992 resultados para Bactérias aeróbicas gram-negativas (Fisiologia)
Várias alterações metabólicas e fisiológicas são desencadeadas em frangos de corte submetidos a altas temperaturas ambientais, o que pode acarretar em grandes perdas no desempenho e na imunocompetência destas aves. Além das técnicas de controle ambiental estarem sendo freqüentemente empregadas para a redução do impacto negativo do estresse calórico sobre o desempenho das aves, outras medidas estão constantemente sendo estudadas. Nos últimos anos, o manejo nutricional adequado também tem demonstrado ser efetivo como medida preventiva para o estresse calórico, pois o funcionamento do sistema termorregulador do frango (produção de calor, rotas evaporativas e não evaporativas de dissipação de calor) pode ser influenciado pela dieta, em especial, o estabelecimento de adequados balanços eletrolíticos, devido a sua importância fisiológica no mecanismo do estresse calórico. Assim, os mecanismos nutricionais devem ser reavaliados como uma ferramenta no controle desta disfunção metabólica das aves.
The probiotics are live microorganisms, in latency state, that benefices the development of the animals. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of the Bacillus subtilis in different doses about the growing, survival and immunological and hematological analyses in the Bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) froglets. The test was developed in Experimental Frog farm of Agriculture Department, Pindamonhangaba, SP. Three doses of probiotics were tested (T1 - 2.5 g/Kg, T2 - 5 g/Kg and T3 - 10 g/Kg of food). The test was carried out with three simultaneous replicates, plus control group. The products were added to froglet's diet and mixed to the meal. The animals were previously feed with this diet for a period of 14 days and accompanied for about 42 days after metamorphose. Biometrics were performed every 7 days. It was evaluated the final weight, the survival, phagocytic capacity, phagocytic index and hematological analyses as hematocrit, hemoglobin level, erythrocyte number, absolute indices hematimetrycs (MCV and MCHC), differential counting of leucocytes and total counting of leucocytes and trombocytes. The results had shown that the doses of the probiotics had produced none effect on the final weight and survival. The immunological analyses had shown that the probiotics have presented immunostimulator effect, but haven't influenced the hematological parameters of the animals.
Foram utilizados quatro bovinos mestiços, castrados, canulados no rúmen com o objetivo de quantificar as bactérias e protozoários líquido-associados, as bactérias sólido-aderidas e relacioná-las com o pH ruminal de bovinos recebendo amiréia dietética (30% de uréia) no concentrado e silagem de milho. Realizaram-se três coletas de conteúdo ruminal, à 1h, às 2h30 e 11h30 após a alimentação. A massa microbiana foi quantificada e qualificada nas diferentes frações das bactérias sólido-aderidas (BSA), bactérias líquido-associadas (BLA) e protozoários líquido-associados (PLA) e seus teores de nitrogênio (N), de matéria seca (MS) e de matéria orgânica (MO), determinados. A população microbiana apresentou crescente contribuição das BSA no decorrer do tempo, o que não ocorreu com BLA e PLA. O teor de MO/MS das BSA também aumentou o tempo 2h30, permanecendo inalterado até 11h30. Os teores de nitrogênio das BSA expressos na matéria orgânica diminuíram em tempos de coleta iguais ou superiores a 2h30, embora os teores de N na matéria seca não apresentassem essa diferença. As relações entre bactéria:protozoário encontradas foram iguais a 1 : 2,1 à 1 h, 2,6: 1 às 2h30 e 2,2: 1 às 11h30 após a alimentação, quando foi observado predomínio de protozoários e bactérias, ambos associados ao líquido ruminal. As quantidades totais e as frações do pool microbiano ruminal não foram influenciadas pelo pH, provavelmente, porque este se manteve sempre acima de 6,39.
This work targetet the caprine ice cream production added with probiotic bacteria Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis. It is divided into two parts. In the first one, four caprine ice cream formulations were evaluated, in which it was used hydrogenated fat (F1 and F3) or fat substitute (F2 and F4) in two different flavors (F1 and F2, passion fruit, F3 and F4, guava). Statistical differences (p<0.05) were detected for their physical-chemical properties, mainly for total solids and fat, but no differences were observed for melting test results. When it went to sensory acceptance, all four ice cream formulations reached high acceptance indexes, mostly formulation F4, which was selected for further studies. In the second part, F4 formulation was prepared with the addition of probiotic bacteria Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis. The growth kinetics was studied and it was observed that the cellular concentration peak was reached after four fermentation hours (10.14 log UFC/g). This time was selected for pre-fermentation procedure and posterior addition at ice cream syrup. In this part of the study, two experimental groups were evaluated: group G1, in which the probiotic addition occurred before the maturation step and group G2, which included a pre-fermentation step and probiotic addition after ice cream maturation. The physical-chemical properties of these two ice cream groups were similar, except for pH, which was higher for group G2 (p<0.05). G1 samples had superior melting rate (3.566 mL/min) and both groups presented microbiological and sanitary results in accordance to current Brazilian legislation. Also, G1 and G2 were considered sensory accepted due to their acceptance indexes higher than 70%. G1 and G2 sensory profiles were similar (p>0.05), and both ice cream samples exhibited high creaminess (6.76 to 6.91) and mouth melting sensation (6.53 to 6.67) scores, while low sandiness scores (0.85 to 0.86) were observed, positive characteristics for this kind of food product. During the first 24 hours after ice cream production, the population of B. animalis subsp. lactis decreased, reaching 7.15 e 6.92 log CFU/g for G1 and G2, respectively. Probiotic bacteria counts fluctuated in ice cream samples during the first 108 days at frozen storage, especially for G2 group. Decreased probiotic viability was observed for G1 samples during the first 35 days of frozen storage, mild variation between 35 and 63 days and stabilized counts were observed after this time. After 21 days at frozen storage, ice cream samples of G1 and G2 groups reached 1.2 x 109 and 1.3 x 109 CFU/portion, respectively. After 108 days under these storage conditions, the survival rate of B. animalis subsp. lactis was 94.26% and 81.10% for G1 and G2 samples, respectively. After simulation of gastroenteric conditions, G2 group reached 9.72 x 105 CFU/portion. Considering the current requirements of Brazilian legislation, which stipulates that functional foods must have minimum probiotic count between 108 and 109 CFU/portion and detectable probiotic bacteria after being submitted to gastroenteric conditions, it is concluded that the ice cream with the addition of Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis made as shown in this work, can be considered as a dairy functional food
This study investigates a new treatment system of wastewater by anaerobic and aerobic biological filters for nitrogen modification. The main objective of this study was evaluate, on a pilot scale, quantitatively and qualitatively the bacterian nitrifying community in a experimental sewage treatment system made by aerobics biological filters in series, in search of figure out the dynamic of nitrogen modification process. It was collected and laboratorial analysed microbiologically, regarding NMP of Nitrosomonas e Nitrobacter, and physical-chemically considering nitrogen sequence. We conclude that: the association in aerobic biological filters under nutrition controlled conditions and oxygen level allows the appearance of bacterian community responsible for the nitrogen modification; the method used, despite its limitations, provided the selection of autotrophic nitrifying microorganisms, allowing the identification of Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter; the flow direction tested in the experimental unit did not affect the nitrifying bacterial community, certainly because they were kept drowned and did not occur flow speed that could breake the formed biomass; the nitrification process happened in aerated biological filters in all phases of the research, comproved by microbiological tests; in the third phase of the research the increase of the oxygen rate was significant for the nitrificant bacterian community in the aerate biological filters, allowing its growth, occurring relation between the efficiency of nitrification system and the quantity of organisms responsible for this process; the conduit used in aerated biological filters showed satisfactory performance support material to the nitrifying bacteria development
O assentamento de células de leveduras no fundo das dornas e perdas de células nas centrífugas podem ser causadas por bactérias floculantes, contaminantes naturais da fermentação alcoólica industrial. Estes problemas levam a queda no rendimento e produtividade do etanol. O presente trabalho visa a caracterização da floculação de Saccharomyces cerevisiae por Lactobacillus fermentum CCT 1396. As células de leveduras e bactérias foram misturadas e a floculação das células quantificadas por espectrofotometria. Concentrações de bactérias numa faixa de 0,4 a 3,8g/L (biomassa seca) foram testadas a fim de determinar a ótima concentração de bactérias necessária para provocar a floculação das leveduras. O efeito de pH na floculação das células de leveduras e bactérias foi determinado. 1,38g/L de bactéria foi necessário para a floculação, de 65,4g/L de células de levedura com tempo de contato entre as células (sob agitação) de 15 minutos e repouso de 20 minutos. No pH 3,0 pouco efeito na floculação celular foi detectado e as células continuaram floculadas, mas na faixa de pH 2,0 -- 2,5 a floculação foi próxima de zero. Esta técnica pode ser utilizada para o controle da floculação de leveduras de indústrias de produção de álcool, para determinar a origem desta floculação, já que trata-se de uma técnica fácil, econômica e rápida.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus é uma alfa-proteobactéria Gram-negativa, tolerante a meios ácidos, fixadora de nitrogênio atmosférico e foi a primeira bactéria diazotrófica endofítica isolada da cana-de-açúcar. Por sua vez, Gluconobacter oxydans, também alfa-proteobactéria Gram-negativa, possui a capacidade de oxidar incompletamente alcoóis e carboidratos. Ambas de interesse biotecnológico e industrial, essas bactérias tiveram seus genomas seqüenciados completamente em 2007. Desta forma, foi de interesse desse trabalho analisar e comparar os genes de reparo do DNA devido sua importância na manutenção da integridade genômica. Sendo assim, as vias de reparo presentes nos dois organismos foram identificadas, utilizando como base uma terceira alfa-proteobactéria, a Caulobacter crescentus, cujos genes de reparo foram descritos por um trabalho anterior e também os genes bem estabelecidos para o reparo do DNA em Escherichia coli. Para esse estudo, um banco de dados contendo ortólogos para os genes de reparo de DNA encontrados nos organismos foi criado e análises comparativas por similaridade usando o pacote Blast e o software Clustal foram feitas. Este estudo demonstrou que as principais vias de reparo ao DNA reparos por excisão, reparo direto, reparo recombinacional e reparo pelo sistema SOS estão presentes nos organismos analisados, demonstrando, na maioria das vezes, boa similaridade com E. coli. Interessantemente, foram encontradas duplicações gênicas nos quais uma das cópias estava presente no cromossomo e a outra, no plasmídeo, como no caso de UvrD, DnaE e Ssb, possivelmente caracterizando eventos de transferência lateral. Por fim, uma grande novidade foi a identificação de ortólogos para RecB em G. diazotrophicus e G. oxydans e de ortólogos duplicados de RecD em G. diazotrophicus. Até o momento, não havia sido relatada a presença de membros da via de iniciação RecBCD do reparo recombinacional em alfaproteobactérias
The purpose of this study was evaluate the effectiveness of the chitosan at 0.4 with high molecular weight and high deacetylation degree mouthrinse over the total decrease of the streptococci, Streptococcus mutans, lactobaci/li and over the perceptible bacterial film and gingival bleeding indices. For that, a total of 68 healthy students between 11 and 13 years old, not allergic to crustacean and not users of antibiotics or antimicrobial agent for the last three months or during the treatment, was selected. From those, thirty two individuaIs used the mouthrinse test, and thirty six, the control one. The participants rinsed 10 mL of the solutions twice a day, one during the moming (which was supervised), and another one during the aftemoon (which was not supervised), for fifteen days. The saliva collect for the microbiological analysis, as well as the perceptible bacterial film and gingival bleeding indices check, were made before the use ofthe mouthrinses (base line), immediately after the last mouthrinse on the day (zero time) and fifteen days after (fifteen time). These data were collected at school and the saliva was carried inside the ice to the laboratory. The samples were diluted, and 0.1 mL ofthe 10 -1 dilution was seeded in Rogosa SL agar, for further analysis of the total of lactobaci/lus~ 0.1 mL of the 10-4 dilution in Mitis Salivarius with bacitracin, for S. mutans analysis; and 0.1 mL of the 10-6 dilution in Mitis Salivarius for the analysis ofthe total of streptococcus. The Rogosa SL agar plates were incubated in aerobic at 37°C for 72 hours and the MSB and the MS were incubated in anaerobic in Gaspak@ jars at 37°C for 48 hours for further count ofColonies Former Units (CFUs). The assay was made in duplicate for each bacterial group analyzed. The number of CFUs transformed in LOGlO was analyzed according to the following tests: ANOV A, t of Paired and Not Paired Student, Friedman, Man-Whitney and square-qui test. On the base line, alI the variables analyzed were similar on both tested groups. On both groups, for the total of streptococcus there was no significant difference along the time and for S. mutans there was a statistic significant increase of the CFUs from the base line to the zero time. For the total of lactobaccilus there was no significant difference on the test group along the time, and on the control there was a significant increase ofthe CFUs ITom the base line to the zero time. For both groups, there was significant decrease ofthe perceptible bacterial film index along the time, and that can be explained by the mechanic effect of the mouthrinse over the bacterial film and by the participation of the students on the research which could have motivated him to a better toothbrushing (Hawthome effect). The gingival bleeding index also showed a decrease along the time, even though it was not significant. Therefore, the conclusion of this study was that the chitosan at 0.4 % mouthrinse was not effective on the CFUs reduction of the three bacterial groups analyzed, as well as on the reduction of the perceptible bacterial film and gingival bleeding indices
Periodontal infections consist of a group of inflammatory conditions caused by microorganisms that colonize the tooth surface through the formation of dental biofilm. Chronic infections such as periodontitis have been associated to the development and progression of atherosclerosis. AIM: Detect cultivatable and non-cultivatable periodontopathogenic bacteria in atheromatous plaques; search for factors associated to the presence of these bacteria in the atheromatous plaques and characterize the presence of cultivatable and non-cultivatable bacteria in these plaques. METHODOLOGY: A cross-sectional study was performed with a sample of 30 patients diagnosed with atherosclerosis in the carotid, coronary or femoral arteries and surgically treated with angioplasty and stent implant, bypass or endarterectomy. The plaques were collected during surgery and analyzed using the PCR molecular technique for the presence of the DNA of the cultivatable bacteria Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, Porphyromonas gingivalis and Treponema denticola and of the non-cultivatable Synergistes phylotypes. The patients were examined in the infirmary, after the surgery, where they also responded to a questionnaire aimed at determining factors associated to the presence of periodontopathogenic bacteria in the atheromatous plaques. RESULTS: All patients with tooth (66,7%) possessed disease periodontal, being 95% severe and 65% widespread. No periodontopathogenic bacteria were found in the atheromatous plaques. However, four samples (13.3%) were positive for the presence of bacteria. Of these, three participants were dentate, being two carriers of widespread severe chronic periodontite and one of located severe chronic periodontitis. None of them told the accomplishment of procedures associated to possible bacteremia episodes, as treatment endodontic, extraction the last six months or some procedure surgical dental. CONCLUSION: The periodontopathogenic bacteria studied were not found in the atheromatous plaques, making it impossible to establish the prevalence of these pathogens or the factors associated to their presence in plaques, the detection of positive samples for bacteria suggests that other periodontal and non-periodontal pathogens be studied in an attempt at discovering the association or not between periodontal disease and/or others infections and atherosclerosis, from the presence of these bacteria in atheromas
Photodynamic therapy (PDT) has been proposed as an alternative method for the treatment of biofilm-dependent oral diseases like dental caries. This therapy consists of simultaneous action of a visible light (L) and a photosensitizer (FS) in the presence of oxygen, which leads to production of different reactive oxygen species that can interact with the bacterial cell components, and promote cell death. This study aims to evaluate the antimicrobial action of PDT on oral bacteria in suspension, as well as the formation of mono and multi-species biofilms, in vitro, from a standard strain of Streptococcus mutans (ATCC 25175) and saliva samples, respectively. The dye methylene blue (MB) and toluidine blue (TB) were used at a concentration of 100 mg/ L and activated by halogen light (600 to 750 nm) from a modified hand held photopolymerizer (Ultralux ®, Dabi Atlante, Ribeirão Preto , São Paulo, Brazil.). Planktonic cultures were prepared and submitted to different experimental conditions: 1. PDT using TB 2. PDT using MB, 3. L+ FS- , 4. TB + L - ; 5. MB+ L-; 6. L- FS- (negative control) and 7. administration of 0.12% chlorhexidine digluconate (positive control) (Periogard ®, Colgate-Palmolive Company, New York, USA). The immediate and mediated action of PDT on bacterial suspensions, as well as its effect on biofilm formation were observed from the number of colony-forming units per milliliter (CFU/mL) and measures optical density (OD). The data were statistically analyzed using the Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney test for the significance level of 5%. According to the results, the PDT showed no antibacterial action on suspensions of S. mutans, regardless of the dye used. PDT with MB activated by halogen light was able to reduce 86.6% CFU/mL multi-species planktonic cultures, however, this reduction was not significant (p > 0.05). PDT showed antibacterial effect, mediate on multi-species planktonic cultures with TB (p < 0.001) and MB (p < 0.001), activated by halogen light. PDT was able to prevent the formation of multispecies biofilm, through the activation of TB by halogen light (p = 0.01). We conclude that activation of the dye toluidine blue and methylene blue, by halogen light (PDT) showed antimicrobial activity, compared to multi-species planktonic cultures prepared from saliva samples
A descontaminação dos explantes é um dos princípios básicos para o sucesso da cultura de tecidos. Um dos problemas diagnosticados na propagação in vitro da figueira, através de gemas apicais, é a contaminação endógena dos explantes por bactérias. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a eficiência de alguns antibióticos em meio de cultura para o controle de bactérias endógenas em gemas apicais de figueira. Foram avaliados os seguintes tratamentos: T1(sem adição de antibiótico); T2 (30 mg L-1 de cloranfenicol); T3 (250 mg L-1 de ampicilina sódica); T4 (500 mg L-1 de ácido nalidícico); T5 (150 mg L-1 de cefalotina sódica); T6 (500 mg L-1 de tetraciclina), e T7 (400 mg L-1 de norfloxacina). Após coletados em campo, os segmentos de ramos contendo as gemas foram colocados em recipiente com água corrente. Posteriormente, as gemas apicais foram imersas em álcool etílico a 70% e hipoclorito de sódio a 2,5%. Todo procedimento de desinfestação externa dos explantes foi realizado em câmara de fluxo laminar. Os explantes foram inoculados em tubos de ensaio contendo 15 mL de meio básico MS suplementado, após a autoclavagem, com as doses de antibióticos de acordo com os tratamentos estabelecidos. Após a inoculação, os explantes foram mantidos em sala de crescimento por quatro dias no escuro e, em seguida, sob fotoperíodo de 16 horas de luz branca fria e irradiância de 25 µmol m s-1, na temperatura de 22 ± 3ºC. A assepsia realizada externamente nos explantes foi suficiente para o controle de contaminação fúngica, e a adição de antibióticos ao meio, após autoclavagem, foi eficiente para o controle de bactérias endógenas, cujo antibiótico ampicilina sódica proporcionou mais de 90% de explantes sobreviventes.
Water is essential to life and all living organisms and their supply is necessary for economic development and quality of life of human populations, but their quality has been altered by human actions. In semi-arid northeast, the water is an issue of concern, especially its quality. This region is common to the construction of reservoirs that capture rain water, streams and temporary rivers in search of ease this situation, being intended for various purposes. Water scarcity is a limiting factor for the economic and social development of the region and contributes to the maintenance of waterborne diseases. About 80% of diseases that occur in developing countries are infected by waterborne pathogens. Therefore, this study aimed to determine in two environments that are part of semilênticos Armando Ribeiro Gonçalves reservoir, and a stretch of the river Assu, all located in the semiarid RN, the occurrence of opportunistic pathogenic bacteria; check the conceptions of teachers and health workers about the issues "waterborne diseases" and "bacteria" and a diagnosis of diarrheal diseases that affect the population in some municipalities of the semi-arid region of RN from a survey of epidemiological data. For identification of bacteria using commercial kits and the diagnosis of diarrheal disease was based on information from databases. The previous conceptions of teachers and health workers were obtained through questionnaires. The results confirmed the presence of opportunistic bacteria in the studied area, showing the importance of monitoring water quality. There was an under-reporting of cases of diarrhea pointing out flaws in the monitoring of Diarrheal Diseases and indicating the need to improve it. It was felt also the need to implement educational activities on topics dealt with both with teachers and health workers, since they were identified misconceptions on the subject
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)