969 resultados para Bronze bug
Software faults are expensive and cause serious damage, particularly if discovered late or not at all. Some software faults tend to be hidden. One goal of the thesis is to figure out the status quo in the field of software fault elimination since there are no recent surveys of the whole area. Basis for a structural framework is proposed for this unstructured field, paying attention to compatibility and how to find studies. Bug elimination means are surveyed, including bug knowhow, defect prevention and prediction, analysis, testing, and fault tolerance. The most common research issues for each area are identified and discussed, along with issues that do not get enough attention. Recommendations are presented for software developers, researchers, and teachers. Only the main lines of research are figured out. The main emphasis is on technical aspects. The survey was done by performing searches in IEEE, ACM, Elsevier, and Inspect databases. In addition, a systematic search was done for a few well-known related journals from recent time intervals. Some other journals, some conference proceedings and a few books, reports, and Internet articles have been investigated, too. The following problems were found and solutions for them discussed. Quality assurance is testing only is a common misunderstanding, and many checks are done and some methods applied only in the late testing phase. Many types of static review are almost forgotten even though they reveal faults that are hard to be detected by other means. Other forgotten areas are knowledge of bugs, knowing continuously repeated bugs, and lightweight means to increase reliability. Compatibility between studies is not always good, which also makes documents harder to understand. Some means, methods, and problems are considered method- or domain-specific when they are not. The field lacks cross-field research.
KSr2Nb5O15 is a ferroelectric material. The sintering process of the KSr2Nb5O15 ceramic doped with different amounts of CuO was investigated in this research. It was found that CuO is effective as promoter of the densification process of the KSN ceramic. The developed microstructures were different due to the amount of CuO and secondary phases were observed in the microstructures. However, the results of X - ray diffraction showed that only the tetragonal tungsten bronze (TTB) structure was identified in all the investigated ceramic systems. The thermal behavior of CuO and also of the CuO - KSN phase mixture was investigated by thermal analysis.
Durante o período de janeiro de 1994 a janeiro de 1997 foram submetidos ao método 120 pacientes, sendo 42 do sexo masculino (35%) e 78 do sexo feminino (65%). A idade variou de 16 a 60 anos, com média de 38. Todos apresentavam diagnóstico de colecistite calculosa crônica, sendo selecionados em consultório pelos seguintes critérios: inexistência de quadro inflamatório agudo da vesícula biliar, idade máxima de 60 anos, ausência de suspeita de coledocolitíase e classificação anestésica ASA I e II. A cirurgia era realizada em posição semiginecológica com utilização de três trocartes, sendo a colangiografia realizada de rotina. O tempo cirúrgico variou de 20 a 80 minutos com média de 50 minutos. A colangiografia intra-operatória foi realizada em 105 pacientes (87,5%), demonstrando coledocolitíase em dois (1,9%). Não ocorreram conversões. As complicações pós-operatórias imediatas mais freqüentes foram náuseas em oito casos (6,6%), seguidas de vômitos em dois pacientes (1,6%). A dor foi de pequena intensidade e facilmente controlável com dipirona e antiintlamatórios não-hormonais. Não ocorreram casos de infecção de ferida cirúrgica, mas três pacientes (2,5%) apresentaram hiperemia da incisão umbilical. Todos tiveram condições de alta no mesmo dia da cirurgia. O período de permanência hospitalar foi em média de 10 horas. Não houve necessidade de reinternação em nenhum caso.
Agile methods have become increasingly popular in the field of software engineering. While agile methods are now generally considered applicable to software projects of many different kinds, they have not been widely adopted in embedded systems development. This is partly due to the natural constraints that are present in embedded systems development (e.g. hardware–software interdependencies) that challenge the utilization of agile values, principles and practices. The research in agile embedded systems development has been very limited, and this thesis tackles an even less researched theme related to it: the suitability of different project management tools in agile embedded systems development. The thesis covers the basic aspects of many different agile tool types from physical tools, such as task boards and cards, to web-based agile tools that offer all-round solutions for application lifecycle management. In addition to these two extremities, there is also a wide range of lighter agile tools that focus on the core agile practices, such as backlog management. Also other non-agile tools, such as bug trackers, can be used to support agile development, for instance, with plug-ins. To investigate the special tool requirements in agile embedded development, the author observed tool related issues and solutions in a case study involving three different companies operating in the field of embedded systems development. All three companies had a distinct situation in the beginning of the case and thus the tool solutions varied from a backlog spreadsheet built from scratch to plug-in development for an already existing agile software tool. Detailed reports are presented of all three tool cases. Based on the knowledge gathered from agile tools and the case study experiences, it is concluded that there are tool related issues in the pilot phase, such as backlog management and user motivation. These can be overcome in various ways epending on the type of a team in question. Finally, five principles are formed to give guidelines for tool selection and usage in agile embedded systems development.
Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014
Kuparin ja kupariseosten hitsaus eroaa merkittävästi esimerkiksi terästen hitsauksesta. Suuri lämmönjohtavuus, lämpölaajeneminen, pehmeneminen ja kuparin taipumus liuottaa kaasuja sulaan asettavat hitsaukselle haasteita. Kuparia on perinteisesti hitsattu kaasuhitsaamalla ja kaasukaarihitsausprosesseilla, mutta uudemmat menetelmät kuten laserhitsaus, elektronisuihkuhitsaus ja FSW-hitsaus tarjoavat uudenlaisia käyttökohteita korkealla laadulla. ISO 3834-2 asettaa noudatettavat vaatimukset hitsaustoiminnalle laatuvaatimusten ollessa kattavia. Ydinvoimalaitoksella hitsauksessa tulee lisäksi noudattaa Säteilyturvakeskuksen YVL-ohjeita, joissa on määritetty lisävaatimuksia liitosten materiaalivalinnoille, pätevöittämiselle ja tarkastamiselle. Tässä työssä tutkittiin kuparimetallien hitsauksen mahdollisuutta Loviisan ydinvoimalaitoksella juottamisen sijasta siten, että kattavat laatuvaatimukset täyttyisivät. Hitsauskokeissa ja laboratoriotutkimuksissa testattiin hitsausta erilaisilla hitsausaineilla ja hitsausprosesseilla. Koetulosten pohjalta toteutettiin hitsausmenetelmä deoksidoidun kupariputken ja tinapronssilaipan TIG-hitsaukselle.
Abstract A wide range of quality parameters have been used to describe maize flours for food use, but there is no general agreement about the most suitable parameters for breadmaking. The objective of this study was to identify the maize flour parameters related to the consumer perceived quality of Portuguese broa bread (more than 50% maize flour). The influence of eleven maize landraces was assessed and compared with commercial flour using baking tests. The broa were evaluated by instrumental (colour, firmness) and sensory hedonic analysis with a consumer panel of 52 assessors. The broa sensory analysis revealed similar assessments among landraces and the lowest scores for commercial flour. The flour particle size distribution is the major influence, with commercial flour showing the highest mean diameter and a large particle distribution range. Broa consumer panel linkage associations and specific sensory descriptors have been identified; age as an influence on colour, cohesiveness, and source region as an influence on appearance and texture.
Verkkopalveluiden ylläpitovaiheessa halutaan varmistua, etteivät palveluun tehdyt muutokset aiheuta verkkopalvelussa virhetilanteita ja palvelu toimii moitteetta. Muutoksen hyväksyntätestaus voidaan tehdä regressiotestauksena vertaamalla palvelun tilaa ennen ja jälkeen muutoksen. Sisältöpainotteisessa verkkopalvelussa testaaminen keskittyy loppukäyttäjälle esitetyn sivun semanttiseen sekä visuaaliseen oikeellisuuteen sekä erilaisiin toiminnallisiin testeihin. Työssä tarkastellaan etenkin suositulla WordPress-julkaisujärjestelmällä toteutettujen verkkopalveluiden ylläpitoa. Keskeisenä osana julkaisujärjestelmillä toteutettujen verkkopalveluiden ylläpitoa on julkaisujärjestelmän ja sitä täydentävien lisäosien päivittämistä ajantasaisiin versioihin. Nämä päivitykset paitsi tuovat uusia ominaisuuksia verkkopalvelun kehittäjille, myös paikkaavat järjestelmän tietoturvahaavoittuvuuksia sekä korjaavat aiemmissa versioissa esiintyneitä virheitä. Tässä työssä kehitettiin kohdeyrityksen aiempia verkkopalveluiden ylläpitoprosesseja niissä tunnistettujen kehityskohteiden perusteella. Uudistettu kokonaisuus jakautuu kahteen kokonaisuuteen: päivitystarpeen seurantaan sekä päivitysten tekemiseen. Päivitystarpeen seurantaa varten kehitettiin uusi työkalu helpottamaan kokonaiskuvan hahmottamista. Päivitysten tekemisen osalta työssä keskityttiin automatisoidun regressiotestauksen kehittämiseen, missä tärkeimpänä testauskeinona käytetään verkkopalvelusta tallennettujen kuvankaappausten vertailuun perustuvaa visuaalista testausta. Uusien ylläpitoprosesseille määriteltiin myös seurannan kohteet uudistuksen onnistumisen ja jatkokehityksen arviointia varten.
Comprend : Seul - Nounouche - La dame de bronze et le monsieur de cristal - La Clémentine Piéfaroux - L'élève Chocotte - Chabichou - Le chevalier Canepin
Contient : En tête sont les armoiries gravées du fondateur de l'ordre, suivies (fol. 3-4) du portrait gravé de Cl. Menard, à l'âge de 71 ans. Au pied de ce portrait sont 6 vers latins ; Les généalogies des chevaliers de l'ordre sont précédées de leurs armes gravées ; « René, roy de Jerusalem, de Sicile, d'Arragon, de Valence, Majorque, Sardaigne et Corsique, duc d'Anjou, de Lorraine et de Bar, » etc., « surnommé le Bon». A la suite (fol. 53 bis) : « Paroles d'Enée à son fils, luy donnant l'acolade de chevalier » (Virgile, Aenéide, chant XII, vers 432-440) ; « Jehan d'Anjou, duc de Calabre et de Lorraine, aîné du roy René » ; « Antoine de Lorraine, comte de Vaudemont, et Ferry, monseigneur de Lorraine, aisné dud. comte de Vaudemont » ; « Charles d'Anjou, premier du nom » ; « Mre Guy de Laval, seigneur de Loué » ; « Messire Francisco Sphortia, duc de Milan » ; « Messire Louis de Beauvau, seneschal d'Anjou » ; « Messire Bertran de Beauvau, seigneur de Precigné » ; « Jehan de Monlon Ribière ». L'écu seul sans notice ; « Galeas de Milan, chevalier du Croissant », nom sans notice et sans écu ; « Jehan Coxa, comte de Troye, seigneur baron de Grimaud et de Marignane, lieutenant general et grand senechal de Provence », et « Gaspard Coxa ou Cossa, filz de Johan » ; « Hélion de Glandesve, seigneur de Faucon », et « Pierre de Glandesve » ; « Aymeri de Bournan » ; « Messire Louis de Clermont de Gallerande » ; « Messire Tanneguy Du Chastel, senechal de Provence » ; « Messire Gilles de Maillé, seigneur de Brezé, grand maistre de la venerie du roy René » ; « Messire Raymond d'Agoust, seigneur de Sault » ; « Messire Antoine de Clerambauld, seigneur Du Plessis » ; « Messire Jehan Du Bellay, seigneur dud. lieu » ; « Messire Guillaume de La Jumelière, seigneur de Martigné » ; « Messire Simon d'Anglure, vicomte d'Estanges, seigneur de Nogent, et messire Saladin d'Anglure, sieur d'Estanges, son fils » ; Messire Phelippe de Lenoncour, escuyer d'escurie du roy de Sicile, seigneur de Gondrecourt, et Mr Thierry de Lenoncourt, bailly de Vitry, seigneur de Lenoncourt » ; « Messire Jacques Antoine Marcel de Venize » ; « Messire Jehan de La Haye, seigneur de Passavant » ; Ecus sans notices des Haraucourt et des Fenestranges ; « Messire Jehan Amenard, sieur de Chanzay, Bouillé et de Daon » ; « Messire Jehan, comte de Nanssau et de Sarrebruche » ; « Messire Jehan, sire de Bellevile et de Montagu » ; « Messire Pierre de Champaigne, seigneur dudict lieu ». Au fol. 125 bis est la transcription de l'épitaphe dudit Pierre de Champaigne, dont la « tumbe de bronze » était « dans l'eglise de St-Martin de Paris, dans le coeur ». Au fol. 127 r° est le portrait du même ; « Messire Guischard de Monberon, seigneur de Montaigne » ; « Messire Jehan Du Plessis, dit le Begue, seigneur de Parnay » ; « Messire Jehan, comte de Salmes » ; « Messire Bermond de Levis, baron de La Voute, de Rochemaure et de S. Martin » ; « Messire Jacques de Brezé, comte de Maulevrier, grand sénéchal de Normandie, seigneur de Tomberville », etc ; « Messire Jacques de Pazzi » ; « Messire Guy d'Avaugour, sieur Des Loges » ; « Messire Robert, comte de Marsico, prince de Salerne et de S. Severin » ; « Messire Hardouin de La Jaille, chevalier, seigneur de La Roche Tallebot » ; « Messire René de Maz, seigneur de La Vayzouziers » ; « Messire Pierre Le Poulchre, chevalier, sieur de La Benestaye, ecuier trenchant de René » ; Ecu d'« Argençon ». Notice de la maison « Asse Riboulle », à laquelle cet écu avait été attribué par erreur ; Écu de la maison de Valory, sans notice ; Est une « table des ecus » gravés dans le présent ms
The 8-foot tall Concordia statue made of bronze was unveiled in July of 1969. It was created by Canadian sculptress Eza Mayhew and weighs over 2500 lbs. Originally commissioned for Expo 67, it was later donated to Brock by Seagram's Distilling Company. The statue was placed just southeast of the Brock Tower, and still stands there today - between the Thistle Complex, Taro Hall, and Mackenzie Chown A Block. View facing northwest.
This thesis consists of a quantitative analysis of the regional prevalence of certain artistic motifs as they appear in Minoan wall painting of the Neopalatial period. This will help to establish the relative degree of artistic autonomy exercised by each of the sites included in this study. The results show that the argument for itinerant artists during this time period is a strong one, but the assumption that these travelling artists were being controlled by any one palace-centre is erroneous. Rather, the similarities and differences seen suggest that the choices were predicated either by the specific patrons, or by the function of the associated building or room. Thus, the motifs found within this study should be understood as constituting a cultural identity, with greater or lesser degrees of regional homogeneity, which act as one facet of a number of cultural indicators that can be used to better understand the role of artists and regional dynamics on the island during the Bronze Age.
Tony Biernacki's rowing career began in 1950 in Ottawa with his first Henley medal in 1952 in the coxless four. Sculling became his real means to success. Since 1955 he has posted record times and had numerous wins in the single. He represented Canada at the National Team between 1958 and 1967 and raced in the single at the British Empire Games and Pan Am Games (Chicago, silver medal) and pair at the Worlds in Yugoslavia in 1966. He won the Olympic trials in 1960 in Rome, but was unable to go. Upon his retirement from competition Tony was hired as the Team Manager for the following Pan Am Games. Tony was hired by Brock University in 1965 as a technician in the Chemistry Department. He became the head rowing coach that same year and began women’s rowing at the university level in Ontario with the first women’s crew in 1967. As Brock's second coach ever, he led the teams to championship form and kept the athletes racing through the summer regatta season. Tony remained at Brock from 1965 to 1980. He was one of the founders of The Canadian Masters Rowing Committee and he helped to initiate master's racing at the Canadian Henley. In 1985 he won the single, double and quad at the World Masters Regatta in Toronto. For a number of years he was also the world record holder for his age category on the C2 ergometer. His last heartfelt project was the construction of a wheelchair ramp at Resurrection Lutheran Church where he was an active member. Mr. Biernacki passed away on January 9, 1998 at the age of 66 after a valiant battle with cancer only a month after being awarded the Canadian Coaching Provincial Coaching Award. He is survived by his wife Janet, daughters Tracy, Tammy Pauls, and Tory Phannenhour, and son, Tony Jr. He is also survived by several grandchildren.
Purple bronze Li0.9Mo6O17 has attracted researchers for its low dimensionality and corresponding properties. Although it has been studied for nearly two decades, there are still some unsolved puzzles with this unique material. Single crystals of Li0.9Mo6O17 were grown using the temperature gradient flux technique in this research. The crystal growth was optimized by experimenting different conditions and good quality crystals were obtained. X-ray diffraction results have confirmed the right phase of the crystals. Resistivity measurements and magnetic susceptibility measurements were carried out, and anomalous electronic behaviors were found. All of the samples showed the metal-insulator transition near 20K, followed by behavior that differs from sample to sample: either superconducting, metallic or insulating behavior was observed below 2K. Li0.9Mo6O17 was considered as a quasi-one-dimensional crystal and also a superconducting crystal, which implies a dimensional crossover may occur at the metal-insulator transition. A two-band scenario of the Luttinger liquid model was used to fit the resistivity data and excellent results were achieved, suggesting that the Luttinger theory is a very good candidate for the explanation of the anomalous behavior of Li0.9Mo6O17. In addition, the susceptibility measurements showed Curie paramagnetism and some temperature independent paramagnetism at low temperature. The absence of any anomalous magnetic feature near 20K where the resistivity upturn takes place, suggests that a charge density wave mechanism, which has been proposed by some researchers, is not responsible for the unique properties of Li0.9Mo6O17.
Christian Cardell Corbet, a descendant of Guernsey, Channel Islands, was born in 1966 at Pickering Beach on Lake Ontario. He developed his talents as a landscape artist and at the young age of 14 he began his informal education in commercial signage from his paternal grandfather. He studied at the University of Guelph and McMaster University Anatomy Laboratory. Corbet traveled to England where he began to experiment more in abstraction and non-objective work. In 1995, he presented a portrait of HM Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother at Clarence House. This brought his career to an international level. He also creates two-dimensional works and has received acclaim for his bronze art medallions. He has gained international recognition as a Forensic Artist working as Artist in Residence for the University of Western Ontario. He does facial reconstructions for special assignments. These original drawings relate to a sculpted medallion of Brock which was authorized by Sir Geoffrey Rowland, Bailiff, Guernsey, Channel Islands and Minister of Education of the States of Guernsey. This is the first time in known recorded history that a forensic analysis and sculpture has been created to accurately depict the facial likeness of Sir Isaac Brock. This project has been established to mark the 2012 anniversary of the death of Brock.