990 resultados para Aspergillus fumigatus Teses
Este artigo faz parte de um amplo estudo de avaliao da adequao no uso de tcnicas estatsticas multivariadas em teses e dissertaes de duas instituies de ensino superior na rea de marketing na temtica do comportamento do consumidor, entre 1997 e 2006. Neste artigo so focalizadas onze tcnicas multivariadas (anlise de regresso, anlise discriminante, anlise de regresso logstica, correlao cannica, anlise multivariada de varincia, anlise conjunta, modelagem de equaes estruturais, anlise fatorial, anlise de conglomerados, anlise de correspondncia, escalonamento multidimensional), as quais tm apresentado grande potencial de uso em estudos de marketing. Foi objetivo no trabalho relatado a anlise da adequao do emprego dessas tcnicas s necessidades dos problemas de pesquisa apresentados nas teses e dissertaes e, tambm, a aferio do nvel de adequao no atendimento de suas premissas. De forma geral, os resultados sugerem a necessidade de um aumento do comprometimento dos pesquisadores na verificao de todos os preceitos tericos de aplicao das tcnicas multivariadas.
Resultado de levantamento exaustivo - que localizou 71 estudos - das teses e das dissertaes produzidas no Brasil, entre 1993 e 2007, sobre as diferenas de desempenho escolar entre os sexos, este artigo enfoca 21 trabalhos cujos achados nos pareceram mais relevantes. So pesquisas predominantemente qualitativas e que abordam, principalmente, as sries iniciais do Ensino Fundamental de escolas pblicas em diferentes regies do Pas, tanto em reas urbanas como rurais. Permitem afirmar alguma homogeneidade na cultura escolar, em especial nessas sries, no que tange s opinies das professoras, reafirmando diferenas de comportamento entre meninos e meninas e atribuindo essas diferenas socializao familiar. So escassas as pesquisas que incorporam as falas das crianas e escassos os estudos sobre as camadas mdias. Do ponto de vista terico, poucas pesquisas articulam o gnero a outros determinantes sociais e raras demonstram uma apreenso complexa das relaes de gnero no campo simblico, para alm da interao homem- mulher.
Aspergillus phoenicis is an interesting heat tolerant fungus that can synthesize enzymes with several applications in the food industry due to its great hydrolytic potential. In this work, the fungus produced high enzymatic levels when cultivated on inexpensive culture media consisting of flakes from different origins such as cassava flour, wheat fibre, crushed soybean, agro-industrial wastes, starch, glucose or maltose. Several enzymatic systems were produced from these carbon sources, but amylase was the most evident, followed by pectinase and xylanase. Traces of CMCases, avicelase, lipase, β-xylosidase, β-glucosidase and α-glucosidase activities were also detected. Amylases were produced on rye flakes, starch, oat flakes, corn flakes, cassava flour and wheat fibre. Significant amylolytic levels were produced in the culture medium with glucose or when this sugar was exhausted, suggesting an enzyme in the constitutive form. Cassava flour, rye, oats, barley and corn flakes were also used as substrates in the hydrolytic reactions, aiming to verify the liberation potential of reducing sugars. Corn flakes induced greater liberation of reducing sugars as compared to the others. Thin layer chromatography of the reaction end products showed that the hydrolysis of cassava flour liberated maltooligosaccharides, but cassava flour and corn, rye, oats and barley flakes were hydrolyzed to glucose. These results suggested the presence of glucoamylase and α-amylase as part of the enzymatic pool of A. phoencis.
O estudo da dinmica de constituio de uma rede visa identificar que tipos de eventos ocorreram nas conexes entre os ns que levaram a formao da estrutura atual da rede em anlise. Entender esses eventos entender as formas especficas e estratgias de conectividade que deram origem a rede. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar esses eventos geradores com foco especfico em redes de colaborao cientfica, considerando relaes de coautoria e participao em bancas de defesas de teses e dissertaes. Analisando mais de 11.000 documentos especficos da rea das Cincias da Comunicao, propomos dois tipos caractersticos de eventos que pretendem explicar a dinmica de formao das redes em anlise.
Aspergillus flavus, a haploid organism found worldwide in a variety of crops, including maize, cottonseed, almond, pistachio, and peanut, causes substantial and recurrent worldwide economic liabilities. This filamentous fungus produces aflatoxins (AFLs) B1 and B2, which are among the most carcinogenic compounds from nature, acutely hepatotoxic and immunosuppressive. Recent efforts to reduce AFL contamination in crops have focused on the use of nonaflatoxigenic A. flavus strains as biological control agents. Such agents are applied to soil to competitively exclude native AFL strains from crops and thereby reduce AFL contamination. Because the possibility of genetic recombination in A. flavus could influence the stability of biocontrol strains with the production of novel AFL phenotypes, this article assesses the diversity of vegetative compatibility reactions in isolates of A. flavus to identify heterokaryon self-incompatible (HSI) strains among nonaflatoxigenic isolates, which would be used as biological controls of AFL contamination in crops. Nitrate nonutilizing (nit) mutants were recovered from 25 A. flavus isolates, and based on vegetative complementation between nit mutants and on the microscopic examination of the number of hyphal fusions, five nonaflatoxigenic (6, 7, 9 to 11) and two nontoxigenic (8 and 12) isolates of A. flavus were phenotypically characterized as HSI. Because the number of hyphal fusions is reduced in HSI strains, impairing both heterokaryon formation and the genetic exchanges with aflatoxigenic strains, the HSI isolates characterized here, especially isolates 8 and 12, are potential agents for reducing AFL contamination in crops
Cytoplasmic dynein in filamentous fungi accumulates at microtubule plus-ends near the hyphal tip, which is important for minus-end-directed transport of early endosomes. It was hypothesized that dynein is switched on at the plus-end by cargo association. Here, we show in Aspergillus nidulans that kinesin-1-dependent plus-end localization is not a prerequisite for dynein ATPase activation. First, the Walker A and Walker B mutations in the dynein heavy chain AAA1 domain implicated in blocking different steps of the ATPase cycle cause different effects on dynein localization to microtubules, arguing against the suggestion that ATPase is inactive before arriving at the plus-end. Second, dynein from kinA (kinesin 1) mutant cells has normal ATPase activity despite the absence of dynein plus-end accumulation. In kinA hyphae, dynein localizes along microtubules and does not colocalize with abnormally accumulated early endosomes at the hyphal tip. This is in contrast to the colocalization of dynein and early endosomes in the absence of NUDF/LIS1. However, the Walker B mutation allows dynein to colocalize with the hyphal-tip-accumulated early endosomes in the kinA background. We suggest that the normal ability of dyenin to interact with microtubules as an active minus-end-directed motor demands kinesin-1-mediated plus-end accumulation for effective interactions with early endosomes.
This is the first description of an Aspergillus infection of the parapharyngeal space. A high degree of clinical suspicion may be needed due to the non-specific signs and symptoms and repeated tissue biopsies for microbiological and histopathological work up may be warranted.
Cytoplasmic dynein performs multiple cellular tasks but its regulation remains unclear. The dynein heavy chain has a N-terminal stem that binds to other subunits and a C-terminal motor unit that contains six AAA (ATPase associated with cellular activities) domains and a microtubule-binding site located between AAA4 and AAA5. In Aspergillus nidulans, NUDF (a LIS1 homolog) functions in the dynein pathway, and two nudF6 partial suppressors were mapped to the nudA dynein heavy chain locus. Here we identified these two mutations. The nudAL1098F mutation resides in the stem region, and nudAR3086C is in the end of AAA4. These mutations partially suppress the phenotype of nudF deletion but do not suppress the phenotype exhibited by mutants of dynein intermediate chain and Arp1. Surprisingly, the stronger DeltanudF suppressor, nudAR3086C, causes an obvious decrease in the basal level of dynein's ATPase activity and an increase in dynein's distribution along microtubules. Thus, suppression of the DeltanudF phenotype may result from mechanisms other than simply the enhancement of dynein's ATPase activity. The fact that a mutation in the end of AAA4 negatively regulates dynein's ATPase activity but partially compensates for NUDF loss indicates the importance of the AAA4 domain in dynein regulation in vivo.
The efficacy and tolerance of a novel microbial 6-phytase were investigated in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, and Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. Reference diets were sufficient in available phosphorus (P). The test diet limiting in available P was supplemented with phytase at 500, 1000, or 2000 phytase units/kg feed. The enzyme was effective in increasing total P apparent digestibility coefficient in relation to increasing the dose of phytase in rainbow trout and Nile tilapia. Zinc apparent digestibility improved in relation to phytase supplementation in rainbow trout. P release due to phytase supplementation ranged from 0.06 to 0.18% P/kg feed in rainbow trout and from 0.13 to 0.26% P/kg feed in Nile tilapia. A 58-d performance trial was conducted to evaluate tolerance of fish to phytase supplementation. Dietary treatments consisted of a basal diet without phytase or supplemented with 2000 and 200,000 phytase units/kg feed. Results indicate that this novel microbial 6-phytase is well tolerated by fish. Significant improvements for growth as well as feed conversion ratio were observed when the phytase was fed at 2000 phytase units/kg feed. This phytase is proven efficient in releasing P from phytate and could be added when plants are used for fish meal replacement in diets for salmonid and omnivorous fish.
Background. Nosocomial invasive aspergillosis (a highly fatal disease) is an increasing problem for immunocompromised patients. Aspergillus spp. can be transmitted via air (most commonly) and by water. ^ The hypothesis for this prospective study was that there is an association between patient occupancy, housekeeping practices, patients, visitors, and Aspergillus spp. loading. Rooms were sampled as not terminally cleaned (dirty) and terminally cleaned (clean). The secondary hypothesis was that Aspergillus spp. positive samples collected from more than one sampling location within the same patient room represent the same isolate. ^ Methods. Between April and October 2004, 2873 environmental samples (713 air, 607 water, 1256 surface and 297 spore traps) were collected in and around 209 clean and dirty patient rooms in a large cancer center hospital. Water sources included aerosolized water from patient room showerheads, sinks, drains, and toilets. Bioaerosol samples were from the patient room and from the running shower, flushing toilet, and outside the building. The surface samples included sink and shower drains, showerheads, and air grills. Aspergillus spp. positive samples were also sent for PCR, molecular typing (n = 89). ^ Results. All water samples were negative for Aspergillus spp. There were a total of 130 positive culturable samples (5.1%). The predominant species found was Aspergillus niger. Of the positive culturable samples, 106 (14.9%) were air and 24 (3.8%) were surface. There were 147 spore trap samples, and 49.5% were positive for Aspergillus/Penicillum spp. Of the culturable positive samples sent for PCR, 16 were indistinguishable matches. There was no significant relationship between air and water samples and positive samples from the same room. ^ Conclusion. Primarily patients, visitors and staff bring the Aspergillus spp. into the hospital. The high number of A. niger samples suggests the spores are entering the hospital from outdoors. Eliminating the materials brought to the patient floors from the outside, requiring employees, staff, and visitors to wear cover up over their street clothes, and improved cleaning procedures could further reduce positive samples. Mold strains change frequently; it is probably more significant to understand pathogenicity of viable spores than to commit resources on molecular strain testing on environmental samples alone. ^
Mapeamento das dissertaes e teses referentes subrea da comunicao popular, alternativa e comunitria (CPAC) desenvolvidas nos Programas de Ps-Graduao em Comunicao stricto sensu no Brasil, de 1972 a 2012. Dentre os objetivos esto localizar as pesquisas; os autores; sua distribuio no tempo e espao; identificar as instituies e orientadores que impulsionam a subrea; definir as abordagens terico-metodolgicas; e apontar autores/conceitos referncia. Por meio de pesquisa exploratria e aplicao de quatro filtros, chegou-se a uma amostra final de 102 pesquisas, 87 dissertaes e 15 teses, submetidas anlise quantitativa, por meio de Anlise de Contedo a partir de partes pr-definidas (Resumo, Palavras chave, Introduo, Sumrio, Consideraes Finais e captulo metodolgico, quando presente), e a uma anlise qualitativa do contedo completo das 15 teses. O mtodo que orienta esta pesquisa o histrico dialtico, na perspectiva da busca de uma anlise de conjunto e atenta s contradies e mudanas que o objeto est implicado; e a pesquisa bibliogrfica que a fundamenta se ancora em autores como Jorge Gonzlez, Cicilia Peruzzo, Regina Festa, Pedro Gilberto Gomes, Gilberto Gimnez e Augusto Trivios e foi realizada com o apoio do software NVivo. Resultados quantitativos indicam: a) predominncia de pesquisas sobre comunicao comunitria (68%) b) predominncia de estudos empricos (79%); c) a variedade de denominaes atribudas s experincias pelos pesquisadores; d) a constante luta das classes populares por democratizao da comunicao e por direitos sociais ao longo dos anos; e) a influncia e importncia dos intelectuais orgnicos nas experincias estudadas, f) problemas metodolgicos; g) UMESP, USP e UFRJ como instituies protagonistas, e, h) Cicilia Peruzzo e Raquel Paiva como as que mais orientam teses e dissertaes sobre a temtica. Quanto anlise qualitativa verificaram-se alguns critrios que permeiam a CPAC: 1) a definio de classes subalternas; 2) a importncia da participao ativa das comunidades nos processos de comunicao; e 3) formas, contedos e objetivos que se complementam e do identidade s experincias
Some group I introns self-splice in vitro, but almost all are thought to be assisted by proteins in vivo. Mutational analysis has shown that the splicing of certain group I introns depends upon a maturase protein encoded by the intron itself. However the effect of a protein on splicing can be indirect. We now provide evidence that a mitochondrial intron-encoded protein from Aspergillus nidulans directly facilitates splicing in vitro. This demonstrates that a maturase is an RNA splicing protein. The protein-assisted reaction is as fast as that of any other known group I intron. Interestingly the protein is also a DNA endonuclease, an activity required for intron mobilization. Mobile elements frequently encode proteins that promote their propagation. Intron-encoded proteins that also assist RNA splicing would facilitate both the transposition and horizontal transmission of introns.