la ganadería, la cantidad y superficie de las explotaciones agropecuarias y la dinámica de la población. Como fuentes de información se utilizaron los Censos Nacionales de Población, Hogares y Viviendas de 1991 y 2001, los Censos Nacionales Agropecuarios de 1988 y 2002 y las estadísticas vitales del periodo intercensal.
La década de 1990 significó para Argentina la profundización de la práctica de un nuevo orden que respondía al modelo neoliberal. Dicho modelo creó condiciones de inestabilidad, corrupción, aumento de la desocupación y concentración de la riqueza, lo cual tendría una reconocida incidencia en la evolución de la miseria en el Norte Grande Argentino (NGA), el área más carente del país según distintas variables sociodemográficas. En este territorio se identificaron los núcleos más críticos en relación a la concentración de miseria a principios y finales de dicha década. Uno de estos núcleos corresponde al Chaco Aborigen. La miseria presentó avances, persistencias y descenso en este núcleo. En este trabajo se analizan los principales procesos territoriales ocurridos en la década en cada uno de estos sectores, los cuales podrían asociarse con determinados comportamientos. Dentro de tales procesos se pretende indagar sobre los cambios en las grandes masas de cultivo, la ganadería, la cantidad y superficie de las explotaciones agropecuarias y la dinámica de la población. Como fuentes de información se utilizaron los Censos Nacionales de Población, Hogares y Viviendas de 1991 y 2001, los Censos Nacionales Agropecuarios de 1988 y 2002 y las estadísticas vitales del periodo intercensal.
La década de 1990 significó para Argentina la profundización de la práctica de un nuevo orden que respondía al modelo neoliberal. Dicho modelo creó condiciones de inestabilidad, corrupción, aumento de la desocupación y concentración de la riqueza, lo cual tendría una reconocida incidencia en la evolución de la miseria en el Norte Grande Argentino (NGA), el área más carente del país según distintas variables sociodemográficas. En este territorio se identificaron los núcleos más críticos en relación a la concentración de miseria a principios y finales de dicha década. Uno de estos núcleos corresponde al Chaco Aborigen. La miseria presentó avances, persistencias y descenso en este núcleo. En este trabajo se analizan los principales procesos territoriales ocurridos en la década en cada uno de estos sectores, los cuales podrían asociarse con determinados comportamientos. Dentro de tales procesos se pretende indagar sobre los cambios en las grandes masas de cultivo, la ganadería, la cantidad y superficie de las explotaciones agropecuarias y la dinámica de la población. Como fuentes de información se utilizaron los Censos Nacionales de Población, Hogares y Viviendas de 1991 y 2001, los Censos Nacionales Agropecuarios de 1988 y 2002 y las estadísticas vitales del periodo intercensal.
The Socio-Economic Atlas of Kenya is the first of its kind to offer high-resolution spatial depictions and analyses of data collected in the 2009 Kenya Population and Housing Census . The combination of geographic and socio-eco - nomic data enables policymakers at all levels, development experts, and other interested readers to gain a spatial understanding of dynamics affecting Kenya. Where is the informal economic sector most prominent? Which areas have adequate water and sanitation? Where is population growth being slowed effectively? How do education levels vary throughout the country? And where are poverty rates lowest? Answers to questions such as these, grouped into seven broad themes, are visually illustrated on high-resolution maps. By supplying precise information at the sub-location level and summarizing it at the county level, the atlas facilitates better planning that accounts for local contexts and needs. It is a valuable decision-support tool for government institutions at different administrative levels, educational institutions, and others. Three organizations – two in Kenya and one in Switzerland – worked together to create the atlas: the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS), the Nanyuki-based Centre for Training and Integrated Research in ASAL Development (CETRAD), and the Centre for Development and Environment (CDE) at the University of Bern. Close cooperation between KNBS, CETRAD, and CDE maximized synergies and knowledge exchange.
The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean, in collaboration with the World Bank, conducted a week-long Regional Workshop on Microdata Documentation and Dissemination. The workshop, which was funded by the Partnership in Statistics for Development in the Twenty-First Century (PARIS21) and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), was held at the Hilton Hotel and Conference Centre in Port of Spain, Trinidad, from 26 to 30 April 2010. The main objective of the workshop was to provide training to member States on the Microdata Management Toolkit. This toolkit was developed by International Household Surveys Networks (IHSN) to assist in the documentation, dissemination and preservation of household survey, census and microdata in accordance with international standards and best practices. The training was organized in response to numerous requests by directors of statistics in the region for the development of capacity in that area. It was specifically timed to meet the training needs of those offices ahead of the 2010 round of Population and Housing Censuses.
At head of title: United States Dept. of Commerce... Bureau of the Census...
This study examines changes in the Cuban family in the United States produced by time, migration, and the rise of new generations. The thesis will use a data set extracted from the 5% Public Use Microdata Series (PUMS) of the U.S. Decennial Census of Population for the years 1970, 1980 and 1990. Contingency table analysis and comparison of means were used to examine various family-related variables. The analysis points to changes in the traditional Cuban family towards less traditional family arrangements. The multigenerational feature of the Cuban household has diminished as the elderly have become independent and are more likely to be living on their own. Although female labor participation remains high, the occupational patterns of the first generation of Cuban women have diversified and a new trend has emerged for the second generation. The second generation of Cuban women demonstrates a strong inclination for white-collar occupations. Fertility rates remain low.
We study the two key social issues of immigration and housing in lightof each other and analyse which housing policies work best to distributediversity (racial, economic, cultural) equally across our cities and towns. Inparticular, we compare the impact of direct government expenditure andtax incentives on the housing conditions of immigrants in four Europeancountries: France, Germany, Spain and the United Kingdom. The analysisshows that the different policies which have been adopted in these countrieshave not succeeded in preventing immigrants from being concentratedin certain neighbourhoods. The reason is that housing benefits andtax incentives are normally “spatially blind”. In our opinion, governmentsshould consider immigration indirectly in their housing policies and, forinstance, distribute social housing more evenly across different areas topromote sustainable levels of diversity.
"The section of the report relating to population was prepared by Dr. Alba M. Edwards, expert special agent of the Division of population, and the section relating to agriculture was prepared by Mr. Arthur J. Hirsch, expert special agent of the Division of agriculture". -p. 9.
Includes index.
As the word population continues to grow and global resources are limited, the WHO definition of health is difficult to achieve for a large part of the population. Humanity is facing the need to improve both environmental and human wellbeing. This can be done through careful planning and management of natural resources, ensuring food safety and reducing and converting wastes. This work aims to contribute to the improvement of population and environmental health exploring different research fields: urban park ecosystem services, food chemical risk assessment and agri-food by-product valorization. To highlight the importance of urban parks and their ecosystem services, an ethnobotanical study was carried out in the Ausa urban park in Rimini, using a citizen science approach. The results showed that Ausa Park is an important focal point for plant gatherers in Rimini, as it allows for plant foraging and contributes to preserve the knowledge of the use of plants. Two food safety studies were carried out, looking at the exposure of Poles to bisphenol A through the consumption of soft drinks and to cadmium through the consumption of chocolate bars. The results, compared with EFSA’s scientific opinion, show that the exposure of the Polish population to BPA is of health concern, while cadmium is not. In the agri-food by-product valorization, a green extraction method was optimized to recover valuable phenolic compounds from red-fleshed apple pomace; moreover, the possibility of recovering pectin from the residue was evaluated. Furthermore, valuable compounds in four different types of wheat milling by-products, considered as an alternative source of bioactive compounds with potential human health benefits, were investigated. In conclusion, this work produced usable data in urban green area management and planning, in food chemical risk assessment and in business production decisions, thus contributing to improving environmental and people wellbeing.
The thesis presents a comparison of the national energy policies of the Federal Republic of Germany and Canada from 1973 until the late 1980s. The purpose of this paper is to analyze whether economic and/or environmental concerns were responsible for changes in the· West-German and Canadian national energy policies. Furthermore, the feasibility of implementing a soft energy path in West-Germany and Canada is examined. For better comprehension of the policy-making process and implemented changes in the national energy policies of the two states, the West-German and Canadian parliamentary systems and the political cultures were compared. For the analysis, several events with international impact were taken as guidelines. Furthermore, based on statistical data, the West-German and Canadian energy production and consumption were analyzed. With reference to these results the degree of the de facto changes in the national energy policies were analyzed. In addition, the thesis discusses the possibilities which a soft energy path offers to both national governments to renounce themselves from the dependencies on a few energy resources. The thesis reveals that changes in the West-German and Canadian national energy policies, in their energy production and consumption are correlated to various world events. In particular, governmental reponses security of energy supply by the two international oil crises of 1973 and 1979/1980 demonstrate that changes in the West-German and Canadian national energy policies were implemented in reaction to economic concerns than environmental ones. With the policies "away from oil" and "off oil", the West-German and Canadian government implemented the i i substitution of oil through various diverse energy supply resources. However, energy savings concepts and policies were initiated through the first oil crisis in 1973. The world recessions in 1975 and 1982 had no 'profound impacts on the agenda of West-German and Canadian energy policies. As a consequence of the stagnation or the negative growth of the world economic market, changes in their energy production and consumption can be perceived. However, the West-German and Canadian energy production and consumption intensified with the augmentation of the world economy. During the period of study, environmental concerns were taken into account in the energy policy agendas of the Federal Republic of Germany and Canada but they were not of primary concern. wi thin the decade of. the 1980s notably more environmental considerations were taken into account in the energy policies of the two states. The two nuclear reactor accidents in 1979 and 1986 sharpened to various degrees West-German and Canadian public discourse of present energy supply mix and attitude towards energy production and consumption. The statistical data reflects yet no changes in the energy policies in regard to the position of nuclear power. However, in the next several years possible changes can be observed through statistical data, because the planning, the construction and possible phase out of nuclear power requires several years. Finally, the thesis reveals that the implementation of a soft energy path requires profound changes in the consumer behaviour. As several studies indicate, a soft energy path is technological and economically feasible for the Federal Republic of Germany and Canada, its implementation remains to be a political decision.