956 resultados para Business intelligence maturity


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A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Information Systems.


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Purpose: This work aims at further developing and testing the psychometric properties of the Cultural Intelligence Scale (Ang & Van Dyne, 2006) in an Erasmus Mundus Students and Alumni Population, including reliability. Design Methodology: The study included 626 participants from 109 different countries that emcompasses 6 continents. Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis procedures were carried out in order to test the scale in a multicultural scale of Erasmus Mundus Students. Reliability was assessed using Cronbach Alpha. Results: The scale presents excellent psychometric properties with alpha values that range from .84 to .90. Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analyses demonstrated that the original model of the scale presents an exceptionally good fit. Limitations: The present study was conducted using a convenience sample and online questionnaires that limit its conclusions when we consider the globality of the Erasmus Mundus Students. Research/Practical Implications: This study presents evidence that Ang and Van Dyne’s scale is an adequate measure instrument to assess intercultural intelligence in a multicultural setting of students and alumni. Originality/Value: Multicultural samples and studies are becoming more and more present and relevant; the study of intercultural competences and habilities is becoming increasingly important, and in this task, solid psychometric instruments are of paramount importance. This study presents evidence that Ang and Van Dyne’s (2006) scale is a fairly recent and parsimonious instrument with excellent psychometric properties properties.


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Erasmus Mundus Masters (EMM) are programs with a strong component of interculturality. Our study aimed at understanding the level of cultural intelligence (CQ) of EMM students and alumni, as well as some of the characteristics associated with higher levels of CQ. The study included 626 EMM students and alumni from 109 different countries that encompasses 6 continents. Ang and Van Dyne’s (2006) cultural intelligence scale was used; closed and open ended questions were used to describe the sample’s sociodemographic characteristics and experiences regarding interculturality. After validating and assessing the scale’s psychometric properties, relations between different variables were explored using Pearson’s correlation, ANOVA, t Tests, and GLM procedures. We then analysed the open ended responses to gain further insight on our results. Differences among respondents are mainly equated with international experience rather than nationality or training. Respondents’ open ended replies provided us with a deeper insight on why training seems to be so ineffective in developing CQ. This is a transversal study that uses self-reporting measures; also, questionnaires were conducted in English, which was not the mother tongue of most of the respondents. This work is consistent with the CQ literature, however we argue that training mentioned by respondents systematically fails to meet some of literature’s foremost conditions for effective CQ trainings and provide clues for the implementation of more successful initiatives. With an exceptionally diverse sample, this study contributes towards the understanding of mechanisms of developing CQ among EMM and international Students. Results can be useful for selection processes, training/development of CQ and reducing dropout/turnover.


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Based on a report for the seminar Industrial Networks, at Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main Dozent: Prof. Dr. Blättel-Mink, Prof. Dr. António Moniz SS 2011


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Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Gestão das Organizações, Ramo Gestão de Empresas Orientador: Professor Doutor Eduardo Manuel Lopes de Sá e Silva Co-orientador: Mestre Maria de Fátima Mendes Monteiro


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Paper based in the report for the unit “Social Factors of Innovation” of the Master degree on Computer Sciences at Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, under the supervision of António Brandão Moniz


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This communication aims to present some reflections regarding the importance of information in organizational context, especially in business context. The ability to produce and to share expertise and knowledge among its employees is now a key factor in the success of any organization. However, it’s also true that workers are increasingly feeling that too much information can hurt their performance. The existence of skilled professionals able to organize, evaluate, select and disseminate information in organizations appears to be a prerequisite for success. The skills necessary for the formation of a professional devoted to the management of information and knowledge in the context of business organizations will be analysed. Then data collected in two focus group discussion with students from a graduate course in Business Information, from Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Portugal, a will be examined.


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Everyday accounting and management teachers face the challenge of creating learning environments that motivate students. This chapter describes the Business Simulation (BS) experience that has taken place at the Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Institute of Accounting and Administration (IPP/ISCAP). The chapter presents students’ perceptions about the course and the teaching/learning approach. The results show that pedagogical methods used (competency-oriented), generic competencies (cooperation and group work), and interpersonal skills (organisational and communication skills) are relevant for future accounting professionals. In addition, positive remarks and possible constraints based on observation, staff meetings, and past research are reported. The chapter concludes with some recommendations from the project implementation


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As tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TIC) permitiram à liderança tradicional assumir novos contornos. O uso destas TIC levou ao surgimento de um novo paradigma na liderança, a e-liderança. Contudo, não se pode chamar à liderança com apoio nas TIC e-liderança. Na e-liderança todos os processos de liderar decorrem com recurso às TIC e apenas excepcionalmente há recurso a encontros face a face (f2f). Enquanto que, na liderança tradicional, as TIC possam, de forma opcional ser utilizadas, tornando o processo mais ágil, na e-liderança são fulcrais e, sem elas, a mesma não existe. Semelhante dependência obriga a que haja alterações em todas as facetas da liderança, como sejam as características do líder, da equipa e mesmo do tipo de relação que há entre ambos. O líder, para ser e-líder, tem de assumir novos papéis, estar pronto para novos desafios e aceitar as novas responsabilidades que surgem com esta nova forma de liderar. Para além de influenciar todos os aspectos mencionados, as TIC também alteram a forma como se cria e gere a informação e o conhecimento dentro das equipas, agora e-equipas. Primeiramente, e devido à necessidade de haver uma ferramenta que sirva de canal de comunicação entre emissor e receptor, surge uma diferença “física”. Depois, e devido à dificuldade na criação de confiança entre os elementos da e-equipa, podem surgir impedimentos na partilha de conhecimento. Recorrendo a um estudo verificou-se que apenas 35% das empresas inquiridas possuem equipas virtuais. Claramente, a existência de equipas virtuais dentro das empresas dependerá, em certo modo, da sua dimensão, da sua maturidade, assim como do mercado em que se inserem.


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Os modelos de maturidade são instrumentos facilitadores da gestão das organizações, incluindo a gestão da sua função sistemas de informação, não sendo exceção as organizações hospitalares. Neste artigo apresenta-se uma investigação inicial que visa o desenvolvimento de um abrangente modelo de maturidade para a gestão dos sistemas de informação hospitalares. O desenvolvimento deste modelo justifica-se porque os modelos de maturidade atuais no domínio da gestão dos sistemas informação hospitalares ainda se encontram numa fase embrionária de desenvolvimento, sobretudo porque são pouco detalhados, não disponibilizam ferramentas para determinação da maturidade e não apresentam as características dos estágios de maturidade estruturadas por diferentes fatores de influência.


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This paper approaches issues related to frame problems and nonresponse in surveys. These nonsampling errors affect the accuracy of the estimates whereas the estimators became biased and less precise. We analyse some estimation methods that deal with those problems and give an especial focus to post-stratification procedures.


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Innovation is recognized by academics and practitioners as an essential competitive enabler for any company to survive, to remain competitive and to grow. Investments in tasks of R&D have not always brought the expected results. But that doesn't mean that the outcomes would not be useful to other companies of the same business area or even from another area. Thus, there is much knowledge already available in the market that can be helpful to some and profitable to others. So, the ideas and expertise can be found outside a company's boundaries and also exported from within. Information, knowledge, experience, wisdom is already available in the millions of the human beings of this planet, the challenge is to use them through a network to produce new ideas and tips that can be useful to a company with less costs. This was the reason for the emergence of the area of crowdsourcing innovation. Crowdsourcing innovation is a way of using the Web 2.0 tools to generate new ideas through the heterogeneous knowledge available in the global network of individuals highly qualified and with easy access to information and technology. So, a crowdsourcing innovation broker is an organization that mediates the communication and relationship between the seekers - companies that aspire to solve some problem or to take advantage of any business opportunity - with a crowd that is prone to give ideas based on their knowledge, experience and wisdom. This paper makes a literature review on models of open innovation, crowdsourcing innovation, and technology and knowledge intermediaries, and discusses this new phenomenon as a way to leverage the innovation capacity of enterprises. Finally, the paper outlines a research design agendafor explaining crowdsourcing innovation brokering phenomenon, exploiting its players, main functions, value creation process, and knowledge creation in order to define a knowledge metamodel of such intermediaries.


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A sociedade cabo-verdiana defronta-se hoje com diversos desafios à sua capacidade de assegurar um crescimento sustentável e garantir o bem-estar da população. Neste sentido, o empreendedorismo desempenha um papel crucial para o desenvolvimento do país que vem contribuindo ao longo dos anos com o aumento de inúmeros postos de trabalho. A opção pela realização de um Estágio Curricular, em detrimento das opções de realização de Dissertação ou Projeto, deveu-se ao facto de considerar esta opção como uma oportunidade de colocar em prática tudo o que aprendeu ao longo destes anos e por considerar ser um complemento importante à minha Formação Académica. O Estágio desenrolou-se na Empresa BIC – Business Incubation Center, e teve uma duração de 600 horas (aproximadamente 3 meses). A Empresa labora essencialmente na área do Empreendedorismo através de Elaboração de Planos de Negócios e Capacidade de Gestão. O objetivo deste relatório passa por transmitir uma ideia da forma como se vive o empreendedorismo em Cabo Verde e reportar o importante papel que diversas instituições têm vindo a ter na implementação do empreendedorismo em parcerias com universidades através da transformação de ideias em negócios de sucesso. Os principais resultados obtidos deste processo de estágio, estão relacionados com o contacto diário com empreendedores de várias áreas de negócio e estar sempre rodeado de pessoas qualificadas levando a que o estagiário tenha adquirido muitas competências, maturidade, experiência e responsabilidade.


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