1000 resultados para Axial torsion, prove di trazione, prove di torsione


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In questa tesi viene descritto uno studio preliminare su un velivolo ad ala rotante UAV (Unmanned Aerial Veichle) per supportare l'agricoltura di precisione. E' stato implementato in ambiente Matlab un semplice modello matematico per stimare la trazione del rotore principale in un elicottero. Successivamente, è stata presa in considerazone una meccanica commerciale per modellismo che potrebbe essere adottata per sveltire i tempi di sviluppo di questo UAV: la Graupner UNI-Mechanics 2000. E' stato, quindi, modellato al CAD un prototipo di struttura da realizzare tramite tecniche di Additive Manufacturing: questa parte è stata concepita per essere collegata alla meccanica dell'elicottero e può ospitare due taniche contenenti le sostanze da irrorare sulle colture. A livello di sviluppo futuro, si propone di applicare tecniche di ottimizzazione topologica alla struttura di collegamento per ottenere uno sfruttamento ottimale del materiale e ridurre le masse di questo componente.


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Nel presente progetto di tesi sono state preparate e studiate delle miscele polimeriche di poli(ottilene 2,5-furanoato) (POF) e il poli(trietilene 2,5-furanoato) (PTEF) a diversa composizione allo scopo di ottenere materiali adatti al packaging alimentare flessibile e sostenibile. I due omopolimeri sono stati sintetizzati mediante policondensazione in massa, ed in seguito sono state preparate le miscele fisiche per solvent casting, processate in forma di film per pressofusione. Dopo una completa caratterizzazione molecolare, i materiali realizzati sono stati caratterizzati morfologicamente (SEM), termicamente (TGA e DSC), strutturalmente (WAXS), meccanicamente (prove a trazione), e ne sono studiate le proprietà barriera. Le miscele sono risultate immiscibili ma comunque caratterizzate da buona compatibilità e stabilità termica. Considerando che il POF è un materiale gommoso e semicristallino mentre il PTEF è gommoso ma amorfo, le miscele presentano caratteristiche meccaniche coerenti con la loro composizione: in particolare, al diminuire della porzione cristallizabile POF e all’aumentare della porzione gommosa PTEF, si registra un progressivo aumento degli allungamenti a rottura e una diminuzione del modulo elastico. Inoltre, nelle blend contenenti il 50 e il 60% di PTEF, le performance barriera risultano migliori di quasi due ordini di grandezza rispetto a quelle dell’omopolimero POF. Per quanto riguarda le prove di compostaggio, le miscele con una quantità di POF superiore al 50% non subiscono degradazione, mentre si registra una totale compostabilità per le due miscele più ricche in PTEF.


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Analisi meccanica e microstrutturale a temperatura ambiente e alta temperatura (400 °C) dell'acciaio inossidabile AISI 316L prodotto tramite additive manufacturing (Laser Powder Bed Fusion) e rivestito con un sistema multistrato composto da nichelatura al fosforo e diamond like carbon. Il materiale è stato testato meccanicamente tramite prove di trazione, fatica a basso numero di cicli e durezza. Queste hanno dimostrato come il rivestimento non modifica significativamente le proprietà a trazione del materiale (sia a 20°C che a 400 °C) mentre allunga notevolmente la vita a fatica del provino a temperatura ambiente. Le analisi di durezza hanno evidenziato il diverso comportamento del rivestimento a temperatura ambiente e a 400 °C in quanto, alla temperatura di 300 °C, subisce una ricristallizzazione che ne determina un indurimento. L'analisi microstrutturale ha previsto l'osservazione del materiale al microscopio ottico ed elettronico a scansione FEG-SEM, la quale ha permesso di identificare i melt pool, grani colonnari e struttura cellulare che compongono il materiale. La struttura cellulare scompare a 400 °C mentre i melt pool ed i grani colonnari restano invariati. Oltre a queste analisi sono state svolte anche delle osservazioni per quanto riguarda le superfici di frattura del materiale le quali hanno mostrato una tipologia di frattura duttile nei provini di trazione mentre i campioni a fatica presentano una tipica frattura a fatica, ovvero che comprende un innesco, una zona di propagazione della cricca ed una zona di rottura di schianto. I campioni rivestiti presentavano l'innesco nella zona interfacciale tra substrato e rivestimento a causa delle tensioni residue, nonostante l'adesione del rivestimento con l'acciaio fosse ottimale.


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L'elaborato tratta dell'effetto della porosità sulle proprietà meccaniche e osteoinduttive di un biomateriale utilizzabile in ingegneria del tessuto osseo, per come questo è stato valutato nello studio "Surface porous poly-ether-ether-ketone based on three-dimensional printing for load-bearing orthopedic implant" condotto dai ricercatori Shuai Li, Tianyu Wang, Jiqiang Hu, Zhibin Li, Bing Wang, Lianchao Wang e Zhengong Zhou. In particolare, il biomateriale studiato è rappresentato dal “PEEK”, un polimero termoplastico che viene lavorato, tramite stampante 3D a filamento, in modo da presentare una struttura che include un corpo centrale solido ricoperto da strati porosi sia nello strato superiore sia in quello inferiore. Per la valutazione delle proprietà meccaniche sono state svolte una prova a trazione e una prova a flessione. I valori ottenuti sperimentalmente sono stati confrontati con quelli ottenuti da un’analisi numerica e da un modello teorico. Per la valutazione delle proprietà osteoinduttive sono stati condotti test di proliferazione cellulare e differenziamento osteogenico. I risultati ottenuti concludono che specifici valori della porosità superficiale del biomateriale presentano proprietà meccaniche e osteoinduttive che lo rendono idoneo all’utilizzo come impianto osteogenico in ingegneria tissutale.


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Both high-fat diet and exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals have been implicated in susceptibility to pathological prostate lesions, but the consequences of combining the two have not yet been examined. We evaluated the effects of gestational and postnatal exposure to a high-fat diet (20% fat) and low doses of di-n-butyl phthalate (DBP; 5mg/kg/day), individually or in combination, on the tissue response and incidence of pathological lesions in the ventral prostate of adult gerbils. Continuous intake of a high-fat diet caused dyslipidemia, hypertrophy, and promoted the development of inflammatory, premalignant and malignant prostate lesions, even in the absence of obesity. Life-time DBP exposure was obesogenic and dyslipidemic and increased the incidence of premalignant prostate lesions. Combined exposure to DBP and a high-fat diet also caused prostate hypertrophy, but the effects were less severe than those of individual treatments; combined exposure neither induced an inflammatory response nor altered serum lipid content.


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We report first results from an analysis based on a new multi-hadron correlation technique, exploring jet-medium interactions and di-jet surface emission bias at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). Pairs of back-to-back high-transverse-momentum hadrons are used for triggers to study associated hadron distributions. In contrast with two-and three-particle correlations with a single trigger with similar kinematic selections, the associated hadron distribution of both trigger sides reveals no modification in either relative pseudorapidity Delta eta or relative azimuthal angle Delta phi from d + Au to central Au + Au collisions. We determine associated hadron yields and spectra as well as production rates for such correlated back-to-back triggers to gain additional insights on medium properties.


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Yields, correlation shapes, and mean transverse momenta p(T) of charged particles associated with intermediate-to high-p(T) trigger particles (2.5 < p(T) < 10 GeV/c) in d + Au and Au + Au collisions at root s(NN) = 200 GeV are presented. For associated particles at higher p(T) greater than or similar to 2.5 GeV/c, narrow correlation peaks are seen in d + Au and Au + Au, indicating that the main production mechanism is jet fragmentation. At lower associated particle pT < 2 GeV/c, a large enhancement of the near- (Delta phi similar to 0) and away-side (Delta phi similar to pi) associated yields is found, together with a strong broadening of the away-side azimuthal distributions in Au + Au collisions compared to d + Au measurements, suggesting that other particle production mechanisms play a role. This is further supported by the observed significant softening of the away-side associated particle yield distribution at Delta phi similar to pi in central Au + Au collisions.


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Aiming at contributing with the search for neuroactive substances from natural sources, we report for the first time antinociceptive and anticonvulsant effects of some Lychnophora species. We verify the protective effects of polar extracts (600 mg/kg, intraperitoneally), and methanolic fractions of L. staavioides and L. rupestris (100 mg/kg, intraperitoneally) in pentylenetetrazole-induced seizures on mice. Previously, a screening was accomplished, evaluating the antinociceptive central activity (hot plate test), with different extracts of L. rupestris, L. staavioides and L. diamantinana. It was possible to select the possible extracts of Lychnophora with central nervous system activity. Some of the active extracts were submitted to fractionation and purification process and the methanolic fractions of L. rupestris (stem) and L. staavioides (stem), with anticonvulsant properties (100 mg/kg, intraperitoneally), yielded 4,5-di-O-[E]-caffeoylquinic acid. This substance was injected intraperitoneally in mice and showed anticonvulsant effect against pentylenetetrazole-induced seizures at doses of 25 and 50 mg/kg. It has often been shown that seizures induced by pentylenetetrazole are involved in inhibition and/or attenuation of GABAergic neurotransmission. However, other systems of the central nervous system such as adenosinergic and glutamatergic could be involved in the caffeoylquinic acid effects. Further studies should be conducted to verify that the target receptor could be participating in this anticonvulsant property. Although other investigations have reported a series of biological activities from Lychnophora species, this is the first report of central analgesic and anticonvulsant activity in species of this genus.


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The potentially hexadentate polyamines N,N,N',N'-tetrakis(2-aminoethyl)ethane-1,2-diamine (L-1) and the octamethylated analogue N,N,N',N'-tetrakis(2-dimethylaminoethyl)ethane 1,2-diamine (L-2) have been complexed with copper(II) and the crystal structures of their complexes determined. A trigonal-bipyramidal co-ordination geometry for [Cu(HL1)][ClO4](3) was found where one aminoethyl arm is not co-ordinated. By contrast, a dinuclear structure of formula [(H2O)Cu(L-2)Cu(OH)](3+) was determined for the N-methylated analogue, where the hexaamine acts as a bridging ligand between the two square-pyramidal metal centres. Electronic and EPR spectroscopy are both consistent with these structures being maintained in solution.


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Intracellular amastigotes of the protozoan parasite Leishmania mexicana secrete a macromolecular proteophosphoglycan (aPPG) into the phagolysosome of their host cell, the mammalian macrophage. The structures of aPPG glycans were analyzed by a combination of high pH anion exchange high pressure liquid chromatography, gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, enzymatic digestions, electrospray-mass spectrometry as well as H-1 and P-31 NMR spectroscopy. Some glycans are identical to oligosaccharides known from Leishmania mexicana promastigote lipophosphoglycan and secreted acid phosphatase, However, the majority of the aPPG glycans represent amastigote stage-specific and novel structures. These include neutral glycans ([Glc beta(1-3)](1-2)Gal beta 1-4Man, Gal beta 1-3Gal beta 1-4Man, Gal beta 1-3Glc beta 1-3Gal beta 1-4Man), several monophosphorylated glycans containing the conserved phosphodisaccharide backbone (R-3-[PO4-6-Gal]beta 1-4Man) but carrying stage-specific modifications (R = Gal beta 1-, [Glc beta 1-3](1-2)Glc beta 1-), and monophosphorylated aPPG tri- and tetrasaccharides that are uniquely phosphorylated on the terminal hexose (PO4-6-Glc beta 1-3Gal beta 1-4Man, PO4-6-Glc beta 1-3Glc beta 1-3Gal beta 1-4Man, PO4-6-Gal beta 1-3Glc beta 1-3Gal beta 1-4Man), In addition aPPG contains highly unusual di- and triphosphorylated glycans whose major species are PO4-6-Glc beta 1-3Glc beta 1-3[PO4-6-Gal]beta 1-4Man, PO4-6-Gal beta 1-3Glc beta 1-3 [PO4-6-Gal]beta 1-4Man, PO4-6-GaL beta 1-3Glc beta 1-3Glc beta 1-3[PO4-6-Gal]beta 1-4Man, PO4-6-Glc beta 1-3[PO4-6-Glc]beta 1-3[PO4-6-Gal]beta 1-4Man, PO4-6Gal beta 1-3[PO4-6-Glc]beta 1-3Glc beta 1-3[PO4-6-Gal]beta 1-4Man, and PO4-6-Glc beta 1-3[PO4-6-Glc]beta 1-3Glc beta 1-3[PO4-6-Gal]beta 1-4Man. These glycans are linked together by the conserved phosphodiester R-Man alpha 1-PO4-6-Gal-R or the novel phosphodiester R-Man alpha 1-PO4-6-Glc-R and are connected to Ser(P) of the protein backbone most likely via the linkage R-Man alpha 1-PO4-Ser. The variety of stage-specific glycan structures in Leishmania mexicana aPPG suggests the presence of developmentally regulated amastigote glycosyltransferases which may be potential anti-parasite drug targets.


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Vanadyl phosphate and its hybrid compounds have proven to undergo electrochemical intercalation and de-intercalation of lithium ions, which enables its use as cathode material for Li ion rechargeable batteries. In this context, vanadyl phosphate di-hydrate/polyaniline derivatives hybrid films were synthesized via the exfoliation and reconstruction approach in order to evaluate their potential use as cathode in ion lithium batteries. X-ray diffraction patterns indicate that the lamellar structure of the inorganic matrix is maintained, consistent with the topotactic process. In the scanning electron micrographs, hybrid films exhibit rough surface consisting of warped and cracked crystallites, quite different from vanadyl phosphate di-hydrate square platelets crystallites. Electrochemical evaluation using cyclic voltammetry and charge-discharge galvanostatic techniques shows small differences between the charge and the discharge curves, indicating an irreversibility of the hybrid systems. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Phthalates are environmental contaminants used in the production of plastics, cosmetics and medical devices. Studies on the effects of phthalates on female reproductive health are particularly sparse and mostly restricted to high-dose exposure in rats. In the present study, pregnant rats were treated with 100 mg/kg-d of di-eta-butyl-phthalate (DBP) or only the vehicle (control group), from GD 12 to GD 20 for evaluation of reproductive outcomes and fetal gonads analysis (F0), and from GD 12 to PND 21 to evaluate reproductive development and function on F1 female offspring. Results showed that all parameters were comparable between groups, although there was a significant increase in the fetal weight after DBP exposure. However, the body weight at birth was normal. Based on these data we can conclude that, in these experimental conditions, DBP did not disturb the reproductive development or function of female rats. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In the present study we evaluated the toxic effects on the male adult rat prostate of DBP exposure during fetal and lactational periods, because although many studies have addressed the influence of phthalates on the male reproductive system, only a few have discussed their possible effects on prostate development. Pregnant females were distributed into two experimental groups: Control (C) and Treated (T). The females of the T group received DBP (100 mg/kg, by gavage) from gestation day 12 to postnatal day 21, while C rats received the vehicle (corn oil). In adulthood (90 days old), the animals were euthanized. The serum and testicular testosterone levels were measured. Ventral prostate was removed and weighed. Distal segment fragments of the ventral prostate were fixed and processed for histochemistry and immunohistochemistry to detect androgen receptor (AR) and Ki67 antigens. Protein extraction from ventral prostate fragments was performed for AR immunoblotting and Gelatin zymography for MMP-2 and MMP-9 (MMP, metalloproteinase). Stereological and histopathological analyses were also performed. Serum and testicular testosterone levels and prostate weight were comparable between groups. In the T group the relative proportions (%) of epithelial (C=32.86; T=42.04*) and stromal (C=21.61; T=27.88*) compartments were increased, while the luminal compartment was decreased (C=45.54; T=30.08*), *p < 0.05. In T, disseminated inflammatory infiltrate in the stroma, associated or not with epithelial dysplasia and PIN (Prostatic Intraepithelial Neoplasia), was observed. Increases in AR expression, proliferation index and metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9) activity were noted in T animals. In some T animals, collagen fibrils accumulated adjacent to the epithelium. As far as we are aware, this is the first report in the literature showing that phthalates could play a role in proliferative and inflammatory disorders of the rat prostate. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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