989 resultados para 2000-2001
I comportamenti nutrizionali stanno assumendo sempre maggiore rilievo all’interno delle politiche comunitarie e questo sottolinea che la dieta sta avendo, negli ultimi anni, una maggiore importanza come fattore di causa e allo stesso tempo prevenzione nella diffusione di malattie croniche come il cancro, malattie cardiovascolari, diabete, osteoporosi e disturbi dentali. Numerosi studi mostrano infatti che i tassi di obesità sono triplicati nelle ultime due decadi e si è stimato che, se i livelli di obesità continueranno a crescere allo stesso tasso del 1990, nel 2010 il numero di persone obese raggiungerà i 150 milioni tra gli adulti e i 15 milioni tra bambini e adolescenti. I governi nazionali stanno quindi cercando di risolvere questo problema, a cui sono inoltre legati alti costi nazionali, tramite l’implementazione di politiche nutrizionali. Analisi di tipo cross-section sono già state evidenziate da studiosi come Schmidhuber e Traill (2006), i quali hanno effettuato un’analisi di convergenza a livello europeo per esaminare la distanza tra le calorie immesse da 426 prodotti diversi. In quest’analisi hanno così dimostrato la presenza di una similarità distinta e crescente tra i paesi europei per quanto riguarda la composizione della dieta. Srinivasan et al. invece hanno osservato la relazione esistente tra ogni singolo prodotto alimentare consumato e le norme nutrizionali dell’ Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità (World Health Organization, WHO) Lo scopo di questa tesi è quello di evidenziare il problema a livello di aggregati nutritivi e di specifiche componenti nutrizionali come zucchero, frutta e verdura e non relativamente ad ogni singolo prodotto consumato. A questo proposito ci si è basati sulla costruzione di un indicatore (Recommendation Compliance Index) in modo da poter misurare le distanze tra la dieta media e le raccomandazioni del WHO. Lo scopo è quindi quello di riuscire a quantificare il fenomeno del peggioramento della dieta in diverse aree del mondo negli ultimi quattro decenni, tramite un’analisi panel, basandosi sui dati sui nutrienti consumati, provenienti dal database della FAO (e precisamente dal dataset Food Balance Sheets – FBS). Nella prima fase si introduce il problema dell’obesità e delle malattie croniche correlate, evidenziando dati statistici in diversi paesi europei e mondiali. Si sottolineano inoltre le diverse azioni dei governi e del WHO, tramite l’attuazione di campagne contro l’obesità e in favore di una vita più salutare e di una maggiore attività fisica. Nella seconda fase si è costruito un indicatore aggregato (Recommendation Compliance Index) in modo da analizzare le caratteristiche nella dieta dei diversi Paesi a livello mondiale rispetto alle norme del WHO. L’indicatore si basa sui dati ottenuti da FAOSTAT ed è calcolato per 149 paesi del database dell’FBS per il periodo 1961-2002. Nell’analisi si sono utilizzati i dati sulle percentuali di energia prodotta dalle varie componenti nutritive, quali grassi, grassi saturi e transaturi, zuccheri, carboidrati, proteine e le quantità di frutta e verdura consumate. Inoltre si è applicato un test statistico per testare se il valore del RCI è significativamente cambiato nel tempo, prendendo in considerazione gruppi di Paesi (Paesi OECD, Paesi in via di sviluppo e sottosviluppati). Si è voluto poi valutare la presenza o meno di un processo di convergenza, applicando l’analisi di σ-convergenza per osservare ad esempio se la variabilità è diminuita nel tempo in modo significativo. Infine si è applicato l’indicatore ad un livello micro, utilizzando il database del National Diet and Nutrition Survey, che raccoglie dati di macrocomponenti nutritive e misure antropometriche della popolazione inglese dai 16 ai 64 anni per il periodo 2000-2001. Si sono quindi effettuate analisi descrittive nonché analisi di correlazione, regressione lineare e ordinale per osservare le relazioni tra l’indicatore, i macronutrienti, il reddito e le misure antropometriche dell’ Indice di Massa Corporea (Body Mass Index, BMI) e del rapporto vita-fianchi (Waist-hip ratio, WHR).
This study investigated whether the epidemiology of penicillin-non-susceptible pneumococci (PNSP) colonising small children correlated with the biannual epidemic activity of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). Colonisation rates and the prevalence of PNSP among paediatric outpatients aged < 5 years was analysed between January 1998 and September 2003 using an established national surveillance network. Resistance trends were investigated using time-series analysis to assess the correlation with the biannual pattern of RSV infections and national sales of oral paediatric formulations of antibiotics and antibiotic prescriptions to children aged < 5 years for acute respiratory tract infections. PNSP rates exhibited a biannual cycle in phase with the biannual seasonal RSV epidemics (p < 0.05). Resistance rates were higher during the winter seasons of 1998-1999 (20.1%), 2000-2001 (16.0%) and 2002-2003 (19.1%), compared with the winter seasons of 1997-1998 (8.2%), 1999-2000 (11.6%) and 2001-2002 (9.5%). Antibiotic sales and prescriptions showed regular peaks during each winter, with no significant correlation with the biannual pattern of RSV activity and seasonal trends of PNSP. RSV is an important determinant of the spread of PNSP and must be considered in strategies aimed at antimicrobial resistance control.
BACKGROUND: Highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) for the treatment of HIV infection was introduced a decade ago. We aimed to examine trends in the characteristics of patients starting HAART in Europe and North America, and their treatment response and short-term prognosis. METHODS: We analysed data from 22,217 treatment-naive HIV-1-infected adults who had started HAART and were followed up in one of 12 cohort studies. The probability of reaching 500 or less HIV-1 RNA copies per mL by 6 months, and the change in CD4 cell counts, were analysed for patients starting HAART in 1995-96, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, and 2002-03. The primary endpoints were the hazard ratios for AIDS and for death from all causes in the first year of HAART, which were estimated using Cox regression. RESULTS: The proportion of heterosexually infected patients increased from 20% in 1995-96 to 47% in 2002-03, and the proportion of women from 16% to 32%. The median CD4 cell count when starting HAART increased from 170 cells per muL in 1995-96 to 269 cells per muL in 1998 but then decreased to around 200 cells per muL. In 1995-96, 58% achieved HIV-1 RNA of 500 copies per mL or less by 6 months compared with 83% in 2002-03. Compared with 1998, adjusted hazard ratios for AIDS were 1.07 (95% CI 0.84-1.36) in 1995-96 and 1.35 (1.06-1.71) in 2002-03. Corresponding figures for death were 0.87 (0.56-1.36) and 0.96 (0.61-1.51). INTERPRETATION: Virological response after starting HAART improved over calendar years, but such improvement has not translated into a decrease in mortality.
This chapter examines some of the grammatical variability and non-standardness found in the English of the Falkland Islands. The Falklands are an archipelago of over 700 islands located in the western South Atlantic Ocean, 480km off the east coast of Argentina. Although the population is small – around 3000 - the islands cover an area of over 12000km2 – slightly larger than Jamaica and half the size of Wales, making them, after Greenland, the most sparsely populated political entity in the world. In political terms, the Falklands are an Overseas Territory of the United Kingdom. In contrast to the rural isolated image that the Falklands perhaps conjure up, the community is, in demographic terms, an urban and diverse one. Over 85% of the population living in the capital Stanley. The 2006 census (Government of the Falkland Islands 2007: 6) shows that 55% of the population were not born on the Islands, with the largest migrant groups coming from the UK, St Helena (another British Overseas Territory, located in the eastern South Atlantic), Chile and Australia. It also highlighted the fact that people born in 62 different countries were resident on the islands at the time (Pascoe and Pepper 2008: 38). By way of a comparison, only Monaco and Andorra, in Europe, have a higher proportion of their populations made up of migrants. In addition to the local Falkland population, there is a large military presence on the islands at the Royal Airforce Base at Mount Pleasant, 50km south-west of Stanley. The Head of State is the monarch of the UK, who is represented on the islands by a governor. The democratically elected 11-member Legislative Assembly is responsible for day-to-day government of the islands. The Falklands are perhaps most famous because of their 74 day occupation by Argentina in 1982. It is not appropriate here to go into detail about the dispute between the UK and Argentina about the sovereignty of the Islands. What is undisputed is that there has been a continuous Anglophone speech community on the islands since the early 1830s, making it one of the most recently developed ‘Inner Circle’ (Kachru 1985) Englishes in the world. This chapter examines the grammatical characteristics of Falkland Island English, drawn from a transcribed corpus of over 500,000 words of informal conversational speech, collected by Andrea Sudbury both in Stanley and in ‘Camp’ (the local name for the rest of the islands) (see Sudbury 2000, 2001 for more details about the methods used in the survey).
The association between helmet use during alpine skiing and incidence and severity of head injuries was analyzed. All patients admitted to a level 1 trauma center for traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) sustained from skiing accidents during the seasons 2000-2001 and 2010-2011 were eligible. Primary outcome was the association between helmet use and severity of TBI measured by Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS), computed tomography (CT) results, and necessity of neurosurgical intervention. Of 1362 patients injured during alpine skiing, 245 (18%) sustained TBI and were included. TBI was fatal in 3%. Head injury was in 76% minor (Glasgow Coma Scale, 13-15), 6% moderate, and 14% severe. Number and percentage of TBI patients showed no significant trend over the investigated seasons. Forty-five percent of the 245 patients had pathological CT findings and 26% of these required neurosurgical intervention. Helmet use increased from 0% in 2000-2001 to 71% in 2010-2011 (p<0.001). The main analysis, comparing TBI in patients with or without a helmet, showed an adjusted odds ratio (OR) of 1.44 (p=0.430) for suffering moderate-to-severe head injury in helmet users. Analyses comparing off-piste to on-slope skiers revealed a significantly increased OR among off-piste skiers of 7.62 (p=0.004) for sustaining a TBI requiring surgical intervention. Despite increases in helmet use, we found no decrease in severe TBI among alpine skiers. Logistic regression analysis showed no significant difference in TBI with regard to helmet use, but increased risk for off-piste skiers. The limited protection of helmets and dangers of skiing off-piste should be targeted by prevention programs.
BACKGROUND Few contemporary data exist on traditional (TRF) and non-TRF (NTRF) burden in patients with premature acute coronary syndrome (ACS). METHODS Prevalence of TRFs and NTRFs were measured in 1015 young (55 years old or younger) ACS patients recruited from 26 centres in Canada, the United States, and Switzerland. Risk factors were compared across sex and family history categories, and against a sample of the general Canadian population based on the 2000-2001 Canadian Community Health Survey. The 10- and 30-year risks of cardiovascular disease (CVD) were estimated using Framingham Risk Scores. RESULTS Risk factors were more prevalent in premature ACS patients compared with the general population. Young women with a family history of coronary artery disease showed the greatest risk factor burden including TRFs of hypertension (67%), dyslipidemia (67%), obesity (53%), smoking (42%), and diabetes (33%), and NTRFs of anxiety (55%), low household income (44%), and depression (37%). The estimated median 10-year risk of CVD was 7% (interquartile range [IQR], 3%-9%) in women and 13% (IQR, 7%-17%) in men, whereas the 30-year risk of CVD was 36% (IQR, 22%-49%) in women and 44% (IQR, 31%-57%) in men. CONCLUSIONS Patients with premature ACS, especially women with a positive family history, are characterized by a very high risk factor burden that is poorly captured by 10-year risk estimates but better captured by 30-year estimates. Consideration of NTRFs and use of 30-year risk estimates might better estimate risk in young individuals and improve the prevention of premature ACS.
BACKGROUND Since the introduction of helmets in winter sports there is on-going debate on whether they decrease traumatic brain injuries (TBI). METHODS This cohort study included 117 adult (≥ 16 years) snowboarders with TBI admitted to a level I alpine trauma center in Switzerland between 2000/2001 and 2010/2011. The primary objective was to examine the association between helmet use and moderate-to-severe TBI. Secondary objectives were to describe the epidemiology of TBI during the past decade in relation to increased helmet use. RESULTS Of 691 injured snowboarders evaluated, 117 (17%) suffered TBI. Sixty-six percent were men (median age, 23 years). Two percent of accidents were fatal. Ninety-two percent of patients sustained minor, 1% moderate, and 7% severe TBI according to the Glasgow coma scale. Pathologic computed tomography findings were present in 16% of patients, 26% of which required surgery. Eighty-three percent of TBIs occurred while riding on-slope. There was no trend in the TBI rate during the studied period, although helmet use increased from 10% to 69%. Comparing patients with and without a helmet showed no significant difference in odds ratios for the severity of TBI. However, of the 5 patients requiring surgery only 1 was wearing a helmet. Off-piste compared with on-slope snowboarders showed an odds ratio of 26.5 (P = 0.003) for sustaining a moderate-to-severe TBI. CONCLUSIONS Despite increased helmet use we found no decrease in TBI among snowboarders. The possibility of TBI despite helmet use and the dangers of riding off-piste should be a focus of future prevention programs.
Patients expect to be safe from harm inside the walls of a hospital. Increasing reports of medical errors and adverse events have brought these concerns to public attention. Although we have celebrated many scientific advances over the past several decades, many patients do not benefit because the healthcare infrastructure is inadequate to deliver care to all. Studies confirm opportunities to improve in areas such as inpatient vaccination for flu and outpatient screening for breast, cervical or colon cancer. (Institute of Medicine, (IOM), 2000, 2001, 2004). This document outlines the steps needed to further increase our focus on patient safety in John Dempsey Hospital through the development of a multi-disciplinary Collaborative Center for Clinical Care Improvement (CCCCI). The dimensions of safety and outcomes are briefly discussed to provide some perspective on the scope of these challenges (Strongwater, 2003).
Las oraciones condicionales son unas de las construcciones más complejas del español que mediante la expresión de lo contingente expresan situaciones hipotéticas e imaginarias; forman parte del ámbito semántico de la causalidad junto con otro tipo de oraciones (causales, concesivas, etc.). En este trabajo, estudiamos las relaciones y los límites difusos que existen en construcciones con el esquema propio de las oraciones condicionales, si p, q y aquellas construcciones de carácter híbrido. Hemos tomado como antecedentes la clasificación de Montolío (1999) y el trabajo de Julián Mariscal (2007). Nuestro corpus de estudio está formado por 13 entrevistas de los años 2000 -2001 en las que analizamos 34 oraciones con el esquema si p, q, en las cuales las nociones de condicionalidad se superponen con otro tipo de relaciones, a saber, causa (por si), concesión (si bien), comparación hipotética (como si), entre otras. El estudio es de tipo descriptivo. Los datos se describen desde una perspectiva cualitativa.
Fil: Sorgentini, Hernán Antonio. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.
Fil: De Amézola, Gonzalo Alvaro. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.
Fil: Ospital, María Silvia. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.
Fil: Campagno, Marcelo Pedro. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.
Fil: Cowen, Miguel Pablo. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.