986 resultados para Anderson, Jon
This article examines whether the emotions of frustration and optimism mediate, fully or partially, the relationship between leadership style and subordinate performance in the context of structural equation modeling. The findings show that transformational leadership has a significant direct influence on frustration and optimism, with the negative influence of frustration having a stronger effect on performance than the positive influence of optimism. Frustration and optimism are found to have a direct influence on performance, and the emotions, frustration and optimism, fully mediate the relationship between transformational leadership and performance. Thus, the effect of transformational leadership style on performance is significant, but indirect. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
Measurements of mean and fluctuating velocity and temperature and their self- and cross-products to the third-order are presented for a heated axisymmetric air jet. Froude numbers in the range of 3500 13,190, Reynolds numbers in the range of 3470-8500 and non-dimensional streamwise distances. X*, from 0.27 to 1.98 are covered by the data. It was found that turbulence intensity decreases for the heated jet in the region between the inertia dominated and the buoyancy dominated regions which is contrary to findings with helium jets mixing with ambient air to produce density fluctuations. The effects of heating on the turbulent kinetic energy budget and the temperature variance budget show small differences for the inertia dominated region and the intermediate region which help to explain the transition process to the far field plume region. Constants are evaluated for the isotropic eddy diffusivity and generalised gradient hypothesis models as well as the scalar variance model. No significant effect of heating on the dissipation time-scale ratio was found. A novel wire array with an inclined cold wire was used. Measurements obtained with this probe are found to lead to asymmetries in some of the higher-order products. Further investigation suggested that the asymmetries are attributable to an as yet unreported interference effect produced by the leading prong of the inclined temperature wire, The effect may also have implications for inclined velocity wires which contain a temperature component when used in heated flows. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
This theoretical note describes an expansion of the behavioral prediction equation, in line with the greater complexity encountered in models of structured learning theory (R. B. Cattell, 1996a). This presents learning theory with a vector substitute for the simpler scalar quantities by which traditional Pavlovian-Skinnerian models have hitherto been represented. Structured learning can be demonstrated by vector changes across a range of intrapersonal psychological variables (ability, personality, motivation, and state constructs). Its use with motivational dynamic trait measures (R. B. Cattell, 1985) should reveal new theoretical possibilities for scientifically monitoring change processes (dynamic calculus model; R. B. Cattell, 1996b), such as encountered within psycho therapeutic settings (R. B. Cattell, 1987). The enhanced behavioral prediction equation suggests that static conceptualizations of personality structure such as the Big Five model are less than optimal.
Genetic diversity in Cassia brewsteri (F. Muell.) F. Muell. ex Benth. was assessed with Randomly Amplified DNA Fingerprints (RAFs). Thirty accessions of C. brewsteri collected from throughout its natural distribution were analysed with three random decamer primers, along with three accessions of C. tomentella (Benth.) Domin and a single accession of each of C. queenslandica C. T. White and C. marksiana (F. M. Bailey) Domin. The three primers yielded a reproducible amplification profile of 265 scorable polymorphic fragments for the 35 accessions. These molecular markers were used to calculate Nei and Li similarity coefficients between each pair of individuals. A matrix of dissimilarity of each pair of individuals was examined by multidimensional scaling (MDS). The analysis supports the division of C. brewsteri into two subspecies and the suggestion that intergradation of C. brewsteri and C. tomentella can occur where the distributions of these species meet.
Circular disulfide-rich polypeptides were unknown a decade ago but over recent years a large family of such molecules has been discovered, which we now refer to as the cyclotides. They are typically about 30 amino acids in size, contain an N- to C-cyclised backbone and incorporate three disulfide bonds arranged in a cystine knot motif. In this motif, an embedded ring in the structure formed by two disulfide bonds and their connecting backbone segments is penetrated by the third disulfide bond. The combination of this knotted and strongly braced structure with a circular backbone renders the cyclotides impervious to enzymatic breakdown and makes them exceptionally stable. This article describes the discovery of the cyclotides in plants from the Rubiaceae and Violaceae families, their chemical synthesis, folding, structural characterisation, and biosynthetic origin. The cyclotides have a diverse range of biological applications, ranging from uterotonic action, to anti-HIV and neurotensin antagonism. Certain plants from which they are derived have a history of uses in native medicine, with activity being observed after oral ingestion of a tea made from the plants. This suggests the possibility that the cyclotides may be orally bioavailable. They therefore have a range of potential applications as a stable peptide framework.
1. The present brief review covers some novel aspects of integration between respiration and movement of the body. 2. There are potent viscerosomatic reflexes in animals involving small-diameter pulmonary afferents that, when excited, would limit exercise. However, recent studies using lobeline injections to excite pulmonary afferents in awake humans suggest that there is no evoked reflex motoneuronal inhibition. Instead, the noxious respiratory sensations generated by the vagal afferents may be crucial in the decision to stop exercise. 3. While respiratory movements may affect limb movements, the control of the trunk and limbs can involve interaction (and even interference) with key respiratory muscles, such as the diaphragm. Recent studies have revealed that not only does the diaphragm receive feed-forward drive prior to some limb movements, but that it also contracts both phasically and tonically during repetitive limb movements. 4. Thus, challenges to posture can indirectly challenge ventilation, while coordinated diaphragm contraction may contribute to control of the trunk.
Piston-cylinder experiments in the granite system demonstrate that a variety of isotopically distinct melts can arise from progressive melting of a single source. The relation between the isotopic composition of Sr and the stoichiometry of the observed melting reactions suggests that isotopic signatures of anatectic magmas can be used to infer melting reactions in natural systems. Our results also indicate that distinct episodes of dehydration and fluid-fluxed melting of a single, metapelitic source region may have contributed to the bimodal geochemistry of crustally derived leucogranites of the Himalayan orogen.
The Tully Sugar Mill has collected information about sugarcane supplied for crushing from every block in the mill district from 1970 to 1999. Data from 1988 to 1999 were analysed to understand the extent of the variation in cane yield per hectare and commercial cane sugar in the Tully mill area. The key factors influencing the variation in cane yield and commercial cane sugar in this commercial environment were identified and the variance components computed using a restricted maximum likelihood methodology. Cane yield was predominantly influenced by the year in which it was harvested, the month when the crop was ratooned (month of harvest in the previous year) and the farm of origin. These variables were relatively more important than variety, age of crop or crop class (plant crop, first ratoon through to fourth or older ratoons) and fallowing practice (fallow or ploughout-replant). The month-of-ratooning effect was relatively stable from year-to-year. Commercial cane sugar was influenced by the year of harvest, the month of harvest and their interaction, in that the influence of the month of harvest varied from year to year. Variety and farm differences were also significant but accounted for a much lower portion of the variation in commercial cane sugar. An empirical model was constructed from the key factors that influenced commercial cane sugar and cane yield to quantify their combined influence on sugar yield (t/ha). This may be used to assist mill personnel to predict their activities more accurately, for example to calculate the impact of a late finish to the current harvest season on the following year's crop.
Diseases and insect pests are major causes of low yields of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in Latin America and Africa. Anthracnose, angular leaf spot and common bacterial blight are widespread foliar diseases of common bean that also infect pods and seeds. One thousand and eighty-two accessions from a common bean core collection from the primary centres of origin were investigated for reaction to these three diseases. Angular leaf spot and common bacterial blight were evaluated in the field at Santander de Quilichao, Colombia, and anthracnose was evaluated in a screenhouse in Popayan, Colombia. By using the 15-group level from a hierarchical clustering procedure, it was found that 7 groups were formed with mainly Andean common bean accessions (Andean gene pool), 7 groups with mainly Middle American accessions (Middle American gene pool), while 1 group contained mixed accessions. Consistent with the theory of co-evolution, it was generally observed that accessions from the Andean gene pool were resistant to Middle American pathogen isolates causing anthracnoxe, while the Middle American accessions were resistant to pathogen isolates from the Andes. Different combinations of resistance patterns were found, and breeders can use this information to select a specific group of accessions on the basis of their need.
Geraldton waxflower (Chamelaucium uncinatum Schauer) is Australia's most economically important cut-flower export. Its small, attractive flowers make it particularly suitable as a filler in floral arrangements. However, postharvest bud and flower abscission is a major problem during transport, handling and marketing. Abscission may be caused by wound-induced endogenous ethylene production brought about by flower tissue infection with fungal pathogens such as Botrytis cinerea. Botany and postharvest characteristics are discussed in relation to flower abscission and how resultant postharvest losses may be minimised.
Laying Down the Ladder: A typology of public participation in Australian natural resource management