892 resultados para CATHODIC CLEAVAGE


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Mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue 1 (MALT1) controls antigen receptor-mediated signalling to nuclear factor κB (NF-κB) through both its adaptor and protease function. Upon antigen stimulation, MALT1 forms a complex with BCL10 and CARMA1, which is essential for initial IκBα phosphorylation and NF-κB nuclear translocation. Parallel induction of MALT1 protease activity serves to inactivate negative regulators of NF-κB signalling, such as A20 and RELB. Here we demonstrate a key role for auto-proteolytic MALT1 cleavage in B- and T-cell receptor signalling. MALT1 cleavage occurred after Arginine 149, between the N-terminal death domain and the first immunoglobulin-like region, and did not affect its proteolytic activity. Jurkat T cells expressing an un-cleavable MALT1-R149A mutant showed unaltered initial IκBα phosphorylation and normal nuclear accumulation of NF-κB subunits. Nevertheless, MALT1 cleavage was required for optimal activation of NF-κB reporter genes and expression of the NF-κB targets IL-2 and CSF2. Transcriptome analysis confirmed that MALT1 cleavage after R149 was required to induce NF-κB transcriptional activity in Jurkat T cells. Collectively, these data demonstrate that auto-proteolytic MALT1 cleavage controls antigen receptor-induced expression of NF-κB target genes downstream of nuclear NF-κB accumulation.


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The monogenetic kinetoplastid protozoan parasite Herpetomonas samuelpessoai expresses a surface-exposed metalloprotease. Comparable to the Leishmania promastigote surface protease, or PSP, the protease of Herpetomonas is active at the surface of fixed and live organisms, and both enzymes display an identical cleavage specificity toward a nonapeptide substrate. The protease was enriched 440 times by partition into Triton X-114 followed by 2 steps of anion exchange chromatography. The 56-kDa enzyme is inhibited by the metal chelator 1,10-phenanthroline and is susceptible to cleavage by glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol phospholipase C (GPI-PLC). The conservation of an identical surface protease activity in these monogenetic and digenetic trypanosomatids suggests that the enzyme has a physiological function in the promastigote (insect) stage of these parasites.


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Τ cell activation via the Τ cell receptor (TCR) through antigen recognition is one of the key steps to initiate the adaptive immune response. The mechanisms controlling TCR-induced signaling pathways are the subject of intense research, since deregulated signaling in lymphocytes can lead to immunodeficiency, autoimmunity or lymphomas. In Τ lymphocytes a complex composed of CARMA1, BCL10 and MALT1 has been identified to receive signals from TCR proximal events and to induce further signals crucial for Τ cell activation. MALT1 is scaffold protein and a cysteine protease and both functions have been shown, among other effects, to be crucial to initiate the activation of the transcription factors of the nuclear factor κΒ (NF-κΒ) family after TCR-stimulation. Several proteolytic targets have been described recently and all of them play roles in modulating NF-κΒ activation or other aspects of Τ cell activation. In this study, we describe a novel target of MALT1, Caspase-10. Two isoforms of Caspase-10 are cleaved by MALTI in Τ and Β cells after antigen receptor stimulation. Caspases are a family of cysteine proteases that are known for their roles in cell death and certain immune functions. Caspase-10 has so far only been reported to be involved in the induction of apoptosis. However it is very closely related to the well-characterized Caspase-8 that has been reported to be involved in Τ cell activation. In the present study, we describe a crucial role for Caspase-10, but not Caspase-8, in Τ cell activation after TCR stimulation. Jurkat Τ cells silenced for Caspase-10 expression exhibit a dramatic reduction in IL-2 production following stimulation. The data obtained revealed that this is due to severely reduced activation of activator protein-1 (AP-1), another transcription factor family with key functions in the process of Τ cell activation. We observed strongly reduced expression levels of the AP-1 family member c-Fos after Τ cell stimulation. This transcription factor is expressed upon TCR stimulation and is a crucial component of AP-1 transcription factor dimers required for Τ cell activation. In further analysis, it was shown that this defect is not based on reduced transcription, as the c-Fos mRNA levels are not altered, but rather seems to be caused by a defect in translation or protein stability in the absence of Caspase-10. Furthermore, we report a potential interaction of the c-Fos protein and Caspsae-10. This role of Caspase-10 in AP-1 activation however is independent of its cleavage by MALT1, leaving the role of Caspase-10 cleavage in activated lymphocytes unclear. Taken together, these results give new insights into the complex matter of lymphocyte activation whose understanding is crucial for the development of new drugs modulating the immune response or inhibiting lymphoma progression.


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We evaluated the effects of dipeptidyl peptidase-IV (DPPIV), and its inhibitor, vildagliptin, on adipogenesis and lipolysis in a pre-adipocyte murine cell line (3T3-L1). The exogenous rDPPIV increased lipid accumulation and PPAR-γ expression, whereas an inhibitor of DPPIV, the anti-diabetic drug vildagliptin, suppresses the stimulatory role of DPPIV on adipogenesis and lipid accumulation, but had no effect on lipolysis. NPY immunoneutralization or NPY Y(2) receptor blockage inhibited DPPIV stimulatory effects on lipid accumulation, collectively, indicating that DPPIV has an adipogenic effect through NPY cleavage and subsequent NPY Y(2) activation. Vildagliptin inhibits PPAR-γ expression and lipid accumulation without changing lipolysis, suggesting that this does not impair the ability of adipose tissue to store triglycerides inside lipid droplets. These data indicate that DPPIV and NPY interact on lipid metabolism to promote adipose tissue depot.


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Secretory component (SC) represents the soluble ectodomain of the polymeric Ig receptor, a membrane protein that transports mucosal Abs across epithelial cells. In the protease-rich environment of the intestine, SC is thought to stabilize the associated IgA by unestablished molecular mechanisms. To address this question, we reconstituted SC-IgA complexes in vitro by incubating dimeric IgA (IgAd) with either recombinant human SC (rSC) or SC isolated from human colostral milk (SCm). Both complexes exhibited an identical degree of covalency when exposed to redox agents, peptidyl disulfide isomerase, and temperature changes. In cross-competition experiments, 50% inhibition of binding to IgAd was achieved at approximately 10 nM SC competitor. Western blot analysis of IgAd digested with intestinal washes indicated that the alpha-chain in IgAd was primarily split into a 40-kDa species, a phenomenon delayed in rSC- or SCm-IgAd complexes. In the same assay, either of the SCs was resistant to degradation only if complexed with IgAd. In contrast, the kappa light chain was not digested at all, suggesting that the F(ab')2 region was left intact. Accordingly, IgAd and SC-IgAd digestion products retained functionality as indicated by Ag reactivity in ELISA. Size exclusion chromatography under native conditions of digested IgAd and rSC-IgAd demonstrates that SC exerts its protective role in secretory IgA by delaying cleavage in the hinge/Fc region of the alpha-chain, not by holding together degraded fragments. The function of integral secretory IgA and F(ab')2 is discussed in terms of mucosal immune defenses.


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Apoptosis of pancreatic beta cells is implicated in the onset of type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Consequently, strategies aimed at increasing the resistance of beta cells toward apoptosis could be beneficial in the treatment of diabetes. RasGAP, a regulator of Ras and Rho GTPases, is an atypical caspase substrate, since it inhibits, rather than favors, apoptosis when it is partially cleaved by caspase-3 at position 455. The antiapoptotic signal generated by the partial processing of RasGAP is mediated by the N-terminal fragment (fragment N) in a Ras-phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-Akt-dependent, but NF-kappaB-independent, manner. Further cleavage of fragment N at position 157 abrogates its antiapoptotic properties. Here we demonstrate that an uncleavable form of fragment N activates Akt, represses NF-kappaB activity, and protects the conditionally immortalized pancreatic insulinoma betaTC-tet cell line against various insults, including exposure to genotoxins, trophic support withdrawal, and incubation with inflammatory cytokines. Fragment N also induced Akt activity and protection against cytokine-induced apoptosis in primary pancreatic islet cells. Fragment N did not alter insulin cell content and insulin secretion in response to glucose. These data indicate that fragment N protects beta cells without affecting their function. The pathways regulated by fragment N are therefore promising targets for antidiabetogenic therapy.


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Background. Hepatitis C virus (HCV) nonstructural protein 5A (NS5A) has been shown to modulate multiple cellular processes, including apoptosis. The aim of this study was to assess the effects of HCV NS5A on apoptosis induced by Toll-like receptor (TLR) 4 ligand, lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Methods. Apoptotic responses to TLR4 ligands and the expression of molecules involved in TLR signaling pathways in human hepatocytes were examined with or without expression of HCV NS5A. Results. HCV NS5A protected HepG2 hepatocytes against LPS-induced apoptosis, an effect linked to reduced TLR4 expression. A similar downregulation of TLR4 expression was observed in Huh-7-expressing genotype 1b and 2a. In agreement with these findings, NS5A inhibited the expression of numerous genes encoding for molecules involved in TLR4 signaling, such as CD14, MD-2, myeloid differentiation primary response gene 88, interferon regulatory factor 3, and nuclear factor-κB2. Consistent with a conferred prosurvival advantage, NS5A diminished the poly(adenosine diphosphate-ribose) polymerase cleavage and the activation of caspases 3, 7, 8, and 9 and increased the expression of anti-apoptotic molecules Bcl-2 and c-FLIP. Conclusions. HCV NS5A downregulates TLR4 signaling and LPS-induced apoptotic pathways in human hepatocytes, suggesting that disruption of TLR4-mediated apoptosis may play a role in the pathogenesis of HCV infection.


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The paracaspase MALT1 is a Cys-dependent, Arg-specific protease that plays an essential role in the activation and proliferation of lymphocytes during the immune response. Oncogenic activation of MALT1 is associated with the development of specific forms of B-cell lymphomas. Through specific cleavage of its substrates, MALT1 controls various aspects of lymphocyte activation, including the activation of transcriptional pathways, the stabilization of mRNAs, and an increase in cellular adhesion. In lymphocytes, the activity of MALT1 is tightly controlled by its inducible monoubiquitination, which promotes the dimerization of MALT1. Here, we describe both in vitro and in vivo assays that have been developed to assess MALT1 activity.


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Variations in the immunogenic and antigenic properties of native and denatured forms of cytochrome c were observed depending on the strain of mouse tested. In C57BL/6 and (C57BL/6 X DBA/2)F1 (BDF1) mice, priming with either native or denatured cytochrome c (apocytochrome c) gave rise to T cell blasts responding in a similar fashion to the two forms of the antigen and to different peptides derived from CNBr cleavage of the protein when tested for proliferation in the presence of C57BL/6 or BDF1 accessory cells. A different pattern of proliferation was observed when apocytochrome c-specific DBA/2 or BDF1 T cell blasts were tested with DBA/2 accessory cells. In this case, no response was obtained to heme peptide 1-65. This was not due to an inability of DBA/2 macrophages to process and present heme peptide 1-65, as they were able to present this antigen to native cytochrome c-specific BDF1 T cell blasts. Thus, it seems that different sets of clones are generated upon priming BDF1 mice with denatured cytochrome c which are able to recognize different sets of peptides depending on the nature of the accessory cells. The results obtained are consistent with the hypothesis that degradation and presentation of native and denatured cytochrome c by macrophages is dependent on the three-dimensional conformation of the protein.


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There is little information on how neuropeptide Y (NPY) proteolysis by peptidases occurs in serum, in part because reliable techniques are lacking to distinguish different NPY immunoreactive forms and also because the factors affecting the expression of these enzymes have been poorly studied. In the present study, LC-MS/MS was used to identify and quantify NPY fragments resulting from peptidolytic cleavage of NPY(1-36) upon incubation with human serum. Kinetic studies indicated that NPY(1-36) is rapidly cleaved in serum into 3 main fragments with the following order of efficacy: NPY(3-36) >> NPY(3-35) > NPY(2-36). Trace amounts of additional NPY forms were identified by accurate mass spectrometry. Specific inhibitors of dipeptidyl peptidase IV, kallikrein, and aminopeptidase P prevented the production of NPY(3-36), NPY(3-35), and NPY(2-36), respectively. Plasma kallikrein at physiological concentrations converted NPY(3-36) into NPY(3-35). Receptor binding assays revealed that NPY(3-35) is unable to bind to NPY Y1, Y2, and Y5 receptors; thus NPY(3-35) may represent the major metabolic clearance product of the Y2/Y5 agonist, NPY(3-36).


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The outcome of a viral infection depends on the interplay between the host's capacity to trigger potent antiviral responses and viral mechanisms that counteract them. Although Toll-like receptor (TLR)-3, which recognizes virally derived double-stranded (ds) RNA, transmits downstream antiviral signaling through the TIR adaptor Trif (TICAM-1), viral RNA-sensing RIG-like helicases (RLHs) use the mitochondrial-bound CARD protein Cardif (IPS-1/MAVS/VISA). The importance of these two antiviral signaling pathways is reflected by the fact that both adaptors are inhibited through specific cleavage triggered by the hepatitis C virus serine protease NS3-4A. Here, we show that inactivation can also occur through cellular caspases activated by various pro-apoptotic signals. Upon caspase-dependent cleavage both adaptors loose their capacity to activate the transcription factors interferon regulatory factors (IRF) and NF-kappaB. Importantly, poliovirus infection triggers a caspase-dependent cleavage of Cardif, suggesting that some viruses may activate caspases not only as a mean to facilitate shedding and replication, but also to impair antiviral responses


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Background: The hepatitis C virus (HCV) NS3-4A protease is not only an essential component of the viral replication complex and a prime target for antiviral intervention but also a key player in the persistence and pathogenesis of HCV. It cleaves and thereby inactivates two crucial adaptor proteins in viral RNA sensing and innate immunity (MAVS and TRIF) as well as a phosphatase involved in growth factor signaling (TC-PTP). The aim of this study was to identify novel cellular substrates of the NS3-4A protease and to investigate their role in the life cycle and pathogenesis of HCV. Methods: Cell lines inducibly expressing the NS3-4A protease were analyzed in basal as well as interferon- α -stimulated states by stable isotopic labeling using amino acids in cell culture (SILAC) coupled with protein separation and mass spectrometry. Candidates fulfilling strin- gent criteria for potential substrates or products of the NS3-4A protease were further investigated in different experimental sys- tems as well as in liver biopsies from patients with chronic hep- atitis C. Results: SILAC coupled with protein separation and mass spectrometry yielded > 5000 proteins of which 21 can- didates were selected for further analyses. These allowed us to identify GPx8, a membrane-associated peroxidase involved in disulfide bond formation in the endoplasmic reticulum, as a novel cellular substrate of the HCV NS3-4A protease. Cleavage occurs at cysteine in position 11, removing the cytosolic tip of GPx8, and was observed in different experimental systems as well as in liver biopsies from patients with chronic hepatitis C. Further functional studies, involving overexpression and RNA silencing, revealed that GPx8 is a proviral factor involved in viral particle production but not in HCV entry or RNA replica- tion. Conclusions: GPx8 is a proviral host factor cleaved by the HCV NS3-4A protease. Studies investigating the consequences of cleavage for GPx8 function are underway. The identification of novel cellular substrates of the HCV NS3-4A protease should yield new insights into the HCV life cycle and the pathogenesis of hepatitis C and may reveal novel angles for therapeutic inter- vention.


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We describe the transcriptional potentiation in estrogen responsive transcription extracts of the Xenopus vitellogenin B1 gene promoter through the formation of a positioned nucleosome. Nuclease digestion and hydroxyl radical cleavage indicate that strong, DNA sequence-directed positioning of a nucleosome occurs between -300 and -140 relative to the start site of transcription. Deletion of this DNA sequence abolishes the potentiation of transcription due to nucleosome assembly. The wrapping of DNA around the histone core of the nucleosome positioned between -300 and -140 creates a static loop in which distal estrogen receptor binding sites are brought close to proximal promoter elements. This might facilitate interactions between the trans-acting factors themselves and/or RNA polymerase. Such a nucleosome provides an example of how chromatin structure might have a positive effect on the transcription process.


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Abstract : Transcriptional regulation is the result of a combination of positive and negative effectors, such as transcription factors, cofactors and chromatin modifiers. During my thesis project I studied chromatin association, and transcriptional and cell cycle regulatory functions of dHCF, the Drosophila homologue of the human protein HCF-1 (host cell factor-1). The human and Drosophila HCF proteins are synthesized as large polypeptides that are cleaved into two subunits (HCFN and HCFC), which remain associated with one another by non covalent interactions. Studies in mammalian cells over the past 20 years have been devoted to understanding the cellular functions of HCF-1 and have revealed that it is a key regulator of transcription and cell cycle regulation. In human cells, HCF-1 interacts with the histone methyltransferase Set1/Ash2 and MLL/Ash2 complexes and the histone deacetylase Sin3 complex, which are involved in transcriptional activation and repression, respectively. HCF-1 is also recruited to promoters to regulate G1 -to-S phase progression during the cell cycle by the activator transcription factors E2F1 and E2F3, and by the repressor transcription factor E2F4. HCF-1 protein structure and these interactions between HCP-1 and E2F transcriptional regulator proteins are also conserved in Drosophila. In this doctoral thesis, I use proliferating Drosophila SL2 cells to study both the genomic-binding sites of dHCF, using a combination of chromatin immunoprecipitation and ultra high throughput sequencing (ChIP-seq) analysis, and dHCF regulated genes, employing RNAi and microarray expression analysis. I show that dHCF is bound to over 7500 chromosomal sites in proliferating SL2 cells, and is located at +-200 bp relative to the transcriptional start sites of about 30% of Drosophila genes. There is also a direct relationship between dHCF promoter association and promoter- associated transcriptional activity. Thus, dHCF binding levels at promoters correlated directly with transcriptional activity. In contrast, expression studies showed that dHCF appears to be involved in both transcriptional activation and repression. Analysis of dHCF-binding sites identified nine dHCF-associated motifs, four of them linked dHCF to (i) two insulator proteins, GAGA and BEAF, (ii) the E-box motif, and (iii) a degenerated TATA-box. The dHCF-associated motifs allowed the organization of the dHCF-bound genes into five biological processes: differentiation, cell cycle and gene expression, regulation of endocytosis, and cellular localization. I further show that different mechanisms regulate dHCF association with chromatin. Despite that after dHCF cleavage the dHCFN and dHCFC subunits remain associated, the two subunits showed different affinities for chromatin and differential binding to a set of tested promoters, suggesting that dHCF could target specific promoters through each of the two subunits. Moreover, in addition to the interaction between dHCF and E2F transcription factors, the dHCF binding pattern is correlated with dE2F2 genomic 4 distribution. I show that dE2F factors are necessary for recruitment of dHCF to the promoter of a set of dHCF regulated genes. Therefore dHCF, as in mammals, is involved in regulation of G1 to S phase progression in collaboration with the dE2Fs transcription factors. In addition, gene expression arrays reveal that dHCF could indirectly regulate cell cycle progression by promoting expression of genes involved in gene expression and protein synthesis, and inhibiting expression of genes involved in cell-cell adhesion. Therefore, dHCF is an evolutionary conserved protein, which binds to many specific sites of the Drosophila genome via interaction with DNA of chromatin-binding proteins to regulate the expression of genes involved in many different cellular functions. Résumé : La regulation de la transcription est le résultat des effets positifs et négatifs des facteurs de transcription, cofacteurs et protéines effectrices qui modifient la chromatine. Pendant mon projet de thèse, j'ai étudié l'association a la chromatine, ainsi que la régulation de la transcription et du cycle cellulaire par dHCF, l'homologue chez la drosophile de la protéine humaine HCF-1 (host cell factor-1). Chez 1'humain et la V drosophile, les deux protéines HCF sont synthétisées sous la forme d'un long polypeptide, qui est ensuite coupé en deux sous-unités au centre de la protéine. Les deux sous-unités restent associées ensemble grâce a des interactions non-covalentes. Des études réalisées pendant les 20 dernières années ont permit d'établir que HCF-l et un facteur clé dans la régulation de la transcription et du cycle cellulaire. Dans les cellules humaines, HCF-1 active et réprime la transcription en interagissant avec des complexes de protéines qui activent la transcription en méthylant les histones (HMT), comme par Set1/Ash2 et MLL/Ash2, et d'autres complexes qui répriment la transcription et sont responsables de la déacétylation des histones (HDAC) comme la protéine Sin3. HCF-l est aussi recruté aux promoteurs par les activateurs de la transcription E2F l et E2F3a, et par le répresseur de la transcription E2F4 pour réguler la transition entre les phases G1 et S du cycle cellulaire. La structure de HCF-1 et les interactions entre HCF-l et les régulateurs de la transcription sont conservées chez la drosophile. Pendant ma these j'ai utilisé les cellules de la drosophile, SL2 en culture, pour étudier les endroits de liaisons de HCF-l à la chromatine, grâce a immunoprecipitation de la chromatine et du séquençage de l'ADN massif ainsi que les gènes régulés par dHCF 3 grâce a la technique de RNAi et des microarrays. Mes résultats on montré que dHCF se lie à environ 7565 endroits, et estimé a 1200 paire de bases autour des sites d'initiation de la transcription de 30% des gènes de la drosophile. J 'ai observe une relation entre dHCF et le niveau de la transcription. En effet, le niveau de liaison dHCF au promoteur corrèle avec l'activité de la transcription. Cependant, mes études d'expression ont montré que dHCF est implique dans le processus d'activation et mais aussi de répression de la transcription. L'analyse des séquences d'ADN liées par dHCF a révèle neuf motifs, quatre de ces motifs ont permis d'associer dl-ICF a deux protéines isolatrices GAGA et BEAF, au motif pour les E-boxes et a une TATA-box dégénérée. Les neuf motifs associes à dHCF ont permis d'associer les gènes lies par dHCF au promoteur a cinq processus biologiques: différentiation, cycle cellulaire, expression de gènes, régulation de l'endocytosis et la localisation cellulaire, J 'ai aussi montré qu'il y a plusieurs mécanismes qui régulent l'association de dHCF a la chromatine, malgré qu'après clivage, les deux sous-unites dHCFN and dHCFC, restent associées, elles montrent différentes affinités pour la chromatine et lient différemment un group de promoteurs, les résultats suggèrent que dHCF peut se lier aux promoteurs en utilisant chacune de ses sous-unitées. En plus de l'association de dHCF avec les facteurs de transcription dE2F s, la distribution de dHCF sur le génome corrèle avec celle du facteur de transcription dE2F2. J'ai aussi montré que les dE2Fs sont nécessaires pour le recrutement de dHCF aux promoteurs d'un sous-groupe de gènes régules par dHCF. Mes résultats ont aussi montré que chez la drosophile comme chez les humains, dl-ICF est implique dans la régulation de la progression de la phase G1 a la phase S du cycle cellulaire en collaboration avec dE2Fs. D'ailleurs, les arrays d'expression ont suggéré que dHCF pourrait réguler le cycle cellulaire de façon indirecte en activant l'expression de gènes impliqués dans l'expression génique et la synthèse de protéines, et en inhibant l'expression de gènes impliqués dans l'adhésion cellulaire. En conclusion, dHCF est une protéine, conservée dans l'évolution, qui se lie spécifiquement a beaucoup d'endroits du génome de Drosophile, grâce à l'interaction avec d'autres protéines, pour réguler l'expression des gènes impliqués dans plusieurs fonctions cellulaires.


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The opportunistic ubiquitous pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain PAOl is a versatile Gram-negative bacterium that has the extraordinary capacity to colonize a wide diversity of ecological niches and to cause severe and persistent infections in humans. To ensure an optimal coordination of the genes involved in nutrient utilization, this bacterium uses the NtrB/C and/or the CbrA/B two-component systems, to sense nutrients availability and to regulate in consequence the expression of genes involved in their uptake and catabolism. NtrB/C is specialized in nitrogen utilization, while the CbrA/B system is involved in both carbon and nitrogen utilization and both systems activate their target genes expression in concert with the alternative sigma factor RpoN. Moreover, the NtrB/C and CbrA/B two- component systems regulate the secondary metabolism of the bacterium, such as the production of virulence factors. In addition to the fine-tuning transcriptional regulation, P. aeruginosa can rapidly modulate its metabolism using small non-coding regulatory RNAs (sRNAs), which regulate gene expression at the post-transcriptional level by diverse and sophisticated mechanisms and contribute to the fast physiological adaptability of this bacterium. In our search for novel RpoN-dependent sRNAs modulating the nutritional adaptation of P. aeruginosa PAOl, we discovered NrsZ (Nitrogen regulated sRNA), a novel RpoN-dependent sRNA that is induced under nitrogen starvation by the NtrB/C two-component system. NrsZ has a unique architecture, formed of three similar stem-loop structures (SL I, II and II) separated by variant spacer sequences. Moreover, this sRNA is processed in short individual stem-loop molecules, by internal cleavage involving the endoribonuclease RNAse E. Concerning NrsZ functions in P. aeruginosa PAOl, this sRNA was shown to trigger the swarming motility and the rhamnolipid biosurfactants production. This regulation is due to the NrsZ-mediated activation of rhlA expression, a gene encoding for an enzyme essential for swarming motility and rhamnolipids production. Interestingly, the SL I structure of NrsZ ensures its regulatory function on rhlA expression, suggesting that the similar SLs are the functional units of this modular sRNA. However, the regulatory mechanism of action of NrsZ on rhlA expression activation remains unclear and is currently being investigated. Additionally, the NrsZ regulatory network was investigated by a transcriptome analysis, suggesting that numerous genes involved in both primary and secondary metabolism are regulated by this sRNA. To emphasize the importance of NrsZ, we investigated its conservation in other Pseudomonas species and demonstrated that NrsZ is conserved and expressed under nitrogen limitation in Pseudomonas protegens Pf-5, Pseudomonas putida KT2442, Pseudomonas entomophila L48 and Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000, strains having different ecological features, suggesting an important role of NrsZ in the adaptation of Pseudomonads to nitrogen starvation. Interestingly the architecture of the different NrsZ homologs is similarly composed by SL structures and variant spacer sequences. However, the number of SL repetitions is not identical, and one to six SLs were predicted on the different NrsZ homologs. Moreover, NrsZ is processed in short molecules in all the strains, similarly to what was previously observed in P. aeruginosa PAOl, and the heterologous expression of the NrsZ homologs restored rhlA expression, swarming motility and rhamnolipids production in the P. aeruginosa NrsZ mutant. In many aspects, NrsZ is an atypical sRNA in the bacterial panorama. To our knowledge, NrsZ is the first described sRNA induced by the NtrB/C. Moreover, its unique modular architecture and its processing in similar short SL molecules suggest that NrsZ belongs to a novel family of bacterial sRNAs. -- L'agent pathogène opportuniste et ubiquitaire Pseudomonas aeruginosa souche PAOl est une bactérie Gram négative versatile ayant l'extraordinaire capacité de coloniser différentes niches écologiques et de causer des infections sévères et persistantes chez l'être humain. Afin d'assurer une coordination optimale des gènes impliqués dans l'utilisation de différents nutriments, cette bactérie se sert de systèmes à deux composants tel que NtrB/C et CbrA/B afin de détecter la disponibilité des ressources nutritives, puis de réguler en conséquence l'expression des gènes impliqués dans leur importation et leur catabolisme. Le système NtrB/C régule l'utilisation des sources d'azote alors que le système CbrA/B est impliqué à la fois dans l'utilisation des sources de carbone et d'azote. Ces deux systèmes activent l'expression de leurs gènes-cibles de concert avec le facteur sigma alternatif RpoN. En outre, NtrB/C et CbrA/B régulent aussi le métabolisme secondaire, contrôlant notamment la production d'importants facteurs de virulence. En plus de toutes ces régulations génétiques fines ayant lieu au niveau transcriptionnel, P. aeruginosa est aussi capable de moduler son métabolisme en se servant de petits ARNs régulateurs non-codants (ARNncs), qui régulent l'expression génétique à un niveau post- transcriptionnel par divers mécanismes sophistiqués et contribuent à rendre particulièrement rapide l'adaptation physiologique de cette bactérie. Au cours de nos recherches sur de nouveaux ARNncs dépendant du facteur sigma RpoN et impliqués dans l'adaptation nutritionnelle de P. aeruginosa PAOl, nous avons découvert NrsZ (Nitrogen regulated sRNA), un ARNnc induit par la cascade NtrB/C-RpoN en condition de carence en azote. NrsZ a une architecture unique, composée de trois structures en tige- boucle (TB I, II et III) hautement similaires et séparées par des « espaceurs » ayant des séquences variables. De plus, cet ARNnc est clivé en petits fragments correspondant au trois molécules en tige-boucle, par un processus de clivage interne impliquant l'endoribonucléase RNase E. Concernant les fonctions de NrsZ chez P. aeruginosa PAOl, cet ARNnc est capable d'induire la motilité de type « swarming » et la production de biosurfactants, nommés rhamnolipides. Cette régulation est due à l'activation par NrsZ de l'expression de rhlA, un gène essentiel pour la motilité de type swarming et pour la production de rhamnolipides. Étonnamment, la structure TB I est capable d'assurer à elle seule la fonction régulatrice de NrsZ sur l'expression de rhlA, suggérant que ces molécules TBs sont les unités fonctionnelles de cet ARNnc modulaire. Cependant, le mécanisme moléculaire par lequel NrsZ active l'expression de rhlA demeure à ce jour incertain et est actuellement à l'étude. En plus, le réseau de régulations médiées par NrsZ a été étudié par une analyse de transcriptome qui a indiqué que de nombreux gènes impliqués dans le métabolisme primaire ou secondaire seraient régulés par NrsZ. Pour accentuer l'importance de NrsZ, nous avons étudié sa conservation dans d'autres espèces de Pseudomonas. Ainsi, nous avons démontré que NrsZ est conservé et exprimé en situation de carence d'azote par les souches Pseudomonas protegens Pf-5, Pseudomonas putida KT2442, Pseudomonas entomophila L48, Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000, quatre espèces ayant des caractéristiques écologiques très différentes, suggérant que NrsZ joue un rôle important dans l'adaptation du genre Pseudomonas envers la carence en azote. Chez toutes les souches étudiées, les différents homologues de NrsZ présentent une architecture similaire faite de TBs conservées et d'espaceurs. Cependant, le nombre de TBs n'est pas identique et peut varier de une à six copies selon la souche. Les différentes versions de NrsZ sont clivées en petites molécules dans ces quatre souches, comme il a été observé chez P. aeruginosa PAOl. De plus, l'expression hétérologue des différentes variantes de NrsZ est capable de restaurer l'expression de rhlA, la motilité swarming et la production de rhamnolipides dans une souche de P. aeruginosa dont nrsZ a été inactivé. Par bien des aspects, NrsZ est un ARNnc atypique dans le monde bactérien. À notre connaissance, NrsZ est le premier ARNnc décrit comme étant régulé par le système NtrB/C. De plus, son unique architecture modulaire et son clivage en petites molécules similaires suggèrent que NrsZ appartient à une nouvelle famille d'ARNncs bactériens.