1000 resultados para 301-U1301B


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A vegetação de cerrado no Estado de São Paulo sobrevive em poucas áreas naturais remanescentes cuja flora, exceto pelas espécies arbóreas, é pouco conhecida. O presente estudo teve como objetivo caracterizar a flora fanerogâmica não-arbórea das diferentes fisionomias da vegetação (campo úmido, cerrado sensu stricto, cerradão e mata ciliar) na Estação Ecológica de Assis (22°33'65" e 22°36'68" S e 50°22'29" e 50°23'00" W), Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, e compará-la a outras áreas de cerrado no estado, para verificar possíveis endemismos ou a presença de espécies raras, que mereçam providências especiais de manejo para sua conservação. Nas diferentes fisionomias da vegetação no interior da unidade de conservação foram registradas 301 espécies fanerógamas não-arbóreas, pertencentes a 199 gêneros e 61 famílias. As famílias com os maiores números de espécies foram: Fabaceae, Asteraceae, Bignoniaceae e Poaceae. A riqueza de espécies foi decrescente do cerrado sensu stricto (146 espécies ou 48,8%), seguido pelo cerradão (48 espécies ou 15,9%), campo úmido (47 espécies ou 15,6%) e, por último, a mata ciliar (15 espécies ou 5,0%). Comparada às outras áreas analisadas de cerrado no Estado de São Paulo, a diversidade da flora não-arbórea local é elevada. O alto nível de ocorrências únicas para as formas de vida inventariadas (102 espécies ou 34%) tem sido igualmente observado em outros estudos, indicando que ou os endemismos são mais comuns para espécies vegetais não-arbóreas do que para arbóreas ou os métodos de inventário não têm sido adequados para representar toda a riqueza dessas espécies em cada local. Estratégias de conservação e inventários botânicos devem valorizar especialmente a flora não-arbórea, uma vez que as espécies da flora arbórea apresentam-se mais amplamente distribuídas e melhor inventariadas.


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The biodistribution and removal from plasma (measured as fractional clearance rate, FCR, per hour) of native and oxidatively modified 99mtechnetium-labeled ß-very low density lipoprotein (99mTc-ß-VLDL) were investigated in hypercholesterolemic (HC) and control (C) three-month old New Zealand rabbits. The intracellular accumulation of ß-VLDL labeled with 99mTc was studied in vitro in THP-1 cells and monocyte-derived macrophages isolated from rabbits. After intravenous injection into C rabbits, copper-oxidized ß-VLDL (99mTc-ox-ß-VLDL) was cleared from the circulation faster (0.362 ± 0.070/h) than native ß-VLDL (99mTc-nat-ß-VLDL, 0.241 ± 0.070/h). In contrast, the FCR of 99mTc-ox-ß-VLDL in HC rabbits was lower (0.100 ± 0.048/h) than that of 99mTc-nat-ß-VLDL (0.163 ± 0.043/h). The hepatic uptake of radiolabeled lipoproteins was lower in HC rabbits (0.114 ± 0.071% injected dose/g tissue for 99mTc-nat-ß-VLDL and 0.116 ± 0.057% injected dose/g tissue for 99mTc-ox-ß-VLDL) than in C rabbits (0.301 ± 0.113% injected dose/g tissue for 99mTc-nat-ß-VLDL and 0.305 ± 0.149% injected dose/g tissue for 99mTc-ox-ß-VLDL). The uptake of 99mTc-nat-ß-VLDL and 99mTc-ox-ß-VLDL by atherosclerotic aorta lesions isolated from HC rabbits (99mTc-nat-ß-VLDL: 0.033 ± 0.012% injected dose/g tissue and 99mTc-ox-ß-VLDL: 0.039 ± 0.017% injected dose/g tissue) was higher in comparison to that of non-atherosclerotic aortas from C rabbits (99mTc-nat-ß-VLDL: 0.023 ± 0.010% injected dose/g tissue and 99mTc-ox-ß-VLDL: 0.019 ± 0.010% injected dose/g tissue). However, 99mTc-nat-ß-VLDL and 99mTc-ox-ß-VLDL were taken up by atherosclerotic lesions at similar rates. In vitro studies showed that both monocyte-derived macrophages isolated from rabbits and THP-1 macrophages significantly internalized more 99mTc-ox-ß-VLDL than 99mTc-nat-ß-VLDL. These results indicate that in cholesterol-fed rabbits 99mTc-ox-ß-VLDL is slowly cleared from plasma and accumulates in atherosclerotic lesions. However, although the extent of in vitro uptake of 99mTc-ox-ß-VLDL by macrophages was high, the in vivo accumulation of this radiolabeled lipoprotein by atherosclerotic lesions did not differ from that of 99mTc-nat-ß-VLDL.


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Martti Niemen väitöskirja Lapsen ominaisuudet, perheen resurssit ja vanhempi-lapsisuhde lapsen kehityksen ennustajana : pitkittäistutkimus varhaislapsuudesta kouluikään (Tampereen yliopisto 2012).


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We evaluated the protein quality of organic and transgenic soy fed to rats throughout life. Thirty female Wistar rats were divided into three groups (N = 10): organic soy group (OSG) receiving organic soy-based diet, genetically modified soy group (GMSG) receiving transgenic soy-based diet, and a control group (CG) receiving casein-based diet. All animals received water and isocaloric diet (10% protein), ad libitum for 291 days. After this, the weight of GMSG animals (290.9 ± 9.1 g) was significantly lower (P <= 0.04) than CG (323.2 ± 7.9 g). The weight of OSG (302.2 ± 8.7 g) was between that of the GMSG and the CG. Protein intake was similar for OSG (308.4 ± 6.8 g) and GMSG (301.5 ± 2.5 g), and significantly lower (P <= 0.0005) than the CG (358.4 ± 8.1 g). Growth rate was similar for all groups: OSG (0.80 ± 0.02 g), GMSG (0.81 ± 0.03 g) and CG (0.75 ± 0.02 g). In addition to providing a good protein intake and inducing less weight gain, both types of soy were utilized in a manner similar to that of casein, suggesting that the protein quality of soy is similar to that of the standard protein casein. The groups fed soy-based diet gained less weight, which may be considered to be beneficial for health. We conclude that organic and transgenic soy can be fed throughout life to rats in place of animal protein, because contain high quality protein and do not cause a marked increase in body weight.


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Bumblebees are a very essential group of pollinating insects, but their populations have declined drastically during the past decades. We need to understand why their numbers are decreasing and what can be done to reverse this trend. Climate change-related phenomena, such as changes in the overwintering temperatures and spring conditions, are among the most prominent threats to bumblebees. Queens have a special role in the lifecycle of bumblebees because they overwinter and start new colonies the next year. Their successful performance: survival, overwintering ability, longevity, immune competence, and nest establishing capability in spring, is highly important for bumblebee populations. However, the effects of climate change on bumblebee queen performance remain unknown. The main objective of this thesis was to assess how temperature affects the performance of bumblebee queens during and after overwintering. The effects of warm temperature predicted by climate change scenarios on queen survival and stress-tolerance were studied by a four-month artificial diapause of bumblebee queens at two temperatures (9°C and 1.8°C). Bumblebee colonies were also reared in a laboratory and factors affecting colony characteristics were examined. In addition, queen performance during spring was studied in a starvation experiment using two temperatures (15°C as normal; 24°C as warmer than average) and queens collected from nature right after their emergence. My research revealed how temperature affects queen performance, and queen size was found to be an important factor determining the direction of some of these effects. We found a 0.4g weight threshold for bumblebee queens to be able to survive overwintering. In addition, during mild winters, larger queens have a higher chance than smaller ones to survive through winter and also to cope with immunological stresses after overwintering. During cold conditions, which are normal in the current climatic situation, this advantage disappears. In the spring starvation experiment, the starved queens survived approximately eight days longer in 15°C than in 24°C, which means that starvation risk rises significantly with increasing spring temperature, in a situation where food is scarce due to for example frost damage or asynchrony between bumblebees and their important food plants. These results could mean that in the future climate, larger queens are better able to survive the winter, initiate their nests and start rearing their offspring. This may be problematic, because I also detected two alternative strategies of colony development that differ between large and small queens; larger queens start to lay eggs earlier at nest initiation, their colonies mature later, they produce more workers, and they have a more strongly male biased sex allocation compared with smaller queens. If larger queens have a greater change of producing offspring after a mild winter, this could lead to a significant decline in the total production of new queens at a population level. Thus, it seems that queen size could act as one mechanism regulating the population level outcomes in different temperatures. The new information presented in my thesis reinforces that basic research, monitoring, and local species conservation of bumblebees both in Finland and globally must be increased to ensure that this highly important pollinator group survives in the face of climate change.


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A total of 301 cell cultures from 15 laboratories were monitored for mycoplasma (Mollicutes) using PCR and culture methodology. The infection was detected in the cell culture collection of 12 laboratories. PCR for Mollicutes detected these bacteria in 93 (30.9%) samples. Although the infection was confirmed by culture for 69 (22.9%) samples, PCR with generic primers did not detect the infection in five (5.4%). Mycoplasma species were identified with specific primers in 91 (30.2%) of the 98 samples (32.6%) considered to be infected. Mycoplasma hyorhinis was detected in 63.3% of the infected samples, M. arginini in 59.2%, Acholeplasma laidlawii in 20.4%, M. fermentans in 14.3%, M. orale in 11.2%, and M. salivarium in 8.2%. Sixty (61.2%) samples were co-infected with more than one mycoplasma species. M. hyorhinis and M. arginini were the microorganisms most frequently found in combination, having been detected in 30 (30.6%) samples and other associations including up to four species were detected in 30 other samples. Failure of the treatments used to eliminate mycoplasmas from cell cultures might be explained by the occurrence of these multiple infections. The present results indicate that the sharing of non-certified cells among laboratories may disseminate mycoplasma in cell cultures.


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We determined the effect of an H1 receptor antagonist on the functional recovery of Carassius auratus submitted to telencephalic ablation. Five days after surgery the fish underwent a spatial-choice learning paradigm test. The fish, weighing 6-12 g, were divided into four groups: telencephalic ablation (A) or sham lesion (S) and saline (SAL) or chlorpheniramine (CPA, ip, 16 mg/kg). For eight consecutive days each animal was trained individually in sessions separated by 24 h (alternate days). Training trials (T1-T8) consisted of finding the food in one of the feeders, which were randomly blocked for each subject. Animals received an intraperitoneal injection of SAL or CPA 10 min after the training trials. The time spent by the animals in each group to find the food (latency) was analyzed separately at T1 and T8 by the Kruskal-Wallis test, followed by the Student Newman-Keuls test. At T1 the latencies (mean ± SEM) of the A-SAL (586.3 ± 13.6) and A-CPA (600 ± 0) groups were significantly longer than those of the S-SAL (226.14 ± 61.15) and S-CPA (356.33 ± 68.8) groups. At T8, the latencies of the A-CPA group (510.11 ± 62.2) remained higher than those of the other groups, all of which showed significantly shorter latencies (A-SAL = 301.91 ± 78.32; S-CPA = 191.58 ± 73.03; S-SAL = 90.28 ± 41) compared with T1. These results support evidence that training can lead to functional recovery of spatial-choice learning in telencephalonless fish and also that the antagonist of the H1 receptor impairs it.


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Cerebral malaria (CM) is a severe complication resulting from Plasmodium falciparum infection. This condition has been associated with cognitive, behavioral and motor dysfunctions, seizures and coma. The underlying mechanisms of CM are incompletely understood. Glutamate and other metabolites such as lactate have been implicated in its pathogenesis. In the present study, we investigated the involvement of glutamate in the behavioral symptoms of CM. Seventeen female C57BL/6 mice (20-25 g) aged 6-8 weeks were infected with P. berghei ANKA by the intraperitoneal route using a standardized inoculation of 10(6) parasitized red blood cells suspended in 0.2 mL PBS. Control animals (N = 17) received the same volume of PBS. Behavioral and neurological symptoms were analyzed by the SmithKline/Harwell/Imperial College/Royal Hospital/Phenotype Assessment (SHIRPA) battery. Glutamate release was measured in the cerebral cortex and cerebrospinal fluid of infected and control mice by fluorimetric assay. All functional categories of the SHIRPA battery were significantly altered in the infected mice at 6 days post-infection (dpi) (P ≤ 0.05). In parallel to CM symptoms, we found a significant increase in glutamate levels in the cerebral cortex (mean ± SEM; control: 11.62 ± 0.90 nmol/mg protein; infected at 3 dpi: 10.36 ± 1.17 nmol/mg protein; infected at 6 dpi: 26.65 ± 0.73 nmol/mg protein; with EGTA, control: 5.60 ± 1.92 nmol/mg protein; infected at 3 dpi: 6.24 ± 1.87 nmol/mg protein; infected at 6 dpi: 14.14 ± 0.84 nmol/mg protein) and in the cerebrospinal fluid (control: 128 ± 51.23 pmol/mg protein; infected: 301.4 ± 22.52 pmol/mg protein) of infected mice (P ≤ 0.05). These findings suggest a role of glutamate in the central nervous system dysfunction found in CM.


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Tutkimuksen kohteena olivat sidosryhmien edustajat, joiden kanssa ELY-keskukset ovat tehneet yhteistyötä vuoden 2014 aikana. Tutkimus toteutettiin kahtena sähköisenä kyselynä: sidosryhmille sekä ohjaaville ministeriöille ja virastoille suunnattuna kyselynä. Kyselyyn vastasi kaikkiaan 2 429 henkilöä, ja vastausprosentiksi muodostui 40 %. Viranomaiskumppaneiden, muiden kumppaneiden ja palvelutuottajien antamat keskimääräiset kokonaistyytyväis-yysarvosanat ovat pysyneet käytännössä ennallaan vuoden 2013 tutkimuksen kanssa. Niiden vastaajien osuus, jotka kokevat ELY-keskusten toiminnan kehittyneen huonompaan suuntaan osuus on kuitenkin kasvanut (22% 2015/3% 2011). Taloudellisesti tiukat ajat näkyvät sidosryhmien vastauksissa. ELY-keskusten elinkeinopoliittiset tavoitteet korostuivat. Sidosryhmät toivovat käytännön yhteistyötä paikallisten yritysten toimintaedellytysten parantamiseksi. Henkilötason yhteistyökynnystä tulisi alentaa. ELY-keskusten odotetaan jalkautuvan aikaisempaa paremmin paikallisten toimijoiden ja yritysten pariin. Toimintojen valtakunnallinen keskittäminen aiheuttaa huolta vastaajissa. Monet toivat esille huolestumisensa paikallistuntemuksen katoamisesta sekä alueellisen vaikutusvallan vähentymisestä. ELY-keskuksilta odotetaan aiempaa palveluhenkisempää otetta yhteistyöhön ja asiakastoimintaan. Lisäksi toivotaan kehitysmyönteisempää suhtautumista: rajoittamisesta ja sääntelystä tulisi siirtyä kohti yhteistä kehittämistä, ratkaisujen hakemista sekä ohjausta. Toiminnan yhtenäisyyteen ja yhdenmukaisuuteen sekä sisäisen yhteistyön toimivuuteen tulisi panostaa. Ohjaavien tahojen antama keskimääräinen kokonaistyytyväisyysarvosana on laskenut hivenen vuoden 2013 tutkimukseen nähden. Sen sijaan ohjaavien tahojen tyytyväisyys toiminnan eri osa-alueisiin on pääosin parantunut. Kehityskohteiden ohella sidosryhmät näkevät ELY-keskusten toiminnassa myös paljon hyvää ja kehityksen olleen oikean suuntaista resurssien vähenemisestä huolimatta. Asiantuntemus ja asiantuntijoiden toiminta saivat myös paljon kiitosta sidosryhmiltä.


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Many factors impact on food consumption behaviours. The aim of the study is to determine the impact of socio-demographic and ecological factors on vegetable consumption. A 14-question questionnaire was applied on a voluntary basis to 200 individuals who accepted to participate in the study. Their socio-demographic attributes and the vegetable consumption habits of their families were determined. Their average monthly budget for vegetables is € 31.82±12.72. The two attributes of purchased vegetables with most demand are cleanliness (61.5%) and freshness (22%). The maximum price per 1 kg of vegetables, which individuals with an income of € 301-450 can afford, is € 0.96, but for individuals with an income of > € 450, it is € 1.25. It was observed that the amount of purchased vegetables increased with the increase in the budget allocated for vegetables.


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