833 resultados para Bismuth telluride


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Bi3.25La0.75-xErxTi3O12 and Bi3.25La0.75Ti3-xErxO12-delta ceramics were prepared and studied in this work in terms of dopant-induced phase and microstructure development as well as dielectric response. The results show that introduction of Er3+ tends to reduce the materials' sintering temperature and average grain size. Moreover, it was noted that in these systems the substitution site of this dopant is controlled by valence state and ionic radii mismatch effects. In particular, even when a nominal substitution of Ti4+ is conceived, here it is found that Er3+ also incorporates at the (Bi,La)(3+) sites. These and other interesting concluding remarks from this work, including Er3+ tolerance, were possible only after comparing, especially, the X-ray diffraction results and the intrinsic ferroelectric characteristics extracted from the dielectric measurements. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Introduction: The aim of this study was to evaluate the pH, calcium ion release, setting time, and solubility of white mineral trioxide aggregate (WMTA) and white Portland cement (WPC) combined with the following radiopacifying agents: bismuth oxide (BO), calcium tungstate (CT), and zirconium oxide (ZO). Methods: Fifty acrylic teeth with root-end filling material were immersed in ultrapure water for measurement of pH and calcium release (atomic absorption spectrophotometry) at 3, 24, 72, and 168 hours. For evaluation of setting time, each material was analyzed according to the American Society for Testing and Materials guidelines 266/08. The solubility test was performed according to American National Standards Institute/American Dental Association specification no. 57/2000. Solubility, setting time, and pH values were compared by using analysis of variance and Tukey test, and the values of calcium release were compared by the Kruskal-Wallis and Miller tests. The significance level was set at 5%. Results: The pH and calcium release were higher at 3 and 24 hours. WPC was the material with the higher values for both properties. WMTA had the greatest solubility among all materials (P < .05). All radiopacifiers increased the setting time of WPC, and WMTA had the shortest setting time among all materials (P < .05). Conclusions: All materials released calcium ions. Except for WPC/CT at 168 hours, all materials promoted an alkaline pH. On the basis of the obtained results, ZO and CT can be considered as potential radiopacifying agents to be used in combination with Portland cement. (J Endod 2012;38:394-397)


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Electrochemical lead analyses of gunshot residues (GSRs) were performed using an acidic solution with a bare gold microelectrode in the presence of chloride ions. GSRs from four different guns (0.38 in. revolver, 12 caliber pump-action shotgun, 0.38 repeating rifle, and a 0.22 caliber semi-automatic rifle) and six different types of ammunition (CleanRange (R), normal, semi-jacketed, especial 24g (R), 3T (R), CBC (R), and Eley (R)) were analyzed. Results obtained with the proposed methodology were compared with those from an atomic absorption spectrometry analysis, and a paired Student's t-test indicated that there was no significant difference between them at the 95% confidence level. With this methodology, a detection limit of 1.7 nmol L-1 (3 sigma/slope), a linear range between 10 and 100 nmol L-1, and a relative standard deviation of 2.5% from 10 measurements were obtained. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Estuarine systems play an important role in the retention of toxic trace elements owing to the affinity of these elements with particles dissolved in water. This work presents the use of a voltammetric sensor to monitor heavy metal (Zn (II), Cd(II) and Pb (II)) concentrations in the Cananeia-Iguape Estuarine-Lagoon region (Sao Paulo State, Brazil). Lower concentrations were found in the Southern estuarine system (Cananeia City) and increased concentrations observed in the Northern sector (Iguape City) were promoted by anthropogenic activities, with particular influence from the historical introduction of mining wastes and inputs from agricultural, industrial and domestic effluents. The proposed method is reliable, inexpensive and fast, can simultaneously provide information on the concentration of these metallic ions and can be easily used for field measurements aboard oceanographic ships.


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The influence of chloride on the electrodeposition of lead films and their dissolution in anodic stripping voltammetric experiments was examined. Gold substrates were plated with lead films, and mass changes were monitored by using the electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation factor (EQCM-D). The results showed that the amount of electrodeposited lead is slightly dependent on the chloride concentration. The charge/mass ratio data indicated the presence of Pb(I) and Pb(II) as a result of film dissolution, and the precipitation and deposition of PbCl2 onto the electrode surface. Scanning electron microscopy images revealed that the morphology of the lead film was strongly influenced by chloride present in the plating solution and that much rougher films were obtained in comparison with those obtained in the absence of chloride. The rate of the anodic dissolution was higher for lead films with higher surface areas, which lead to an increase in their stripping voltammetric currents. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the interference of the radiopacifiers bismuth oxide (BO), bismuth carbonate (BC), bismuth subnitrate (BS), and zirconiun oxide (ZO) on the solubility, alkalinity and antimicrobial properties of white Portland cement (WPC). The substances were incorporated to PC, at a ratio of 1:4 (v/v) and subjected to a solubility test. To evaluate the pH, the cements were inserted into retrograde cavities prepared in simulated acrylic teeth and immediately immersed in deionized water. The pH of the solution was measured at 3, 24, 72 and 168 h. The antimicrobial activity was evaluated by a radial diffusion method against the microorganisms S. aureus (ATCC 25923), P. aeruginosa (ATCC 27853), E. faecalis (ATCC 29212) and C. albicans (ATCC 10231). The zone of microbial growth inhibition was measured after 24 h. The addition of BS and BC increased the solubility of the cement. The pH values demonstrated that all materials produced alkaline levels. At 3 h, BS showed lower pH than WPC (p<0.05). At 168 h, all materials showed similar pHs (p>0.05). The materials did not present antimicrobial activity for S. aureus, P. aeruginosas and E. faecalis (p>0.05). With regards to C. albicans, all materials formed an inhibition zone, mainly the mixture of WPC with ZO (p<0.05). The type of radiopacifier incorporated into WPC interfered with its physical and antimicrobial properties. ZO was found to be a viable radiopacifier that can be used with WPC.


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Durante il mio periodo di Tesi ho lavorato nel campo dei cluster eterometallici di Rh stabilizzati da leganti carbonilici. Inizialmente mi sono occupato della reazione di idrogenazione del cluster [Rh12Sn(CO)27]4- e della specie insatura [Rh12Sn(CO)25]4-, che ho sintetizzato per la prima volta con reattore a microonde. Ho poi testato il prodotto [Rh12Sn(CO)27/25-xHy]4- come catalizzatore nella reazione di idrogenazione di stirene ad etilbenzene. Le prove hanno evidenziato la sua scarsa attività catalitica, anzi il catalizzatore si è rivelato instabile sia in atmosfera di H2, dove si trasforma in [Rh14(CO)25]4-, che di CO/H2, dove genera una specie ancora non ben caratterizzata. Nella seconda parte del mio progetto ho cercato di sintetizzare nuovi cluster carbonilici Rh-Bi. Dopo alcune prove sono riuscito ad isolare e caratterizzare il nuovo cluster icosaedrico [Rh12Bi(CO)27]3-. Ne ho poi studiato la reattività trattandolo con BiCl3, HCl e irraggiandolo con le microonde. Dalla prima reazione ho ottenuto due nuove specie molecolari cioè il dimero [(Rh12Bi(CO)26)2Bi]5-, in cui due unità icosaedriche sono legate insieme da uno ione Bi+, e [Rh14Bi3(CO)27]3-, in cui sono presenti legami incipienti intermolecolari Bi-Bi. Nelle altre due prove sono stati identificati nuovi prodotti non ancora identificati ma tuttora in fase di studio.


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Die theoretische und experimentelle Untersuchung von wasserstoffähnlichen Systemen hat in den letzten hundert Jahren immer wieder sowohl die experimentelle als auch die theoretische Physik entscheidend vorangebracht. Formulierung und Test der Quantenelektrodynamik (QED) standen und stehen in engen Zusammenhang mit der Untersuchung wasserstoffähnlicher Systeme. Gegenwärtig sind besonders wasserstoffähnliche Systeme schwerer Ionen von Interesse, um die QED in den extrem starken Feldern in Kernnähe zu testen. Laserspektroskopische Messungen der Hyperfeinstrukturaufspaltung des Grundzustandes bieten eine hohe Genauigkeit, ihre Interpretation wird jedoch durch die Unsicherheit in der Größe der Kernstruktureffekte erschwert. Beseitigt werden können diese durch die Kombination der Aufspaltung in wasserstoff- und lithiumähnlichen Ionen des gleichen Nuklids. In den letzten zwei Jahrzehnten scheiterten mehrere dadurch motivierte Versuche, den HFS-Übergang in lithiumähnlichen 209Bi80+ zu finden. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde kollineare Laserspektroskopie bei etwa 70% der Lichtgeschwindigkeit an 209Bi82+ und 209Bi80+ -Ionen im Experimentier- Speicherring an der GSI in Darmstadt durchgeführt. Dabei wurde der Übergang im lithiumähnlichen Bismut erstmals beobachtet und dessen Übergangswellenlänge zu 1554,74(74) nm bestimmt. Ein eigens für dieses Experiment optimiertes Fluoreszenz-Nachweissystem stellte dabei die entscheidende Verbesserung gegenüber den gescheiterten Vorgängerexperimenten dar. Der Wellenlängenfehler ist dominiert von der Unsicherheit der Ionengeschwindigkeit, die für die Transformation in das Ruhesystem der Ionen entscheidend ist. Für deren Bestimmung wurden drei Ansätze verfolgt: Die Geschwindigkeit wurde aus der Elektronenkühlerspannung bestimmt, aus dem Produkt von Orbitlänge und Umlauffrequenz und aus dem relativistischen Dopplereffekt unter Annahme der Korrektheit des früher bestimmten Überganges in wasserstoffähnlichen Bismut. Die Spannungskalibration des Elektronenkühlers wurde im Rahmen dieser Arbeit erstmals kritisch evaluiert und bislang unterschätzte systematische Unsicherheiten aufgezeigt, die derzeit einen aussagekräftigen QED-Test verhindern. Umgekehrt konnte unter Verwendung der QED-Berechnungen eine Ionengeschwindigkeit berechnet werden, die ein genaueres und konsistenteres Resultat für die Übergangswellenlängen beider Ionenspezies liefert. Daraus ergibt sich eine Diskrepanz zu dem früher bestimmten Wert des Überganges in wasserstoffähnlichen Bismut, die es weiter zu untersuchen gilt.


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Angesichts der sich abzeichnenden Erschöpfung fossiler Ressourcen ist die Erforschung alternativer Energiequellen derzeit eines der meistbeachteten Forschungsgebiete. Durch ihr enormes Potential ist die Photovoltaik besonders im Fokus der Wissenschaft. Um großflächige Beschichtungsverfahren nutzen zu können, wird seit einigen Jahren auf dem Gebiet der Dünnschichtphotovoltaik intensiv geforscht. Jedoch sind die gegenwärtigen Solarzellenkonzepte allesamt durch die Verwendung giftiger (Cd, As) oder seltener Elemente (In, Ga) oder durch eine komplexe Phasenbildung in ihrem Potential beschränkt. Die Entwicklung alternativer Konzepte erscheint daher naheliegend.rnAufgrund dessen wurde in einem BMBF-geförderten Verbundprojekt die Abscheidung von Dünnschichten des binären Halbleiters Bi2S3 mittels physikalischer Gasphasenabscheidung mit dem Ziel der Etablierung als quasi-intrinsischer Absorber in Solarzellenstrukturen mit p-i-n-Schichtfolge hin untersucht.rnDurch sein von einem hochgradig anisotropen Bindungscharakter geprägtes Kristallwachstum war die Abscheidung glatter, einphasiger und für die Integration in eine Multischichtstruktur geeigneter Schichten mit Schichtdicken von einigen 100 nm eine der wichtigsten Herausforderungen. Die Auswirkungen der beiden Parameter Abscheidungstemperatur und Stöchiometrie wurden hinsichtlich ihrer Auswirkungen auf die relevanten Kenngrößen (wie Morphologie, Dotierungsdichte und Photolumineszenz) untersucht. Es gelang, erfolgreich polykristalline Schichten mit geeigneter Rauigkeit und einer Dotierungsdichte von n ≈ 2 1015cm-3 auf anwendungsrelevanten Substraten abzuscheiden, wobei eine besonders starke Abhängigkeit von der Gasphasenzusammensetzung ermittelt werden. Es konnten weiterhin die ersten Messungen der elektronischen Zustandsdichte unter Verwendung von Hochenergie-Photoemissionsspektroskopie durchgeführt werden, die insbesondere den Einfluss variabler Materialzusammensetzungen offenbarten.rnZum Nachweis der Eignung des Materials als Absorberschicht standen innerhalb des Projektes mit SnS, Cu2O und PbS prinzipiell geeignete p-Kontaktmaterialien zur Verfügung. Es konnten trotz der Verwendung besonders sauberer Abscheidungsmethoden im Vakuum keine funktionstüchtigen Solarzellen mit Bi2S3 deponiert werden. Jedoch war es unter Verwendung von Photoemissionspektroskopie möglich, die relevanten Grenzflächen zu spektroskopieren und die Ursachen für die Beobachtungen zu identifizieren. Zudem konnte erfolgreich die Notwendigkeit von Puffermaterialien bei der Bi2S3-Abscheidung nachgewiesen werden, um Oberflächenreaktionen zu unterbinden und die Transporteigenschaften an der Grenzfläche zu verbessern.rn


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OBJECTIVE: To determine the impact of a community based Helicobacter pylori screening and eradication programme on the incidence of dyspepsia, resource use, and quality of life, including a cost consequences analysis. DESIGN: H pylori screening programme followed by randomised placebo controlled trial of eradication. SETTING: Seven general practices in southwest England. PARTICIPANTS: 10,537 unselected people aged 20-59 years were screened for H pylori infection (13C urea breath test); 1558 of the 1636 participants who tested positive were randomised to H pylori eradication treatment or placebo, and 1539 (99%) were followed up for two years. INTERVENTION: Ranitidine bismuth citrate 400 mg and clarithromycin 500 mg twice daily for two weeks or placebo. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Primary care consultation rates for dyspepsia (defined as epigastric pain) two years after randomisation, with secondary outcomes of dyspepsia symptoms, resource use, NHS costs, and quality of life. RESULTS: In the eradication group, 35% fewer participants consulted for dyspepsia over two years compared with the placebo group (55/787 v 78/771; odds ratio 0.65, 95% confidence interval 0.46 to 0.94; P = 0.021; number needed to treat 30) and 29% fewer participants had regular symptoms (odds ratio 0.71, 0.56 to 0.90; P = 0.05). NHS costs were 84.70 pounds sterling (74.90 pounds sterling to 93.91 pounds sterling) greater per participant in the eradication group over two years, of which 83.40 pounds sterling (146 dollars; 121 euro) was the cost of eradication treatment. No difference in quality of life existed between the two groups. CONCLUSIONS: Community screening and eradication of H pylori is feasible in the general population and led to significant reductions in the number of people who consulted for dyspepsia and had symptoms two years after treatment. These benefits have to be balanced against the costs of eradication treatment, so a targeted eradication strategy in dyspeptic patients may be preferable.


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In the field of photonics, two new types of material structures, photonic crystals and metamaterials, are presently of great interest. Both are studied in the present work, which focus on planar magnetic materials in the former and planar gradient metamaterials in the latter. These planar periodic structures are easy to handle and integrate into optical systems. The applications are promising field for future optical telecommunication systems and give rise to new optical, microwave and radio technologies. The photonic crystal part emphasizes the utilization of magnetic material based photonic crystals due to its remarkable magneto-optical characteristics. Bandgaps tuning by magnetic field in bismuth-gadolinium-substituted lutetium iron garnet (Bi0.8 Gd0.2 Lu2.0 Fe5 O12) based one- dimensional photonic crystals are investigated and demonstrated in this work. Magnetic optical switches are fabricated and tested. Waveguide formulation for band structure in magneto photonic crystals is developed. We also for the first time demonstrate and test two- dimensional magneto photonic crystals optical. We observe multi-stopbands in two- dimensional photonic waveguide system and study the origin of multi-stopbands. The second part focus on studying photonic metamaterials and planar gradient photonic metamaterial design. We systematically study the effects of varying the geometry of the fishnet unit cell on the refractive index in optical frequency. It is the first time to design and demonstrate the planar gradient structure in the high optical frequency. Optical beam bending using planar gradient photonic metamaterials is observed. The technologies needed for the fabrication of the planar gradient photonic metamaterials are investigated. Beam steering devices, shifter, gradient optical lenses and etc. can be derived from this design.


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One dimensional magnetic photonic crystals (1D-MPC) are promising structures for integrated optical isolator applications. Rare earth substituted garnet thin films with proper Faraday rotation are required to fabricate planar 1D-MPCs. In this thesis, flat-top response 1D-MPC was proposed and spectral responses and Faraday rotation were modeled. Bismuth substituted iron garnet films were fabricated by RF magnetron sputtering and structures, compositions, birefringence and magnetooptical properties were studied. Double layer structures for single mode propagation were also fabricated by sputtering for the first time. Multilayer stacks with multiple defects (phase shift) composed of Ce-YIG and GGG quarter-wave plates were simulated by the transfer matrix method. The transmission and Faraday rotation characteristics were theoretically studied. It is found that flat-top response, with 100% transmission and near 45o rotation is achievable by adjusting the inter-defect spacing, for film structures as thin as 30 to 35 μm. This is better than 3-fold reduction in length compared to the best Ce-YIG films for comparable rotations, thus allows a considerable reduction in size in manufactured optical isolators. Transmission bands as wide as 7nm were predicted, which is considerable improvement over 2 defects structure. Effect of repetition number and ratio factor on transmission and Faraday rotation ripple factors for the case of 3 and 4 defects structure has been discussed. Diffraction across the structure corresponds to a longer optical path length. Thus the use of guided optics is required to minimize the insertion losses in integrated devices. This part is discussed in chapter 2 in this thesis. Bismuth substituted iron garnet thin films were prepared by RF magnetron sputtering. We investigated or measured the deposition parameters optimization, crystallinity, surface morphologies, composition, magnetic and magnetooptical properties. A very high crystalline quality garnet film with smooth surface has been heteroepitaxially grown on (111) GGG substrate for films less than 1μm. Dual layer structures with two distinct XRD peaks (within a single sputtered film) start to develop when films exceed this thickness. The development of dual layer structure was explained by compositional gradient across film thickness, rather than strain gradient proposed by other authors. Lower DC self bias or higher substrate temperature is found to help to delay the appearance of the 2nd layer. The deposited films show in-plane magnetization, which is advantageous for waveguide devices application. Propagation losses of fabricated waveguides can be decreased by annealing in an oxygen atmosphere from 25dB/cm to 10dB/cm. The Faraday rotation at λ=1.55μm were also measured for the waveguides. FR is small (10° for a 3mm long waveguide), due to the presence of linear birefringence. This part is covered in chapter 4. We also investigated the elimination of linear birefringence by thickness tuning method for our sputtered films. We examined the compressively and tensilely strained films and analyze the photoelastic response of the sputter deposited garnet films. It has been found that the net birefringence can be eliminated under planar compressive strain conditions by sputtering. Bi-layer GGG on garnet thin film yields a reduced birefringence. Temperature control during the sputter deposition of GGG cover layer is critical and strongly influences the magnetization and birefringence level in the waveguide. High temperature deposition lowers the magnetization and increases the linear birefringence in the garnet films. Double layer single mode structures fabricated by sputtering were also studied. The double layer, which shows an in-plane magnetization, has an increased RMS roughness upon upper layer deposition. The single mode characteristic was confirmed by prism coupler measurement. This part is discussed in chapter 5.


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The application of photonic crystal technology on metal-oxide film is a very promising field for future optical telecommunication systems. Band gap and polarization effects in lithium niobate (LiNbO3) photonic crystals and bismuth-substituted iron garnets (BiYIG) photonic crystals are investigated in this work reported here. The design and fabrication process are similar for these two materials while the applications are different, involving Bragg filtering in lithium niobate and polarization rotation in nonreciprocal iron garnets. The research of photonic structures in LiNbO3 is of high interest for integrated device application due to its remarkable electro-optical characteristics. This work investigated the photonic band gap in high quality LiNbO3 single crystalline thin film by ion implantation to realize high efficiency narrow bandwidth filters. LiNbO3 thin film detachment by bonding is also demonstrated for optical device integration. One-dimensional Bragg BiYIG waveguides in gyrotropic system are found to have multiple stopbands and evince enhancement of polarization rotation efficiency. Previous photon trapping theory cannot explain the phenomena because of the presence of linear birefringence. This work is aimed at investigating the mechanism with the support of experiments. The results we obtained show that selective suppression of Bloch states in gyrotropic bandgaps is the key mechanism for the observed phenomena. Finally, the research of ferroelectric single crystal PMN-PT with ultra high piezoelectric coefficient as a biosensor is also reported. This work presents an investigation and results on higher sensitivity effects than conventional materials such as quartz and lithium niobate.


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In this study, the use of magnesium as a Hall thruster propellant was evaluated. A xenon Hall thruster was modified such that magnesium propellant could be loaded into the anode and use waste heat from the thruster discharge to drive the propellant vaporization. A control scheme was developed, which allowed for precise control of the mass flow rate while still using plasma heating as the main mechanism for evaporation. The thruster anode, which also served as the propellant reservoir, was designed such that the open area was too low for sufficient vapor flow at normal operating temperatures (i.e. plasma heating alone). The remaining heat needed to achieve enough vapor flow to sustain thruster discharge came from a counter-wound resistive heater located behind the anode. The control system has the ability to arrest thermal runaway in a direct evaporation feed system and stabilize the discharge current during voltage-limited operation. A proportional-integral-derivative control algorithm was implemented to enable automated operation of the mass flow control system using the discharge current as the measured variable and the anode heater current as the controlled parameter. Steady-state operation at constant voltage with discharge current excursions less than 0.35 A was demonstrated for 70 min. Using this long-duration method, stable operation was achieved with heater powers as low as 6% of the total discharge power. Using the thermal mass flow control system the thruster operated stably enough and long enough that performance measurements could be obtained and compared to the performance of the thruster using xenon propellant. It was found that when operated with magnesium, the thruster has thrust ranging from 34 mN at 200 V to 39 mN at 300 V with 1.7 mg/s of propellant. It was found to have 27 mN of thrust at 300 V using 1.0 mg/s of propellant. The thrust-to-power ratio ranged from 24 mN/kW at 200 V to 18 mN/kW at 300 volts. The specific impulse was 2000 s at 200 V and upwards of 2700 s at 300 V. The anode efficiency was found to be ~23% using magnesium, which is substantially lower than the 40% anode efficiency of xenon at approximately equivalent molar flow rates. Measurements in the plasma plume of the thruster—operated using magnesium and xenon propellants—were obtained using a Faraday probe to measure off-axis current distribution, a retarding potential analyzer to measure ion energy, and a double Langmuir probe to measure plasma density, electron temperature, and plasma potential. Additionally, the off axis current distributions and ion energy distributions were compared to measurements made in krypton and bismuth plasmas obtained in previous studies of the same thruster. Comparisons showed that magnesium had the largest beam divergence of the four propellants while the others had similar divergence. The comparisons also showed that magnesium and krypton both had very low voltage utilization compared to xenon and bismuth. It is likely that the differences in plume structure are due to the atomic differences between the propellants; the ionization mean free path goes down with increasing atomic mass. Magnesium and krypton have long ionization mean free paths and therefore require physically larger thruster dimensions for efficient thruster operation and would benefit from magnetic shielding.


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Among the optical structures investigated for optical sensing purpose, a significant amount of research has been conducted on photonic crystal based sensors. A particular advantage of photonic crystal based sensors is that they show superior sensitivity for ultra-small volume sensing. In this study we investigate polarization changes in response to the changes in the cover index of magneto-optic active photonic band gap structures. One-dimensional photonic-band gap structures fabricated on iron garnet materials yield large polarization rotations at the band gap edges. The enhanced polarization effects serve as an excellent tool for chemical sensing showing high degree of sensitivity for photonic crystal cover refractive index changes. The one dimensional waveguide photonic crystals are fabricated on single-layer bismuth-substituted rare earth iron garnet films ((Bi, Y, Lu)3(Fe, Ga)5O12 ) grown by liquid phase epitaxy on gadolinium gallium garnet substrates. Band gaps have been observed where Bragg scattering conditions links forward-going fundamental waveguide modes to backscattered high-order waveguide modes. Large near-band-edge polarization rotations which increase progressively with backscattered-mode order have been experimentally demonstrated for multiple samples with different composition, film thickness and fabrication parameters. Experimental findings are supported by theoretical analysis of Bloch modes polarization states showing that large near stop-band edge rotations are induced by the magneto-photonic crystal. Theoretical and experimental analysis conducted on polarization rotation sensitivity to waveguide photonic crystal cover refractive index changes shows a monotonic enhancement of the rotation with cover index. The sensor is further developed for selective chemical sensing by employing Polypyrrole as the photonic crystal cover layer. Polypyrrole is one of the extensively studied conducting polymers for selective analyte detection. Successful detection of aqueous ammonia and methanol has been achieved with Polypyrrole deposited magneto-photonic crystals.