1000 resultados para 165 GAR


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We constructed a high-resolution Mg/Ca record on the planktonic foraminifer Globigerinoides sacculifer in order to explore the change in sea surface temperature (SST) due to the shoaling of the Isthmus of Panama as well as the impact of secondary factors like diagenesis and large salinity fluctuations. The study covers the latest Miocene and the early Pliocene (5.6-3.9 Ma) and was combined with d18O to isolate changes in sea surface salinity (SSS). Before 4.5 Ma, SSTMg/Ca and SSS show moderate fluctuations, indicating a free exchange of surface ocean water masses between the Pacific and the Atlantic. The increase in d18O after 4.5 Ma represents increasing salinities in the Caribbean due to the progressive closure of the Panamanian Gateway. The increase in Mg/Ca toward values of maximum 7 mmol/mol suggests that secondary influences have played a significant role. Evidence of crystalline overgrowths on the foraminiferal tests in correlation with aragonite, Sr/Ca, and productivity cyclicities indicates a diagenetic overprint on the foraminiferal tests. Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry analyses, however, do not show significantly increased Mg/Ca ratios in the crystalline overgrowths, and neither do calculations based on pore water data conclusively result in significantly elevated Mg/Ca ratios in the crystalline overgrowths. Alternatively, the elevated Mg/Ca ratios might have been caused by salinity as the d18O record of Site 1000 has been interpreted to represent large fluctuations in SSS, and cultivating experiments have shown an increase in Mg/Ca with increasing salinity. We conclude that the Mg/Ca record <4.5 Ma can only reliably be considered for paleoceanographical purposes when the minimum values, not showing any evidence of secondary influences, are used, resulting in a warming of central Caribbean surface water masses after 4.5 Ma of ~2°C.


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This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation through the Florida Coastal Everglades Long-Term Ecological Research program under Cooperative Agreements #DBI-0620409 and #DEB-9910514. This image is made available for non-commercial or educational use only.


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Leg 165 of the Ocean Drilling Program afforded a unique opportunity to investigate organic and inorganic geochemistry across a wide gradient of sediment compositions and corresponding chemical pathways. The solid fractions at Sites 998, 999, 1000, and 1001 reveal varying proportions of reactive carbonate species, a labile volcanic ash fraction occurring in discrete layers and as a dispersed component, and detrital fluxes that derive from continental weathering. The relative proportions and reactivities of these end-members strongly dictate the character of the diagenetic profiles observed during the pore-water work of Leg 165. In addition, alteration of the well-characterized basaltic basement at Site 1001 has provided a strong signal that is reflected in many of the dissolved components. The relative effects of basement alteration and diagenesis within the sediment column are discussed in terms of downcore relationships for dissolved calcium and magnesium. With the exception of Site 1002 in the Cariaco Basin, the sediments encountered during Leg 165 were uniformly deficient in organic carbon (typically <0.1 wt%). Consequently, rates of organic oxidation were generally low and dominated by suboxic pathways with subordinate levels of bacterial sulfate reduction and methanogenesis. The low rates of organic remineralization are supported by modeled rates of sulfate reduction. Site 1000 provided an exception to the generally low levels of microbially mediated redox cycling. At this site the sediment is slightly more enriched in organic phases, and externally derived thermogenic hydrocarbons appear to aid in driving enhanced levels of redox diagenesis at great depths below the seafloor. The entrapment of these volatiles corresponds with a permeability seal defined by a pronounced Miocene minimum in calcium carbonate concentration recognized throughout the basin and with a dramatic downcore increase in the magnitude of limestone lithification. The latter has been tentatively linked to increases in alkalinity associated with microbial oxidation of organic matter and gaseous hydrocarbons. Recognition and quantification of previously unconstrained large volumes and frequencies of Eocene and Miocene silicic volcanic ash within the Caribbean Basin is one of the major findings of Leg 165. High frequencies of volcanic ash layers manifest as varied but often dominant controls on pore-water chemistry. Sulfur isotope results are presented that speak to secondary metal and sulfur enrichments observed in ash layers sampled during Leg 165. Ultimately, a better mechanistic understanding of these processes and the extent to which they have varied spatially and temporally may bear on the global mass balances for a range of major and minor dissolved components of seawater.


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everal hypotheses have been put forward to explain the onset of intensive glaciations on Greenland, Scandinavia, and North America during the Pliocene epoch between 3.6 and 2.7 million years ago (Ma). A decrease in atmospheric CO2 may have played a role during the onset of glaciations, but other tectonic and oceanic events occurring at the same time may have played a part as well. Here we present detailed atmospheric CO2 estimates from boron isotopes in planktic foraminifer shells spanning 4.6-2.0 Ma. Maximal Pliocene atmospheric CO2 estimates gradually declined from values around 410 µatm to early Pleistocene values of 300 ?atm at 2.0 Ma. After the onset of large-scale ice sheets in the Northern Hemisphere, maximal pCO2 estimates were still at 2.5 Ma +90 µatm higher than values characteristic of the early Pleistocene interglacials. By contrast, Pliocene minimal atmospheric CO2 gradually decreased from 310 to 245 µatm at 3.2 Ma, coinciding with the start of transient glaciations on Greenland. Values characteristic of early Pleistocene glacial atmospheric CO2 of 200 ?atm were abruptly reached after 2.7 Ma during the late Pliocene transition. This trend is consistent with the suggestion that ocean stratification and iron fertilization increased after 2.7 Ma in the North Pacific and Southern Ocean and may have led to increased glacial CO2 storage in the oceanic abyss after 2.7 Ma onward.


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An expanded Cariaco Basin 14C chronology is tied to 230Th-dated Hulu Cave speleothem records in order to provide detailed marine-based 14C calibration for the past 50,000 years. The revised, high-resolution Cariaco 14C calibration record agrees well with data from 230Th-dated fossil corals back to 33 ka, with continued agreement despite increased scatter back to 50 ka, suggesting that the record provides accurate calibration back to the limits of radiocarbon dating. The calibration data document highly elevated Delta14C during the Glacial period. Carbon cycle box model simulations show that the majority of observed Delta14C change can be explained by increased 14C production. However, from 45 to 15 ka, Delta14C remains anomalously high, indicating that the distribution of radiocarbon between surface and deep ocean reservoirs was different than it is today. Additional observations of the magnitude, spatial extent and timing of deep ocean Delta14C shifts are critical for a complete understanding of observed Glacial Delta14C variability.


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The delta18O values of planktonic foraminifera increased in the Caribbean by about 0.5? relative to the equatorial East Pacific values between 4.6 and 4.2 Ma as a consequence of the closure of the Central American Gateway (CAG). This increase in delta18O can be interpreted either as an increase in Caribbean sea surface (mixed layer) salinity (SSS) or as a decrease in sea surface temperatures (SST). This problem represents an ideal situation to apply the recently developed paleotemperature proxy delta44/40Ca together with Mg/Ca and d18O on the planktic foraminifer Globigerinoides sacculifer from ODP Site 999. Although differences in absolute temperature calibration of delta44/40Ca and Mg/Ca exist, the general pattern is similar indicating a SST decrease of about 2-3 8C between 4.4 and 4.3 Ma followed by an increase in the same order of magnitude between 4.3 and 4.0 Ma. Correcting the delta18O record for this temperature change and assuming that changes in global ice volume are negligible, the salinity-induced planktonic delta18O signal decreased by about 0.4? between 4.4 and 4.3 Ma and increased by about 0.9? between 4.3 and 4.0 Ma in the Caribbean. The observed temperature and salinity trends are interpreted to reflect the restricted exchange of surface water between the Caribbean and the Pacific in response to the shoaling of the Panamanian Seaway, possibly accompanied by a southward shift of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) between 4.4 and 4.3 Ma. Differences in Mg/Ca- and delta44/40Ca-derived temperatures can be reconciled by corrections for secular variations of the marine Mg/Ca[sw] and delta44/40Ca, a salinity effect on the Mg/Ca ratio and a constant temperature offset of ~2.5 °C between both SST proxy calibrations.


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