983 resultados para Armadilhas HP
O bioma Pantanal é reconhecido como uma das maiores extensões úmidas contínua do planeta, com fauna e flora de rara beleza e abundância. Estudos para acessar a diversidade de fungos micorrízicos arbusculares (FMA) nesse ambiente são inexistentes. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a ocorrência de FMA nas diferentes fitofisionomias do Pantanal da Nhecolândia, Mato Grosso do Sul. Foram coletadas amostras de solo no período seco e chuvoso em um Neossolo Quartzarênico, em fitofisionomias sujeitas a distintos regimes de inundação: livres de inundação - Floresta Semidecídua (FS) e Cerradão (CE); sujeitos à inundação ocasional - Campo limpo, predominando Elyonorus muticus (CLE) e Cerrado (CC); e sujeitos à inundação sazonal - Campo limpo, predominando Andropogon spp. (CLA), borda de baias (BB) e vazante/baixadas (VB). Culturas armadilhas foram estabelecidas com Brachiaria brizantha para recuperar espécies crípticas de FMA. De cada amostra de solo, foram realizadas a caracterização química do solo e extração dos esporos de FMA para determinar abundância, riqueza e identificação das espécies. Um total de 37 espécies de FMA, pertencentes a 10 gêneros e seis famílias foram detectadas nas duas estações de coleta. O número de esporos variou significativamente entre as fitofisionomias, e os maiores valores foram encontrados em CE e CLA. A maior riqueza específica foi detectada em CC (25 espécies) seguida de VB e CE com 22 e 21 espécies, respectivamente. Os resultados deste estudo sugeriram que a diversidade dos FMA está relacionada com a heterogeneidade existente entre as fitofisionomias, e que características químicas do solo têm influência na estruturação das comunidades desses fungos. Considerando que o bioma Pantanal é um dos ecossistemas mais conservado do planeta, o levantamento de ocorrência de FMA realizado neste trabalho forneceu informações importantes para melhor conhecimento da biodiversidade das fitofisionomias do Pantanal da Nhecolândia.
In response to the mandate on Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) implementations by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) on all new bridge projects initiated after October 1, 2007, the Iowa Highway Research Board (IHRB) sponsored these research projects to develop regional LRFD recommendations. The LRFD development was performed using the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) Pile Load Test database (PILOT). To increase the data points for LRFD development, develop LRFD recommendations for dynamic methods, and validate the results ofLRFD calibration, 10 full-scale field tests on the most commonly used steel H-piles (e.g., HP 10 x 42) were conducted throughout Iowa. Detailed in situ soil investigations were carried out, push-in pressure cells were installed, and laboratory soil tests were performed. Pile responses during driving, at the end of driving (EOD), and at re-strikes were monitored using the Pile Driving Analyzer (PDA), following with the CAse Pile Wave Analysis Program (CAPWAP) analysis. The hammer blow counts were recorded for Wave Equation Analysis Program (WEAP) and dynamic formulas. Static load tests (SLTs) were performed and the pile capacities were determined based on the Davisson’s criteria. The extensive experimental research studies generated important data for analytical and computational investigations. The SLT measured loaddisplacements were compared with the simulated results obtained using a model of the TZPILE program and using the modified borehole shear test method. Two analytical pile setup quantification methods, in terms of soil properties, were developed and validated. A new calibration procedure was developed to incorporate pile setup into LRFD.
For several years, the lack of consensus on definition, nomenclature, natural history, and biology of serrated polyps (SPs) of the colon has created considerable confusion among pathologists. According to the latest WHO classification, the family of SPs comprises hyperplastic polyps (HPs), sessile serrated adenomas/polyps (SSA/Ps), and traditional serrated adenomas (TSAs). The term SSA/P with dysplasia has replaced the category of mixed hyperplastic/adenomatous polyps (MPs). The present study aimed to evaluate the reproducibility of the diagnosis of SPs based on currently available diagnostic criteria and interactive consensus development. In an initial round, H&E slides of 70 cases of SPs were circulated among participating pathologists across Europe. This round was followed by a consensus discussion on diagnostic criteria. A second round was performed on the same 70 cases using the revised criteria and definitions according to the recent WHO classification. Data were evaluated for inter-observer agreement using Kappa statistics. In the initial round, for the total of 70 cases, a fair overall kappa value of 0.318 was reached, while in the second round overall kappa value improved to moderate (kappa = 0.557; p < 0.001). Overall kappa values for each diagnostic category also significantly improved in the final round, reaching 0.977 for HP, 0.912 for SSA/P, and 0.845 for TSA (p < 0.001). The diagnostic reproducibility of SPs improves when strictly defined, standardized diagnostic criteria adopted by consensus are applied.
We previously showed that exposure of 3D organotypic rat brain cell cultures to 1mM 2-methylcitrate (2-MCA) or 3-hydroxyglutarate (3- OHGA) every 12h over three days (DIV11-DIV14) results in ammonium accumulation and cell death. The aim of this study was to define the time course (every 24h) of the observed effects. Ammonium in culture medium already increased at DIV12 staying stable on the following days under 3-OHGA exposure, while it increased consecutively up to much higher levels under 2-MCA exposure. Lactate increase and glucose decrease were observed from DIV13 and DIV14, respectively. We conclude that ammonium accumulation precedes alterations of energy metabolism. As observed by immunohistochemistry glial cells were the predominant dying cells. Immunoblotting and immunohistochemistry with cell death specific markers (caspase-3, alpha-fodrin, LC3) showed that 2-MCA exposure significantly increased apoptosis on DIV14, but did not alter autophagy or necrosis. In contrast, 3-OHGA exposure substantially increased necrosis already from DIV13, while no change was observed for apoptosis and autophagy. In conclusion, ammonium accumulation, secondary disturbance of energy metabolism and glial cell death are involved in the neuropathogenesis ofmethylmalonic aciduria and glutaric aciduria type I. Interestingly, brain cells are dying by necrosis under 3-OHGA exposure and by apoptosis under 2-MCA exposure.
Depth-dose curves in LiF detectors of different effective thicknesses, together with their responses, were calculated for typical nuclear medicine radiation fields with 99mTc, 18F and 90Y sources. Responses were analysed in function of the radionuclide, detector effective thickness and irradiation geometry. On the other hand the results of the nuclear medicine measurement campaign of the ORAMED project were presented focussing on the dose distribution across the hand and on the appropriate position to wear the dosimeter.According to the results, thin LiF detectors provide better responses in all cases. Its use is essential for 18F, since thick dosimeters can underestimate Hp(0.07) up to a 50% because of the very inhomogeneous dose deposition on the active layer. The preliminary results of the measurement campaign showed that the index tip of the non-dominant hand is usually the most exposed position among the 22 monitored positions. It was also found that, in average, wrist dosimeters are likely to underestimate the maximum skin dose by a factor of the order of 20. This factor is reduced to around 6 for a ring dosimeter worn on the base of the index of the non-dominant hand. Thus, for typical nuclear medicine procedures, the base of the index of the non-dominant hand is recommended as the best monitoring option.
This project was undertaken to study the relationships between the performance of locally available asphalts and their physicochemical properties under Iowa conditions with the ultimate objective of development of a locally and performance-based asphalt specification for durable pavements. Physical and physicochemical tests were performed on three sets of asphalt samples including: (a) twelve samples from local asphalt suppliers and their TFOT residues, (b) six core samples of known service records, and (c) a total of 79 asphalts from 10 pavement projects including original, lab aged and recovered asphalts from field mixes, as well as from lab aged mixes. Tests included standard rheological tests, HP-GPC and TMA. Some specific viscoelastic tests (at 5 deg C) were run on b samples and on some a samples. DSC and X-ray diffraction studies were performed on a and b samples. Furthermore, NMR techniques were applied to some a, b and c samples. Efforts were made to identify physicochemical properties which are correlated to physical properties known to affect field performance. The significant physicochemical parameters were used as a basis for an improved performance-based trial specification for Iowa to ensure more durable pavements.
O efeito do movimento de adultos da cigarrinha-das-pastagens (Deois flavopicta Stal) em sua dinâmica populacional foi avaliado em pastagens de Brachiaria ruziziensis na região do Distrito Federal, Brasil. Foram utilizados painéis de plástico com cola adesiva para monitorar as taxas de movimentação. Os dados sugerem a ausência de um padrão predominante de movimentação em relação à posição geográfica das armadilhas. A ocorrência de vegetação baixa, semelhante às pastagens em volta da área estudada, aparentemente favoreceu a dispersão, ao passo que a ocorrência de cerrados ou matas na vizinhança inibiu o movimento nesta direção e aumentou a taxa de retorno da cigarrinha às pastagens. O inseto se deslocou principalmente mediante saltos ou vôos curtos e baixos (abaixo de 1 m). Uma proporção aproximada de 4:1 (macho:fêmea) foi capturada nas armadilhas, indicando que os machos movimentam-se mais que as fêmeas. A velocidade média de movimentação, de populações marcadas com pó fluorescente atóxico e recapturadas após períodos variáveis de liberação, foi inferior a 5 m por dia. O movimento de dispersão de adultos não contribui significativamente para a perda ou recrutamento de adultos em populações de D. flavopicta, a não ser em casos de explosões populacionais ou extinção local.
The highway departments of all fifty states were contacted to find the extent of application of integral abutment bridges, to survey the different guidelines used for analysis and design of integral abutment bridges, and to assess the performance of such bridges through the years. The variation in design assumptions and length limitations among the various states in their approach to the use of integral abutments is discussed. The problems associated with lateral displacements at the abutment, and the solutions developed by the different states for most of the ill effects of abutment movements are summarized in the report. An algorithm based on a state-of-the-art nonlinear finite element procedure was developed and used to study piling stresses and pile-soil interaction in integral abutment bridges. The finite element idealization consists of beam-column elements with geometric and material nonlinearities for the pile and nonlinear springs for the soil. An idealized soil model (modified Ramberg-Osgood model) was introduced in this investigation to obtain the tangent stiffness of the nonlinear spring elements. Several numerical examples are presented in order to establish the reliability of the finite element model and the computer software developed. Three problems with analytical solutions were first solved and compared with theoretical solutions. A 40 ft H pile (HP 10 X 42) in six typical Iowa soils was then analyzed by first applying a horizontal displacement (to simulate bridge motion) and no rotation at the top and then applying a vertical load V incrementally until failure occurred. Based on the numerical results, the failure mechanisms were generalized to be of two types: (a) lateral type failure and (b) vertical type failure. It appears that most piles in Iowa soils (sand, soft clay and stiff clay) failed when the applied vertical load reached the ultimate soil frictional resistance (vertical type failure). In very stiff clays, however, the lateral type failure occurs before vertical type failure because the soil is sufficiently stiff to force a plastic hinge to form in the pile as the specified lateral displacement is applied. Preliminary results from this investigation showed that the vertical load-carrying capacity of H piles is not significantly affected by lateral displacements of 2 inches in soft clay, stiff clay, loose sand, medium sand and dense sand. However, in very stiff clay (average blow count of 50 from standard penetration tests), it was found that the vertical load carrying capacity of the H pile is reduced by about 50 percent for 2 inches of lateral displacement and by about 20 percent for lateral displacement of 1 inch. On the basis of the preliminary results of this investigation, the 265-feet length limitation in Iowa for integral abutment concrete bridges appears to be very conservative.
Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a atração dos machos da traça-das-crucíferas (Plutella xylostella L., Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae) por diferentes formulações do feromônio sexual sintético. Os tratamentos consistiram em: 1) formulação comercial; 2) Z11,16:Ald; 3) Z11,16:Ac; 4) mistura 7:3 de 2+3; 5) mistura 5:5 de 2+3; 6) septos de borracha com hexano (testemunha); e 7) cinco fêmeas virgens. A formulação comercial do feromônio sexual sintético propiciou maior captura de machos, não diferindo significativamente de fêmeas virgens e da mistura 5:5 utilizadas como isca. Os componentes isoladamente foram pouco atrativos aos machos. Foram testados cinco modelos de armadilhas. A armadilha Pherocon 1 CP (33,2 machos/armadilha/noite) foi a mais eficiente na captura de machos, seguida pelas armadilhas Cilíndrica Aberta, Cilíndrica Fechada, Delta e Redonda Aberta. Três alturas de instalação da armadilha foram avaliadas. Ocorreu significativamente maior captura de machos na altura do ápice das plantas (30 cm do solo). As alturas de 5 e 60 cm não diferiram entre si.
The highway departments of the states which use integral abutments in bridge design were contacted in order to study the extent of integral abutment use in skewed bridges and to survey the different guidelines used for analysis and design of integral abutments in skewed bridges. The variation in design assumptions and pile orientations among the various states in their approach to the use of integral abutments on skewed bridges is discussed. The problems associated with the treatment of the approach slab, backfill, and pile cap, and the reason for using different pile orientations are summarized in the report. An algorithm based on a state-of-the-art nonlinear finite element procedure previously developed by the authors was modified and used to study the influence of different factors on behavior of piles in integral abutment bridges. An idealized integral abutment was introduced by assuming that the pile is rigidly cast into the pile cap and that the approach slab offers no resistance to lateral thermal expansion. Passive soil and shear resistance of the cap are neglected in design. A 40-foot H pile (HP 10 X 42) in six typical Iowa soils was analyzed for fully restrained pile head and pinned pile head. According to numerical results, the maximum safe length for fully restrained pile head is one-half the maximum safe length for pinned pile head. If the pile head is partially restrained, the maximum safe length will lie between the two limits. The numerical results from an investigation of the effect of predrilled oversized holes indicate that if the length of the predrilled oversized hole is at least 4 feet below the ground, the vertical load-carrying capacity of the H pile is only reduced by 10 percent for 4 inches of lateral displacement in very stiff clay. With no predrilled oversized hole, the pile failed before the 4-inch lateral displacement was reached. Thus, the maximum safe lengths for integral abutment bridges may be increased by predrilling. Four different typical Iowa layered soils were selected and used in this investigation. In certain situations, compacted soil (> 50 blow count in standard penetration tests) is used as fill on top of natural soil. The numerical results showed that the critical conditions will depend on the length of the compacted soil. If the length of the compacted soil exceeds 4 feet, the failure mechanism for the pile is similar to one in a layer of very stiff clay. That is, the vertical load-carrying capacity of the H pile will be greatly reduced as the specified lateral displacement increases.
The primary objectives of the Electronic Bulletin Board System (BBS) project were to: (1) Provide an electronic communication tool which would link city and county engineering offices to each other and to other governmental agencies for messaging and data sharing; (2) Provide a dial-up site for reference information or files accessible on-demand; and (3) Provide a "stepping stone" to the world of electronic data transfer, recognizing that most local government employees face a huge complex of technology with limited knowledge of computers and communications tools. The system was designed to be as simple as possible, and to require minimal equipment and software cost to the users. The original system was an Apex 386/25 computer with MS-DOS 5.0 software and the final configuration was an HP Vectra XM Pentium 90 with MS-NT 3.51 and Mustang - Wildcat 5.0 software. The users of the BBS were county engineers and their staff, offices in the central office of the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) and Resident Construction Engineers at the Iowa DOT. Much of the activity was between the county engineers, and their staffs, and the Iowa DOT offices with which they have ongoing business activities. The BBS contained files for mapping, Internet e-mail service, Accident Location Analysis System (ALAS) data, Iowa DOT bid lettings, and Autocad and Intergraph maps and standards. The 800 line calls were recorded and gave the best indication of the usage and the trends that were being followed. The usage tended to be higher in the winter months when design activities are occurring and lower in the summer months when the construction is in progress. The project was judged a success. The BBS did provide a "stepping stone" to the world of electronic data transfer.
A lagarta-enroladeira, Bonagota cranaodes Meyrick (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), é considerada uma das principais pragas da macieira no Brasil. Com o objetivo de selecionar inseticidas visando ao controle do inseto, experimentos de laboratório e campo foram conduzidos com clorpirifós-etil (Lorsban 480 CE - 72 g de i.a./100 L), metidatiom (Supracid 400 - 60 g de i.a/100 L), fosmet (Imidan 50 PM - 100 g de i.a./100 L), triclorfom (Dipterex 500 - 150 g de i.a./100 L), tebufenozide (Mimic 240 SC - 21,6 g de i.a./100 L), fenitrotiom (Sumithion 500 CE - 75 g de i.a./100 L) e carbaril (Sevin 850 PM - 153 g de i.a./100 L). Todos os inseticidas provocaram 100% de mortalidade de lagartas recém-eclodidas em laboratório, porém, o controle de lagartas de 4º e 5º ínstar, após seu estabelecimento nas plantas de macieira, somente foi satisfatório com clorpirifós-etil, tebufenozide e triclorfom. A pulverização de clorpirifós-etil, após picos de captura dos machos de B. cranaodes com armadilhas de feromônio sexual resultaram em menos de 1% de frutos danificados na colheita em comparação com 4,6% com tebufenozide, e 9,8% na testemunha.
Approximately 2 billion people currently suffer from intestinal helminth infections, which are typically chronic in nature and result in growth retardation, vitamin A deficiency, anemia and poor cognitive function. Such chronicity results from co-evolution between helminths and their mammalian hosts; however, the molecular mechanisms by which these organisms avert immune rejection are not clear. We have found that the natural murine helminth, Heligmosomoides polygyrus bakeri (Hp) elicits the secretion of IL-1β in vivo and in vitro and that this cytokine is critical for shaping a mucosal environment suited to helminth chronicity. Indeed in mice deficient for IL-1β (IL-1β(-/-)), or treated with the soluble IL-1βR antagonist, Anakinra, helminth infection results in enhanced type 2 immunity and accelerated parasite expulsion. IL-1β acts to decrease production of IL-25 and IL-33 at early time points following infection and parasite rejection was determined to require IL-25. Taken together, these data indicate that Hp promotes the release of host-derived IL-1β that suppresses the release of innate cytokines, resulting in suboptimal type 2 immunity and allowing pathogen chronicity.
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos do plantio direto e da consorciação soja [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] e milho (Zea mays L.) sobre artrópodes que vivem no solo. Os tratamentos constituíram um fatorial 3 x 2 (monocultura de soja, monocultura de milho, consorciação soja-milho x plantio direto, plantio convencional) em blocos casualizados com quatro repetições; as amostragens foram efetuadas com armadilhas de solo, durante 1996 a 1998. Resultados estatisticamente significativos em pelo menos uma safra indicaram que o plantio direto foi favorável a predadores, como formigas (Brachymyrmex sp., Camponotus spp. e Ectatomma sp.), carabídeos (Metius sp.) e aranhas (Lycosidae). A consorciação soja-milho aumentou o número de Acrididae, enquanto a presença do milho favoreceu a ocorrência de Dermaptera em sistemas de consorciação soja-milho.