532 resultados para Acidose ruminal subaguda


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El principal objetivo de esta tesis fue incrementar la eficiencia proteica en las dietas de rumiantes mediante el uso de proteínas protegidas (harina de girasol y guisante de primavera), así como mejorar la predicción de los aportes de proteína microbiana. Una partida de harinas comerciales de girasol (HG) y de guisante de primavera (GP) fueron tratadas con soluciones 4 N de ácido málico (268,2 g/L) o ácido ortofosfórico (130,6 g/L). Para cada harina, ácido y día de tratamiento, dos fracciones de 12,5 kg fueron pulverizadas sucesivamente en una hormigonera con la solución de ácido correspondiente mediante un pulverizador de campo. Las dos fracciones fueron mezcladas posteriormente y se dejaron reposar durante 1 h a temperatura ambiente. La mezcla fue luego secada en una estufa de aire forzado a 120 ºC durante 1 h. La estufa fue apagada inmediatamente después y el material tratado se mantuvo dentro de ésta hasta la mañana siguiente. El material fue removido durante el proceso de secado cada 30 min durante las primeras 2 h y cada 60 min durante las 5 h posteriores. Este proceso se repitió hasta conseguir las cantidades de harinas tratadas necesarias en los distintos ensayos. En el primer experimento (capitulo 3) se llevaron a cabo estudios de digestión ruminal e intestinal para evaluar los efectos de la aplicación de las soluciones ácidas indicadas y calor a fin de proteger las proteínas de HG y GP contra la degradación ruminal. Estos estudios se realizaron con tres corderos canulados en el rumen y en el duodeno. El estudio de digestión ruminal fue realizado en tres periodos experimentales en los que los corderos fueron alimentados sucesivamente con tres dietas isoproteicas que incluían HG y GP, sin tratar o tratadas con ácidos málico u ortofosfórico. Cada periodo experimental de 21 días incluyó sucesivamente: 10 días de adaptación a las dietas, un estudio del tránsito ruminal de las partículas de HG y GP (días 11 a 14), y la incubación de las muestras de ambos alimentos en bolsas de nailon (días 15–21). Las harinas incubadas en cada periodo experimental correspondieron a las que fueron incluidas en las dietas. Las bacterias ruminales fueron marcadas desde el día 11 hasta el día 21 del periodo experimental mediante infusión intra-ruminal continua con una fuente de 15N. Tras finalizar las incubaciones in situ el día 21 el rumen fue vaciado en cada periodo para aislar las bacterias asociadas a la fase sólida y liquida del rumen. El estudio de digestión intestinal fue realizado veinte días después del final del estudio ruminal a fin de eliminar el enriquecimiento en 15N de la digesta. En este estudio se incubaron muestras compuestas obtenidas mediante la combinación de los diferentes residuos no degradados en el rumen de forma que fuesen representativas de la composición química de la fracción no degradada en el rumen (RU). En esta fase los corderos fueron alimentados con la dieta sin tratar para determinar la digestibilidad de las harinas tanto tratadas como sin tratar mediante la técnica de las bolsas móviles. Además, las proteínas contenidas en las harinas tratadas y sin tratar, así como en las muestras correspondientes a los residuos a 0 h, las muestras compuestas anteriormente indicadas y las muestras no digeridas intestinalmente fueron extraídas y sometidas a electroforesis para determinar el sitio de digestión de las diferentes fracciones proteicas. Las estimaciones de la RU y la digestibilidad intestinal de la materia seca, la materia orgánica (solamente para RU), la proteína bruta (PB) y el almidón (solamente en GP) fueron obtenidos considerando la contaminación microbiana y las tasas de conminución y salida de partículas. Las estimaciones de RU y de la digestibilidad intestinal disminuyeron en todas las fracciones evaluadas de ambos alimentos al corregir por la contaminación microbiana acaecida en el rumen. Todas las estimaciones de RU aumentaron con los tratamientos de protección, incrementándose también la digestibilidad intestinal de la materia seca en la HG. Los bajos valores de la digestibilidad de la proteína de GP tratado y sin tratar sugieren la presencia de algún factor antitripsico no termolábil es esta harina. Los tratamientos de protección incrementaron consistentemente la fracción de materia seca y PB digerida intestinalmente en los dos alimentos, mientras que la fracción de almidón en la muestra de GP solamente aumentó numéricamente (60,5% de media). Sin embargo, los tratamientos también redujeron la fermentación de la materia orgánica, lo cual podría disminuir la síntesis de proteína microbiana. Los estudios de electroforesis muestran la práctica desaparición de la albumina por la degradación ruminal en ambos alimentos, así como que los cambios en otras proteínas de la muestra RU fueron más pronunciados en GP que en HG. La composición de las bacterias asociadas con las fases de digesta ruminal sólida (BAS) y líquida (BAL) fue estudiada para revisar la precisión de un sistema de predicción previo que determinaba la infravaloración del aporte de nutrientes correspondiente a las BAS cuando de usa 15N como marcador y las BAL como referencia microbiana (capitulo 4). Al comparar con BAS, BAL mostraron menores contenidos en materia orgánica, polisacáridos de glucosa y lípidos totales y un mayor contenido en PB, así como un mayor enriquecimiento en 15N. Los datos obtenidos en el estudio actual se ajustan bien a la ecuación previa que predice el enriquecimiento en 15N de las BAS a partir del mismo valor en BAL. Esta nueva ecuación permite establecer que se produce una infravaloración de un 22% en el aporte de PB al animal a partir de las BAS sintetizadas si las BAL son usadas como muestras de referencia. Una segunda relación calculada utilizando los valores medios por dieta expuestos en numerosos trabajos encontrados en la literatura confirma la magnitud de este error. Esta infravaloración asociada al uso de BAL como referencia fue mayor para el aporte de glucosa (43,1%) y todavía mayor para el aporte de lípidos (59,9%), como consecuencia de los menores contenidos de ambas fracciones en BAL frente a SAB. Estos errores deberían ser considerados para obtener mayor precisión en la estimación del aporte de nutrientes microbianos y mejorar la nutrición de los rumiantes. En el experimento 2 se realizó un estudio de producción (capitulo 5) para evaluar los efectos del tratamiento de las harinas HG y GP con soluciones de ácido málico o ácido ortofosfórico sobre el crecimiento, el consumo de concentrado y el rendimiento y engrasamiento de las canales de corderos de engorde. Noventa corderos machos de cruce entrefino procedentes de tres granjas comerciales (peso inicial medio = 14,6, 15,3 y 13,3 kg, respectivamente) fueron asignados aleatoriamente a cinco dietas con diferentes niveles de proteína y diferentes tratamientos con ácidos y engordados hasta un peso medio al sacrificio de 25 kg. Las fuentes de proteína en el pienso control (C; PB=18,0%) fueron harina de soja, HG y GP sin tratar. En tres de los piensos experimentales, las harinas tratadas con ácido ortofosfórico sustituyeron a las de HG y GP sin tratar (Control Ortofosfórico, PC; PB=18,0% sobre materia seca), sustituyéndose, además, la harina de soja parcialmente (Sustitución Media Ortofosfórico, MSP; PB=16,7%) o totalmente (Sustitución Total Ortofosfórico, TSP; PB=15,6%). Finalmente, en uno de los piensos el ácido ortofosfórico fue reemplazo por acido málico para proteger ambas harinas (Sustitución Media Málico, MSM; PB= 16,7%). La paja de trigo (fuente de forraje) y el concentrado fueron ofrecidos ad libitum. Dieciocho corderos fueron distribuidos en seis cubículos con tres animales para cada dieta. Los datos fueron analizados según un análisis factorial considerando el peso inicial como covariable y la granja de procedencia como bloque. Los datos de consumo de concentrado y eficiencia de conversión fueron analizados usando el cubículo como unidad experimental, mientras que los datos sobre ganancia media diaria, rendimiento a la canal, grasa dorsal y grasa pélvico renal fueron analizados usando el cordero como unidad experimental. No se encontró ningún efecto asociado con el nivel de PB sobre ninguna variable estudiada. Esto sugiere que usando proteínas protegidas es posible utilizar concentrados con 15,6% de PB (sobre materia seca) disminuyendo así la cantidad de concentrados de proteína vegetal a incluir en los piensos y la calidad de los concentrados proteicos. Los corderos alimentados con la dieta MSM tuvieron mayores ganancias medias diarias (15,2%; P= 0,042), y mejores rendimiento a la canal en caliente (1,3 unidades porcentuales; P= 0,037) que los corderos alimentados con el concentrado MSP. Esto podría ser explicado por los efectos benéficos ruminales del malato o por el mayor efecto de protección conseguido con el ácido málico. ABSTRACT The main objective of this thesis project was to increase the protein efficiency in ruminant diets by using protected protein (sunflower meal and spring pea), and improving the prediction of microbial protein supply. Commercial sunflower meal (SFM) and spring pea (SP) were treated with 4 N solutions (200 mL/kg) of malic acid (268.2 g/L) or orthophosphoric acid (130.6 g/L). Daily, two fractions of 12.5 kg of one of these meals were successively sprayed with the tested acid solution in a concrete mixer using a sprayer. Both fractions were then mixed and allowed to rest for 1 h at room temperature. The blend was then dried in a forced air oven at 120 ºC for 1 h. Then the oven was turned off and the treated material was left in the oven overnight. During the drying process, the material was stirred every 30 min during the first 2 h and then every 60 min for the subsequent 5 h. This process was repeated until the amounts of treated flour needed for the different trials performed. In the first experiment (chapter 3), ruminal and intestinal digestion trials were conducted to study the effects of the application of these acid solutions and heat to protect proteins of SFM and SP against ruminal degradation using three wethers fitted with rumen and duodenum cannulae. The ruminal digestion study was carried out in three experimental periods in which the wethers were successively fed three isoproteic diets including SFM and SP, untreated or treated with malic or orthophosphoric acids. The experimental periods of 21 days included successively: 10 days of diet adaptation, SFM and SP particle ruminal transit study (days 11–14) and ruminal nylon-bag incubations (days 15–21). The meals incubated in each experimental period were those corresponding to the associated diet. Rumen bacteria were labelled from days 11 to 21 by continuous intra-ruminal infusion of a 15N source and the rumen was emptied at the end of in situ incubations in each period to isolate solid adherent bacteria and liquid associate bacteria. The intestinal digestion trial was conducted twenty days after the end of the ruminal studies to eliminate the 15N enrichment in the digesta. The tested samples were composite samples obtained pooling the different ruminally undegraded residues to be representative of the chemical composition of the ruminally undegraded fraction (RU). Wethers were fed the untreated diet to determine the intestinal digestibility of untreated and treated meals using the mobile nylon bag technique. In addition, protein in untreated and treated meals and their 0 h, composite and intestinally undigested samples were extracted and subjected to electrophoresis to determine the digestion site of the different protein fractions. Estimates of the RU and its intestinal digestibility of dry matter, organic matter (only for RU), crude protein (CP) and starch (only in SP) were obtained considering ruminal microbial contamination and particle comminution and outflow rates. When corrected for the microbial contamination taking place in the rumen, estimates of RU and intestinal digestibility decreased in all tested fractions for both feeds. All RU estimates increased with the protective treatments, whereas intestinal digestibility-dry matter also increased in SFM. Low intestinal digestibility-CP values in untreated and treated samples suggested the presence of non-heat labile antitrypsin factors in SP. Protective treatments of both feeds led to consistent increases in the intestinal digested fraction of dry matter and CP, being only numerically different for SP-starch (60.5% as average). However, treatments also reduced the organic matter fermentation, which may decrease ruminal microbial protein synthesis. Electrophoretic studies showed albumin disappearance in both SFM and SP, whereas changes in other RU proteins were more pronounced in SP than SFM. The chemical composition of bacteria associated with solid (SAB) and liquid (LAB) rumen-digesta phases was studied to examine the accuracy of a previous regression system determining the underevaluation of SAB-nutrient supply using 15N as marker and LAB as microbial reference (chapter 4). Compared with SAB, LAB showed lower contents of organic matter, polysaccharide-glucose and total lipids and the opposite for the CP content and the 15N enrichment. Present data fitted well to the previous relationship predicting the 15N enrichment of SAB from the same value in LAB. This new equation allows establishing an underevaluation in the supply of CP from the synthesized SAB in 22.0% if LAB is used as reference. Another relationship calculated using mean diet values from the literature confirmed the magnitude of this error. This underevaluation was higher for the supply of glucose (43.1%) and still higher for the lipid supply (59.9%) as a consequence of the lower contents of these both fractions in LAB than in SAB. These errors should be considered to obtain more accurate estimates of the microbial nutrient supply and to improve ruminant nutrition. A production study was performed in experiment 2 (chapter 5) to examine the effects of treating SFM and SP meals with orthophosphoric or malic acid solutions on growth performance, concentrate intake, and carcass yield and fatness of growing-fattening lambs. Ninety "Entrefino" cross male lambs from three commercial farms (average initial body weights (BW) = 14.6, 15.3 and 13.3 kg) were randomly assigned to five diets with different acid treatment and protein levels, and fattened to an average slaughter weight of 25 kg. Protein sources in the control concentrate (C; CP=18%) were soybean meal and untreated SFM and SP. In three of the experimental concentrates, orthophosphoric acid-treated meals substituted untreated SFM and SP (Orthophosphoric Control, PC; CP=18% dry matter basis), and soybean meal was partially (Medium Substitution Orthophosphoric, MSP; CP=16.7%) or totally removed (Total Substitution Orthophosphoric, TSP; CP=15.6%). In addition, in one concentrate orthophosphoric acid was replaced by malic acid to protect these meals (Medium Substitution Malic, MSM; CP= 16.7%). Wheat straw (roughage source) and concentrate were offered ad libitum. Eighteen lambs were allocated to six pens of three animals on each diet. Data were analyzed using a factorial analysis with initial body weight BW as covariate and farm of origin as block. Data on concentrate intake and feed conversion efficiency were analyzed using pen as experimental unit, while data on average daily gain, carcass yield, dorsal fat, and kidney-pelvic-fat were analyzed with lamb as experimental unit. No effect associated with the CP level was observed on any parameter. This suggests that with protected proteins it is possible to feed concentrates with 15.6% CP (dry matter basis) reducing the quantity of vegetable protein meals to include in the concentrate as well as the quality of the protein concentrates. Lambs feed MSM had higher average daily gains (15.2%; P= 0.042), and better hot carcass yields (1.3 percentage points; P= 0.037) than lambs feed MSP. This probably can be explained by ruminal malate actions and by greater protection effects obtained with malic acid.


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The effects of three treatments of fibrolytic enzymes (cellulase from Trichoderma longibrachiatum (CEL), xylanase from rumen micro-organisms (XYL) and a 1:1 mixture of CEL and XYL (MIX) on the in vitro fermentation of two samples of Pennisetum clandestinum (P1 and P2), two samples of Dichanthium aristatum (D1 and D2) and one sample of each Acacia decurrens and Acacia mangium (A1 and A2) were investigated. The first experiment compared the effects of two methods of applying the enzymes to forages, either at the time of incubation or 24 h before, on the in vitro gas production. In general, the 24 h pre-treatment resulted in higher values of gas production rate, and this application method was chosen for a second study investigating the effects of enzymes on chemical composition and in vitro fermentation of forages. The pre-treatment with CEL for 24 h reduced (p < 0.05) the content of neutral detergent fibre (NDF) of P1, P2, D1 and D2, and that of MIX reduced the NDF content of P1 and D1, but XYL had no effect on any forage. The CEL treatment increased (p < 0.05) total volatile fatty acid (VFA) production for all forages (ranging from 8.6% to 22.7%), but in general, no effects of MIX and XYL were observed. For both P. clandestinum samples, CEL treatment reduced (p < 0.05) the molar proportion of acetate and increased (p < 0.05) that of butyrate, but only subtle changes in VFA profile were observed for the rest of forages. Under the conditions of the present experiment, the treatment of tropical forages with CEL stimulated their in vitro ruminal fermentation, but XYL did not produce any positive effect. These results showed clearly that effectiveness of enzymes varied with the incubated forage and further study is warranted to investigate specific, optimal enzyme-substrate combinations.


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Incubations were carried out with batch cultures of ruminal micro-organisms to study the effects of the treatment of sunflower meal (SFM) with malic acid at 150 ºC for 1 (SFM1) or 3 (SFM3) hours on in vitro fermentation. There were no differences (P>0.05) between SFM and SFM1 in the amount of gas and volatile fatty acids (VFA) produced and the disappearance of organic matter (OMD), but CH4 and NH3-N concentrations were reduced (P<0.05) by 11.3 and 14.5% with the malic treatment at 150 ºC for 1 hour, respectively. In contrast, SFM3 treatment reduced when compared to SFM gas and VFA production and OMD by 27.4, 32.5 and 49.6 (P<0.05), respectively, indicating decreased fermentability of SFM. The results indicate that combining malic acid and heat treatment (150ºC) for 1 h could be an effective means to reduce both protein degradability and CH4 production, but increasing the length of the treatment to 3 h resulted in reductions of SFM degradability and VFA production.


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Incubations were carried out with batch cultures to study the effects of different nitrogen (N) sources on in vitro fermentation by ruminal micro-organisms of two substrates of variable fermentation rate. The substrates were composed by starch and cellulose in proportions of 75:25 (starch) or 25:75 (cellulose). Three treatments were made by replacing ammonia-N (NH4Cl) with purified soyabean protein (SP) at levels of 0 (NNP), 50% (S50) and 100% (S100) of total N. Compared with NNP, S50 and S100 treatments increased CH4 production by 51.0 and 50.6% for starch and by 7.7 and 29.7% for cellulose substrates, respectively. The increases in volatile fatty acids (VFA) production were 4.4 and 6.3% for starch and 33.1 and 58.9% for cellulose substrates, respectively. These results indicate that the influence of N source on CH4 and VFA production are influenced by the characteristics of the incubated substrate.


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The objective of this work was to study the effect of two technical modifications (supplemented with sponge materials (ES) and provided with a filter system (FIL))in continuous-culture fermenters on the microbial populations and ruminal fermentation parameters over the sampling period. Six fermenters fed a 50:50 alfalfa hay: concentrate diet, inoculated with rumen liquor from sheep fed the same diet, were used in two incubation runs of 14 days each. On days 10 and 14, samples were taken for analysis of fermentation parameters (volatile fatty acids, ammonia-N and lactate) and microbial populations. None of the technical modification affected (P>0.05) concentrations of bacterial DNA and the relative abundance of fungi and archaea, but protozoal DNA concentrations were higher (P>0.05) in ES and FIL fermenters than in the control ones. However, values of protozoal DNA were about 50 times lower than in the rumen fluid used as inoculum for the ermenters. The tested technical modifications did not affect (P>0.05) any fermentation parameter, and there were no differences in fermentation parameters between days 10 and 14, with the exception of lactate production which was higher (P=0.009) on day 14 than on day 10. In conclusion, the technical modifications tested maintained protozoa in continuous culture fermenters without any effect on fermentation parameters and other microbial populations, but protozoa concentrations were still lower than those in the rumen.


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Fermenters are widely used to study ruminal fermentation, but information on microbial populations developing in fermenters over the incubation period is limited. Four Rusitec fermenters were fed 2 diets representative of those administered to dairy sheep(DAI; 50:50 alfalfa hay:concentrate) and fattening lambs (FAT; 15:85 barley straw:concentrate) in a crossover design with 2 14-d incubation periods to assess the evolution of the microbial populations. There were 4 fermenters per diet.


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Objetivou-se avaliar a utilização de doses crescentes de enzima fibrolítica exógena na alimentação de vacas leiteiras e seus efeitos sobre o consumo e digestibilidade aparente total da matéria seca e nutrientes, cinética ruminal, fermentação e síntese de proteína microbiana ruminal, produção e composição do leite, perfil metabólico e balanço de energia e nitrogênio. Foram utilizadas 24 vacas da raça Holandesa, multíparas, em delineamento Quadrado Latino 4x4, com 646,75 ± 77,54 kg de peso corporal, 3,02 ± 0,56 de escore de condição corporal, com 176 ± 82,27 dias em lactação e produção de leite de 33,72 ± 7,63 kg/dia, no início do estudo. Os animais foram distribuídos aleatoriamente para receber os seguintes tratamentos: 1) Controle (0), composta por dieta basal sem a inclusão de enzima fibrolítica; 2) com inclusão de 8 g/vaca/dia de enzima fibrolítica; 3) com inclusão de 16 g/vaca/dia da enzima fibrolítica; 4) com inclusão de 24 g/vaca/dia da enzima fibrolítica (Fibrozyme® - Alltech Inc., Nicholasville, KY). A utilização de enzima fibrolítica nas dietas resultou em aumento linear no consumo de matéria seca, matéria orgânica e da fibra em detergente neutro. Foi detectado aumento linear no consumo de partículas longas com a suplementação de enzima. Houve efeito quadrático na ruminação e na atividade mastigatória. O aumento no consumo de matéria seca refletiu no aumento linear de consumo de energia líquida e no balanço de energia líquida. Houve efeito quadrático na concentração de N-NH3 ruminal e aumento linear na quantidade de ácido acético, propiônico e butírico com o aumento da dose de enzima suplementada. Houve efeito quadrático na síntese de proteína microbiana com a inclusão de enzima fibrolítica. Não foram observadas diferenças na produção de leite e na produção de seus componentes, entretanto houve aumento linear no ganho de peso corporal com utilização de enzima fibrolítica. Houve efeito quadrático positivo na excreção via urina e efeito quadrático negativo no balanço de nitrogênio mostrando maior retenção de nitrogênio com a suplementação intermediária de enzimas fibrolíticas. Conclui-se que a enzima fibrolítica exógena é efetiva em aumentar o consumo de matéria seca e FDN e também melhorar a eficiência fermentativa de vacas leiteiras melhorando o balanço energético, entretanto não foi efetiva em aumentar a produção de leite de vacas da raça holandesa no terço médio da lactação


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A produção de metano entérico está entre as principais fontes de emissão de gases de efeito estufa dentre as atividades agropecuárias, além de gerar perda energética ao animal de até 12% da energia bruta consumida. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o uso de nitrato de cálcio encapsulado na alimentação de ruminantes como estratégia nutricional a mitigação de metano entérico. O experimento consistiu de duas fases. Fase I: Foram testadas dietas suplementadas com produto comercial de nitrato de cálcio encapsulado utilizando a técnica semiautomática de produção de gases in vitro. Meio grama de substrato com 50 mL de meio de incubação e 25 mL de inóculo ruminal foram incubados em frascos de vidro (160 mL) à 39 ºC por 24 horas para determinação da melhor dieta a ser testada in vivo. O primeiro ensaio testou a associação entre a monensina (dietas com e sem adição de monensina) e doses de nitrato encapsulado (0; 1,5 e 3% da matéria seca (MS)) para mitigação de metano in vitro. Não foi observada interação entre monensina e nitrato para as variáveis testadas. O segundo ensaio in vitro testou a interação do tipo de dieta com duas relações concentrado:volumoso, 20:80 e 80:20, e a inclusão de doses de nitrato encapsulado (0; 1,5; 3 e 4,5% MS). Embora não foi observado efeito associativo entre dieta e nitrato para redução de metano, foi observada mudança nos produtos da fermentação ruminal, com redução de propionato, em decorrência da concorrência de nitrato e propianogênicas por hidrogênio mais escasso em dietas com menor fermentação. Fase II: Conforme os resultados obtidos na Fase I, na segunda fase foi avaliado o efeito associativo da relação de concentrado:volumoso da dieta e a dose de nitrato sobre a emissão de metano, constituintes ruminais e toxicidade do nitrato in vivo. Utilizou-se seis borregos canulados no rúmen, distribuídos em delineamento experimental quadrado latino 6 x 6, em fatorial 2 x 3. Os fatores foram tipo de dieta (relação concentrado:volumoso 20:80 e 80:20) e inclusão de doses de nitrato encapsulado na dieta (0; 1,5 e 3% MS) em substituição gradual ao farelo de soja, totalizando seis tratamentos. Os teores de substituição do farelo de soja pelo nitrato foram em equivalente proteico de maneira a deixar as dietas isonitrogenadas. Os animais foram adaptados gradualmente a oferta de nitrato dietético para evitar problemas com toxidez. A análise de toxicidade foi avaliada pela taxa de metahemoglobina no sangue dos ovinos 3 horas após a alimentação. Nitrato reduziu a produção de metano em ambas as dietas. Os níveis de metahemoglobina no sangue dos animais não foram alterados pela adição de nitrato. Foi observado efeito associativo entre o tipo de dieta e nitrato para os produtos da fermentação ruminal, como acetato, que aumentou linearmente nas dietas com 80% de concentrado quando nitrato foi adicionado. Concluí-se que nitrato, utilizado de forma segura, é uma promissora estratégia para redução de metano entérico independentemente do tipo de dieta com que está sendo suplementado


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Foram conduzidos dois experimentos com o intuito de se avaliar o desempenho, características de carcaça e parâmetros ruminais de bovinos Nelore recebendo dietas contendo grãos de milho flint processados de diferentes formas em associação a diferentes aditivos e níveis de FDN de silagem de milho (FDNf). No Experimento 1, 239 tourinhos (PCI=350±26,79kg) foram alojados em 40 baias de acordo com o peso corporal inicial e receberam dietas contendo dois tipos de processamento dos grãos de milho (moagem fina e floculação) e diferentes aditivos (monensina sódica; 25 ppm e formulação A062 a base de virginiamicina; produto teste, não comercial, fornecido pela Ourofino Saúde Animal; nas dosagens de 17 e 25 ppm), totalizando 8 tratamentos. Os dados foram analisados pelo PROC MIXED do SAS. A floculação aumentou o peso final, o ganho de peso diário, a eficiência alimentar, o peso da carcaça quente e tendeu a aumentar o rendimento de carcaça em comparação a moagem fina. Houve tendência de interação entre processamento e fornecimento de aditivos para a ingestão de matéria seca e ganho de peso diário. A floculação reduziu o teor de amido fecal, aumentou a digestibilidade do amido no trato total, aumentou os valores de energia liquida para manutenção e ganho da dieta e o numero médio de papilas ruminais. Os aditivos aumentaram a altura, largura e área das papilas e reduziram a espessura de faixa de queratina em relação ao tratamento controle. Houve tendência das formulações a base de virginiamicina aumentarem o peso da carcaça quente dos animais em comparação com a monensina sódica, mas não em relação ao tratamento controle sem aditivo. A floculação foi mais efetiva para aumentar a digestiblidade do amido no trato total, o valor energético do milho e o desempenho dos bovinos enquanto que os aditivos não foram efetivos para aumentar o valor energético das dietas e a eficiência alimentar dos animais. No Experimento 2, 237 tourinhos (PCI=350±28,49kg) foram alojados em 32 baias de acordo com o peso corporal inicial e receberam dietas contendo dois tipos de processamento (moagem grosseira e floculação) e diferentes níveis de FDNf (4; 7; 10 e 13% MS), totalizando 8 tratamentos. Os dados foram analisados pelo PROC MIXED do SAS. A floculação tendeu a aumentar a eficiência alimentar, o peso da carcaça quente e a espessura de gordura subcutânea, reduziu o teor de amido fecal, aumentou a digestibilidade do amido no trato total como também aumentou os valores de energia liquida para manutenção e para ganho das dietas. Os níveis de FDNf afetaram ingestão de matéria seca e o peso da carcaça quente independente do método de processamento. Houve tendência de aumento linear no GPD e tendência de redução quadrática na eficiência alimentar com inclusão crescente de FDNf. A inclusão de silagem de milho em dietas com alto teor de milho flint reduziu a eficiência alimentar dos animais, mas aumentou o peso da carcaça quente. A floculação aumentou o valor energético do cereal para tourinhos Nelore em dietas com alto teor de energia.


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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Two experiments were conducted to measure urea recycling and rumen flow dynamics in young rusa deer fed low (LP) or high (HP) protein diets. Pool size and flux rate of labelled urea. into and out of the blood pool were measured using single intravenous (i.v.) injection solutions containing [C-14] - and [N-15]-urea. A curve peeling technique was used to fit the enrichment of N-15 or specific radioactivity (SRA) of C-14 to exponential equations. Body urea-N pool size was significantly greater (P < 0.05) when a HP, compared to a LP diet, was fed. Urea space, expressed as a percent of live weight, total flux rate of urea through the blood pool and the irreversible loss of urea was similar for both diets. The mean (+/- S.E.M.) concentration of plasma urea-N was greater when animals were fed the HP diet compared to the LP diet (2 1.1 +/- 0.3 versus 14.4 +/- 1.4 mg/100 ml, respectively). Voluntary feed intake and digestibility of dietary components were also measured. Daily dry matter intakes were not affected by the crude protein (CP) content of the diet, although apparent DM digestibility was significantly greater for HP diet fed in both experiments. An intraruminal infusion of CrEDTA was used to determine rumen flow dynamics. Ruminal mean retention time, relative net outflow rate of water and passage rate constant (k(w)) were significantly greater (P < 0.05) when the HP diet was fed compared to the LP diet. The extent of urea metabolism and flux rates of urea between the blood and secondary pools appear similar to those previously reported for other ruminants fed diets contrasting in CP content. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Introduction: Gait after stroke is characterized by a significant asymmetry between the lower limbs, with predominant use of the non-paretic lower limb (NPLL) over using the paretic lower limb. Accordingly, it has been suggested that adding load/weight to the NPLL as a form of restricting the movement of this limb may favor the use of the paretic limb, reducing interlimb asymmetry. However, few studies have been conducted up to this moment, which only investigated the immediate effects of this practice. Objectives: 1) Investigating whether there is an influence of adding load to the NPLL during treadmill training on cardiovascular parameters and on gait performance of individuals with stroke, compared to treadmill training without load addition; 2) Analyzing the effects of treadmill training with and without load added to the NPLL on kinematic parameters of each lower limb during gait; 3) Analyzing the effects of treadmill training with and without load added to the NPLL on measurements of functional mobility and postural balance of these patients. Materials and Methods: This is a randomized single blinded clinical trial involving 38 subjects, with a mean age of 56.5 years, at the subacute post-stroke phase (with mean time since stroke of 4.5 months). Participants were randomly assigned into an experimental group (EG) or control group (CG). EG (n= 19) was submitted to gait training on a treadmill with the addition of load to the NPLL by ankle weights equivalent to 5% of body weight. CG (n= 19) was only submitted to gait training on a treadmill. Behavioral strategies which included home exercises were also applied to both groups. The interventions occurred daily for two consecutive weeks (Day 1 to Day 9), being of 30 minutes duration each. Outcome measures: postural balance (Berg Functional Balance Scale – BBS), functional mobility (Timed Up and Go – TUG; kinematic variables of 180° turning) and kinematic gait variables were assessed at baseline (Day 0), after four training sessions (Day 4), after nine training sessions (Day 9), and 40 days after completion of training (Follow-up). Cardiovascular parameters (mean arterial pressure and heart rate) were evaluated at four moments within each training session. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to compare outcomes between EG and CG in the course of the study (Day 0, Day 4, Day 9 and Follow-up). Unpaired t-tests allowed for intergroup comparison at each training session. 5% significance was used for all tests. Results: 1) Cardiovascular parameters (systemic arterial pressure, heart rate and derivated variables) did not change after the interventions and there were no differences between groups within each training session. There was an improvement in gait performance, with increased speed and distance covered, with no statistically significant difference between groups. 2) After the interventions, patients had increased paretic and non-paretic step lengths, in addition to exhibiting greater hip and knee joint excursion on both lower limbs. The gains were observed in the EG and CG, with no statistical difference between the groups and (mostly) maintained at follow-up. 3) After the interventions, patients showed better postural balance (higher scores on BBS) and functional mobility (reduced time spent on the TUG test and better performance on the 180° turning). All gains were observed in the EG and CG, with no statistically significant difference between groups and were maintained at follow-up. Conclusions: The addition of load to the NPLL did not affect cardiovascular parameters in patients with subacute stroke, similar to treadmill training without load, thus seemingly a safe training to be applied to these patients. However, the use of the load did not bring any additional benefits to gait training. The gait training program (nine training sessions on a treadmill + strategies and exercises for paretic limb stimulation) was useful for improving gait performance and kinematics, functional mobility and postural balance, and its use is suggested to promote the optimization of these outcomes in the subacute phase after stroke.


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Le syndrome de Leigh version canadienne-française (LSFC) est une maladie autosomale récessive causée par une mutation du gène LRPPRC, encodant une protéine du même nom. LRPPRC est impliquée dans la traduction des gènes mitochondriaux qui encodent certains complexes de la chaine respiratoire. Les répercussions biochimiques incluent un déficit tissu spécifique de la cytochrome c oxydase (COX), principalement dans le foie et le cerveau, et la survenue de crises d’acidose fatales chez 80 % des enfants atteints avant l’âge de 3-4 ans. L’identification d’options thérapeutiques demeure encore un défi de taille et ceci est en partie relié au manque de connaissances des fonctions biologiques de LRPPRC et des mécanismes impliqués dans la pathogenèse du LSFC, au niveau des dysfonctions mitochondriales résultantes. Afin d’étudier ces mécanismes, le consortium de l’acidose lactique, dont fait partie notre laboratoire, a récemment développé un modèle murin portant une ablation de LRPPRC spécifique au foie (souris H-Lrpprc-/-). L’objectif principal est de déterminer si ce modèle reproduit le phénotype pathologique observé dans les cultures de fibroblastes humains issus de biopsies de peau de patients LSFC. Dans le cadre des travaux de ce mémoire, nous avons amorcé la caractérisation de ce nouveau modèle, en examinant le phénotype général, l’histopathologie hépatique et les fonctions mitochondriales, et en nous focalisant principalement sur les fonctions respiratoires et la capacité à oxyder divers types de substrats. Nous avons observé un retard de croissance, une hépatomégalie ainsi que plusieurs anomalies histologiques du foie chez la souris HLrpprc-/-. De plus, l’ablation de LRPPRC induit un déficit du complexe IV, mais aussi de l’ATP synthase, et affecte l’oxydation des acides gras à longues chaines. À la lumière de ces résultats, nous croyons que le modèle murin H-Lrpprc-/- contribuera à l’avancement des connaissances générales sur LRPPRC, nous permettant de mieux comprendre l’influence de la protéine sur les fonctions mitochondriales.


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Les travaux sur la nutrition en vitamines B des ruminants montrent des résultats très variés sur les quantités de ces nutriments disponibles pour l’animal selon la nature de la ration. Ces divergences sont dues à des changements des populations microbiennes dans le rumen, causées par les facteurs physico-chimiques de la ration. Une amélioration de la compréhension des effets de la nature de la diète sur la synthèse et l’utilisation des vitamines B dans le rumen pourrait aider à identifier les conditions sous lesquelles une supplémentation en ces vitamines serait bénéfique pour la vache. Le but de ce travail de thèse est donc d’améliorer la compréhension des effets de l’espèce fourragère, de la maturité et de la longueur des particules de fourrage sur les apports en vitamines B chez la vache laitière. Pour évaluer chacune de ces variables, les concentrations de thiamine, riboflavine, niacine, vitamine B6, folates et vitamine B12 ont été mesurées dans les échantillons d’aliments et de digesta duodénal recueillis lors de trois projets réalisés à l’Université du Michigan par l’équipe du Dr. M. Allen. Dans la première étude, l’effet de l’espèce fourragère des ensilages a été évalué au cours de deux expériences similaires durant lesquelles les vaches recevaient une diète à base d’ensilage de luzerne ou de dactyle. Les diètes à base de luzerne ont été associées à une augmentation de la dégradation de la thiamine et de la vitamine B6 dans le rumen par rapport aux diètes à base d’ensilage de dactyle. La deuxième étude visait à évaluer les effets de la maturité des plantes lors de la mise en silo sur les quantités de vitamines B disponibles pour la vache; les deux expériences se différenciaient par l’espèce fourragère étudiée, soit la luzerne ou le dactyle. Une récolte à un stade de maturité plus élevé a augmenté les flux duodénaux de thiamine, de niacine et de folates lorsque les vaches recevaient des diètes à base d’ensilage de luzerne mais n’a diminué que le flux duodénal de riboflavine chez les animaux recevant des diètes à base d’ensilage de dactyle. La troisième étude a comparé les effets de la longueur de coupe (10 vs. 19 mm) d’ensilages de luzerne et de dactyle sur le devenir des vitamines B dans le système digestif de la vache laitière. Cette étude a permis de constater qu’une augmentation du temps de séchage au champ diminuait les concentrations de vitamines B dans les ensilages. Cependant, la taille des particules des ensilages de luzerne et de dactyle n’a pas affecté les quantités des vitamines B arrivant au duodénum des vaches. En général, les résultats de ces études montrent qu’il existe une corrélation négative entre la synthèse de riboflavine, de niacine et de vitamine B6 et leur ingestion, suggérant une possible régulation de la quantité de ces vitamines B par les microorganismes du rumen. De plus, l’ingestion d’amidon et d’azote a été corrélée positivement avec la synthèse de thiamine, de folates et de vitamine B12, et négativement avec la synthèse de niacine. Ces corrélations suggèrent que les microorganismes qui utilisent préférentiellement l’amidon jouent un rôle majeur pour la synthèse ou la dégradation de ces vitamines. De plus, la présence d’une quantité suffisante d’azote semble avoir un impact majeur sur ces processus. La suite de ces travaux devrait viser la modélisation de ces données afin de mieux appréhender la physiologie de la digestion de ces vitamines et permettre la création de modèles mathématiques capables de prédire les quantités de vitamines disponibles pour les vaches. Ces modèles permettront, lorsqu’intégrés aux logiciels de formulation de ration, d’élaborer une diète plus précise, ce qui améliorera la santé du troupeau et la performance laitière et augmentera les profits du producteur.


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Nervous system disorders are associated with cognitive and motor deficits, and are responsible for the highest disability rates and global burden of disease. Their recovery paths are vulnerable and dependent on the effective combination of plastic brain tissue properties, with complex, lengthy and expensive neurorehabilitation programs. This work explores two lines of research, envisioning sustainable solutions to improve treatment of cognitive and motor deficits. Both projects were developed in parallel and shared a new sensible approach, where low-cost technologies were integrated with common clinical operative procedures. The aim was to achieve more intensive treatments under specialized monitoring, improve clinical decision-making and increase access to healthcare. The first project (articles I – III) concerned the development and evaluation of a web-based cognitive training platform (COGWEB), suitable for intensive use, either at home or at institutions, and across a wide spectrum of ages and diseases that impair cognitive functioning. It was tested for usability in a memory clinic setting and implemented in a collaborative network, comprising 41 centers and 60 professionals. An adherence and intensity study revealed a compliance of 82.8% at six months and an average of six hours/week of continued online cognitive training activities. The second project (articles IV – VI) was designed to create and validate an intelligent rehabilitation device to administer proprioceptive stimuli on the hemiparetic side of stroke patients while performing ambulatory movement characterization (SWORD). Targeted vibratory stimulation was found to be well tolerated and an automatic motor characterization system retrieved results comparable to the first items of the Wolf Motor Function Test. The global system was tested in a randomized placebo controlled trial to assess its impact on a common motor rehabilitation task in a relevant clinical environment (early post-stroke). The number of correct movements on a hand-to-mouth task was increased by an average of 7.2/minute while the probability to perform an error decreased from 1:3 to 1:9. Neurorehabilitation and neuroplasticity are shifting to more neuroscience driven approaches. Simultaneously, their final utility for patients and society is largely dependent on the development of more effective technologies that facilitate the dissemination of knowledge produced during the process. The results attained through this work represent a step forward in that direction. Their impact on the quality of rehabilitation services and public health is discussed according to clinical, technological and organizational perspectives. Such a process of thinking and oriented speculation has led to the debate of subsequent hypotheses, already being explored in novel research paths.