998 resultados para Auto-association


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Existiría asociación en el desarrollo de tumores salivales, mamarios y prostáticos que debería alertar en el seguimiento de esos pacientes. Por ello, resulta indispensable la búsqueda de biomarcadores específicos a fin de diagnosticar precozmente un segundo tumor primario o una lesión metastásica.La relación dieta-cáncer es aún controvertida y poco estudiada en humanos. La influencia de ciertos compuestos dietarios sobre la tumorigénesis de diversos órganos lleva a plantear que el estado nutricional de un individuo puede ser un indicador de riesgo de desarrollar dicha enfermedad.Se trabajará con sujetos de ambos sexos que presenten diagnóstico reciente de tumores salivales, mamarios y prostáticos, sin tratamiento previo y proveniente de los hospitales Privado y Córdoba. El grupo control estará constituído por sujetos con características similares a las de los casos, aunque sin diagnóstico de tumores. El número previsto es de 20 casos por cada tipo de tumor -entre benignos y malignos- y 80 controles (relación 1:2, respectivamente) por año de trabajo.Para recolectar los datos se empleará una encuesta de frecuenvia alimentaria cuali-cuantitativa, además de una historia clínica. En muestras de saliva y sangre se analizarán biomarcadores tumorales como CEA, CA 15-3 y PSA y se identificarán y cuantificarán lípidos totales y ácidos grasos. En tejido tumoral se cuantificarán lípidos y marcadores tumorales.


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A doença de Chagas é um sério problema de saúde na América Latina. Entre 25% e 30% dos pacientes infectados evoluem para a forma crônica (CCC), observando-se danos miocárdicos progressivos e, freqüentemente, morte súbita. Anticorpos com atividade para receptores de membrana acoplados a proteína G, adrenérgicos ou colinérgicos podem estar presentes no soro desses pacientes. No presente artigo serão discutidas a etiologia e a contribuição dos anticorpos na fisiopatologia da doença de Chagas.


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El Estrés de Retículo Endoplásmico (RE) es inducido por la acumulación de proteínas sin plegar en el lumen de la organela. Esto se puede observar en diversas situaciones fisio-patológicas como durante una infección viral o en proceso isquémico. Además, contribuye a la base molecular de numerosas enfermedades ya sea índole metabólico (Fibrosis quística o Diabetes Miellitus) o neurodegenerativas como mal de Alzheimer o Parkinson (Mutat Res, 2005, 569). Para restablecer la homeostasis en la organela se activa una señal de transducción (UPR), cuya respuesta inmediata es la atenuación de la síntesis de proteína debido a la fosforilación de subunidad alpha del factor eucariótico de iniciación de translación (eIF2α) vía PERK. Esta es una proteína de membrana de RE que detecta estrés. Bajo condiciones normales, PERK está inactiva debido a la asociación de su dominio luminar con la chaperona BIP (Nat Cell Biol, 2000, 2: 326). Frente a una situación de estrés, la chaperona se disocia causando desinhibición. Recientemente, (Plos One 5: e11925) se observó, bajo condiciones de estrés, un aumento de Ca2+ citosólico y un rápido incremento de la expresión de calcineurina (CN), una fosfatasa citosólica dependiente de calcio, heterodimérica formada por una subunidad catalítica (CN-A) y una regulatoria (CN-B). Además, CN interacciona, sin intermediarios, con el dominio citosólico de PERK favoreciendo su trans-autofosforilación. Resultados preliminares indican que, astrocitos CNAβ-/- exhibieron, en condiciones basales, un mayor número de células muertas y de niveles de eIF2α fosforilado que los astrocitos CNAα-/-. Hipótesis: CNAβ/B interacciona con PERK cuando el Ca2+ citosólico esta incrementado luego de haberse inducido Estrés de RE, lo cual promueve dimerización y auto-fosforilación de la quinasa, acentuándose así la fosforilación de eIF2α e inhibición de la síntesis de proteínas. Esta activación citosólica de PERK colaboraría con la ya descrita, desinhibición luminal llevada cabo por BIP. Cuando el Ca2+ citosólico retorna a los niveles basales, PERK fosforila a CN, reduciendo su afinidad de unión y disociándose el complejo CN/PERK. Objetivo general: Definir las condiciones por las cuales CN interacciona con PERK y regula la fosforilación de eIF2α e inhibición de la síntesis de proteína. Objetivos específicos: I-Estudiar la diferencia de afinidades y dependencia de Ca2+, de las dos isoformas de CN (α y β) en su asociación con PERK. Además verificar la posible participación de la subunidad B de CN en esta interacción. II-Determinar si la auto-fosforilación de PERK es diferencialmente regulada por las dos isoformas de CN. III-Discernir la relación del estado de fosforilación de CN con su unión a PERK. IV-Determinar efectos fisiológicos de la interacción de CN-PERK durante la respuesta de Estrés de RE. Para llevar a cabo este proyecto se realizarán experimentos de biología molecular, interacción proteína-proteína, ensayos de fosforilación in vitro y un perfil de polisoma con astrocitos CNAβ-/- , CNA-/- y astrocitos controles. Se espera encontrar una mayor afinidad de unión a PERK de la isoforma β de CN y en condiciones donde la concentración de Ca2+ sea del orden micromolar e imite niveles del ión durante un estrés. Con respecto al estado de fosforilación de CN, debido a los resultados preliminares, donde solo se la encontró fosforilada en condiciones basales, se piensa que CN podría interactuar con mayor afinidad con PERK cuando CN se encuentre desfosforilada. Por último, se espera encontrar un aumento de eIF2α fosforilado y una acentuación de la atenuación de la síntesis de proteína como consecuencia de la mayor activación de PERK por su asociación con la isoforma β de CN en astrocitos donde el Estrés de RE se indujo por privación de oxigeno y glucosa. Estos experimentos permitirán avanzar en el estudio de una nueva función citoprotectora de CN recientemente descrita por nuestro grupo de trabajo y sus implicancias en un modelo de isquemia. The accumulation of unfolded proteins into the Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) activates a signal transduction cascade called Unfolding Protein Response (UPR), which attempts to restore homeostasis in the organelle. (PKR)-like-ER kinase (PERK) is an early stress response transmembrane protein that is generally inactive due to its association with the chaperone BIP. During ER stress, BIP is tritrated by the unfolded protein, leading PERK activation and phosphorylation of eukaryotic initiation factor-2 alpha (eIF2alpha), which attenuates protein síntesis. If ER damage is too great and homeostasis is not restored within a certain period of time, an apoptotic response is elicited. We recently demonstrated a cytosolic Ca2+ increase in Xenopus oocytes after induce ER stress. Moreover, calcineurin A/B, a an heterotrimeric Ca2+ dependent phosphatases (CN-A/B), associates with PERK increasing its auto-phosphorylation and significantly enhancing cell viability. Preliminary results suggest that, CN-Aβ-/- knockout astrocytes exhibit a significant higher eIF2α phosphorylated level compared to CN-Aα-/- astrocytes. Our working hypothesis establishes that: CN binds to PERK when cytosolic Ca2+ is initially increased by ER stress, promoting dimerization and autophosphorylation, which leads to phosphorylation of elF2α and subsequently attenuation of protein translation. When cytosolic Ca2+ returns to resting levels, PERK phosphorylates CN, reducing its binding affinity so that the CN/PERK complex dissociates. The goal of this project is to determine the conditions by which CN binding to PERK attenuates protein translation during the ER stress response and subsequently, to determine how the interaction of CN with PERK is terminated when stress is removed. To perform this project is planed to do molecular biology experiments, pull down assays, in vitro phosphorylations and assess overall mRNA translation efficiency doing a polisome profile.


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FUNDAMENTO: A síndrome metabólica tem uma elevada prevalência em diferentes partes do mundo, com variações entre diferentes grupos étnicos. OBJETIVO: Este estudo pretende explorar a influência da cor de pele auto-referida sobre a prevalência da SM. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal, realizado em subgrupo populacional em Salvador, Brasil. Utilizou-se auto-definição de cor de pele (branca, parda e negra) e o critério de SM do ATP-III. Foi usado o quiquadrado para tendência a fim de analisar gradiente das prevalências entre os grupos e a regressão logística para análises de associações. RESULTADOS: A prevalência geral da SM, ajustada por variáveis potencialmente confundidoras, não diferiu entre brancos (23,3%), pardos (23,3%) e negros (23,4%,). A análise por sexo mostrou entre os homens redução da prevalência da SM dos brancos, 26,2% IC95%(20,7-31,7), em comparação aos negros, 17,5% IC95% (12,3-22,8), e uma prevalência intermediária entre os pardos, 21,9% IC95% (18,6 - 25,1), p tend= 0,002. Entre as mulheres, a tendência foi inversa, maior nas negras, 27,0% IC95% (22,2-31,8), e menor nas brancas, 20,5% IC95%(15,6-25,4), p tend= 0,02. Na análise multivariada da associação entre cor de pele e SM (branco=grupo de referência), a cor negra entre os homens foi fator de proteção, razão de prevalência (RP)= 0,60 (0,36 - 0,97), enquanto que nas mulheres tendeu a ser fator de risco, RP= 1,33 (0,94 - 1,78). CONCLUSÃO: A prevalência da SM variou em função da cor de pele de modo inverso entre homens e mulheres. Ser negro foi fator de proteção entre homens e de risco nas mulheres.


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FUNDAMENTO: A síndrome metabólica (SM) é uma entidade pró-aterogênica. Autoanticorpos tais como β2-glicoproteína I (β2-gpI) podem influenciar o aparecimento de ateromas. Estudos anteriores confirmaram uma associação entre anticorpos IgA anti-β2-gpI e isquemia cerebral, infarto do miocárdio, doença arterial periférica e doença da carótida. OBJETIVO: O objetivo desse estudo de caso-controle foi avaliar uma possível associação entre anticorpos anti-β2-gpI e anticardiolipina (aCL) com SM não-complicada. MÉTODOS: Pacientes com SM sem histórico de eventos vasculares e indivíduos-controle, consistindo em pacientes da Enfermaria de Ortopedia admitidos devido a doenças musculoesqueléticas foram incluídos no estudo. Idade, sexo, etnia, histórico de hipertensão, tabagismo, hipercolesterolemia e diabetes mellitus foram avaliados como fatores de risco em ambos os grupos. Anticorpos IgG, IgM, e IgA anti-β2-gpI e aCL foram detectados através de imunoensaios enzimáticos. RESULTADOS: Um total de 68 pacientes com SM e 82 controles foram estudados. Os pacientes com SM tinham média de idade superior à dos controles (P = 0,001), enquanto homens (P = 0,003; OR 0,31; IC95%: 0,15-0,16) e etnia caucasiana (P = 0,004; OR 0,25; IC95%:0,10-0,60) eram predominantes nos controles. Histórico de hipertensão, hipercolesterolemia e diabetes mellitus foi mais prevalente nos pacientes com SM do que nos controles (P < 0.05). A frequência de anticorpos aCL (todos os isotipos) e do IgG e IgM anti-β2 gpI não diferiu de forma significante nos pacientes com SM e controles. Anticorpos IgA anti-β2-gpI foram significantemente mais frequentes nos pacientes com SM (42,2%) do que nos controles (10,9%) (P < 0,001). O OR ajustado para anticorpos IgA anti-β2-gpI foi 3,60 (IC95%: 1,55-8,37; P = 0,003). CONCLUSÃO: O presente estudo mostra que níveis elevados de autoanticorpos IgA para β2-gpI podem estar independentemente associados com SM.


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Background:Sudden death is the leading cause of death in Chagas disease (CD), even in patients with preserved ejection fraction (EF), suggesting that destabilizing factors of the arrhythmogenic substrate (autonomic modulation) contribute to its occurrence.Objective:To determine baroreflex sensitivity (BRS) in patients with undetermined CD (GI), arrhythmogenic CD with nonsustained ventricular tachycardia (NSVT) (GII) and CD with spontaneous sustained ventricular tachycardia (STV) (GIII), to evaluate its association with the occurrence and complexity of arrhythmias.Method:Forty-two patients with CD underwent ECG and continuous and noninvasive BP monitoring (TASK force monitor). The following were determined: BRS (phenylephrine method); heart rate variability (HRV) on 24-h Holter; and EF (echocardiogram).Results:GIII had lower BRS (6.09 ms/mm Hg) as compared to GII (11.84) and GI (15.23). The difference was significant between GI and GIII (p = 0.01). Correlating BRS with the density of ventricular extrasystoles (VE), low VE density (<10/h) was associated with preserved BRS. Only 59% of the patients with high VE density (> 10/h) had preserved BRS (p = 0.003). Patients with depressed BRS had higher VE density (p = 0.01), regardless of the EF. The BRS was the only variable related to the occurrence of SVT (p = 0.028).Conclusion:The BRS is preserved in undetermined CD. The BRS impairment increases as disease progresses, being more severe in patients with more complex ventricular arrhythmias. The degree of autonomic dysfunction did not correlate with EF, but with the density and complexity of ventricular arrhythmias.


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Background: Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) is an autosomal dominant genetic disease characterized by an elevation in the serum levels of total cholesterol and of low-density lipoproteins (LDL- c). Known to be closely related to the atherosclerotic process, FH can determine the development of early obstructive lesions in different arterial beds. In this context, FH has also been proposed to be a risk factor for peripheral arterial disease (PAD). Objective: This observational cross-sectional study assessed the association of PAD with other manifestations of cardiovascular disease (CVD), such as coronary artery and cerebrovascular disease, in patients with heterozygous FH. Methods: The diagnosis of PAD was established by ankle-brachial index (ABI) values ≤ 0.90. This study assessed 202 patients (35% of men) with heterozygous FH (90.6% with LDL receptor mutations), mean age of 51 ± 14 years and total cholesterol levels of 342 ± 86 mg /dL. Results: The prevalences of PAD and previous CVD were 17% and 28.2 %, respectively. On multivariate analysis, an independent association between CVD and the diagnosis of PAD was observed (OR = 2.50; 95% CI: 1.004 - 6.230; p = 0.049). Conclusion: Systematic screening for PAD by use of ABI is feasible to assess patients with FH, and it might indicate an increased risk for CVD. However, further studies are required to determine the role of ABI as a tool to assess the cardiovascular risk of those patients.


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Background: Aortic valve sclerosis (AVS) is characterized by increased thickness, calcification and stiffness of the aortic leaflets without fusion of the commissures. Several studies show an association between AVS and presence of coronary artery disease. Objective: The aim of this study is to investigate the association between presence of AVS with occurrence of previous coronary artery disease and classical risk factors. Methods: The sample was composed of 2,493 individuals who underwent transthoracic echocardiography between August 2011 and December 2012. The mean age of the cohort was 67.5 ± 15.9 years, and 50.7% were female. Results: The most frequent clinical indication for Doppler echocardiography was the presence of stroke (28.8%), and the most common risk factor was hypertension (60.8%). The most prevalent pathological findings on Doppler echocardiography were mitral valve sclerosis (37.1%) and AVS (36.7%). There was a statistically significant association between AVS with hypertension (p < 0.001), myocardial infarction (p = 0.007), diabetes (p = 0.006) and compromised left ventricular systolic function (p < 0.001). Conclusion: Patients with AVS have higher prevalences of hypertension, stroke, hypercholesterolemia, myocardial infarction, diabetes and compromised left ventricular systolic function when compared with patients without AVS. We conclude that there is an association between presence of AVS with previous coronary artery disease and classical risk factors.


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Background:Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of mortality in the western world and its treatment should be optimized to decrease severe adverse events.Objective:To determine the effect of previous use of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors on cardiac troponin I measurement in patients with acute coronary syndrome without ST-segment elevation and evaluate clinical outcomes at 180 days.Methods:Prospective, observational study, carried out in a tertiary center, in patients with acute coronary syndrome without ST-segment elevation. Clinical, electrocardiographic and laboratory variables were analyzed, with emphasis on previous use of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and cardiac troponin I. The Pearson chi-square tests (Pereira) or Fisher's exact test (Armitage) were used, as well as the non-parametric Mann-Whitney's test. Variables with significance levels of <10% were submitted to multiple logistic regression model.Results:A total of 457 patients with a mean age of 62.1 years, of whom 63.7% were males, were included. Risk factors such as hypertension (85.3%) and dyslipidemia (75.9%) were the most prevalent, with 35% of diabetics. In the evaluation of events at 180 days, there were 28 deaths (6.2%). The statistical analysis showed that the variables that interfered with troponin elevation (> 0.5 ng / mL) were high blood glucose at admission (p = 0.0034) and ST-segment depression ≥ 0.5 mm in one or more leads (p = 0.0016). The use of angiotensin-converting inhibitors prior to hospitalization was associated with troponin ≤ 0.5 ng / mL (p = 0.0482). The C-statistics for this model was 0.77.Conclusion:This study showed a correlation between prior use of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and reduction in the myocardial necrosis marker troponin I in patients admitted for acute coronary syndrome without ST-segment elevation. However, there are no data available yet to state that this reduction could lead to fewer severe clinical events such as death and re-infarction at 180 days.


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Background: No studies have described and evaluated the association between hemodynamics, physical limitations and quality of life in patients with pulmonary hypertension (PH) without concomitant cardiovascular or respiratory disease. Objective: To describe the hemodynamic profile, quality of life and physical capacity of patients with PH from groups I and IV and to study the association between these outcomes. Methods: Cross-sectional study of patients with PH from clinical groups I and IV and functional classes II and III undergoing the following assessments: hemodynamics, exercise tolerance and quality of life. Results: This study assessed 20 patients with a mean age of 46.8 ± 14.3 years. They had pulmonary capillary wedge pressure of 10.5 ± 3.7 mm Hg, 6-minute walk distance test (6MWDT) of 463 ± 78 m, oxygen consumption at peak exercise of 12.9 ± 4.3 mLO2.kg-1.min-1 and scores of quality of life domains < 60%. There were associations between cardiac index (CI) and ventilatory equivalent for CO2 (r=-0.59, p <0.01), IC and ventilatory equivalent for oxygen (r=-0.49, p<0.05), right atrial pressure (RAP) and 'general health perception' domain (r=-0.61, p<0.01), RAP and 6MWTD (r=-0.49, p<0.05), pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) and 'physical functioning' domain (r=-0.56, p<0.01), PVR and 6MWTD (r=-0.49, p<0.05) and PVR index and physical capacity (r=-0.51, p<0.01). Conclusion: Patients with PH from groups I and IV and functional classes II and III exhibit a reduction in physical capacity and in the physical and mental components of quality of life. The hemodynamic variables CI, diastolic pulmonary arterial pressure, RAP, PVR and PVR index are associated with exercise tolerance and quality of life domains.


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Background:Previous reports have inferred a linear relationship between LDL-C and changes in coronary plaque volume (CPV) measured by intravascular ultrasound. However, these publications included a small number of studies and did not explore other lipid markers.Objective:To assess the association between changes in lipid markers and regression of CPV using published data.Methods:We collected data from the control, placebo and intervention arms in studies that compared the effect of lipidlowering treatments on CPV, and from the placebo and control arms in studies that tested drugs that did not affect lipids. Baseline and final measurements of plaque volume, expressed in mm3, were extracted and the percentage changes after the interventions were calculated. Performing three linear regression analyses, we assessed the relationship between percentage and absolute changes in lipid markers and percentage variations in CPV.Results:Twenty-seven studies were selected. Correlations between percentage changes in LDL-C, non-HDL-C, and apolipoprotein B (ApoB) and percentage changes in CPV were moderate (r = 0.48, r = 0.47, and r = 0.44, respectively). Correlations between absolute differences in LDL-C, non‑HDL-C, and ApoB with percentage differences in CPV were stronger (r = 0.57, r = 0.52, and r = 0.79). The linear regression model showed a statistically significant association between a reduction in lipid markers and regression of plaque volume.Conclusion:A significant association between changes in different atherogenic particles and regression of CPV was observed. The absolute reduction in ApoB showed the strongest correlation with coronary plaque regression.