964 resultados para Angular retreat


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A disponibilidade de enxofre (S) depende da dinâmica de suas formas no solo. Visando estudar o equilíbrio entre as reservas de S lábil e S não lábil, amostras de 10 solos foram incubadas com cinco doses de sulfato de cálcio (0, 20, 50, 80 e 120 mg dm-3 de S), durante 1, 8, 15, 30, 60 e 90 d. Para a determinação do S lábil, utilizou-se membrana de resina de troca aniônica em forma de lâmina. O S extraído com 48 h de agitação foi denominado de enxofre rapidamente lábil (SRL). O teor obtido com tempo de agitação superior a 48 h foi denominado de enxofre lentamente lábil e o não lábil (SLL+SNL), pela diferença entre o S do solo (extraído após calcinação) e SRL. A resistência que o solo oferece à passagem do S da reserva do SRL para a do SLL+SNL foi denominada de capacidade-tampão do S lábil (CTSL), sendo obtida pelo inverso do coeficiente angular das equações lineares do teor de SRL em função do teor de SLL+SNL. Constatou-se que tempo de incubação (reatividade) e as doses de S, na forma de sulfato de cálcio, influenciam a dinâmica do S entre as reservas de SRL e SLL+SNL. A CTSL é sensível às mudanças no equilíbrio entre as reservas de S no solo. O aumento da CTSL dos solos relacionou-se, principalmente, com a capacidade máxima de adsorção de sulfato, teor de carbono orgânico, goethita e gibbsita da fração argila dos solos estudados.


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Os modelos de predição de perda de solo têm se tornado importantes ferramentas no planejamento conservacionista, sendo, para tanto, fundamental a estimativa local dos parâmetros que influenciam o processo erosivo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a erodibilidade (fator K) e os fatores manejo e cobertura (fator C) e práticas conservacionistas de suporte (fator P) da Equação Universal da Perda de Solo (USLE), em um Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo. Foram avaliadas as perdas de solo (PS) ocorridas em parcelas-padrão de Wischmeier, no período de 2006 a 2011, com seus respectivos índices de erosividade (EI30). Valores de erodibilidade foram calculados pelo quociente entre PS e EI30 das chuvas anuais (Ka) e total no período (Kt) e pelo coeficiente angular gerado pela análise de regressão linear entre esses mesmos parâmetros (Kci e Kct). Os fatores C e P foram estimados para a cultura do milho, durante três anos de cultivo em nível (MN). Os valores de Kt e Kct obtidos foram de 0,0090 e 0,0106 Mg ha h ha-1 MJ-1 mm-1, respectivamente. Os valores médios calculados para os fatores C e P são de 0,0070 Mg ha Mg-1 ha-1 e de 0,45, respectivamente, indicando redução de 55 % na perda de solo do MN, em relação ao MMA. Os valores dos fatores K, C e P encontrados podem ser usados como primeira aproximação para estudos de manejo e conservação do solo e da água na região.


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The elastic moduli of vortex crystals in anisotropic superconductors are frequently involved in the investigation of their phase diagram and transport properties. We provide a detailed analysis of the harmonic eigenvalues (normal modes) of the vortex lattice for general values of the magnetic field strength, going beyond the elastic continuum regime. The detailed behavior of these wave-vector-dependent eigenvalues within the Brillouin zone (BZ), is compared with several frequently used approximations that we also recalculate. Throughout the BZ, transverse modes are less costly than their longitudinal counterparts, and there is an angular dependence which becomes more marked close to the zone boundary. Based on these results, we propose an analytic correction to the nonlocal continuum formulas which fits quite well the numerical behavior of the eigenvalues in the London regime. We use this approximate expression to calculate thermal fluctuations and the full melting line (according to Lindeman's criterion) for various values of the anisotropy parameter.


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In the previous Comment, Forker and co-workers claim that perturbed angular correlation (PAC) data leave no alternative to the conclusion that the spontaneous magnetization of PrCo2 and NdCo2 undergoes a discontinuous, first-order phase transition at TC. We show here that their claim is in clear contradiction with a wealth of experimental evidence, including our own. Finally, we propose a possible origin for the disagreement between their interpretation of the PAC results and the literature on this subject.


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With the aid of the Landau-Lifshitz theory for thermodynamic fluctuations we estimate and comment on the fluctuations in the rates of mass, angular momentum, and other relevant quantities of massive Schwarzschild and Kerr black holes.


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We present supergravity solutions for 1/8-supersymmetric black supertubes with three charges and three dipoles. Their reduction to five dimensions yields supersymmetric black rings with regular horizons and two independent angular momenta. The general solution contains seven independent parameters and provides the first example of nonuniqueness of supersymmetric black holes. In ten dimensions, the solutions can be realized as D1-D5-P black supertubes. We also present a worldvolume construction of a supertube that exhibits three dipoles explicitly. This description allows an arbitrary cross section but captures only one of the angular momenta.


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The Lorentz-Dirac equation is not an unavoidable consequence of solely linear and angular momenta conservation for a point charge. It also requires an additional assumption concerning the elementary character of the charge. We here use a less restrictive elementarity assumption for a spinless charge and derive a system of conservation equations that are not properly the equation of motion because, as it contains an extra scalar variable, the future evolution of the charge is not determined. We show that a supplementary constitutive relation can be added so that the motion is determined and free from the troubles that are customary in the Lorentz-Dirac equation, i.e., preacceleration and runaways.


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We extend the recent microscopic analysis of extremal dyonic Kaluza-Klein (D0-D6) black holes to cover the regime of fast rotation in addition to slow rotation. Fastly rotating black holes, in contrast to slow ones, have nonzero angular velocity and possess ergospheres, so they are more similar to the Kerr black hole. The D-brane model reproduces their entropy exactly, but the mass gets renormalized from weak to strong coupling, in agreement with recent macroscopic analyses of rotating attractors. We discuss how the existence of the ergosphere and superradiance manifest themselves within the microscopic model. In addition, we show in full generality how Myers-Perry black holes are obtained as a limit of Kaluza-Klein black holes, and discuss the slow and fast rotation regimes and superradiance in this context.


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We compute up to and including all the c-2 terms in the dynamical equations for extended bodies interacting through electromagnetic, gravitational, or short-range fields. We show that these equations can be reduced to those of point particles with intrinsic angular momentum assuming spherical symmetry.


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The vacuum Einstein equations in five dimensions are shown to admit a solution describing a stationary asymptotically flat spacetime regular on and outside an event horizon of topology S1S2. It describes a rotating black ring. This is the first example of a stationary asymptotically flat vacuum solution with an event horizon of nonspherical topology. The existence of this solution implies that the uniqueness theorems valid in four dimensions do not have simple five-dimensional generalizations. It is suggested that increasing the spin of a spherical black hole beyond a critical value results in a transition to a black ring, which can have an arbitrarily large angular momentum for a given mass.


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A new supersymmetric black hole solution of five-dimensional supergravity is presented. It has an event horizon of topology S1 X S2. This is the first example of a supersymmetric, asymptotically flat black hole of nonspherical topology. The solution is uniquely specified by its electric charge and two independent angular momenta. These conserved charges can be arbitrarily close, but not exactly equal, to those of a supersymmetric black hole of spherical topology.


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It is shown that a IIA superstring carrying D0-brane charge can be "blown up", in a Minkowski vacuum background, to a (1/4)-supersymmetric tubular D2-brane, supported against collapse by the angular momentum generated by crossed electric and magnetic Born-Infeld fields. This supertube can be viewed as a world-volume realization of the sigma-model Q lump.


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Outgoing radiation is introduced in the framework of the classical predictive electrodynamics using LorentzDiracs equation as a subsidiary condition. In a perturbative scheme in the charges the first radiative self-terms of the accelerations, momentum and angular momentum of a two charge system without external field are calculated.


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We present an imaginary-time path-integral study of the problem of quantum decay of a metastable state of a uniaxial magnetic particle placed in the magnetic field at an arbitrary angle. Our findings agree with earlier results of Zaslavskii obtained by mapping the spin Hamiltonian onto a particle Hamiltonian. In the limit of low barrier, weak dependence of the decay rate on the angle is found, except for the field which is almost normal to the anisotropy axis, where the rate is sharply peaked, and for the field approaching the parallel orientation, where the rate rapidly goes to zero. This distinct angular dependence, together with the dependence of the rate on the field strength, provides an independent test for macroscopic spin tunneling.


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Las competencias se han convertido en la piedra angular de la reforma de los sistemas educativos; también en la enseñanza universitaria. En este último caso, el proyecto Tuning ha desempeñado un papel de extraordinaria relevancia a nivel internacional y ha suscitado tantas adhesiones inquebrantables como críticas demoledoras. Este artículo parte de una lectura bien pegada a los textos del proyecto y persigue un examen crítico de su noción de competencia. Para ello, se prestará atención a los aspectos más destacados que afectan a la naturaleza y a los elementos constitutivos de las competencias ¿en ese plural recurrente en Tuning¿ en relación con el proceso educativo y el educando. También será objeto de consideración el contexto político y económico en el que surge el proyecto, a partir del cual se establecen sus presupuestos, su finalidad y sus objetivos. Todo esto será fundamental para calibrar el impacto y la evolución del proyecto en el proceso de reforma de la educación superior.