948 resultados para Atlantic Rainforest
The "Serra do Mar" region comprises the largest remnant of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. The coast of the Paraná State is part of the core area of the "Serra do Mar" corridor and where actions for biodiversity conservation must be planned. In this study we aimed at characterizing the landscape structure in the APA-Guaraqueçaba, the largest protected area in this region, in order to assist environmental policies of this region. Based on a supervised classification of a mosaic of LANDSAT-5-TM satellite images (from March 2009), we developed a map (1:75,000 scale) with seven classes of land use and land cover and analyzed the relative quantities of forests and modified areas in slopes and lowlands. The APA-Guaraqueçaba is comprised mainly by the Dense Ombrophilous Forest (68.6% of total area) and secondary forests (9.1%), indicating a forested landscape matrix; anthropogenic and bare soil areas (0.8%) and the Pasture/Grasslands class (4.2%) were less representative. Slopes were less fragmented and more preserved (96.3% of Dense Ombrophilous Forest and secondary forest) than lowlands (71.3%), suggesting that restoration initiatives in the lowlands must be stimulated in this region. We concluded that most of the region sustains well-conserved ecosystems, highlighting the importance of Paraná northern coast for the biodiversity maintenance of the Atlantic Forest.
Litter fall consists of all organic material deposited on the forest floor, being of extremely important for the structure and maintenance of the ecosystem through nutrient cycling. This study aimed to evaluate the production and decomposition of litter fall in a secondary Atlantic forest fragment of secondary Atlantic Forest, at the Guarapiranga Ecological Park, in São Paulo, SP. The litter samples were taken monthly from May 2012 to May 2013. To assess the contribution of litter fall forty collectors were installed randomly within an area of 0.5 ha. The collected material was sent to the laboratory to be dried at 65 °C for 72 hours, being subsequently separated into fractions of leaves, twigs, reproductive parts and miscellaneous, and weighed to obtain the dry biomass. Litterbags were placed and tied close to the collectors to estimate the decomposition rate in order to evaluate the loss of dry biomass at 30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 days. After collection, the material was sent to the laboratory to be dried and weighed again. Total litter fall throughout the year reached 5.7 Mg.ha-1.yr-1 and the major amount of the material was collected from September till March. Leaves had the major contribution for total litter fall (72%), followed by twigs (14%), reproductive parts (11%) and miscellaneous (3%). Reproductive parts had a peak during the wet season. Positive correlation was observed between total litter and precipitation, temperature and radiation (r = 0.66, p<0.05; r = 0.76, p<0.05; r = 0.58, p<0.05, respectively). The multiple regression showed that precipitation and radiation contributed significantly to litter fall production. Decomposition rate was in the interval expected for secondary tropical forest and was correlated to rainfall. It was concluded that this fragment of secondary forest showed a seasonality effect driven mainly by precipitation and radiation, both important components of foliage renewal for the plant community and that decomposition was in an intermediate rate.
ABSTRACT This study investigates the flowering and pollinators of the floral morphs of three co-occurring distylous species, Psychotria conjugens Müll, P. hastisepala Müll. Arg. and P. sessilis Vell., in two consecutive flowering seasons in an Atlantic Forest fragment in southeastern Brazil. The species have diurnal, cream-colored, tubular, nectariferous flowers and their flowering occurs in the rainy season, from September to April, with little or no overlapping between species, characterizing a staggered flowering. The flowering of the long-and short-styled floral morphs of each species was synchronous, but the number of open flowers per day per morph tended to vary in each flowering season. These numbers were higher in P. sessilis and P. conjugens and, probably, resulted in higher total numbers of visits on its flowers (up to 1084 visits in P. sessilis and 756 in P. conjugens), compared to that observed in P. hastisepala (up to 71). There was a higher frequency of visits to long-styled flowers of all species. The bee Ariphanarthra palpalis was a common pollinator to all species. This bee is native to Brazil, solitary, considered relatively rare and its host plants were unknown. Other native bees (Melipona spp.) also visited the flowers of the Psychotria species. The availability of flowers with similar floral features over eight months, the staggered flowering and common pollinators appear to be part of a strategy to attract floral visitors, minimizing the competition for pollinators and then favoring the legitimate pollination of these plants.
ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to evaluate the chemical and physical attributes of different soil cover in a Oxisol with a strong wavy relief in the Atlantic Forest Biome, in which were selected three watersheds, employed with grazing (watershed P), forest (watershed M) and coffee (watershed C). Deformed and not deformed samples were collected in three depths for physical and chemical characterization. The chemical characteristics of soil in different watershed studies presented low levels of fertility. It was observed an elevation of pH in the soil and contents of Ca2+ and Mg2+ in the watersheds P and C in relation to the watershed M. Due to deforestation and the establishment of agriculture and livestock, there was a decrease in the contents of soil organic matter in the watershed P and C, not altering the physical characteristics of the soil in the watershed P. The implementation of coffee plantation is causing a reduction in the soil quality of watershed C in comparison to the watershed P and M, therefore indicating a need to adequate soil management in this area.
kuv., 9 x 14 cm
kuv., 9 x 14 cm
Avsikten med studien är att producera den första rekonstruktionen av det västafrikanska klimatet mellan 1750 och 1798. Kunskapen om det västafrikanska klimatet före 1800-talet är till dags dato bristfällig, vilket gör det svårare att förstå framtida klimatvariationer. Det är bristen på instrumentell meteorologisk data (temperatur, regnmängd, och lufttryck), vilket i princip bara täcker det senaste århundradet, som är orsaken till att tidigare klimat är bristfälligt kartlagda. Klimatet och miljön är även sådana att proxydata från ’naturens arkiv’ (såsom t.ex. trädringar) har begränsad användning. Således är historiska dokument, främst från gästande kulturer/nationer/intressenter, innehållande deskriptiv information om vädret och klimatet, klimatforskarens viktigaste källa. Genom att använda tidigare, för det här syftet, oanvända källor påvisade den här undersökningen att klimatet i västra Afrika och Guldkusten (Ghana) har ändrats sedan 1700-talet. Monsunregnen var svagare och kortvarigare, speciellt den sekundära regnperioden under hösten var betydligt svagare än idag. Det förekom kraftiga årliga variationer i monsunregnen, men sett ur längre tidsperspektiv utmärktes torrare och blötare perioder. Studien kunde också visa en viss korrelation mellan det globala väderfenomenet El Niño och regnperiodens intensitet längs med kusten. Flera torrperioder sammanföll med tidigare registrerade El Niño sekvenser. Speciellt slutet av 1760-talet påverkades kraftigt av El Niño och även det globala klimatet verkar ha genomgått graftiga förändringar just dessa år. På basis av den nya klimatrekonstruktionen genomfördes också en jämförelse av klimatets inverkan på den transatlantiska slavhandeln från 1750 till 1798, en fråga som historikerna gjort anspelningar på i över 30 år. Utförseln av slavar från västra Afrika var som kraftigast under 1700-talets andra hälft. Analysen visade att slavhandeln delvis tilltog i samband med klimatanomalierna.
In recent years haemosporidian infection by protozoa of the genus Plasmodium and Haemoproteus, has been considered one of the most important factors related to the extinction and/or population decline of several species of birds worldwide. In Brazil, despite the large avian biodiversity, few studies have been designed to detect this infection, especially among wild birds in captivity. Thus, the objective of this study was to analyze the prevalence of Plasmodium spp. and Haemoproteus spp. infection in wild birds in captivity in the Atlantic Forest of southeastern Brazil using microscopy and the polymerase chain reaction. Blood samples of 119 different species of birds kept in captivity at IBAMA during the period of July 2011 to July 2012 were collected. The parasite density was determined based only on readings of blood smears by light microscopy. The mean prevalence of Plasmodium spp. and Haemoproteus spp. infection obtained through the microscopic examination of blood smears and PCR were similar (83.19% and 81.3%, respectively), with Caracara plancus and Saltator similis being the most parasitized. The mean parasitemia determined by the microscopic counting of evolutionary forms of Plasmodium spp. and Haemoproteus spp. was 1.51%. The results obtained from this study reinforce the importance of the handling of captive birds, especially when they will be reintroduced into the wild.
Several aspects of nutrient cycling were studied at two sites of Atlantic Forest, in São Paulo State, Southeast Brazil (23o46 S; 46o18 W), which exhibited different degrees of forest structure decline caused by the air pollution emitted by the industrial complex of Cubatão, being referred here as the most and least affected sites (MAS and LAS, respectively). These investigations were developed during 1984 - 1986, a period in which the most severe negative effects of air pollution could be observed. Concentrations and amounts of N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S in four ecosystem compartments (leaves, litter layer, soil and roots) and in rainfall, throughfall and litterfall are briefly presented. At each site, the content of mineral elements generally decreased from leaves to litterfall and litter layer on the forest floor. Soil surface layer (0 - 5 cm) in both sites was the richest in mineral elements. Soil fertility was greater at LAS. In general, nutrient amounts remaining in the compartments and cycling through the ecosystem were greater at LAS as well, which could be due to the higher complexity of the forest structure at this site. Rainfall contributed more to soil inputs of K, Ca, Mg and S than litterfall at both sites. The nutrient residence times in the litter layer were higher and the index of nutrient use efficiency was lower at the most affected site. It was concluded that nutrient cycling was disturbed by air pollution at both sites, but to a greater extent at MAS. The main consequences of the air pollution stress were detected in the flux of nutrients through litterfall and in the litter layer on the forest floor.
Morphological and anatomical features of roots, stems, leaves, and scapes were studied in Heliconia angusta and H. velloziana from the Atlantic forest in the southeastern of Brazil. Morphologically H. angusta and H. velloziana show differences in their sizes, blade shapes, number and shape of inflorescence bracts. On the other hand, they have common anatomical characteristics such as: roots with air-canals in the cortex; rhizomes with isolated fiber bundles, collateral vascular bundles, and uniseriate endodermis and pericycle; leaves presenting air-canals and collateral vascular bundles forming arcs, and thin-walled epidermal cells; scapes with collateral vascular and fiber bundles in the cortex. The distribution of the fiber bundles in the leaves and in the scapes was different for each species, having a taxonomical value, H. velloziana presenting continuous fiber bundles. Air-canals in roots and leaves with narrow mesophyll might be related to the moist understorey of the Atlantic forest habitats.
Up to now 18 species of Delesseriaceae have been referred to the Brazilian coast, nine of which belong to the subfamily Delesserioideae. Here we report for the first time the occurrence of Apoglossum gregarium (Dawson) Wynne, Branchioglossum minutum Schneider and Hypoglossum anomalum Wynne & Ballantine collected by SCUBA diving on islands of the south and southeastern coast of Brazil. This report is an indication that the subtidal has been undersampled on the southwestern Atlantic.
The forest succession after abandonment of slash-and-burn agriculture over calcareous soil in Brazilian Atlantic Forest was assessed. This is one of the world's most threatened Biome, with only 8% remaining. The study area is located over calcareous soil inside the Alto Ribeira Touristic State Park (PETAR), southeast Brazil. The phytossociological survey showed a successional pattern dominated by species of Leguminosae, especially Piptadenia gonoacantha (Mart.) J.F. Macbr. This species occurs in calcareous soils as a substitute of Tibouchina pulchra (Cham.) Cogn. (Melastomataceae) that is the most usual dominant tree species in early succession over acidic soil, which is the most common situation in this Biome. These results are important for a better understanding of Neotropical forest biodiversity and characterize a unique genetic bank in this highly endangered Biome. They are also decisive to support actions regarding rehabilitation of degraded lands and a potential tool for Neotropical forest sustainable management, both inside and around the conservation unit.
Two adjacent tracts of tropical secondary forest, situated in Itambé do Mato Dentro, south-eastern Brazil, which had been regenerating for 15 and 40 years after clearing, were compared with the purpose of detecting differences in species diversity and composition, species guild composition (regeneration, stratification and dispersion), and stand structure. Four and three 1,125 m² plots laid on the 15- and 40-year-old stands, respectively, sampled 2,430 trees with diameter at the base of the stem > 5 cm. The number of species (S = 199) was high for this forest type and significantly higher for the older stand. Tree density was significantly higher in the younger stand, particularly for smaller trees, whereas the two stands did not differ in both basal area and volume per hectare. Trees of shade-tolerant and understory species were significantly more abundant in the older stand. Though sharing a large proportion of species (49%), the two stands differed significantly in the abundance of many species. Live stumps probably contributed to the relatively quick restoration of some forest characteristics, particularly species diversity, basal area and volume.
The horizontal and vertical tree community structure in a lowland Atlantic Rain Forest was investigated through a phytosociological survey in two 0.99 ha plots in the Intervales State Park, São Paulo State. All trees > 5 cm diameter at breast height were recorded. 3,078 individuals belonging to 172 species were identified and recorded. The Shannon diversity index was H' = 3.85 nat.ind.-1. The Myrtaceae family showed the greatest floristic richness (38 species) and the highest density (745 individuals) in the stand. Euterpe edulis Mart. had the highest importance value (33.98%) accounting for 21.8% of all individuals recorded. The quantitative similarity index was higher than the qualitative index, showing little structural variation between plots. However, the large number of uncommon species resulted in pronounced floristic differences. A detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) generated three arbitrary vertical strata. Stratum A (> 26 m), where Sloanea guianensis (Aubl.) Benth. and Virola bicuhyba (Schott. ex A.DC.) Warb. were predominant showed the lowest density. Stratum B (8 m < h < 26 m) had the greatest richness and diversity, and stratum C (< 8 m) showed the highest density. Euterpe edulis, Guapira opposita (Vell.) Reitz, Garcinia gardneriana (Planch. & Triana) Zappi, and Eugenia mosenii (Kausel) Sobral were abundant in strata B and C. The occurrence of strata in tropical forests is discussed and we recommend the use of DCA for others studies of the vertical distribution of tropical forest tree communities.