977 resultados para Axillary Dissection


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BACKGROUND In cervical postoperative radiotherapy, the target volume is usually the same as the extension of the previous dissection. We evaluated a protocol of selective irradiation according to the risk estimated for each dissected lymph node level. METHODS Eighty patients with oral/oropharyngeal cancer were included in this prospective clinical study between 2005 and 2008. Patients underwent surgery of the primary tumor and cervical dissection, with identification of positive nodal levels, followed by selective postoperative radiotherapy. Three types of selective nodal clinical target volume (CTV) were defined: CTV0, CTV1, and CTV2, with a subclinical disease risk of <10%, 10-25%, and 25% and a prescribed radiation dose of <35 Gy, 50 Gy, and 66-70 Gy, respectively. The localization of node failure was categorized as field, marginal, or outside the irradiated field. RESULTS A consistent pattern of cervical infiltration was observed in 97% of positive dissections. Lymph node failure occurred within a high-risk irradiated area (CTV1-CTV2) in 12 patients, marginal area (CTV1/CTVO) in 1 patient, and non-irradiated low-risk area (CTV0) in 2 patients. The volume of selective lymph node irradiation was below the standard radiation volume in 33 patients (mean of 118.6 cc per patient). This decrease in irradiated volume was associated with greater treatment compliance and reduced secondary toxicity. The three-year actuarial nodal control rate was 80%. CONCLUSION This selective postoperative neck irradiation protocol was associated with a similar failure pattern to that observed after standard neck irradiation and achieved a significant reduction in target volume and secondary toxicity.


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PURPOSE: Patients with primary cutaneous melanoma > or = 1.5 mm in thickness are at high risk of having regional micrometastases at the time of initial surgical treatment. A phase III international study was designed to evaluate whether prophylactic isolated limb perfusion (ILP) could prevent regional recurrence and influence survival. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A total of 832 assessable patients from 16 centers entered the study; 412 were randomized to wide excision (WE) only and 420 to WE plus ILP with melphalan and mild hyperthermia. Median age was 50 years, 68% of patients were female, 79% of melanomas were located on a lower limb, and 47% had a thickness > or = 3 mm. RESULTS: Median follow-up duration is 6.4 years. There was a trend for a longer disease-free interval (DFI) after ILP. The difference was significant for patients who did not undergo elective lymph node dissection (ELND). The impact of ILP was clearly on the occurrence-as first site of progression - of in-transit metastases (ITM), which were reduced from 6.6% to 3.3%, and of regional lymph node (RLN) metastases, with a reduction from 16.7% to 12.6%. There was no benefit from ILP in terms of time to distant metastasis or survival. Side effects were higher after ILP, but transient in most patients. There were two amputations for limb toxicity after ILP. CONCLUSION: Prophylactic ILP with melphalan cannot be recommended as an adjunct to standard surgery in high-risk primary limb melanoma.


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The case of a 38-year old man with recurrent adenocarcinoma of the right lung and infiltration of the thoracic wall, who underwent a right pneumonectomy with thoracic wall resection, is described. Dissection of the right pulmonary hilous was extremely difficult due to the previous operations. The superior vena cava (SVC) was accidentally ligated, resulting in profound hypotension and increased venous pressure in the internal jugular vein. Immediate blood aspiration through a 8.5-French introducer sheath lowered the venous congestion. After the SVC was cross-clamped, the Bispectral Index (BIS) acutely decreased to 0 and remained low during the resuscitation. Over the next 5 hours, BIS was directly affected by mean arterial pressure. Four days postoperatively, the patient was neurologically intact.


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The aim of this experimental study is to evaluate the feasibility and the outcome of total endovascular stent implantation in the aortic arch. Indications for this operation-technique would be acute or chronic dissection of the aortic arch (non-A-non-B dissection) or type B dissection with retrograde extension. Four pigs were canulated via the distal abdominal aorta and a retrograde placement of a Djumbodis arch stent (4-9 cm) was controlled by using intravascular ultrasound and intracardiac ultrasound by the inferior cava vein and under radioscopic control. Cerebral perfusion, by using a flow meter placed on one prepared carotid artery, were controlled before, immediate post-procedural (<1 min), and in the early follow-up after aortic arch stent implantation. During the implantation process, especially during balloon inflation and deflation, mean carotid perfusion decreases slightly. A reactive increase of carotid perfusion after stent placements indicates transitory cerebral hypo-perfusion. Non-covered aortic arch stent implantation is technically feasible and could be a potential treatment option in otherwise inoperable arch dissections. The time required for balloon inflation and deflation causes an important risk of cerebral ischemia. The latter can be reduced by transaxillary perfusion.


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Studies on natural infection by Leishmania spp of sandflies collected in endemic and nonendemic areas can provide important information on the distribution and intensity of the transmission of these parasites. This study sought to investigate the natural infection by Leishmaniain wild female sandflies. The specimens were caught in the city of Corumbá, state of Mato Grosso do Sul (Brazil) between October 2012-March 2014, and dissected to investigate flagellates and/or submitted to molecular analysis to detect Leishmania DNA. A total of 1,164 females (77.56% of which were Lutzomyia cruzi) representing 11 species were investigated using molecular analysis; 126 specimens of Lu. cruziwere dissected and also submitted to molecular analysis. The infection rate based on the presence of Leishmania DNA considering all the sandfly species analysed was 0.69%; only Leishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis was identified in Lu. cruzi by the molecular analysis. The dissections were negative for flagellates. This is the first record of the presence of L. (L.) amazonensis DNA in Lu. cruzi, and the first record of this parasite in this area. These findings point to the need for further investigation into the possible role of this sandfly as vector of this parasite.


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BACKGROUND: Patients requiring surgical skin excision after massive weight loss are challenging and require an individualized approach. The characteristic abdominal deformity includes a draping apron of panniculus, occasionally associated with previous transverse surgical scars from open gastric bypass surgery in the upper abdomen, which compromise blood supply of the abdominal skin. METHODS: We propose four different surgical techniques for safe abdominal body contouring in the presence of such scars: (1) a limited abdominoplasty of the lower abdomen is performed, and then contouring is completed by a reversed abdominoplasty with scar positioning in the submammary folds; (2) a one-stage procedure characterized by skin resection in the upper and lower abdomen, in which blood supply of the skin island between the submammary and suprapubic incisions is ensured by periumbilical perforators; (3) a perforator-sparing abdominoplasty with selective dissection of periumbilical abdominal wall perforators to secure flap blood supply and allow complete flap undermining up to the xyphoid process; (4) for patients with extensive excess skin, a modified Fleur-de-Lys abdominoplasty performed in such a way that the old transverse scar is transformed into a vertical scar. RESULTS: The treatment of four exemplary patients is described. All techniques yielded good esthetic and functional results through preservation of abdominal blood supply. CONCLUSION: Through an individualized approach, adequate abdominal body contouring can be performed safely, even in the presence of transverse surgical scars in the upper abdomen.


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In this paper, a case of post-traumatic thrombosis in the internal carotid artery after a blow with a ball in the neck of a 33-year-old male is presented. The death came 10 days after the coup as a result of intracranial hypertension and cerebral herniation secondary to ischemic infarction affecting the entire territory of the middle right cerebral artery, both superficial and profound. Macroscopic and microscopic findings that largely explain the mechanism of vascular injury with intimal dissection in the proximity of an atheroma plaque located above the carotid bifurcation are discussed.


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A variety of acute neurologic disorders present with visual signs and symptoms. In this review the authors focus on those disorders in which the clinical outcome is dependent on timely and accurate diagnosis. The first section deals with acute visual loss, specifically optic neuritis, ischemic optic neuropathy (ION), retinal artery occlusion, and homonymous hemianopia. The authors include a discussion of those clinical features that are helpful in distinguishing between inflammatory and ischemic optic nerve disease and between arteritic and nonarteritic ION. The second section concerns disc edema with an emphasis on the prevention of visual loss in patients with increased intracranial pressure. The third section deals with abnormal ocular motility, and includes orbital inflammatory disease, carotid-cavernous fistulas, painful ophthalmoplegia, conjugate gaze palsies, and neuromuscular junction disorders. The final section concerns pupillary abnormalities, with a particular emphasis on the dilated pupil and on carotid artery dissection. Throughout there are specific guidelines for the management of these disorders, and areas are highlighted in which there is ongoing controversy.


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Résumé : Objectif: Analyse d'un traitement de chimiothérapie à base de cisplatine de type néoadjuvant en comparaison à un traitement de radio-chimiothérapie suivi de la résection chirurgicale chez des patients présentant un carcinome pulmonaire non à petites cellules de stade Ill (N2) prouvé histologiquement par médiastinoscopie. Evaluation de la morbidité postopératoire, du down-staging ganglionnaire, des taux de survie globale et sans récidive ainsi que du site de récidive. Matériel et méthodes : 82 patients ont été inclus dans l'étude entre Janvier 1994 et Juin 2003, parmi eux 36 ont été traités avec une chimiothérapie néoadjuvante à base de cisplatine et doxétacel (groupe l). Les autres 46 patients ont été soumis à une radio-chimiothérapie néoadjuvante avec administration de 44 Gy (groupe II), soit de façon séquentielle (25 cas) soit concomitante (21 cas). Dans tous les cas des métastases à distance ont été exclues par une évaluation préopératoire comprenant une scintigraphie osseuse, un Ct scan thoraco-abdominal, ou un examen PET scan ainsi qu'une IRM cérébrale. La médiastinoscopie effectuée avant le traitement d'induction chez la totalité des patients, de même que la résection chirurgicale de la tumeur pulmonaire et la lymphadenectomie médiastinale ont été effectuées par le même chirurgien. Résultats : La tumeur pulmonaire était de stade Ti à T2 dans respectivement 47% et 28% des patients des groupes (e II, T3 dans 45% et 41% et T4 dans 8% et 31% des cas. Le type de résection effectué (lobectomie, lobectomie en manchon, pneumonectomie) était comparable dans les deux collectifs (p=0.03) Le taux de mortalité postopératoire à 90 jours était de respectivement 3% et 4 "Vo (p=0.6). Une résection complète (RO) a pu être obtenue dans 92% et 94% des cas (p=0.6) avec un downstaging ganglionnaire médiastinal dans 61% et 78% des patients respectivement (p<0.001). Les taux de survie globale à 5 ans et de survie sans récidive à 5 ans s'élevaient à 40% et à 36% respectivement, sans différence significative entre des tumeurs de stade Ti à T3 et T4. Le taux de survie globale n'était pas significativement différent entre les deux modalités de traitement d'induction, toutefois après radio-chimiothérapie on observait une plus longue survie sans récidive (p.0.04). Il n'y avait par ailleurs pas de différence significative, en termes de morbidité post-opératoire, résecabilité, downstaging ganglionnaire, survie globale et sans récidive, entre les patients traités par radio-chimiothérapie séquentielle ou concomitante. Conclusions : En cas de carcinome pulmonaire non à petites cellules de stade III (N2) un traitement d'induction par radio chimiothérapie suivi de la résection chirurgicale est associé avec un meilleur downstaqing médiastinal ainsi qu'une plus longue survie sans récidive en comparaison au traitement d'induction par chimiothérapie seule. Abstract : Objective: Comparison of prospectively treated patients with neoadjuvant cisplatin-based chemotherapy vs radiochemotherapy followed by resection for mediastinoscopically proven stage III NZ non-small cell lung cancer with respect to postoperative morbidity, pathological nodal downstaging, overall and disease-free survival, and site of recurrence. Methods: Eighty-two patients were enrolled between January 1994 to June 2003, 36 had cisplatin and doxetacel-based chemotherapy (group I) and 46 cisplatin-based radiochemotherapy up to 44 Gy (group II), either as sequential (25 patients) or concomitant (21 patients) treatment. All patients had evaluation of absence of distant metastases by bone scintigraphy, thoracoabdominal CT scan or PET scan, and brain MRI, and all underwent pre-induction mediastinoscopy, resection and mediastinal lymph node dissection by the same surgeon. Results: Group I and II comprised T1/2 tumors in 47 and 28%, 13 tumors in 45 and 41%, and 14 tumors in 8 and 31% of the patients, respectively (P=0.03). There was a similar distribution of the extent of resection (lobectomy, sleeve lobectomy, left and right pneumonectomy) in both groups (P=0.9). Group I and II revealed a postoperative 90-d mortality of 3 and 4% (P=0.6), a RO-resection rate of 92 and 94% (P=0.9), and a pathological mediastinal downstaging in 61 and 78% of the patients (P<0.01), respectively. 5y-overall survival and disease-free survival of all patients were 40 and 36%, respectively, without significant difference between T1-3 and T4 tumors. There was no significant difference in overall survival rate in either induction regimens, however, radiochemotherapy was associated with a longer disease-free survival than chemotherapy (P=0.04). There was no significant difference between concurrent vs sequential radiochemotherapy with respect to postoperative morbidity, resectability, pathological nodal downstaging, survival and disease-free survival. Conclusions: Neoadjuvant cisplatin-based radiochemotherapy was associated with a similar postoperative mortality, an increased pathological nodal downstaging and a better disease-free survival as compared to cisplatin doxetacel-based chemotherapy in patients with stage III (N2) NSCLC although a higher number of 14 tumors were admitted to radiochemotherapy.


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Discussions at the inaugural meeting of a Trans-European Pedagogic Research Group for Anatomical Sciences highlighted the fact that there exist considerable variations in the legal and ethical frameworks throughout Europe concerning body bequests for anatomical examination. Such differences appear to reflect cultural and religious variations as well as different legal and constitutional frameworks. For example, there are different views concerning the "ownership" of cadavers and concerning the need (perceived by different societies and national politicians) for legislation specifically related to anatomical dissection. Furthermore, there are different views concerning the acceptability of using unclaimed bodies that have not given informed consent. Given that in Europe there have been a series of controversial anatomical exhibitions and also a public (televised) dissection/autopsy, and given that the commercial sale or transport of anatomical material across national boundaries is strongly debated, it would seem appropriate to "harmonise" the situation (at least in the European Union). This paper summarises the legal situation in a variety of European countries and suggests examples of good practice. In particular, it recommends that all countries should adopt clear legal frameworks to regulate the acceptance of donations for medical education and research. It stresses the need for informed consent, with donors being given clear information upon which to base their decision, intentions to bequest being made by the donor before death and encourages donors to discuss their wishes to bequeath with relatives prior to death. Departments are encouraged, where they feel it appropriate, to hold Services of Thanksgiving and Commemoration for those who have donated their bodies. Finally, there needs to be legislation to regulate transport of bodies or body parts across national borders and a discouragement of any moves towards commercialisation in relation to bequests.


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BACKGROUND & AIMS: Regulation of gene expression in the follicle-associated epithelium (FAE) over Peyer's patches is largely unknown. CCL20, a chemokine that recruits immature dendritic cells, is one of the few FAE-specific markers described so far. Lymphotoxin beta (LTalpha1beta2) expressed on the membrane of immune cells triggers CCL20 expression in enterocytes. In this study, we measured expression profiles of LTalpha1beta2-treated intestinal epithelial cells and selected CCL20 -coregulated genes to identify new FAE markers. METHODS: Genomic profiles of T84 and Caco-2 cell lines treated with either LTalpha1beta2, flagellin, or tumor necrosis factor alpha were measured using the Affymetrix GeneChip U133A. Clustering analysis was used to select CCL20 -coregulated genes, and laser dissection microscopy and real-time polymerase chain reaction on human biopsy specimens was used to assess the expression of the selected markers. RESULTS: Applying a 2-way analysis of variance, we identified regulated genes upon the different treatments. A subset of genes involved in inflammation and related to the nuclear factor kappaB pathway was coregulated with CCL20 . Among these genes, the antiapoptotic factor TNFAIP3 was highly expressed in the FAE. CCL23 , which was not coregulated in vitro with CCL20 , was also specifically expressed in the FAE. CONCLUSIONS: We have identified 2 novel human FAE specifically expressed genes. Most of the CCL20 -coregulated genes did not show FAE-specific expression, suggesting that other signaling pathways are critical to modulate FAE-specific gene expression.


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BACKGROUND: Mixed medullary-follicular thyroid carcinoma denotes a rare and heterogeneous group of tumors displaying morphological and immunophenotypical features of both origins within the same lesion. METHOD: We report a case of a 41-year-old woman with a lump in the right side of the neck, increasing in pain and size over several weeks. Serum levels of calcitonine (1140 ng/L) and carcinoembryonic antigen (288 microg/L) were very high. Fine-needle aspiration cytology suggested a diagnosis of medullary thyroid carcinoma. Total thyroidectomy, along with bilateral functional neck and mediastinal lymph-node dissection, were performed. RESULTS: The histopathological examination yielded a diagnosis of medullary carcinoma in the right thyroid lobe, closely intermingled with a nonencapsulated classical papillary carcinoma. One ipsilateral lymph node showed micrometastasis of the medullary counterpart. CONCLUSION: When compared with other cases reported in literature, this particular presentation should be recognized, if required, morphologic and functional criteria are used. The treatment is mostly surgical, driven by the medullary component. The presence of micrometastasis in 1 ipsilateral cervical lymph-node underlines the importance of cervicomediastinal lymph-node dissection and careful searching for metastatic disease.


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Background: The current data comparing posterior and anterior circulation strokes with regards to clinical, etiological, radiological and outcome factors are conflicting. We searched for distinguishing features between both territories in 1'449 consecutive acute ischemic stroke patients. Methods: All consecutive patients with acute ischemic stroke admitted to a single stroke unit from January 2003 to July 2008 were included in a prospective registry. Territory of acute stroke was determined by a combination of neuroimaging (MRI and / CT / CTP) and clinical symptoms and signs. Patients with uncertain localisation and patients with simultaneous strokes in the anterior and posterior circulation were excluded from this analysis. Results: Of a total of 1728 patients, 466 (17.0%) had had posterior, 983 (56.8%) anterior, 136 (7.9%) unknown territory, and 43 (2.5%) simultaneous posterior and anterior territory stroke. Of 39 variables that were compared, 29 differed significantly in univariate analysis, including less dependency (OR_0.50) and mortality (OR_0.56) at 3 months in posterior stroke. In multivariate analysis (see table), male gender, lacunar mechanism, arterial dissection and endovascular recanalisation were more frequent in posterior stroke, and admission NIHSS and IV-thrombolysis rate were lower. Significant acute arterial pathology (_50% stenosis) was less frequently found on acute imaging in posterior stroke (OR_0.33). Of 633 patients with significant arterial pathology, it was more frequently present intracranially in posterior (OR_1.62) and extracranially in anterior stroke (OR _ 0.87). In 610 patients where recanalisation was assessed at 24 hours, intracranial (OR_0.26), extracranial (OR_0.25) and overall recanalisation (OR_0.34) was less frequent in the posterior circulation. Conclusions: Acute posterior strokes are less severe and recover better, despite lower IV thrombolysis and recanalisation rates. They are more frequently due to lacunes and dissections and have less arterial pathology burden then anterior circulation strokes.


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INTRODUCTION: We aimed to investigate the characteristics and outcome of patients suffering early major worsening (EMW) after acute ischemic stroke (AIS) and assess the parameters associated with it. METHODS: All consecutive patients with AIS in the ASTRAL registry until 10/2010 were included. EMW was defined as an NIHSS increase of ≥8 points within the first 24 h after admission. The Bootstrap version of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and the χ(2)-test were used for the comparison of continuous and categorical covariates, respectively, between patients with and without EMW. Multiple logistic regression analysis was performed to identify independent predictors of EMW. RESULTS: Among 2155 patients, 43 (2.0 %) had an EMW. EMW was independently associated with hemorrhagic transformation (OR 22.6, 95 % CI 9.4-54.2), cervical artery dissection (OR 9.5, 95 % CI 4.4-20.6), initial dysarthria (OR 3.7, 95 % CI 1.7-8.0), and intravenous thrombolysis (OR 2.1, 95 % CI 1.1-4.3), whereas a negative association was identified with initial eye deviation (OR 0.4, 95 % CI 0.2-0.9). Favorable outcome at 3 and 12 months was less frequent in patients with EMW compared to patients without (11.6 vs. 55.3 % and 16.3 vs. 50.7 %, respectively), and case fatality was higher (53.5 vs. 12.9 % and 55.8 vs. 16.8 %, respectively). Stroke recurrence within 3 months in surviving patients was similar between patients with and without EMW (9.3 vs. 9.0 %, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: Worsening of ≥8 points in the NIHSS score during the first 24 h in AIS patients is related to cervical artery dissection and hemorrhagic transformation. It justifies urgent repeat parenchymal and arterial imaging. Both conditions may be influenced by targeted interventions in the acute phase of stroke.


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Invasive species may carry with them parasites from their native range, differing from parasite taxa found in the invaded range. Host switching by parasites (either from the invader to native fauna or from native fauna to the invader) may have important consequences for the viability of either type of host (e.g., their survivorship, fecundity, dispersal ability, or geographic distribution). Rhabdias pseudosphaerocephala (Nematoda) is a common parasite of cane toads (Rhinella marina) in the toad's native range (South and Central America) and also in its introduced Australian range. This lungworm can depress host viability and is capable of infecting Australian frogs in laboratory trials. Despite syntopy between toads and frogs for up to 75 yr, our analyses, based on DNA sequence data of lungworms from 80 frogs and 56 toads, collected from 2008 to 2011, did not reveal any cases of host switching in nature: toads and native frogs retain entirely different lungworm faunas. All lungworms in cane toads were the South and Central American species Rhabdias pseudosphaerocephala, whereas Australian frogs contained at least four taxa (mostly undescribed and currently lumped under the name Rhabdias cf. hylae). General patterns of prevalence and intensity, based on the dissection of 1,315 frogs collected between 1989 and 2011 across the toads' Australian range, show that these Australian endemic Rhabdias spp. are widely distributed geographically and across host taxa but are more common in some frog species (especially, large-bodied species) than they are in others.