953 resultados para Agadir Canyon
Outdoor e indoor: Abitare il comfort. Strategie di riqualificazione del quartiere Pilastro a Bologna
Il caso studio affrontato nella tesi è il complesso residenziale Pilastro, costruito tra gli anni 1962 e 1985 a Bologna. Collocato nella parte nord-est della città, all’interno del quartiere San Donato, il quartiere si presenta come una delle periferie più adatte ad ospitare i nuovi progetti di sviluppo urbano, in virtù della sua posizione strategica rispetto ai diversi poli e alla rete infrastrutturale principale. Questo studio consiste in una serie di analisi, effettuate al fine di giungere a trattare gli aspetti progettuali, che rispondono a una serie di problematiche riscontrate nella parte conosciuta come “Primo Impianto”. Le criticità affrontate sono: - Fenomeno di Canyon Urbano dovuto al rapporto tra la morfologia urbana e il microclima; - Limiti nella fruibilità degli spazi esterni (outdoor), a causa della presenza di spazi non caratterizzati, dotati di uno scarso livello di comfort termico durante il periodo estivo; - Problemi riguardo l’aspetto viabilistico e le sezioni stradali; - Bassa prestazione energetica correlata alla vetustà degli edifici; - Basso livello di comfort interno (indoor) degli edifici. La Tesi ha come obiettivo la definizione di diverse strategie progettuali che tengano conto delle condizioni climatiche relative al benessere termico come criterio per la riqualificazione degli spazi esterni e degli edifici esistenti. Quest’ultima terrà altresì conto della prestazione energetica dei fabbricati. Un aspetto complementare è quello del ragionamento sull’incidenza della progettazione degli spazi esterni (outdoor) sugli aspetti relativi al benessere negli spazi interni (indoor). Metodo L’approccio seguito nel trattare le problematiche ha come punto di partenza lo studio degli spazi esterni, che continua anche al livello del costruito. Attraverso diverse analisi a livello urbanistico, sono stati indagati una serie di aspetti come la morfologia urbana, i servizi, gli spazi aperti, la popolazione e la mobilità, etc. Il comparto studio, collocato nella parte nord-est del Primo Impianto in Via Lodovico Frati, è composto da edifici residenziali in linea e lo spazio “in between” che si affaccia alla strada. Al fine di considerare le condizioni climatiche e la loro incidenza nel comfort urbano, sono stati studiati diversi parametri fisici incidenti, valutati con l’ausilio del software di simulazione Envi-met, con l’output di cui, è stato possibile ottenere mappe di valori del comfort outdoor, sia della condizione esistente che in quella dopo l’intervento progettuale. Per quanto riguarda gli edifici, per valutare il livello di comfort negli ambienti interni è stato usato il software di simulazione EnergyPlus, mentre per valutare la prestazione energetica è stato usato il software Termolog Epix 5. L’output dei risultati ottenuti dai software di simulazione è uno strumento importante di verifica per le diverse scelte progettuali.
A sponge spicule is a siliceous or calcareous individual or group of rays which form a framework for the sponge. Sponge spicules are very delicate and easily broken. The methods used in obtaining micro-fossils vary considerably with the type of material from which they are to be recovered and the frailness of the fossil obtained.
Agate in any of its varieties presents numerous problems in regard to its origin. Many types have been described and their beauty elaborated upon, but little has been written concerning their formation and the problems involved. The genesis of agate implicates an amazing complexity of physical and colloidal chemistry, as well as, various principles of geology.
The correlation of non-fossiliferous drill samples is one of the difficult problems that is encountered in sub-surface stratigraphy. In order to truly correlate a formation, it must have some dis tinctive features and have an areal persistence of these features. These requirements are probably met best by limestone.
One of the best types of index fossils, and one which occurs most plentifully in the Madison group of formations in Montana, and yet, one which has been little studied, is the group of rugose, or cup, corals. Perhaps this group of fossils has not been studied in detail because their distinguishing characteristics are mainly internal, and laboratory preparation in the form of thin section or polished surfaces is necessary to bring out these characteristics.
The area to be surveyed was divided up into sections add each crew of three or four members was assigned one of these sections. The first two days were spent in studying and mapping the geologic section in the South Boulder Canyon where we obtained practice in alidade surveying, brunton, pacing, and auto traverse.
In this issue...M-Day, Theta Tau, Robert H. Hoy, Professor McAshcan, Student Wives Club, tennis, Junior Prom, Copper Guards, E.I.T. Examination, Coed Room, Student Union Building
In this issue...Miners hockey, SUB, M Club, Scandia Hall, Canyon Ferry Lake, Georgetown Lake, Orediggers, coffee shop, Metal's Bank, U.S. Mint, Mine Rescue and First Aid
In this issue...Len Waters, Circle K Club, Max Kert, Air Force, Stanley Eugene Bosch, Wesley Club, Engineer's week, toboggan party, Butte Central, Anaconda High School
bstract With its smaller size, well-known boundary conditions, and the availability of detailed bathymetric data, Lake Geneva’s subaquatic canyon in the Rhone Delta is an excellent analogue to understand sedimentary pro- cesses in deep-water submarine channels. A multidisciplinary research effort was undertaken to unravel the sediment dynamics in the active canyon. This approach included innovative coring using the Russian MIR sub- mersibles, in situ geotechnical tests, and geophysical, sedimentological, geochemical and radiometric analysis techniques. The canyon floor/levee complex is character- ized by a classic turbiditic system with frequent spillover events. Sedimentary evolution in the active canyon is controlled by a complex interplay between erosion and sedimentation processes. In situ profiling of sediment strength in the upper layer was tested using a dynamic penetrometer and suggests that erosion is the governing mechanism in the proximal canyon floor while sedimen- tation dominates in the levee structure. Sedimentation rates progressively decrease down-channel along the levee structure, with accumulation exceeding 2.6 cm/year in the proximal levee. A decrease in the frequency of turbidites upwards along the canyon wall suggests a progressive confinement of the flow through time. The multi-proxy methodology has also enabled a qualitative slope-stability assessment in the levee structure. The rapid sediment loading, slope undercutting and over-steepening, and increased pore pressure due to high methane concentrations hint at a potential instability of the proximal levees. Fur- thermore, discrete sandy intervals show very high methane concentrations and low shear strength and thus could cor- respond to potentially weak layers prone to scarp failures.
Time-space relations of extension and volcanism place critical constraints on models of Basin and Range extensional processes. This paper addresses such relations in a 130-km-wide transect in the eastern Great Basin, bounded on the east by the Ely Springs Range and on the west by the Grant and Quinn Canyon ranges. Stratigraphic and structural data, combined with 40Ar/39Ar isotopic ages of volcanic rocks, document a protracted but distinctly episodic extensional history. Field relations indicate four periods of faulting. Only one of these periods was synchronous with nearby volcanic activity, which implies that volcanism and faulting need not be associated closely in space and time. Based on published dates and the analyses reported here, the periods of extension were (1) prevolcanic (pre-32 Ma), (2) early synvolcanic (30 to 27 Ma), (3) immediately postvolcanic (about 16 to 14 Ma), and (4) Pliocene to Quaternary. The break between the second and third periods is distinct. The minimum gap between the first two periods is 2 Ma, but the separation may be much larger. Temporal separation of the last two periods is only suggested by the stratigraphic record and cannot be rigorously demonstrated with present data. The three younger periods of faulting apparently occurred across the entire transect. The oldest period is recognized only at the eastern end of the transect, but appears to correlate about 150 km northward along strike with extension in the Northern Snake Range-Kern Mountains area. Therefore the oldest period also is regional in extent, but affected a different area than that affected by younger periods. This relation suggests that distinct extensional structures and master detachment faults were active at different times. The correlation of deformation periods of a few million years duration across the Railroad Valley-Pioche transect suggests that the scale of active extensional domains in the Great Basin may be greater than 100 km across strike.
In summer 2011, the two Russian MIR sub- mersibles were brought to Switzerland to perform deep water dives in Lake Geneva. Research teams from several environmental science institutes, both national and inter- national, participated in this interdisciplinary effort to investigate the deeper parts of Lake Geneva. Using the MIRs allowed the scientists to see and precisely select the sites where they could extract specific sediment cores and carry out detailed in situ measurements at the sediment– water boundary. One focus site was the surrounding of the outlet of the wastewater treatment plant of the City of Lausanne, which discharges into the Vidy Bay. The investigations concentrated on the pollution of the local sediments, pollution-related ecotoxicological risks, micro- bial activity and spreading and removal of the effluents from the bay to the open waters of the lake. The other focus site was the Rhoˆne River delta and its subaquatic canyons, which formed as a result of the long-term interplay of the deposition of river-borne sediments and flood-triggered canyon erosion events.
11 Briefe zwischen M. Gosling und Max Horkheimer, 1935-1938; 1 Brief von Ellen Gottschalk an 04.08.1936; 1 Brief von Brill an Max Horkheimer, 15.08.1936; 2 Briefe zwischen Louise Gottschalk und Max Horkheimer, 06.12.1937, 19.04.1937; 3 Briefe zwischen Max Gottschalk und Max Horkheimer, 1941, 23.01.1941; 2 Briefe zwischen Nemes Gottschalk und Max Horkheimer, 29.03.1939, 03.04.1939; 2 Briefe zwischen Lawrence Gould und Max Horkheimer, 12.01.1947, 04.01.1947; 4 Briefe zwischen Isaeque Graeber und Max Horkheimer, 20.07.1941, 1941; 4 Briefe zwischen Malborne W. Graham und Max Horkheimer, 17.10.1940, 1940; 1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an J. A. C. Grant, 23.10.1940; 2 Briefe zwischen dem Grant Grove Lodge Kings Canyon National Park California und Max Horkheimer, 30.09.1946, 04.10.1946; 4 Brefe zwischen Liesel Gras und Max Horkheimer, 1948, 02.04.1948; 2 Briefe zwischen Claire F. Gravel und 23.03.1942, 26.03.1942; 1 Brief und 4 Briefentwürfe von Max Horkheimer an Edward S. Greenbaum, 20.06.1940; 13 Briefe zwischen B. Groethuysen und Max Horkheimer, 1935-1937; 1 Hochzeitsanzeige von Isabelle Grossen, 26.11.1938; 1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an Isabelle Grossen, 17.12.1938; 1 Brief von Kurt Grossmann an Max Horkheimer, 29.12.1939; 3 Briefe von Eva Grosz an Max Horkheimer, 1937; 5 Briefe zwischen Franz M. Groedel und Max Horkheimer, 1939, Oktober 1939; 7 Briefe zwischen Emil Grünberg und Max Horkheimer, 1935-1940; 1 Brief von B. M. Telders an Max Horkheimer, 27.09.1938; 3 Briefe zwischen dem Academic Assistance Council London und Max Horkheimer, 1935, 29.03.1935; 1 Briefentwurft von Max Horkheimer an Karl Grünberg, 07.02.1936; 1 Brief von Juliette Favez an Max Horkheimer, 07.02.1936; 3 Briefe zwsichen Martin Grünberg und Max Horkheimer, November 1938, 18.11.1938; 3 Briefe zwischen Alfred Grünebaum und Max Horkheimer, 10.01.1939, 1939; 2 Briefe zwischen D. E. Grünebaum und Max Horkheimer, 24.11.1940, 02.12.1940; 3 Briefe zwischen Richard Güldenstein und Max Horkheimer, August 1937, 17.08.1937; 1 Brief von Daniel Guérin an Max Horkheimer, 13.07.1947; 1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an Guerro, 08.09.1936;