942 resultados para BIOMAGNETIC RECORDINGS


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Alle bisher untersuchten Lebewesen besitzen (circadiane) innere Uhren, die eine endogene Perioden-länge von ungefähr 24 Stunden generieren. Eine innere Uhr kann über Zeitgeber mit der Umwelt synchronisiert werden und ermöglicht dem Organismus, rhythmische Umweltveränderungen vorweg zu nehmen. Neben einem zentralen Schrittmacher, der Physiologie und Verhalten des Organismus steuert, gibt es in unterschiedlichen Organen auch periphere Uhren, die die zeitlichen Abläufe in der spezifischen Funktion dieser Organe steuern. In dieser Arbeit sollten zentrale und periphere Schrittmacherneurone von Insekten physiologisch untersucht und verglichen werden. Die Neurone der akzessorischen Medulla (AME) von Rhyparobia maderae dienten als Modellsystem für zentrale Schrittmacher, während olfaktorische Rezeptorneurone (ORNs) von Manduca sexta als Modellsystem für periphere Schrittmacher dienten. Die zentralen Schrittmacherneurone wurden in extrazellulären Ableitungen an der isolierten AME (Netzwerkebene) und in Patch-Clamp Experimenten an primären AME Zellkulturen (Einzelzellebene) untersucht. Auf Netzwerkebene zeigten sich zwei charakteristische Aktivitätsmuster: regelmäßige Aktivität und Wechsel zwischen hoher und niedriger Aktivität (Oszillationen). Es wurde gezeigt, dass Glutamat ein Neurotransmitter der weitverbreiteten inhibitorischen Synapsen der AME ist, und dass in geringem Maße auch exzitatorische Synapsen vorkommen. Das Neuropeptid pigment-dispersing factor (PDF), das von nur wenigen AME Neuronen exprimiert wird und ein wichtiger Kopplungsfaktor im circadianen System ist, führte zu Hemmungen, Aktivierungen oder Oszillationen. Die Effekte waren transient oder langanhaltend und wurden wahrscheinlich durch den sekundären Botenstoff cAMP vermittelt. Ein Zielmolekül von cAMP war vermutlich exchange protein directly activated by cAMP (EPAC). Auf Einzelzellebene wurde gezeigt, dass die meisten AME Neurone depolarisiert waren und deshalb nicht feuerten. Die Analyse von Strom-Spannungs-Kennlinien und pharmakologische Experimente ergaben, dass unterschiedliche Ionenkanäle vorhanden waren (Ca2+, Cl-, K+, Na+ Kanäle sowie nicht-spezifische Kationenkanäle). Starke, bei hohen Spannungen aktivierende Ca2+ Ströme (ICa) könnten eine wichtige Rolle bei Ca2+-abhängiger Neurotransmitter-Ausschüttung, Oszillationen, und Aktionspotentialen spielen. PDF hemmte unterschiedliche Ströme (ICa, IK und INa) und aktivierte nicht-spezifische Kationenströme (Ih). Es wurde angenommen, dass simultane PDF-abhängige Hyper- und Depolarisationen rhythmische Membranpotential-Oszillationen verursachen. Dieser Mechanismus könnte eine Rolle bei PDF-abhängigen Synchronisationen spielen. Die Analyse peripherer Schrittmacherneurone konzentrierte sich auf die Charakterisierung des olfaktorischen Corezeptors von M. sexta (MsexORCO). In anderen Insekten ist ORCO für die Membran-Insertion von olfaktorischen Rezeptoren (ORs) erforderlich. ORCO bildet Komplexe mit den ORs, die in heterologen Expressionssystemen als Ionenkanäle fungieren und Duft-Antworten vermitteln. Es wurde die Hypothese aufgestellt, dass MsexORCO in pheromonsensitiven ORNs in vivo nicht als Teil eines ionotropen Rezeptors sondern als Schrittmacherkanal fungiert, der unterschwellige Membranpotential-Oszillationen generiert. MsexORCO wurde mit vermeintlichen Pheromonrezeptoren in human embryonic kidney (HEK 293) Zellen coexprimiert. Immuncytochemie und Ca2+ Imaging Experimente zeigten sehr schwache Expressionsraten. Trotzdem war es möglich zu zeigen, dass MsexORCO wahrscheinlich ein spontan-aktiver, Ca2+-permeabler Ionenkanal ist, der durch den ORCO-Agonisten VUAA1 und cyclische Nucleotide aktiviert wird. Außerdem wiesen die Experimente darauf hin, dass MsexOR-1 offensichtlich der Bombykal-Rezeptor ist. Eine weitere Charakterisierung von MsexORCO in primären M. sexta ORN Zellkulturen konnte nicht vollendet werden, weil die ORNs nicht signifikant auf ORCO-Agonisten oder -Antagonisten reagierten.


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Sketches are commonly used in the early stages of design. Our previous system allows users to sketch mechanical systems that the computer interprets. However, some parts of the mechanical system might be too hard or too complicated to express in the sketch. Adding speech recognition to create a multimodal system would move us toward our goal of creating a more natural user interface. This thesis examines the relationship between the verbal and sketch input, particularly how to segment and align the two inputs. Toward this end, subjects were recorded while they sketched and talked. These recordings were transcribed, and a set of rules to perform segmentation and alignment was created. These rules represent the knowledge that the computer needs to perform segmentation and alignment. The rules successfully interpreted the 24 data sets that they were given.


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Tsunoda et al. (2001) recently studied the nature of object representation in monkey inferotemporal cortex using a combination of optical imaging and extracellular recordings. In particular, they examined IT neuron responses to complex natural objects and "simplified" versions thereof. In that study, in 42% of the cases, optical imaging revealed a decrease in the number of activation patches in IT as stimuli were "simplified". However, in 58% of the cases, "simplification" of the stimuli actually led to the appearance of additional activation patches in IT. Based on these results, the authors propose a scheme in which an object is represented by combinations of active and inactive columns coding for individual features. We examine the patterns of activation caused by the same stimuli as used by Tsunoda et al. in our model of object recognition in cortex (Riesenhuber 99). We find that object-tuned units can show a pattern of appearance and disappearance of features identical to the experiment. Thus, the data of Tsunoda et al. appear to be in quantitative agreement with a simple object-based representation in which an object's identity is coded by its similarities to reference objects. Moreover, the agreement of simulations and experiment suggests that the simplification procedure used by Tsunoda (2001) is not necessarily an accurate method to determine neuronal tuning.


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Introducción La mutación genética Val30Met de la proteína transtiretina (TTR) es causante de la polineuropatía amiloidótica familiar, comprometiendo en fases iniciales las fibras nerviosas pequeñas (mielinizadas Aδ y amielínicas tipo C), involucradas en funciones autonómicas, nocicepción, percepción térmica y sudoración. Los métodos neurofisiológicos convencionales, no logran detectar dichas anormalidades, retardando el inicio de tratamientos específicos para la enfermedad. Metodología El objetivo principal fue evaluar el test de cuantificación sensitiva (QST) como método de detección temprana de anormalidades de fibra pequeña, en individuos Val30Met, seguidos en el Hospital Universitario Santa María, Lisboa. Se clasificaron los pacientes en 3 grupos, según sintomatología y examen neurológico. Se analizaron los umbrales para percepción de frío, dolor con el calor y vibración en los grupos, en correlación con controles sanos. Resultados 18 registros de controles sanos y 33 de individuos con la mutación, divididos en asintomáticos (24,2%), sintomáticos con examen neurológico normal (42,4%) y sintomáticos con examen neurológico anormal (33,3%). No se encontraron diferencias entre los pacientes asintomáticos y los controles. Los umbrales para frío (p=0,042) y en el dolor intermedio con el calor (HP 5) (p=0,007) se encuentran elevados en individuos Val30Met sintomáticos con examen normal. En los pacientes sintomáticos con alteraciones al examen, también se presentaron alteraciones en el intervalo entre el inicio y el dolor intermedio con el calor (HP 5-0,5) (p=0,009). Discusión Los umbrales de frío y de percepción de dolor con el calor, permiten detectar anormalidades en personas con la mutación TTR Val30Met, sintomáticos, incluyendo aquellos sin cambios objetivos al examen neurológico.


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La voz como herramienta de trabajo de los docentes, puede afectarse por su uso prolongado, abuso o conductas de mal uso, que desencadenan limitaciones funcionales de origen laboral. Uno de los síntomas más frecuentes de quienes usan masivamente su voz con fines ocupacionales es la fatiga laríngea (FL), o cansancio vocal por debilitamiento muscular. El presente estudio quasiexperimental longitudinal pre- postest evaluó el efecto que el uso de la voz, analizando variables sociodemográficas, de salud y trabajo, los estilos de vida y los factores de riesgo ocupacionales, pero principalmente el efecto que produce el uso prolongado de la voz sobre las variables físico acústicas después de un día de trabajo, en 99 docentes de una institución de educación superior en Colombia, en comparación con trabajadores con menor uso vocal. Se aplicó un cuestionario de sintomatología vocal para controlar los sesgos, se le tomaron grabaciones pre y post jornada a cada trabajador con el software Speech Analizer® y se reportaron los cambios subjetivos tras un día de trabajo a cada trabajador. Fueron hallados cambios en las variables físico – acústicas como efecto del uso prolongado de la voz después de un día de trabajo en los dos grupos de participantes, en cuyo caso el efecto fue más significativo en los docentes que en los administrativos – no docentes. El riesgo de presentar trastornos de la voz se asoció directamente con la exposición a factores de riesgo ocupacionales y aquellos asociados a condiciones de salud y al estilo de vida de los individuos, cuyas consecuencias fueron mayores para el grupo de docentes; dado que al ser la voz su principal herramienta de trabajo, el uso fue mayor y asimismo la probabilidad de desencadenar sintomatología vocal, derivada de la fatiga laríngea. La variable de fo promedio para la fonación sostenida de la vocal /a/, que representa una sonido neutro en tonalidad o el tono habitual, mostró diferencias significativas entre grupos (p=0,048). Para este caso, el grupo de docentes registró un aumento de la fo en el postest en comparación con un cambio no significativo para el grupo de administrativos luego del uso prolongado de la voz. En consecuencia, hubo diferencias en el valor registrado para la máxima fo (p =0,025), mínima fo (p=0,011) y el rango de fo (p=0,012) en la emisión sostenida de la vocal /a/. Para el caso del grupo de administrativos, las diferencias significativas estuvieron dadas por la disminución de la fo, rango y máxima y mínima frecuencia en las tres vocales (/a/, /i/, /o/) en contraste con lo ocurrido para el grupo de docentes. En la intensidad de la voz fueron encontradas también diferencias significativas entre grupos (p=0,001) con un decrecimiento del volumen en el postest, tanto promedio como mínimo, máximo y rango de la intensidad, en la fonación sostenida de la vocal /a/ para el grupo de docentes; ninguna significancia estadística fue hallada en el grupo de administrativos para estas variables. Se demostró a través de mediciones objetivas y resultados verificables, el fenómeno de la fatiga laríngea, asociados a los efectos que se presentan tras la demanda vocal continua, discriminando el impacto, entre las variables de cargo y género.


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O presente artigo resume uma dissertação de Mestrado em Segurança e Higiene do Trabalho. Foi feito um estudo da implementação das Medidas de Autoproteção (MAP) contra incêndio, numa escola de ensino básico e secundário, cujo edifício é isolado, com três pisos e comporta 952 pessoas. Teve como objetivos contribuir para a melhoria dos resultados em situações de emergência, da cultura de segurança e da resiliência. A concretização deste estudo implicou reuniões com o Delegado de Segurança (DS) da instituição, visitas de reconhecimento às instalações, análise de documentação existente, elaboração de documentação auxiliar, programação de ações de sensibilização e de simulação, com envolvimento de meios. A metodologia baseou-se na observação participante, com recurso a gravações de vídeo das atividades desenvolvidas, para posterior análise. No fim do estudo, concluiu-se que os Agentes de Segurança (AS) não estariam, à partida, capacitados para desempenhar as respetivas funções nas MAP. Verificou-se, ainda assim, ser possível desenvolver-lhes algumas competências, mediante informação, formação e treino, que vieram iniciar os AS em matérias de combate ao incêndio, evacuação e primeiros socorros, bem como sensibilizar para as consequências a que se podem expor, para a necessidade de controlo emocional e comunicação eficaz, em situação de emergência. / This article summarizes a master course thesis in Health and Safety at Work. A study was made about the implementation of Measures of Fire Self-Protection (MAP) in a school of basic and secondary education, whose building is isolated, with three floors and accommodates 952 persons. The study aimed to improve results in emergency situations, safety culture and resilience. Such objectives required meetings with the School Safety Officer (DS), reconnaissance visits to facilities, analysis of existing documentation, preparation of auxiliary documentation and awareness-raising actions programming and simulation, as well as the allocation of their resources. The methodology was based on participant observation, with the use of video recordings of activities for later analysis. At the end of the study it was found that the Safety Agents (AS), at the beginning, would not be able to carry out their functions in the MAP. Still, it was found to be possible to develop in them some skills, through information, education and training, which initiated the agents in matters of fire fighting, evacuation and first aid, as well as raised their awareness of the consequences to which they may be exposed, to the need for emotional control and effective communication, in an emergency situation.


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Most clinically-employed speech materials for testing hearing impaired individuals are recordings made by adult male talkers. The author examined the possible effect of talker age and gender on the speech perception of children through the use of 1) two speech perception tests, each with four talker types (adult males, adult females, 10-12 year olds, 5-7 year olds), and 2) two groups of pediatric listeners: normal-hearing (NH) and cochlear implant users (CI).


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Deep Brain Stimulator devices are becoming widely used for therapeutic benefits in movement disorders such as Parkinson's disease. Prolonging the battery life span of such devices could dramatically reduce the risks and accumulative costs associated with surgical replacement. This paper demonstrates how an artificial neural network can be trained using pre-processing frequency analysis of deep brain electrode recordings to detect the onset of tremor in Parkinsonian patients. Implementing this solution into an 'intelligent' neurostimulator device will remove the need for continuous stimulation currently used, and open up the possibility of demand-driven stimulation. Such a methodology could potentially decrease the power consumption of a deep brain pulse generator.


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Plant-derived cannabinoids (phytocannabinoids) are compounds with emerging therapeutic potential. Early studies suggested that cannabidiol (CBD) has anticonvulsant properties in animal models and reduced seizure frequency in limited human trials. Here, we examine the anti-epileptiform and anti-seizure potential of CBD using in vitro electrophysiology and an in vivo animal seizure model, respectively. CBD (0.01-100 muM) effects were assessed in vitro using the Mg(2+)-free and 4-aminopyridine (4-AP) models of status epilepticus-like epileptiform activity in hippocampal brain slices via multi-electrode array (MEA) recordings. In the Mg(2+)-free model, CBD decreased epileptiform local field potential (LFP) burst amplitude (in CA1 and dentate gyrus (DG) regions) and burst duration (in all regions) and increased burst frequency (in all regions). In the 4-AP model, CBD decreased LFP burst amplitude (in CA1, only at 100 muM CBD), burst duration (in CA3 and DG), and burst frequency (in all regions). CBD (1, 10 and 100 mg/kg) effects were also examined in vivo using the pentylenetetrazole (PTZ) model of generalised seizures. CBD (100 mg/kg) exerted clear anticonvulsant effects with significant decreases in incidence of severe seizures and mortality in comparison to vehicle-treated animals. Finally, CBD acted with only low affinity at cannabinoid CB(1) receptors and displayed no agonist activity in [(35)S]GTPgammaS assays in cortical membranes. These findings suggest that CBD acts to inhibit epileptiform activity in vitro and seizure severity in vivo. Thus, we demonstrate the potential of CBD as a novel anti-epileptic drug (AED) in the unmet clinical need associated with generalised seizures.


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Background and purposeThe phytocannabinoid Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabivarin (Delta(9)-THCV) has been reported to exhibit a diverse pharmacology; here, we investigate functional effects of Delta(9)-THCV, extracted from Cannabis sativa, using electrophysiological techniques to define its mechanism of action in the CNS.Experimental approachEffects of Delta(9)-THCV and synthetic cannabinoid agents on inhibitory neurotransmission at interneurone-Purkinje cell (IN-PC) synapses were correlated with effects on spontaneous PC output using single-cell and multi-electrode array (MEA) electrophysiological recordings respectively, in mouse cerebellar brain slices in vitro.Key resultsThe cannabinoid receptor agonist WIN 55,212-2 (WIN55) decreased miniature inhibitory postsynaptic current (mIPSC) frequency at IN-PC synapses. WIN55-induced inhibition was reversed by Delta(9)-THCV, and also by the CB(1) receptor antagonist AM251; Delta(9)-THCV or AM251 acted to increase mIPSC frequency beyond basal values. When applied alone, Delta(9)-THCV, AM251 or rimonabant increased mIPSC frequency. Pre-incubation with Delta(9)-THCV blocked WIN55-induced inhibition. In MEA recordings, WIN55 increased PC spike firing rate; Delta(9)-THCV and AM251 acted in the opposite direction to decrease spike firing. The effects of Delta(9)-THCV and WIN55 were attenuated by the GABA(A) receptor antagonist bicuculline methiodide.Conclusions and implicationsWe show for the first time that Delta(9)-THCV acts as a functional CB(1) receptor antagonist in the CNS to modulate inhibitory neurotransmission at IN-PC synapses and spontaneous PC output. Delta(9)-THCV- and AM251-induced increases in mIPSC frequency beyond basal levels were consistent with basal CB(1) receptor activity. WIN55-induced increases in PC spike firing rate were consistent with synaptic disinhibition; whilst Delta(9)-THCV- and AM251-induced decreases in spike firing suggest a mechanism of PC inhibition.British Journal of Pharmacology advance online publication, 3 March 2008; doi:10.1038/bjp.2008.57.


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Mutations in several classes of embryonically-expressed transcription factor genes are associated with behavioral disorders and epilepsies. However, there is little known about how such genetic and neurodevelopmental defects lead to brain dysfunction. Here we present the characterization of an epilepsy syndrome caused by the absence of the transcription factor SOX1 in mice. In vivo electroencephalographic recordings from SOX1 mutants established a correlation between behavioral changes and cortical output that was consistent with a seizure origin in the limbic forebrain. In vitro intracellular recordings from three major forebrain regions, neocortex, hippocampus and olfactory (piriform) cortex (OC) showed that only the OC exhibits abnormal enhanced synaptic excitability and spontaneous epileptiform discharges. Furthermore, the hyperexcitability of the OC neurons was present in mutants prior to the onset of seizures but was completely absent from both the hippocampus and neocortex of the same animals. The local inhibitory GABAergic neurotransmission remained normal in the OC of SOX1-deficient brains, but there was a severe developmental deficit of OC postsynaptic target neurons, mainly GABAergic projection neurons within the olfactory tubercle and the nucleus accumbens shell. Our data show that SOX1 is essential for ventral telencephalic development and suggest that the neurodevelopmental defect disrupts local neuronal circuits leading to epilepsy in the SOX1-deficient mice


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Cannabis is a potential treatment for epilepsy, although the few human studies supporting this use have proved inconclusive. Previously, we showed that a standardized cannabis extract (SCE), isolated Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol (Delta(9)-THC), and even Delta(9)-THC-free SCE inhibited muscarinic agonist-induced epileptiform bursting in rat olfactory cortical brain slices, acting via CB1 receptors. The present work demonstrates that although Delta(9)-THC (1microM) significantly depressed evoked depolarizing postsynaptic potentials (PSPs) in rat olfactory cortex neurones, both SCE and Delta(9)-THC-free SCE significantly potentiated evoked PSPs (all results were fully reversed by the CB1 receptor antagonist SR141716A, 1microM); interestingly, the potentiation by Delta(9)-THC-free SCE was greater than that produced by SCE. On comparing the effects of Delta(9)-THC-free SCE upon evoked PSPs and artificial PSPs (aPSPs; evoked electrotonically following brief intracellular current injection), PSPs were enhanced, whereas aPSPs were unaffected, suggesting that the effect was not due to changes in background input resistance. Similar recordings made using CB1 receptor-deficient knockout mice (CB1(-/-)) and wild-type littermate controls revealed cannabinoid or extract-induced changes in membrane resistance, cell excitability and synaptic transmission in wild-type mice that were similar to those seen in rat neurones, but no effect on these properties were seen in CB1(-/-) cells. It appears that the unknown extract constituent(s) effects over-rode the suppressive effects of Delta(9)-THC on excitatory neurotransmitter release, which may explain some patients' preference for herbal cannabis rather than isolated Delta(9)-THC (due to attenuation of some of the central Delta(9)-THC side effects) and possibly account for the rare incidence of seizures in some individuals taking cannabis recreationally


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Background and purpose: Carisbamate is being developed for adjuvant treatment of partial onset epilepsy. Carisbamate produces anticonvulsant effects in primary generalized, complex partial and absence-type seizure models, and exhibits neuroprotective and antiepileptogenic properties in rodent epilepsy models. Phase IIb clinical trials of carisbamate demonstrated efficacy against partial onset seizures; however, its mechanisms of action remain unknown. Here, we report the effects of carisbamate on membrane properties, evoked and spontaneous synaptic transmission and induced epileptiform discharges in layer II-III neurones in piriform cortical brain slices. Experimental approach: Effects of carisbamate were investigated in rat piriform cortical neurones by using intracellular electrophysiological recordings. Key results: Carisbamate (50–400 mmol·L-1) reversibly decreased amplitude, duration and rise-time of evoked action potentials and inhibited repetitive firing, consistent with use-dependent Na+ channel block; 150–400 mmol·L-1 carisbamate reduced neuronal input resistance, without altering membrane potential. After microelectrode intracellular Cl- loading, carisbamate depolarized cells, an effect reversed by picrotoxin. Carisbamate (100–400 mmol·L-1) also selectively depressed lateral olfactory tract-afferent evoked excitatory synaptic transmission (opposed by picrotoxin), consistent with activation of a presynaptic Cl conductance. Lidocaine (40–320 mmol·L-1) mimicked carisbamate, implying similar modes of action. Carisbamate (300–600 mmol·L-1) had no effect on spontaneous GABAA miniature inhibitory postsynaptic currents and at lower concentrations (50–200 mmol·L-1) inhibited Mg2+-free or 4-aminopyridine-induced seizure-like discharges. Conclusions and implications: Carisbamate blocked evoked action potentials use-dependently, consistent with a primary action on Na+ channels and increased Cl- conductances presynaptically and, under certain conditions, postsynaptically to selectively depress excitatory neurotransmission in piriform cortical layer Ia-afferent terminals.


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Throughout the central nervous system a dominant form of inhibition of neurotransmitter release from presynaptic terminals is mediated by G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). Neurotransmitter release is typically induced by action potentials (APs), but can also occur spontaneously. Presynaptic inhibition by GPCRs has been associated with modulation of voltage-dependent ion channels. However, electrophysiological recordings of spontaneous, AP-independent (so-called ‘miniature’) postsynaptic events reveal an additional, important form of GPCR-mediated presynaptic inhibition, distinct from effects on ionic conductances and consistent with a direct action on the vesicle release machinery. Recent studies suggest that such miniature events might be of physiological relevance not only in signalling but also in development. In the cerebellum, neurotransmitter release onto Purkinje cells occurs by AP-dependent and AP-independent pathways. Here, I focus on inhibitory synapses between interneurons and Purkinje cells, which are subject to strong, identifiable regulation by endogenous GPCR agonists, to consider mechanisms of GPCR-mediated presynaptic inhibition.


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The acute hippocampal brain slice preparation is an important in vitro screening tool for potential anticonvulsants. Application of 4-aminopyridine (4-AP) or removal of external Mg2+ ions induces epileptiform bursting in slices which is analogous to electrical brain activity seen in status epilepticus states. We have developed these epileptiform models for use with multi-electrode arrays (MEAs), allowing recording across the hippocampal slice surface from 59 points. We present validation of this novel approach and analyses using two anticonvulsants, felbamate and phenobarbital, the effects of which have already been assessed in these models using conventional extracellular recordings. In addition to assessing drug effects on commonly described parameters (duration, amplitude and frequency), we describe novel methods using the MEA to assess burst propagation speeds and the underlying frequencies that contribute to the epileptiform activity seen. Contour plots are also used as a method of illustrating burst activity. Finally, we describe hitherto unreported properties of epileptiform bursting induced by 100M4-AP or removal of external Mg2+ ions. Specifically, we observed decreases over time in burst amplitude and increase over time in burst frequency in the absence of additional pharmacological interventions. These MEA methods enhance the depth, quality and range of data that can be derived from the hippocampal slice preparation compared to conventional extracellular recordings. It may also uncover additional modes of action that contribute to anti-epileptiform drug effects