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针对朱基总理 1 999年 8月 7日讲话精神和旱农技术在特殊的自然条件和社会条件下为了良化农田生态环境和持续增产所采取的一整套用地与养地相结合的技术体系。文章着重的分析了培肥地力、轮作倒茬、化学技术、选育品种、节水、立体种植、地膜覆盖、水土保持耕作法八种技术 ,充分利用光、热、水、气、土、肥资源而取得明显的社会效益、经济效益和生态效益 ,剖析了旱作技术在农业持续、稳定、健康发展中的作用和改善农业生态环境的显著地位 ,供同类地区的决策者和研究者借鉴
本文对中国东北 8种藓类植物染色体数目进行了报道。其中赤茎藓Pleuroziumschreberi (Brid .)Mitt.,n =5 ;塔藓Hylocomiumsplendens (Hedw .)B .S .G .,n =11;粗肋羽藓Thuidiumrecognitum (Hedw .)Lindb .,n =11;绿羽藓T .assimile (Mitt.)Jaeg .,n =11;四齿藓TetraphispellucidaHedw .,n =8;侧枝匐灯藓Plagiomniummaximoviczii (Lindb .)Kop .,n =6 ;尖叶匐灯藓P .cuspidatum (Hedw .)Kop .,n =12 ;具缘提灯藓Mniummarginatum (With .)Beauv .,n =6。绿羽藓的染色体数目为首次报道 ,赤茎藓 ,塔藓 ,粗肋羽藓和四齿藓为国内首次报道
鳞甲目 (Pholidota)作为真兽亚纲18个现生目之一,是理解哺乳动物系统分类和进化的一个关键类群。穿山甲的形态十分特殊,它的系统发生地位历来就是人们关注的对象,搞清穿山甲的系统发生地位将有助于理解和重建整个哺乳动物的系统发生过程。目前,中国穿山甲已被列入“哺乳动物基因组计划”24个待测序物种其中之一。细胞遗传学的研究表明中国穿山甲的核型具有多态性。 细菌人工染色体 (BAC)文库目前已成为基因组学研究领域的最为重要的研究工具之一。各种动植物细菌人工染色体文库的逐渐丰富为后基因组时代比较基因组研究奠定了良好的基础。中国穿山甲基因组DNA文库的构建将有力地促进穿山甲染色体演化、哺乳动物比较基因组学及其系统发育学的研究。 本研究在世界上首次成功地构建了一个具有约8倍基因组覆盖率的中国穿山甲细菌人工染色体文库。该基因组文库含有208,512个克隆,储存在543块384孔板中。对随机选取的171个克隆的Not1酶切和脉冲场电泳结果分析显示: 64.5%的克隆插入片段大小介于100-149 Kb之间, 75.6%的克隆插入片段大于100kb。平均插入片段大小为111.4Kb; 非重组克隆 (无插入片段)的比率为9.9%。同时,我们通过荧光原位杂交把105个BAC克隆定位到了中国穿山甲染色体上的特异区域, 构建了中国穿山甲的BAC细胞遗传学图谱。初步的染色体定位结果表明,BAC克隆在基因组中的分布没有偏向性。 中国穿山甲BAC文库的成功构建,丰富了哺乳动物基因组文库资源。该文库除有利于比较基因组研究之外,也为深化保护遗传学研究奠定了基础。BAC细胞遗传学图谱的构建,将为中国穿山甲全基因组测序中产生的序列重叠群在染色体上的定向和定位奠定基础。
掺杂的CeO2基固体电解质因其在中低温条件下(500 ̄700℃)具有高氧离子电导率而成为有希望的IT-SOFCs(intermediate temperature-solid oxide fuel
The Mg-8.31Gd-1.12Dy-0.38Zr (mass%) alloy was prepared by casting technology, and the microstructure, age hardening behavior and mechanical property have been investigated. It is noted that the alpha-Mg and the different Mg-RE (RE = Gd/Dy) compounds are subsistent in the as-cast and annealed state samples. The age hardening behavior is observed during the investigated temperature range, and the alloy exhibits high Vickers hardness, excellent ultimate tensile strength and yield strength at peak hardness.
By using the bifunctional ligand, 8-hydroxyquinoline-functionalized organosilane (Q-Si), the new mesoporous material Q-MCM-41 covalently bonded with 8-hydroxyquinoline was synthesized. Through the ligand exchange reaction, the new near-infrared (NIR) luminescent mesoporous LnQ(3)-MCM-41 (Ln = Er, Nd, Yb) materials were prepared by linking the lanthanide quinolinate complexes to the ordered mesoporous Q-MCM-41 material. The LnQ(3)-MCM-41 materials were characterized by powder X-ray diffraction and N-2 adsorption/desorption, and they all show the characteristic mesoporous structure of MCM-41 with highly uniform pore size distributions.
A novel mesoporous material covalently bonded with 8-hydroxyquinoline (HQ) was synthesized (designated as Q-SBA-15). The 5-formyl-8-hydroxyquinoline grafted to.(3-aminopropyl)triethoxysilane, that is, alkoxysilane modified 8-hydroxyquinoline (Q-Si), was used as one of the precursors for the preparation of the Q-SBA-15 material. On the basis of the other function of the Q-Si of coordinating to lanthanide (Ln) ions, for the first time, the LnQ(3) complexes (Ln = Er, Nd, Yb) have been covalently bonded to the SBA-15 materials.
A novel cemented carbides (W0.5Al0.5)C-0.8-Co with different cobalt contents were prepared by mechanical alloying and hot-pressing technique. Hot-pressing technique as a common technique was performed to fabricate the bulk bodies of the hard alloys. The novel cemented carbides have superior mechanical properties compared to WC-Co. The density, operating cost of the novel material were much lower than WC-Co. There is almost no eta-phase in the (W0.5Al0.5)C-0.8-Co cemented carbides system although the carbon deficient get the value of 20%, and successfully got the nanostructured rounded (W0.5Al0.5)C-0.8 particles.
We developed a series of highly efficient blue electroluminescent polymers with dopant-host systems and molecular dispersion features by selecting 1,8-naphthalimide derivatives as the light blue emissive dopant units, choosing polyfluorene as the deep blue emissive polymer host and covalently attaching the dopant units to the side chain of the polymer host. The polymers' EL spectra exhibited both deep blue emission from the polymer host and light blue emission from the dopant units because of the energy transfer and charge trapping from the polymer host to the dopant units.
Two highly connected cobalt(II) and zinc(II) coordination polymers with tetranuclear metal clusters as the nodes of network have been prepared, being the first example of an 8-connected self-penetrating net based on a cross-linked alpha-Po subnet.