953 resultados para Aberrant splicing
Mutations of the TP53 and Ki-ras genes have been reported to be of prognostic importance in colorectal carcinomas. An increased intracellular concentration of the p53 protein, although not identical to, is sometimes seen in tumours with TP53 mutation and has been correlated with poor prognosis in some tumour types. Previous colorectal cancer studies, addressing the prognostic importance of Ki-ras mutation and TP53 aberrations, yielded contradictory results. The aim of this study was to determine in a clinically and therapeutically homogeneous group of 122 sporadic Dukes' B colorectal carcinomas with a median follow-up of 67 months (3-144 months) whether or not p53 protein expression, TP53 mutation and K-ras mutation correlated with prognosis. p53 staining was performed by immunohistochemistry, using the monoclonal antibody DO7 on paraffin-embedded tissue. Mutations in exons 5-8 of the TP53 gene and in codons 12 and 13 of the K-ras gene were assayed in paraffin-embedded tissue by the single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) assay. Nuclear p53 staining was found in 57 (47%) tumours. Aberrant migration patterns indicating mutation of the TP53 gene were found in 39 (32%) tumours. Forty-six carcinomas (38%) showed a mutation of the Ki-ras codons 12 or 13. In a univariate analysis, patients with wild-type TP53 status showed a trend towards better survival, compared with those with mutated TP53 (log-rank test, P = 0.051). Likewise, tumours immunohistochemically positive for p53 showed a worse prognosis than p53-negative tumours (P = 0.010). The presence or absence of mutations in Ki-ras did not correlate with prognosis (P = 0.703). In multivariate analysis, only p53 immunoreactivity emerged as an independent marker for prognosis hazard ratio (HR) = 2.16, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.12-4.11, P = 0.02). Assessment of p53 protein expression is more discriminative than TP53 mutation to predict the outcome of Dukes' stage B tumours and could be a useful tool to identify patients who might benefit from adjuvant therapy.
AbstractIn addition to genetic changes affecting the function of gene products, changes in gene expression have been suggested to underlie many or even most of the phenotypic differences among mammals. However, detailed gene expression comparisons were, until recently, restricted to closely related species, owing to technological limitations. Thus, we took advantage of the latest technologies (RNA-Seq) to generate extensive qualitative and quantitative transcriptome data for a unique collection of somatic and germline tissues from representatives of all major mammalian lineages (placental mammals, marsupials and monotremes) and birds, the evolutionary outgroup.In the first major project of my thesis, we performed global comparative analyses of gene expression levels based on these data. Our analyses provided fundamental insights into the dynamics of transcriptome change during mammalian evolution (e.g., the rate of expression change across species, tissues and chromosomes) and allowed the exploration of the functional relevance and phenotypic implications of transcription changes at a genome-wide scale (e.g., we identified numerous potentially selectively driven expression switches).In a second project of my thesis, which was also based on the unique transcriptome data generated in the context of the first project we focused on the evolution of alternative splicing in mammals. Alternative splicing contributes to transcriptome complexity by generating several transcript isoforms from a single gene, which can, thus, perform various functions. To complete the global comparative analysis of gene expression changes, we explored patterns of alternative splicing evolution. This work uncovered several general and unexpected patterns of alternative splicing evolution (e.g., we found that alternative splicing evolves extremely rapidly) as well as a large number of conserved alternative isoforms that may be crucial for the functioning of mammalian organs.Finally, the third and final project of my PhD consisted in analyzing in detail the unique functional and evolutionary properties of the testis by exploring the extent of its transcriptome complexity. This organ was previously shown to evolve rapidly both at the phenotypic and molecular level, apparently because of the specific pressures that act on this organ and are associated with its reproductive function. Moreover, my analyses of the amniote tissue transcriptome data described above, revealed strikingly widespread transcriptional activity of both functional and nonfunctional genomic elements in the testis compared to the other organs. To elucidate the cellular source and mechanisms underlying this promiscuous transcription in the testis, we generated deep coverage RNA-Seq data for all major testis cell types as well as epigenetic data (DNA and histone methylation) using the mouse as model system. The integration of these complete dataset revealed that meiotic and especially post-meiotic germ cells are the major contributors to the widespread functional and nonfunctional transcriptome complexity of the testis, and that this "promiscuous" spermatogenic transcription is resulting, at least partially, from an overall transcriptionally permissive chromatin state. We hypothesize that this particular open state of the chromatin results from the extensive chromatin remodeling that occurs during spermatogenesis which ultimately leads to the replacement of histones by protamines in the mature spermatozoa. Our results have important functional and evolutionary implications (e.g., regarding new gene birth and testicular gene expression evolution).Generally, these three large-scale projects of my thesis provide complete and massive datasets that constitute valuables resources for further functional and evolutionary analyses of mammalian genomes.
Notch proteins regulate a broad spectrum of cell fate decisions and differentiation processes during fetal and postnatal life. These proteins are involved in organogenesis during embryonic development as well as in the maintenance of homeostasis of self-renewing systems. The paradigms of Notch function, such as stem and progenitor cell maintenance, lineage specification mediated by binary cell fate decisions, and induction of terminal differentiation, were initially established in invertebrates and subsequently confirmed in mammals. Moreover, aberrant Notch signaling is linked to tumorigenesis. In this review, we discuss the origin of postulated Notch functions, give examples from different mammalian organ systems, and try to relate them to the hematopoietic system.
Malondialdehyde (MDA) is a small, ubiquitous, and potentially toxic aldehyde that is produced in vivo by lipid oxidation and that is able to affect gene expression. Tocopherol deficiency in the vitamin E2 mutant vte2-1 of Arabidopsis thaliana leads to massive lipid oxidation and MDA accumulation shortly after germination. MDA accumulation correlates with a strong visual phenotype (growth reduction, cotyledon bleaching) and aberrant GST1 (glutathione S-transferase 1) expression. We suppressed MDA accumulation in the vte2-1 background by genetically removing tri-unsaturated fatty acids. The resulting quadruple mutant, fad3-2 fad7-2 fad8 vte2-1, did not display the visual phenotype or the aberrant GST1 expression observed in vte2-1. Moreover, cotyledon bleaching in vte2-1 was chemically phenocopied by treatment of wild-type plants with MDA. These data suggest that products of tri-unsaturated fatty acid oxidation underlie the vte2-1 seedling phenotype, including cellular toxicity and gene regulation properties. Generation of the quadruple mutant facilitated the development of an in situ fluorescence assay based on the formation of adducts of MDA with 2-thiobarbituric acid at 37 degrees C. Specificity was verified by measuring pentafluorophenylhydrazine derivatives of MDA and by liquid chromatography analysis of MDA-2-thiobarbituric acid adducts. Potentially applicable to other organisms, this method allowed the localization of MDA pools throughout the body of Arabidopsis and revealed an undiscovered pool of the compound unlikely to be derived from trienoic fatty acids in the vicinity of the root tip quiescent center.
The neurofilament (NF) proteins (NF-H, NF-M, and NF-L for high, medium, and low molecular weights) play a crucial role in the organization of neuronal shape and function. In a preliminary study, the abundance of total NF-L was shown to be decreased in brains of opioid addicts. Because of the potential relevance of NF abnormalities in opioid addiction, we quantitated nonphosphorylated and phosphorylated NF in postmortem brains from 12 well-defined opioid abusers who had died of an opiate overdose (heroin or methadone). Levels of NF were assessed by immunoblotting techniques using phospho-independent and phospho-dependent antibodies, and the relative (% changes in immunoreactivity) and absolute (changes in ng NF/microg total protein) amounts of NF were calculated. Decreased levels of nonphosphorylated NF-H (42-32%), NF-M (14-9%) and NF-L (30-29%) were found in the prefrontal cortex of opioid addicts compared with sex, age, and postmortem delay-matched controls. In contrast, increased levels of phosphorylated NF-H (58-41%) and NF-M (56-28%) were found in the same brains of opioid addicts. The ratio of phosphorylated to nonphosphorylated NF-H in opioid addicts (3.4) was greater than that in control subjects (1.6). In the same brains of opioid addicts, the levels of protein phosphatase of the type 2A were found unchanged, which indicated that the hyperphosphorylation of NF-H is not the result of a reduced dephosphorylation process. The immunodensities of GFAP (the specific glial cytoskeletol protein), alpha-internexin (a neuronal filament related to NF-L) and synaptophysin (a synapse-specific protein) were found unchanged, suggesting a lack of gross changes in glial reaction, other intermediate filaments of the neuronal cytoskeletol, and synaptic density in the prefrontal cortex of opioid addicts. These marked reductions in total NF proteins and the aberrant hyperphosphorylation of NF-H in brains of opioid addicts may play a significant role in the cellular mechanisms of opioid addiction.
Purpose: To report the clinical and genetic study of a family with Leber congenital amaurosis (LCA). Methods: We studied a consanguineous family from Yemen in which three individuals were affected with LCA. Genomic DNA was prepared from venous leukocytes. Linkage analysis of all family members using polymorphic markers flanking the known LCA genes was performed, followed by direct sequencing of all the exons and intron-exon junctions of the RPE65 gene. Results: The three affected were 5, 8 and 12 years old. Severe visual impairment and night blindness were noticed during infancy. Nystagmus was not a feature. Photophobia was only observed in the 8-year-old patient. The 5-year old youngest affected had a bilateral hyperopia of +3.50 and a visual acuity of 1/60. The oldest two had mild myopia and visual acuity limited to hand movements RE and counting fingers LE for the oldest and of 5/60 OD, 6/60 OS for the other. On fundus examination, they harbored common clinical features such as disc pallor, attenuated vessels, white flecks in the retina mid-periphery and bull's eye maculopathy. Electroretinograms of the oldest child were completely extinguished while residual scotopic responses with abolished photopic and flicker responses were observed in the two youngest. Sequencing identified a novel missense mutation, IVS2-3C>G, in the second RPE65 intron. The mutation was not detected in 80 ethnically matched normal individuals. Conclusion: We have identified a novel LCA-related homozygous RPE65 mutation associated with a severe clinical presentation including an early and severe cone dysfunction. This is in contrast with the presentation associated with other RPE65 mutations predominantly causing a rod-cone dystrophy with residual cone function. The identified mutation potentially affects splicing of the third exon and could result in a loss of function. Definite functional consequences of this change still need to be characterized.
The mammalian circadian clock plays a fundamental role in the liver by regulating fatty acid, glucose, and xenobiotic metabolism. Impairment of this rhythm has been shown to lead to diverse pathologies, including metabolic syndrome. Currently, it is supposed that the circadian clock regulates metabolism mostly by regulating expression of liver enzymes at the transcriptional level. Here, we show that the circadian clock also controls hepatic metabolism by synchronizing a secondary 12 hr period rhythm characterized by rhythmic activation of the IRE1alpha pathway in the endoplasmic reticulum. The absence of circadian clock perturbs this secondary clock and provokes deregulation of endoplasmic reticulum-localized enzymes. This leads to impaired lipid metabolism, resulting in aberrant activation of the sterol-regulated SREBP transcription factors. The resulting aberrant circadian lipid metabolism in mice devoid of the circadian clock could be involved in the appearance of the associated metabolic syndrome.
Adenocarcinoma of the lung is the leading cause of cancer death worldwide. Here we report molecular profiling of 230 resected lung adenocarcinomas using messenger RNA, microRNA and DNA sequencing integrated with copy number, methylation and proteomic analyses. High rates of somatic mutation were seen (mean 8.9 mutations per megabase). Eighteen genes were statistically significantly mutated, including RIT1 activating mutations and newly described loss-of-function MGA mutations which are mutually exclusive with focal MYC amplification. EGFR mutations were more frequent in female patients, whereas mutations in RBM10 were more common in males. Aberrations in NF1, MET, ERBB2 and RIT1 occurred in 13% of cases and were enriched in samples otherwise lacking an activated oncogene, suggesting a driver role for these events in certain tumours. DNA and mRNA sequence from the same tumour highlighted splicing alterations driven by somatic genomic changes, including exon 14 skipping in MET mRNA in 4% of cases. MAPK and PI(3)K pathway activity, when measured at the protein level, was explained by known mutations in only a fraction of cases, suggesting additional, unexplained mechanisms of pathway activation. These data establish a foundation for classification and further investigations of lung adenocarcinoma molecular pathogenesis.
BACKGROUND Animal model studies have shown that the colon tumour promoting effect of dietary fat depends not only on the amount but on its fatty acid composition. With respect to this, the effect of n9 fatty acids, present in olive oil, on colon carcinogenesis has been scarcely investigated. AIMS To assess the effect of an n9 fat diet on precancer events, carcinoma development, and changes in mucosal fatty acid composition and prostaglandin (PG)E2 formation in male Sprague-Dawley rats with azoxymethane induced colon cancer. METHODS Rats were divided into three groups to receive isocaloric diets (5% of the energy as fat) rich in n9, n3, or n6 fat, and were administered azoxymethane subcutaneously once a week for 11 weeks at a dose rate of 7.4 mg/kg body weight. Vehicle treated groups received an equal volume of normal saline. Groups of animals were colectomised at weeks 12 and 19 after the first dose of azoxymethane or saline. Mucosal fatty acids were assessed at 12 and 19 weeks. Aberrant crypt foci and the in vivo intracolonic release of PGE2 were assessed at week 12, and tumour formation at week 19. RESULTS Rats on the n6 diet were found to have colonic aberrant crypt foci and adenocarcinomas more often than those consuming either the n9 or n3 diet. There were no differences between the rats on the n9 and n3 diets. On the other hand, administration of both n9 and n3 diets was associated with a decrease in mucosal arachidonate concentrations as compared with the n6 diet. Carcinogen treatment induced an appreciable increase in PGE2 formation in rats fed the n6 diet, but not in those fed the n3 and n9 diets. CONCLUSIONS Dietary olive oil prevented the development of aberrant crypt foci and colon carcinomas in rats, suggesting that olive oil may have chemopreventive activity against colon carcinogenesis. These effects may be partly due to modulation of arachidonic acid metabolism and local PGE2synthesis.
Wnt and Notch signaling have long been established as strongly oncogenic in the mouse mammary gland. Aberrant expression of several Wnts and other components of this pathway in human breast carcinomas has been reported, but evidence for a causative role in the human disease has been missing. Here we report that increased Wnt signaling, as achieved by ectopic expression of Wnt-1, triggers the DNA damage response (DDR) and an ensuing cascade of events resulting in tumorigenic conversion of primary human mammary epithelial cells. Wnt-1-transformed cells have high telomerase activity and compromised p53 and Rb function, grow as spheres in suspension, and in mice form tumors that closely resemble medullary carcinomas of the breast. Notch signaling is up-regulated through a mechanism involving increased expression of the Notch ligands Dll1, Dll3, and Dll4 and is required for expression of the tumorigenic phenotype. Increased Notch signaling in primary human mammary epithelial cells is sufficient to reproduce some aspects of Wnt-induced transformation. The relevance of these findings for human breast cancer is supported by the fact that expression of Wnt-1 and Wnt-4 and of established Wnt target genes, such as Axin-2 and Lef-1, as well as the Notch ligands, such as Dll3 and Dll4, is up-regulated in human breast carcinomas.
It is widely accepted that protein oxidation is involved in a variety of diseases, including neurodegenerative diseases. Especially during aging, a reduction in anti-oxidant defence mechanisms leads to an increased formation of free radical oxygen species and consequently results in a damage of proteins, including mitochondrial and synaptic ones. Even those proteins involved in repair and protein clearance via the ubiquitin proteasome and lysosomal system are subject to damage and show a reduced function. Here, we will discuss a variety of mechanisms and provide examples where cognition is affected and where repair mechanisms are no longer sufficient to compensate for a dysfunction of damaged proteins or even may become toxic. Next to physiological deficits, an accumulation of deficient proteins in aggresomes may occur and result in a formation of pathological hallmark structures typical for aging and disease. A major challenge is how to prevent aberrant oxidation, given that oxidation plays an essential role in aging and neurodegenerative diseases. Particularly interesting are the possibilities to reduce the formation of radical oxygen species leading to a dysfunction of protein repair and protein clearance, or to a formation of toxic byproducts accelerating neurodegeneration.
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: It is accepted that a woman's lifetime risk of developing breast cancer after menopause is reduced by early full term pregnancy and multiparity. This phenomenon is thought to be associated with the development and differentiation of the breast during pregnancy. METHODS: In order to understand the underlying molecular mechanisms of pregnancy induced breast cancer protection, we profiled and compared the transcriptomes of normal breast tissue biopsies from 71 parous (P) and 42 nulliparous (NP) healthy postmenopausal women using Affymetrix Human Genome U133 Plus 2.0 arrays. To validate the results, we performed real time PCR and immunohistochemistry. RESULTS: We identified 305 differentially expressed probesets (208 distinct genes). Of these, 267 probesets were up- and 38 down-regulated in parous breast samples; bioinformatics analysis using gene ontology enrichment revealed that up-regulated genes in the parous breast represented biological processes involving differentiation and development, anchoring of epithelial cells to the basement membrane, hemidesmosome and cell-substrate junction assembly, mRNA and RNA metabolic processes and RNA splicing machinery. The down-regulated genes represented biological processes that comprised cell proliferation, regulation of IGF-like growth factor receptor signaling, somatic stem cell maintenance, muscle cell differentiation and apoptosis. CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests that the differentiation of the breast imprints a genomic signature that is centered in the mRNA processing reactome. These findings indicate that pregnancy may induce a safeguard mechanism at post-transcriptional level that maintains the fidelity of the transcriptional process.
Thyroid hormone receptors (TRs) are members of the nuclear hormone receptor superfamily, which act as transcription factors upon binding to specific DNA sequences called thyroid hormone (T3) response elements (TREs). Such elements are found in the upstream regulatory region of promoters as well as in intragenic sequences of T3-responsive genes. In this report, we demonstrate that SV40 late (SVL) promoter activity is strongly down-regulated by TR in the absence of ligand. Addition of T3 releases this repression, but does not further induce SVL promoter activity. Electrophoretic mobility shift analyses reveal a TR binding element that overlaps with the SV40 major late transcription initiation site. This element closely fits the consensus TRE, formed of two hexanucleotides organized in a tandem repeat separated by 4 nt, and is able to confer T3 responsiveness on a heterologous promoter. We further show that, although the presence of TR leads to quantitatively modified expression of an SVL-driven reporter gene, neither displacement of the site of transcription initiation nor modification of the splicing pattern of the primary transcripts occur.
Inflammatory bowel diseases are a result of an aberrant mucosal immune response to gut microflora. Several groups have reported newly diagnosed inflammatory bowel diseases following solid organ transplantation and subsequent immunosuppressive therapy. We describe four cases of newly diagnosed inflammatory bowel diseases following liver transplantation in a pool of 120 transplanted patients. These patients had no prior history of inflammatory bowel diseases or primary sclerosing cholangitis and were immunosuppressed. Two patients were transplanted for a hepatitis C related cirrhosis, one for alcoholic cirrhosis and one patient for autoimmune cirrhosis. Three patients were diagnosed with ulcerative colitis and one with Crohn's disease. These four patients were on a cyclosporin monotherapy when their inflammatory bowel diseases were diagnosed. These data suggest that cyclosporin monotherapy following solid organ transplantation does not prevent development of inflammatory bowel diseases.
The objective of this study was to comprehensively compare the genomic profiles in the breast of parous and nulliparous postmenopausal women to identify genes that permanently change their expression following pregnancy. The study was designed as a two-phase approach. In the discovery phase, we compared breast genomic profiles of 37 parous with 18 nulliparous postmenopausal women. In the validation phase, confirmation of the genomic patterns observed in the discovery phase was sought in an independent set of 30 parous and 22 nulliparous postmenopausal women. RNA was hybridized to Affymetrix HG_U133 Plus 2.0 oligonucleotide arrays containing probes to 54,675 transcripts, scanned and the images analyzed using Affymetrix GCOS software. Surrogate variable analysis, logistic regression, and significance analysis of microarrays were used to identify statistically significant differences in expression of genes. The false discovery rate (FDR) approach was used to control for multiple comparisons. We found that 208 genes (305 probe sets) were differentially expressed between parous and nulliparous women in both discovery and validation phases of the study at an FDR of 10% and with at least a 1.25-fold change. These genes are involved in regulation of transcription, centrosome organization, RNA splicing, cell-cycle control, adhesion, and differentiation. The results provide initial evidence that full-term pregnancy induces long-term genomic changes in the breast. The genomic signature of pregnancy could be used as an intermediate marker to assess potential chemopreventive interventions with hormones mimicking the effects of pregnancy for prevention of breast cancer.