918 resultados para Absorption (Physiology)
Sequential alternation of extracellular digestion in the stomach and intracellular digestion in the diverticula appears widespread among bivalves. The present study documents some physiological consequences of such processes in Mytilus edulis L. collected during 1981 from Whitsand Bay, Cornwall, England. Pronounced temporal fluctuations in faecal deposition are described that relate, in terms of amplitude and period, to both sinusoidal rhythmicity established for ammonia excretion and changes in the morphology of digestive tubules. Although at least partially synchronised among replicate groups of mussels, these cycles bore no consistent relationship with exogenous influences. Hourly fluctuation in the net absorption efficiency for nitrogen, as evidenced by the mean percentage ±2 SE, measured over 24 h sampling periods, was considerable (16.0±53.7, 49.3±10.9 and 52.8±6.6 for mussels acclimated in March, June and October, respectively). This variation in absorption derived from an inverse relationship between the percentage nitrogen within faeces and the rate of faecal egestion. Accordingly, peaks of faecal deposition presumably represented the pulsed remnants of intracellular digestion. Co-ordinated rhythms of digestion, absorption and excretion were thus evident in M. edulis. These processes displayed seasonally dependent periodicities of approximately 8, 3 and 4 h in March, June and October, respectively. It was concluded that, at least for M. edulis, this previously unquantified rhythmicity of physiological processes warrants careful consideration during assays commonly undertaken in the complication of nutrient and energy budgets.
1. Catabolic processes of the phasic and catch parts of the adductor muscle ofPlacopecten magellanicus have been studied in relation to valve snap and valve closure responses. It is concluded that the snap response is powered by both parts of the adductor muscle and the valve closure response is powered exclusively by the catch part. 2. Both parts of the adductor muscle show a high glycolytic potential, reflected by high levels of glycolytic enzymes (Table 1) and high glycogen levels (Table 2). Lactate dehydrogenase could not be detected. In contrast, octopine dehydrogenase shows high activities in both parts of the adductor muscle. It is therefore concluded that a main anaerobic pathway in both tissues is the breakdown of glycogen to octopine. In the catch part, however, a considerable amount of the pyruvate formed from glycogen may also be converted into alanine (see below). The glycolytic flux in the catch part is much higher during the snap response than during valve closure. 3. The absence of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase in the adductor muscle ofP. magellanicus and the observed changes in aspartate, alanine and succinate demonstrate that the energy metabolism in the catch part during valve closure shows great similarities to that which occurs only in the initial stage of anaerobiosis in the catch adductor muscle of the sea musselMytilus edulis L. 4. Arginine kinase activity and arginine phosphate content of the phasic part are much higher than those of the catch part (Tables 1 and 3). This may explain why in the phasic part during the snap response most ATP equivalents are derived from arginine phosphate, and in the catch part during both valve responses most are derived from glycolysis (Table 6). Despite the limited contribution of glycolysis in the phasic part during the snap response, the glycolytic flux increases by a factor of at least 75. 5. Evidence is obtained that octopine is neither transported from one part of the adductor muscle to the other, nor from the adductor muscle to other tissues.
Multivariate experiments are used to study the effects of body size, food concentration, and season on the oxygen consumption, ammonia excretion, food assimilation efficiency and filtration rate of Mytilus edulis adults. Food concentrations and season affect both the intercept and the slope of the allometric equation describing oxygen uptake as a function of body size. Multiple regression and response surface techniques are used to describe and illustrate the complex relationship between metabolic rate, ration, season and the body size of M. edulis. Filtration rate has a relatively low weight exponent Q> = 038) and the intercept for the allometric equation is not significantly affected by food concentration, season or acclimation temperatures between 5 and 20 °C. Food assimilation efficiency declines exponentially with increasing food concentration and is dependent on body size at high food levels. The rate of ammonia excretion shows a similar seasonal cycle to that of oxygen consumption. They are both minimal in the autumn/winter and reach a maximum in the spring /summer.