522 resultados para COACHING


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relatório de estágio apresentado para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Desporto com especialização em Treino Desportivo


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relatório de estágio apresentado para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Desporto com especialização em Treino Desportivo


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Thesis (Master, Kinesiology & Health Studies) -- Queen's University, 2016-10-03 07:59:09.638


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This paper describes how elicitation interview technique was used within a phenomenographic research design to explore physical education teachers’ experiences of teaching games using a Game Based Approach (GBA). Participants taught in one of two different international contexts, Australia or England, and all had some experience of using a GBA to teach games. The focus of the paper is the presentation and discussion of the unique research design used to generate understanding about GBA teaching experiences as well as extending the examination of GBAs from different philosophical viewpoints. Authors’ reflections on the utilised research design are presented with concluding discussion identifying further research opportunities relating to GBAs in teaching and coaching contexts.


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The development and use of game based approaches (GBAs) across a range of global teaching and coaching settings has expanded significantly over the last two decades. And with each GBA underpinned by similar theories of learning, distinctions between each approach can often be blurred. Arguably, this can lead to teachers' and coaches' blended conceptualisations of different pedagogical approaches. Thus, although similar there is a need for teachers and coaches to recognise that not all GBAs are the same with each model or approach chosen impacting significantly upon learner experiences. Through analysis of literature and presentation of teaching/coaching lesson/session outlines, this paper presents similarities and differences of two game based instructional pedagogies - TGfU and Game Sense - and discusses the need for teachers and coaches to recognise and respond to the contextual differences of each when considering their use.


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BACKGROUND: Participation in traditional center-based cardiac rehabilitation exercise programs (exCR) is limited by accessibility barriers. Mobile health (mHealth) technologies can overcome these barriers while preserving critical attributes of center-based exCR monitoring and coaching, but these opportunities have not yet been capitalized on.

OBJECTIVE: We aimed to design and develop an evidence- and theory-based mHealth platform for remote delivery of exCR to any geographical location.

METHODS: An iterative process was used to design and develop an evidence- and theory-based mHealth platform (REMOTE-CR) that provides real-time remote exercise monitoring and coaching, behavior change education, and social support.

RESULTS: The REMOTE-CR platform comprises a commercially available smartphone and wearable sensor, custom smartphone and Web-based applications (apps), and a custom middleware. The platform allows exCR specialists to monitor patients' exercise and provide individualized coaching in real-time, from almost any location, and provide behavior change education and social support. Intervention content incorporates Social Cognitive Theory, Self-determination Theory, and a taxonomy of behavior change techniques. Exercise components are based on guidelines for clinical exercise prescription.

CONCLUSIONS: The REMOTE-CR platform extends the capabilities of previous telehealth exCR platforms and narrows the gap between existing center- and home-based exCR services. REMOTE-CR can complement center-based exCR by providing an alternative option for patients whose needs are not being met. Remotely monitored exCR may be more cost-effective than establishing additional center-based programs. The effectiveness and acceptability of REMOTE-CR are now being evaluated in a noninferiority randomized controlled trial.


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Les conditions actuelles en éducation sont difficiles pour le corps professoral. La charge de travail élevé, le stress, les difficultés liées à la gestion de classe et le manque de soutien sont au nombre des difficultés vécues par les enseignantes et les enseignants. De surcroît, les novices en enseignement parviennent difficilement à s’intégrer dans la profession enseignante, car en plus de subir ces conditions non optimales, ils n’ont pas développé tous les savoir-être et tous les savoir-faire afin de faire face à cette réalité. Ce qui en amène plus d’un à quitter la profession enseignante dans les cinq premières années de la pratique. D’une part, à l’égard de ce constat, les directions d’établissements scolaires ne peuvent rester passives et devront à l’avenir voir à faciliter les conditions telles que la lourdeur de la tâche, les groupes difficiles et la précarité des emplois en début de carrière, afin de minimiser l’état de détresse psychologique qui est ressenti chez un certain nombre de ces enseignantes et de ces enseignants. D’autre part, les directrices et directeurs «établissements scolaires doivent intervenir et soutenir adéquatement les novices en enseignement afin de les supporter dans leur insertion professionnelle et ainsi contrer le décrochage des novices tel que nous l’avons recensé dans les études évoquées dans cette recherche. Le but de cette recherche est justement de proposer une démarche d’accompagnement pour aider les novices à s’insérer adéquatement dans la fonction de la profession enseignante en facilitant l’exercice de la profession et leur intégration dans le milieu éducatif. Afin de parvenir à ce but, notre premier objectif est de définir une démarche daccompagnement pour soutenir adéquatement les novices en enseignement. Cette démarche tient compte des difficultés vécues en enseignement et des conditions auxquelles les novices sont confrontés. De là l’importance, dans cette démarche d’accompagnement, d’outiller adéquatement les novices en les aidant à développer des savoir-être et des savoir-faire. Notre deuxième objectif est d’accompagner les novices dans une démarche qui s’appuie sur les outils du coaching tels qu’ils ont été décrits dans le cadre théorique. Une démarche qui s’appuie sur les savoir-être et les savoir-faire de l’accompagnateur afin d’aider le novice à s’actualiser au travers des étapes du plan d’action : l’objectif, la phase réflexive, l’action et la rétroaction. Une démarche qui s’appuie aussi sur le processus de l’actualisation de soi, processus qui amène la personne accompagnée à développer sa disponibilité par sa capacité à recevoir et à traiter l’information, à développer son autonomie par sa capacité à faire des choix, et à développer son efficacité par sa capacité à agir. Finalement, notre troisième objectif est d’observer les répercussions de la démarche d’accompagnement sur l’insertion des novices en enseignement et sur leur motivation. Pour avoir un impact sur les novices dans leur pratique et dans leur insertion professionnelle, nous devons justement viser à développer leur motivation et leur autonomie afin de faire perdurer l’effet de l’accompagnement et les bénéfices du soutien reçu au cours des premières années en enseignement. Ceci peut se faire en minimisant leurs préoccupations et en abaissant le niveau de stress auquel ils sont confrontés quotidiennement. Concrètement, cette recherche-action vise à travailler conjointement avec le novice afin que celui-ci puisse développer davantage de résilience en s’appropriant des comportements et des connaissances qui vont faciliter son insertion. Le but de notre recherche n’est donc pas de minimiser les conditions actuelles envers l’apathie du système, mais plutôt de faciliter l’insertion professionnelle des novices à l’égard des conditions actuelles. La recherche-action a été réalisée en accompagnant quatre novices en enseignement qui sont confrontés aux difficultés mentionnées dans diverses études antérieures sur l’insertion des novices en enseignement. Les novices provenaient d’écoles primaires publiques et privées. La démarche a été appliquée sur une période de deux à trois mois selon le cas et apporte un portrait réaliste de l’impact de la démarche sur la motivation des novices et sur leur pratique en enseignement. Nous avons remarqué que la démarche d’accompagnement a permis aux novices de mieux s’intégrer dans la profession enseignante. L’aisance, la motivation. l’efficacité et l’autonomie retrouvées ne peuvent qu’inciter les directions d’établissements scolaires et les instances éducatives à mettre en place une telle démarche d’accompagnement. Les besoins sont là, nous l’avons constaté. Les novices nous ont dit souhaiter que les directions détablissements scolaires mettent en place une démarche d’accompagnement telle que celle appliquée dans cette recherche.


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One of the most popular sports globally, soccer has seen a rise in the demands of the game over recent years. An increase in intensity and playing demands, coupled with growing social and economic pressures on soccer players means that optimal preparation is of paramount importance. Recent research has found the modern game, depending on positional role, to consist of approximately 60% more sprint distance in the English Premier League, which was also found to be the case for frequency and success of discrete technical actions (Bush et al., 2015). As a result, the focus on soccer training and player preparedness is becoming more prevalent in scientific research. By designing the appropriate training load, and thus periodization strategies, the aim is to achieve peak fitness in the most efficient way, whilst minimising the risk of injury and illness. Traditionally, training intensity has been based on heart rate responses, however, the emergence of tracking microtechnology such as global positioning system (GPS) and inertial sensors are now able to further quantify biomechanical load as well as physiological stress. Detailed pictures of internal and external loading indices such as these then combine to produce a more holistic view of training load experience by the player during typical drills and phases of training in soccer. The premise of this research is to gain greater understanding of the physical demands of common training methodologies in elite soccer to support optimal match performance. The coaching process may then benefit from being able to prescribe the most effective training to support these. The first experimental chapter in this thesis began by quantify gross training loads of the pre-season and in-season phases in soccer. A broader picture of the training loads inherent in these distinct phases brought more detail as to the type and extent of external loading experienced by soccer players at these times, and how the inclusion of match play influences weekly training rhythms. Training volume (total distance) was found to be high at the start compared to the end of pre-season (37 kilometres and 28 kilometres), where high cardiovascular loads were attained as part of the conditioning focus. This progressed transiently, however, to involve higher-speed, acceleration and change-of-direction stimuli at the end of pre-season compared to the start and to that in-season (1.18 kilometres, 0.70 kilometres and 0.42 kilometres high-intensity running; with 37, 25 and 23 accelerations >3m/s2 respectively) . The decrease in volume and increase in maximal anaerobic activity was evident in the training focus as friendly matches were introduced before the competitive season. The influence of match-play as being a large physical dose in the training week may then determine the change in weekly periodisation and how resulting training loads applied and tapered, if necessary. The focus of research was then directed more specifically to the most common mode of training in soccer, that also featured regularly in the pre-season period in the present study, small-sided games (SSG). The subsequent studies examined numerous manipulations of this specific form of soccer conditioning, such as player numbers as well as absolute and relative playing space available. In contrast to some previous literature, changing the number of players did not seem to influence training responses significantly, although playing format in the possession style brought about larger effects for heart rate (89.9%HRmax) and average velocity (7.6km/h-1). However, the following studies (Chapters 5, 6 and 7) revealed a greater influence of relative playing space available to players in SSG. The larger area at their disposal brought about greater aerobic responses (~90%HRmax), by allowing higher average and peak velocities (>25km/h-1), as well as greater distance acceleration behaviour at greater thresholds (>2.8m/s2). Furthermore, the data points towards space as being a large determinant in strategy of the player in small-sided games (SSG), subsequently shaping their movement behaviour and resulting physical responses. For example, higher average velocities in a possession format (8km/h-1) reflects higher work rate and heart rate load but makes achieving significant neuromuscular accelerations at a high level difficult given higher starting velocities prior to the most intense accelerations (4.2km/h-1). By altering space available and even through intentional numerical imbalances in team numbers, it may be easier for coaches to achieve the desired stimulus for the session or individual player, whether that is for aerobic and neuromuscular conditioning. Large effects were found for heart rate being higher in the underloaded team (85-90%HRmax) compared to the team with more players (80-85%HRmax) as well as for RPE (5AU versus 7AU). This was also apparent for meterage and therefore average velocity. It would also seem neuromuscular load through high acceleration and deceleration efforts were more pronounced with less numbers (given the need to press and close down opponents, and in a larger area relative to the number of players on the underloaded team. The peak accelerations and deceleration achieved was also higher when playing with less players (3-6.2m/s2 and 3-6.1m/s2) Having detailed ways in which to reach desired physical loading responses in common small training formats, Chapter 8 compared SSG to larger 9v9 formats with full-size 11v11 friendly matches. This enabled absolute and relative comparisons to be made and to understand the extent to which smaller training formats are able to replicate the required movements to be successful in competition. In relative terms, it was revealed that relative acceleration distance and Player Load were higher in smaller 4v4 games than match-play (1.1m.min-1 and 0.3m.min-1 >3m/s2; 16.9AU versus 12AU). Although the smallest format did not replicate the high-velocity demands of matches, the results confirmed their efficacy in providing significant neuromuscular load during the training week, which may then be supplemented by high-intensity interval running in order to gain exposure to more maximal speed work. In summary, the data presented provide valuable information from GPS and inertial sensor microtechnology which may then be used to understand training better to manipulate types of load according to physical conditioning objectives. For example, a library of resources to direct planning of drills of varying cardiovascular, neuromuscular and perceptual load can be created to give more confidence in session outcomes. Combining external and internal load data of common soccer training drills, and their application across different phases and training objectives may give coaches a powerful tool to plan and periodize training.


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Este trabajo se inscribe en uno de los grandes campos de los estudios organizacionales: la estrategia. La perspectiva clásica en este campo promovió la idea de que proyectarse hacia el futuro implica diseñar un plan (una serie de acciones deliberadas). Avances posteriores mostraron que la estrategia podía ser comprendida de otras formas. Sin embargo, la evolución del campo privilegió en alguna medida la mirada clásica estableciendo, por ejemplo, múltiples modelos para ‘formular’ una estrategia, pero dejando en segundo lugar la manera en la que esta puede ‘emerger’. El propósito de esta investigación es, entonces, aportar al actual nivel de comprensión respecto a las estrategias emergentes en las organizaciones. Para hacerlo, se consideró un concepto opuesto —aunque complementario— al de ‘planeación’ y, de hecho, muy cercano en su naturaleza a ese tipo de estrategias: la improvisación. Dado que este se ha nutrido de valiosos aportes del mundo de la música, se acudió al saber propio de este dominio, recurriendo al uso de ‘la metáfora’ como recurso teórico para entenderlo y alcanzar el objetivo propuesto. Los resultados muestran que 1) las estrategias deliberadas y las emergentes coexisten y se complementan, 2) la improvisación está siempre presente en el contexto organizacional, 3) existe una mayor intensidad de la improvisación en el ‘como’ de la estrategia que en el ‘qué’ y, en oposición a la idea convencional al respecto, 4) se requiere cierta preparación para poder improvisar de manera adecuada.


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Las empresas en su direccionamiento estratégico requieren de la estructuración de actividades para mantener control y orden sobre las capacitaciones llevadas a cabo al personal que ingresa a la compañía. En base a esto, se identificó que la empresa Schlumberger Surenco SA, dedicada a la prestación de servicios de petróleo y gas, no poseía un esquema claro de entrenamiento donde se presentaran no solo los conocimientos y objetivos del proyecto, sino detalles vitales para su desempeño dentro de las funciones al momento de su ingreso al proyecto de la compañía. De acuerdo a esta necesidad se decidió crear un Plan de Entrenamiento y Capacitación para el nuevo personal que ingresara en el área de compras también llamado Proyecto Galileo, teniendo en cuenta las necesidades de los mismos y la información que es base para iniciar el desarrollo de carrera dentro de la compañía. Para esto, fue necesario que los trabajadores con mayor trayectoria se reunieran y decidieran como sería la forma más óptima de capacitar a los nuevos ingresos de acuerdo a las habilidades y conocimientos de cada uno; se llegó a un consenso y se determinó que las personas capacitadoras se escogerían según su perfil y experiencia. Luego de identificar a las personas idóneas para las capacitaciones y los puntos clave a resaltar en los entrenamientos se procedió con la formulación de las estrategias para presentación del curso de inducción y la viabilidad de las mismas.


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Colombia muestra una actividad económica apoyada en empresas donde las PYMES, sumadas a las microempresas, representan el 90% del parque empresarial del país y generan el 63% del empleo nacional y el 53% de la producción bruta de los sectores industrial, comercial y de servicios. Debido a esta caracterización, es de gran importancia conocer más a fondo acerca de sus procesos tanto gerenciales como operativos ya que de estos se desprende la óptima operación y el buen desempeño, en términos de competitividad, de las empresas colombianas tanto a nivel nacional como internacional (Jaramillo Naranjo, 2003). En la medida que se brinde conocimiento sobre la forma de operar de las MIPYMES, la comunidad académica podrá aportar más en el buen desarrollo del sector empresarial colombiano.


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Normalmente el desarrollo de un país se ha explicado desde una perspectiva tradicional en términos de su crecimiento económico, teniendo en cuenta indicadores macroeconómicos como el PIB, la inflación y el desempleo. Poca atención se le ha puesto a la importancia que para el desarrollo de un país representan el capital humano y el proceso de liderazgo. Debido a lo anterior, mediante este estudio de caso, se pretende entender el éxito de la estrategia de crecimiento por exportaciones de Japón entre los años 1960-1980 teniendo en cuenta estos aspectos. Así, se busca sustentar que la incorporación de un tipo de liderazgo transformacional- transaccional y los elementos propios de su cultura como el confucianismo y el budismo, le imprimieron una perspectiva no economicista al éxito del modelo de desarrollo como parte de la triada empresa-estado-universidad. Lo anterior se realizará partiendo de un análisis cualitativo y con un enfoque en la economía política internacional y en el liderazgo. Este último estudiado desde las disciplinas de la administración, la sociología y la psicología