1000 resultados para Bizemont, Henri de (1839-1899) -- Portraits
Os autores estudam todo o material brasileiro pertencente ao gênero Prosthogonimus Luehe, 1899, depositado na Coleção Helmintológica do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, determinado e sem determinação, e concluem que apesar de apresentar grande variação em seus caracteres, pertence à uma única espécie Prosthogonimus ovalus (Rudolphi, 1803). Essa variação já havia sido observada anteriormente por Travassos (1922-1928) e confirmada experimentalmente por Boddeke (1960). São apresentadas 49 figuras e 5 quadros com as medidas correspondentes, mostrando as variações encontradas.
A description of Physa cubensis Pfeiffer, 1839, based on 15 speciments collected in Havana, Cuba, is presented. The shell, measuring 9.0 x 4,8mm to 12.3 x 6.4mm, is ovate-oblong, thin, diaphanous, horncolored, shining. Spire elevated, broadly conical; protoconch distinct, roundish, reddish-brown. About five moderately shouldered, roundly convex whorls, penultimate whorl expanded; spiral striation subobsolete; growth line faint on the intermediate whorls, clearly visible on the body whorl, crowded here and there. Suture well impressed. Aperture elongated 2.05 - 2.67 (mean 2.27) times as long as the remaining length of the shell, narrow obovulate-lunate; upper half acute-angled, lower half oval, narrowly rounded at the base; outer lip sharp, inner lip completely closing the umbilical region; a thick callus on the parietal wall; columellar plait well marked. Ratios: shell width/shell length - 0.52-0.61 (mean 0.55); spire length/shell length = 0.27 - 0.33 (mean 0.31); aperture length/shell length = 0.67 - 0.73 (mean 0.69). Oral lappets laterally mucronate; foot spatulate with acuminate tail. Mantle relection with 6 - 8 short triangular dentations in the right lobe (columellar side) and 4 - 6 in the left lobe (near the pneumostome). Renal tube tightly folded into a zigzag course. Ovotestis, ovispermiduct, seminal vesicle, oviduct, nidamental gland, uterus and vagina as in Physa marmorata (see Paraense, 1986, Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz, 81: 459-469). Spermathecal body egg-shaped or pear-shaped; spermathecal ducta uniformly narrow with expanded base, a little longer than the body. Spermiduct, prostate and vas deferens as in P. marmorata (Paraense, loc. cit.). Penis wide proximally, narrowing gradually apicad; penial canal with subterminal outlet. Penial sheath following the width of the penis and ending up by a bulbous expansion somewhat narrower than the proximal portion. Penaial sheath/prepuce ration = 1,25 - 1,83 (mean 1.49). Prepuce much wider than the bulb of the penial shealth, moderately shouldered owing to the intromission of the bulb, and with a large gland in one side of its proximal half occupating about a third of its length. Extrinsic muscles of the penial complex as in P. marmorata. Jaw a simple obtusely V-shaped plate. Radula to be described separetely.
Phyllodistomum rhamdiae n. sp. is described based on specimens collected from the urinary bladder of freshwater catfishes, Rhmdia quelen, caught from the Guandu river, outskirts of Rio de Janeiro, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The new species is characterized by its sucker width ratio equal to 1:1, by the large size of the gonads and their spatial arrangement.
A description is given of the shell, head-foot, pulmonary wall, reproductive system and radula of Biomphalaria subprona (Martens, 1899). A diagnosis between it and two other congeneric species under 10 mm in shell diameter occurring in Middle America (Biomphalaria helophila and B. schrammi) is presented.
L'économiste russe Tugan-Baranovskij (1865-1919) a publié en 1899 une notice sur le développement de la « science économique russe » pour la première encyclopédie universelle russe, le Brockhaus-Efron. Sous la forme d'un catalogue chronologique des économistes russes et de leurs ouvrages tout au long du XIXe siècle, le récit de Tugan-Baranovskij représente une des premières tentatives d'écrire une histoire de la pensée économique russe. L'intérêt du texte se manifeste lorsqu'on s'interroge sur l'existence d'une telle science « nationale » de l'économie politique. Nous présentons ici en traduction française ce récit jamais encore traduit du russe, et nous l'accompagnons de notes sur les auteurs et les ouvrages qui y sont signalés.
Panstrongylus rufotuberculatus is reported for the first time in Argentina. Four adults were attracted by the light of human dwellings in Calilegua National Park, Jujuy, at 1150 masl within the subtropical humid forest. The individuals were similar to those described in the literature. The epidemiological significance of this species is very low in the area, although deforestation might increase its role in the transmission of Trypanosoma cruzi.
Vingt-six portraits par vingt-six exégètes. Tel est le défi proposé et assumé pour un parcours surprenant de lectures et d'interprétations multiples d'un Dieu unique et en même temps complexe. Quelle cohérence entre le Dieu fracassant de l'Exode et le Dieu crucifié de l'apôtre Paul ? Quelle continuité entre le Dieu de Gédéon et celui de Jésus : " Mon Dieu, mon Dieu, pourquoi m'as-tu abandonné ? " (Mc 15,34) ? Le Dieu de l'entrée en Canaan ressemble-t-il vraiment à l'Agneau immolé de l'Apocalypse ? Mais déjà, au sein de la Bible hébraïque, les trompettes de Jéricho côtoient le Serviteur souffrant d'Isaïe. Comment comprendre aujourd'hui cette diversité de la présence de Dieu dans la Bible, si ce n'est par la diversité des regards d'exégètes dont la lecture croisée des textes bibliques nous invite à renouveler notre compréhension de Dieu ?
In the course of two trips to Central America (June 1967 and JulyAugust 1976) I had the opportunity of collecting topotypic specimens of Planorbis nicaraguanus Morelet, 1849, anatomically defined in this paper, and of P. yzabalensis Crosse & Fischer, 1879, the identity of the latter with Drepanotrema anatinum (Orbigny, 1835) is confirmed. The following planorbid species were also found: Helisoma trivolvis (Say, 1817) in Nicaragua, Guatemala, Costa Rica and Belize; H. duryi (Wetherby, 1879) in Costa Rica; Biomphalaria helophila (Orbigny, 1835) in Guatemala, Belize, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and El Salvador; B. kuhniana (Clessin, 1883) in Panama; B. obstructa (Morelet,1849) in Guatemala, Belize and El Salvador; B. straminea (Dunker, 1848) in Costa Rica; B. subprona (Martens, 1899) in Guatemala; D. anatinum (Orbigny,1835) in Belize, Guatemala, Nicaragua and Costa Rica; D. depressissimum (Moricand,1839) in Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama; D. lucidum (Pfeiffer, 1839) in Guatemala, Belize and Nicaragua; D. surinamense (Clessin, 1884) in Costa Rica and Panama; and Gyraulus percarinatus sp. n. in Panama. The occurrence of B. kuhniana and D. surinamense is first recorded in Central America, and Gyraulus percarinatus is the first representative of the genus provenly occurring in the American continent south of the United States. The following synonymy is proposed: Planorbis declivis Tate, 1870 = Biomphalaria helophila (Orbigny, 1835); Planorbis isthmicus Pilsbry, 1920 = Biomphalaria kuhniana (Clessin, 1883); Planorbis cannarum Morelet, 1849 and Segmentina donbilli Tristram, 1861 = Biomphalaria obstructa (Morelet, 1849); and Planorbis yzabalensis Crosse & Fischer, 1879 = Drepanotrema anatinum (Orbigny, 1835), confirming Aguayo (1933).
La réforme des institutions politiques centrales de la Russie: les "Rêveries" d'Antoine Henri Jomini