999 resultados para 203
Purpose/Objective: To evaluate the outcome of prostate cancer patients treated with a combination of HDR Brachytherapy boost (HDR-BT) and 3D conformal external pelvic radiotherapy (EBRT) in a dose escalation study. Materials and Methods: 162 patients were followed between November 2004 and December 2010 . Two different dose escalation groups were done: group 1 (n= 92), 1 fraction HDR boost (9-10 Gy ) followed by EBRT (60 Gy in 6 weeks) - BED: 203-216 Gy and group 2 (n=70): 2 fraction HDR boost (18-19 Gy), 6 hours interval between fractions, followed by EBRT (46 Gy in 4.5 weeks) - BED: 233.3 -247 Gy; 116 pts (71.6%) received concomitant androgen deprivation. Patients were classified according to the MSKCC criteria into high (N=137) and intermediate (N=25) risk. Phoenix biochemical failure definition was used. Toxicity was scored by Radiation Morbidity Scoring Criteria (RTOG) Results: The mean follow-up was 41 (range 7-84) months. The 7- years cancer-specific and overall survival was 100% an 92%, respectively. The 7 years actuarial biochemical control rate was 89% and 100% for group 1 and 2, respectively. One patient from group 1 and two patients from group 2 never reached a low nadir. Two patients developed distant metastases 12 and 16 months after the treatment. In a multivariate Cox-regression analysis neither treatment nor risk group (intermediate vs. high risk) were associated with increased risk for biochemical failure. The RTOG grade 3 genitourinary early toxicity was 1.0% and 8.5% while gastrointestinal/genitourinary late toxicity was 7.6% and 1.4% for group 1 and 2, respectively Conclusions: HDR BT boost followed by EBRT appears to be a safe, feasible and effective treatment for patients with unfavorable localized prostate cancer. This study shows a beneficial effect on biochemical control in group 2 pts, however without statistical significance. Higher radiation doses (BED 233.3-247 Gy) do not seem to carry extra toxicity.
Few studies have been found that to assess the factors that explain higher levels of familyburden in adults with intellectualdisability (ID) and intellectualdisability and mental disorders (ID-MD). The aims of this study were to assess familyburden in people with ID and ID-MD and to determine which sociodemographic, clinical and functionaldisabilityvariables account for familyburden. The sample is composed of pairs of 203 participants with disability and their caregivers, of which 33.5% are caregivers of people with ID and 66.5% of ID-MD. Assessments were performed using scales of clinical and functionaldisability as the following instruments: Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale-III (WAIS-III), Inventory for Client and Agency Planning (ICAP), Psychiatric Assessment Schedule for Adults with Development Disability (PAS-ADD checklist), Disability Assessment Schedule of the World Health Organization (WHO-DAS-II) and familyburden (Subjective and Objective FamilyBurden Inventory - SOFBI/ECFOS-II). People with ID-MD presented higher levels of functionaldisability than those with ID only. Higher levels of familyburden were related to higher functionaldisability in all the areas (p < 0.006-0.001), lower intelligence quotient (p < 0.001), diagnosis of ID-MD (p < 0.001) and presence of organic, affective, psychotic and behavioral disorders (p < 0.001). Stepwise multiple regression showed that behavioral problems, affective and psychotic disorder, disability in participation in society, disability in personal care and presence of ID-MD explained more than 61% of the variance in familyburden. An integrated approach using effective multidimensional interventions is essential for both people with ID and ID-MD and their caregivers in order to reduce familyburden.
Family impact (or family burden) is a concept born in the field of mental health that has successfully been exported to the ambit of intellectual disability (ID). However, differences in family impact associated with severe mental health disorders (schizophrenia), to ID or to mental health problems in ID should be expected. Seventy-two adults with intellectual disability clients of the Carmen Pardo-Valcarce Foundation's sheltered workshops and vocational employment programmes in Madrid (Spain), 203 adults diagnosed with schizophrenia from four Spanish Community Mental Health Services (Barcelona, Madrid, Granada and Navarra) and 90 adults with mental health problems in ID (MH-ID) from the Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Déu Health Care Site in Sant Boi de Llobregat, Barcelona (Spain) were asked to participate in the present study along with their main caregivers. Family impact experienced by caregivers was assessed with the ECFOS-II/SOFBI-II scale (Entrevista de Carga Familiar Objetiva y Subjetiva/Objective and Subjective Family Burden Interview). In global terms, results showed that the higher family impact was found between caregivers to people with MH-ID. The interaction of both conditions (ID and mental health problems) results in a higher degree of burden on families than when both conditions are presented separately. There was also an impact in caregivers to people with schizophrenia, this impact being higher than the one detected in caregivers to people with intellectual disability. Needs of caregivers to people with disability should be addressed specifically in order to effectively support families.
Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito da densidade populacional na produtividade e no comportamento de alguns caracteres de morfologia de planta de três genótipos de caupi (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) de diferentes portes, tanto em regime irrigado como de sequeiro. Foram avaliados os genótipos IT 86D-472, de porte semi-ereto, Epace 10, de porte semi-ramador, e TE 90-180-27F, de porte ramador, em cinco diferentes populações, em delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com três repetições. A análise do fatorial apresentou significância em relação a genótipos e interação não-significativa em relação aos caracteres avaliados; quanto à produção de grãos, houve ausência de significância, provocada pela constante superioridade do genótipo Epace 10 nas diferentes populações. Os genótipos apresentaram tendência não-significativa em reduzir o comprimento e o número de nós no ramo principal e maior altura da vagem em relação ao nível do solo, bem como um menor número de ramos secundários (P<0,05), quando cultivados em maiores populações, nos dois ambientes. O genótipo IT 86D-472 respondeu significativamente às diferentes populações, e as maiores produções de grãos foram obtidas com 207.328 e 203.051 plantas/ha em regimes irrigado e de sequeiro, respectivamente. Epace 10 e TE 90-180-27F não responderam significativamente às diferentes populações, tanto em regime de sequeiro como no irrigado.
Previous research has provided inconsistent results regarding the spatial modulation of auditory-somatosensory interactions. The present study reports three experiments designed to investigate the nature of these interactions in the space close to the head. Human participants made speeded detection responses to unimodal auditory, somatosensory, or simultaneous auditory-somatosensory stimuli. In Experiment 1, electrocutaneous stimuli were presented to either earlobe, while auditory stimuli were presented from the same versus opposite sides, and from one of two distances (20 vs. 70cm) from the participant's head. The results demonstrated a spatial modulation of auditory-somatosensory interactions when auditory stimuli were presented from close to the head. In Experiment 2, electrocutaneous stimuli were delivered to the hands, which were placed either close to or far from the head, while the auditory stimuli were again presented at one of two distances. The results revealed that the spatial modulation observed in Experiment 1 was specific to the particular body part stimulated (head) rather than to the region of space (i.e. around the head) where the stimuli were presented. The results of Experiment 3 demonstrate that sounds that contain high-frequency components are particularly effective in eliciting this auditory-somatosensory spatial effect. Taken together, these findings help to resolve inconsistencies in the previous literature and suggest that auditory-somatosensory multisensory integration is modulated by the stimulated body surface and acoustic spectra of the stimuli presented.
Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar aspectos relacionados ao desenvolvimento vegetativo e produtivo das plantas, às características físicas e à composição química dos frutos de seis variedades de uvas sem sementes nas condições do Submédio São Francisco. Os dados foram registrados durante os anos de 1997 e 1998. As variedades utilizadas foram enxertadas sobre o porta-enxerto IAC 572 (`Jales'). O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, com parcelas subdivididas nos ciclos de produção. Houve diferenças significativas na resposta da maioria das variedades entre as épocas de poda. O peso médio dos cachos variou entre 164,8 g na variedade Marroo Seedless, e 203,5 g na `Beauty Seedless'. O diâmetro médio das bagas foi superior a 15,7 mm em todas as variedades. Foram obtidos teores de sólidos solúveis compreendidos entre 14,05ºBrix na variedade Canner e 19,6ºBrix na `Vênus', enquanto a acidez total titulável foi inferior a 0,91 g de ácido tartárico/100 mL de suco, resultando em adequadas relações SST/ATT, que variaram entre 19,05 na variedade Beauty Seedless a 28,57 na `Vênus'. As variedades Vênus e Marroo Seedless foram as mais produtivas, com produtividades anuais de 24 t/ha e 20 t/ha, respectivamente.
There has been relatively little change over recent decades in the methods used in research on self-reported delinquency. Face-to-face interviews and selfadministered interviews in the classroom are still the predominant alternatives envisaged. New methods have been brought into the picture by recent computer technology, the Internet, and an increasing availability of computer equipment and Internet access in schools. In the autumn of 2004, a controlled experiment was conducted with 1,203 students in Lausanne (Switzerland), where "paper-and-pencil" questionnaires were compared with computer-assisted interviews through the Internet. The experiment included a test of two different definitions of the (same) reference period. After the introductory question ("Did you ever..."), students were asked how many times they had done it (or experienced it), if ever, "over the last 12 months" or "since the October 2003 vacation". Few significant differences were found between the results obtained by the two methods and for the two definitions of the reference period, in the answers concerning victimisation, self-reported delinquency, drug use, failure to respond (missing data). Students were found to be more motivated to respond through the Internet, take less time for filling out the questionnaire, and were apparently more confident of privacy, while the school principals were less reluctant to allow classes to be interviewed through the Internet. The Internet method also involves considerable cost reductions, which is a critical advantage if self-reported delinquency surveys are to become a routinely applied method of evaluation, particularly so in countries with limited resources. On balance, the Internet may be instrumental in making research on self-reported delinquency far more feasible in situations where limited resources so far have prevented its implementation.
The Antalya nappes (western Taurides-Turkey)*consist of several tectonic units which document the*Southern Neotethyan paleomargin from the Arabo-African*shallow shelf to the oceanic crust.*The Kerner Gorge Units (Upper Antalya nappes)*show a full stratigraphical succession from Ordovician*to Late Cretaceous. A carbonate platform regime*appeared during Late Permian times and existed up*to the early Middle Triassic. For detailed investigations*on the Permo-Triassic boundary, two lithostratigraphic*profiles have been selected: the Curuk*dag and the Kerner Gorge sections.*The main results presented in this paper are : 1) the Late Permian Pamucak Formation (Midian-*Dzhulfian) consists of calcareous algae-foraminiferae*bearing black limestones, locally rich in*brachiopods, crinoids and bryozoae : 2) this black limestone is overlain by an oolitic*grainstone. In the Curuk dag section, the oolitic horizon*is capped by a thin level of calcrete type; emersive*conditions are also inferred by a strong diagenetic*change within the oolitic deposit : 3) the first Early Triassic fossils, appearing*within or above the oolitic grainstone, are microforaminifera*and Pseudoclaraia wangi (late Griesbachian*in age). In the Curuk dag, a rich Early Triassic*microforaminifera association seems linked to a microbiallite*boundstone facies : 4) the overlying unfossiliferous lime mudstone,*the oolitical thick bedded grainstone, the variegated*marly limestone and the vermicular limestone facies*are present. not only in southern Turkey but seem*constant through ' the entire peri arabo-african platform.*Striking similarities appear between the studied*profiles and the Bellerophon-Werfen succession in the*Southern Alps..
A utilização de microrganismos solubilizadores tem sido sugerida como alternativa ao uso de fertilizantes fosfáticos. Para serem utilizados num programa de inoculação controlada, os microrganismos devem apresentar grande capacidade e potencial de solubilização. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a capacidade e o potencial de solubilização de 56 isolados inoculados em meio GES contendo fosfato (Anitápolis, Araxá ou Catalão), usando-se um fatorial 57x3 (56 isolados + testemunha e três fosfatos) conduzido em delineamento completamente casualizado com três repetições. Após 15 dias de incubação, determinaram-se as quantidades de P e o pH do meio. Foram verificados efeitos dos fosfatos, dos isolados e da interação. Baixos valores de pH foram obtidos por isolados que apresentaram médio a alto potencial. O teor médio de P foi superior no fosfato de Anitápolis, seguido do Araxá. Trinta e um isolados solubilizaram quantidades significativas. O 310 apresentou o mais alto potencial (média de 263 mig mL-1 de P). Quatro isolados (177, 262, 251 e 269) apresentaram alto potencial (120 a 150 mig), e doze (201, 309, 199, 195, 249, 202, 198, 305, 253, 196, 203 e 307), mostraram valores médios (80 a 120 mig). O comportamento dos isolados foi diferente entre os fosfatos. Apenas quatro isolados solubilizaram os três fosfatos (310, 251, 199 e 249). As características apresentadas pelos isolados 310, 251, 199 e 249 os qualificam para um programa de seleção visando à inoculação controlada.
Aquest projecte aborda el disseny d'un portal web promocional per a un negoci de temàtica esportiva (gimnàs) mitjançant DRUPAL 7. Inclou el disseny de mòduls administratius per tal de gestionar els clients i els pagaments mensuals, així com mòduls de campionats per als usuaris. Per tant, el portal esdevè una eina administrativa, un centre de reunió per als clients i una web promocional per potencials interessats.