985 resultados para 1215-1563


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La tesi affronta il problema finanziario della valutazione dei derivati, illustrando un metodo di prezzaggio basato su un particolare sviluppo in serie di Fourier, la serie coseno (Fourier-cosine expansion).


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Vengono presentate correzioni agli sviluppi asintotici di Edgeworth per densità di somme di variabili aleatorie stabili. Queste stime sono successivamente implementate in Matlab, con particolare attenzioni agli approssimanti in forma razionale di Padè. Nell'Appendice viene poi fornita la distribuzione di zeri degli approssimanti di Padè per la funzione esponenziale.


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Apolipoprotein J (ApoJ) ist ein sezerniertes heterodimeres 80kDa Glykoprotein mit zytoprotektiven und antiinflammatorischen Eigenschaften, das ein nahezu ubiquitäres Expressionsmuster aufweist. Eine stark erhöhte ApoJ-Expression ist mit neurodegenerativen Erkrankungen, Atherosklerose, myokardialem Infarkt sowie einer Vielzahl anderer pathophysiologischer Bedingungen assoziiert. Die potentielle Bedeutung von ApoJ umfasst eine Funktion als extrazelluläres Chaperon, Komplementinhibitor, NF-kB-Inhibitor sowie eine Beteiligung an der Endozytose von nekrotischen Zellfragmenten. Unter Bedingungen, die zu einer massiven Akkumulation von absterbenden Zellen führen, ist eine vermehrte Expression von ApoJ auf die überlebenden Nachbarzellen in den betroffenen Geweben beschränkt. Die molekularen Mechanismen, die dieser gesteigerten ApoJ-Genexpression zugrunde liegen, sind jedoch unbekannt. Untersuchungen unserer Arbeitsgruppe konnten zeigen, dass eine Inkubation mit nekrotischem Zellmaterial in vitro eine Akkumulation von ApoJ-mRNA in Fibroblasten der Zelllinie Rat1 induziert, was darauf hindeutet, dass unter pathophysiologischen Bedingungen von nekrotischen Zellen exponierte bzw. freigesetzte Faktoren zu einer gesteigerten ApoJ-Genexpression in umliegenden vitalen Zellen beitragen können. Die im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit durchgeführten Untersuchungen zeigen eine Korrelation zwischen der Expression von Toll-like Rezeptoren (TLRs) in Fibroblasten (Rat1), glatten Gefäßmuskelzellen (CRL2018) sowie embryonalen Dottersackzellen (10A) und einer durch nekrotische Zellen induzierten ApoJ-mRNA-Expression in diesen Zelllinien. Es wird angenommen, dass TLRs neben pathogenassoziierten Strukturen (PAMPs) auch durch körpereigene Agonisten wie Hitzeschockproteine und Nukleinsäuren aktiviert werden. In weiterführenden Experimenten stellte sich unter anderem heraus, dass neben nekrotischen Zellen auch der TLR3-spezifische Agonist Poly(I:C), eine synthetische doppelsträngige RNA, ausschließlich in den beiden TLR3-exprimierenden Zelllinien CRL2018 und Rat1, nicht jedoch in TLR3-defizienten 10A-Zellen, die ApoJ-mRNA-Expression induziert. Darüber hinaus führt auch die Inkubation mit eukaryotischer RNA (Gesamt-RNA, t-RNA) zu einer Akkumulation von ApoJ-mRNA in CRL2018-Zellen. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit zeigen erstmals, dass die Expression von ApoJ-mRNA durch extrazelluläre Ribonukleinsäuren in TLR3-abhängiger Weise induziert wird, was darauf hindeutet, dass in verletzten Geweben aus post-apoptotischen oder nekrotischen Zellen freigesetzte Ribonukleinsäuren zu einer vermehrten ApoJ-Genexpression in vitalen Nachbarzellen beitragen.


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Il percorso del riconoscimento legislativo del diritto all’equo processo affonda le sue radici nel 1215, anno di promulgazione della Magna Charta Libertatum, e culmina, in ambito europeo, nel 1950, con la firma della Convenzione europea per la salvaguardia dei Diritti dell’Uomo e delle Libertà fondamentali (CEDU). In questo documento viene sancito che un prerequisito essenziale per garantire a tutti gli individui il diritto al fair trial è il servizio di assistenza linguistica gratuita, le cui specificità vengono descritte nella direttiva 2010/64/EU.Nel Regno Unito, già nei primi anni ’90 furono introdotte le prime misure per garantire la qualità e la competenza degli interpreti e dei traduttori in ambito giuridico-giudiziario: nel 1994 fu istituito il National Register for Public Service Interpreters (NRPSI), il registro nazionale a cui erano iscritti tutti gli interpreti per i servizi pubblici che erano in possesso di determinate qualifiche. Per assicurare che solo gli interpreti del NRPSI fossero impiegati in ambito penale, nel 1997 fu introdotto il National Agreement, un accordo non vincolante che regolava l’uso dei servizi linguisti nel Criminal Justice System. La prima versione fu modificata nel 2002 e nel 2007. In seguito ad alcune revisioni per conto del Ministero della Giustizia, nel 2010 fu avviato il processo di esternalizzazione dei servizi linguistici, che si concluse nel 2011 con la stipula del National Framework Agreement tra il Ministero della Giustizia e l’azienda Applied Language Solutions (ALS), che poco prima dell’avvio fu acquisita da un’azienda più grande, CAPITA TI. La scarsa esperienza del Ministero in questo settore, unita alle promesse poco realistiche e alla mancanza di trasparenza di ALS furono le cause principali dei numerosi problemi all’avvio del nuovo contratto che si ripercossero notevolmente sul funzionamento del sistema di giustizia. Dopo l’avvio di un piano di emergenza e un monitoraggio del Ministero, la situazione ha iniziato a ristabilirsi, senza raggiungere però i livelli pre-riforma. A Novembre 2015 è stata indetta la nuova gara di appalto: le minacce di nuovi tagli ai tariffari degli interpreti da una parte, e la partecipazione del NRPSI alla gara d’appalto come candidato al ruolo di ente supervisore della qualità dei servizi linguistici dall’altra, ci pongono di fronte a due scenari futuri molto diversi. L’elaborato è strutturato in quattro capitoli: il primo tratterà del percorso storico che ha portato al riconoscimento del diritto al processo equo, e degli strumenti comunitari a garanzia dell’assistenza linguistica gratuita. Nel secondo capitolo parleremo della situazione inglese, quindi la nascita del NRPSI e del National Agreement e le varie revisioni. Nel terzo prenderemo in esame la riforma del 2011 del Ministero della Giustizia britannico, analizzando diversi documenti: il rapporto della Commissione giustizia della Camera dei comuni 2013, quello del National Audit Office 2012, il sondaggio Involvis 2013, il rapporto indipendente OPTIMITY-MATRIX 2014.


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Dentinal cracks are occasionally observed at the cut root face after root-end resection in apical surgery. The objective of this ex vivo study was to evaluate and compare the efficiency of visual aids to identify root-end dentinal cracks.


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Although rare, iatrogenic left main coronary artery (LM) dissection is a feared complication of coronary catheterization. Its incidence, optimal therapeutic management, and prognosis remain largely unknown. The aim of the present study was to estimate the incidence, characterize the population at risk, depict the initial management, and evaluate the long-term prognosis of iatrogenic LM dissection.


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Background The effectiveness of durable polymer drug-eluting stents comes at the expense of delayed arterial healing and subsequent late adverse events such as stent thrombosis (ST). We report the 4 year follow-up of an assessment of biodegradable polymer-based drug-eluting stents, which aim to improve safety by avoiding the persistent inflammatory stimulus of durable polymers. Methods We did a multicentre, assessor-masked, non-inferiority trial. Between Nov 27, 2006, and May 18, 2007, patients aged 18 years or older with coronary artery disease were randomly allocated with a computer-generated sequence to receive either biodegradable polymer biolimus-eluting stents (BES) or durable polymer sirolimus-eluting stents (SES; 1:1 ratio). The primary endpoint was a composite of cardiac death, myocardial infarction, or clinically-indicated target vessel revascularisation (TVR); patients were followed-up for 4 years. Analysis was by intention to treat. This trial is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT00389220. Findings 1707 patients with 2472 lesions were randomly allocated to receive either biodegradable polymer BES (857 patients, 1257 lesions) or durable polymer SES (850 patients, 1215 lesions). At 4 years, biodegradable polymer BES were non-inferior to durable polymer SES for the primary endpoint: 160 (18·7%) patients versus 192 (22·6%) patients (rate ratios [RR] 0·81, 95% CI 0·66–1·00, p for non-inferiority <0·0001, p for superiority=0·050). The RR of definite ST was 0·62 (0·35–1·08, p=0·09), which was largely attributable to a lower risk of very late definite ST between years 1 and 4 in the BES group than in the SES group (RR 0·20, 95% CI 0·06–0·67, p=0·004). Conversely, the RR of definite ST during the first year was 0·99 (0·51–1·95; p=0·98) and the test for interaction between RR of definite ST and time was positive (pinteraction=0·017). We recorded an interaction with time for events associated with ST but not for other events. For primary endpoint events associated with ST, the RR was 0·86 (0·41–1·80) during the first year and 0·17 (0·04–0·78) during subsequent years (pinteraction=0·049). Interpretation Biodegradable polymer BES are non-inferior to durable polymer SES and, by reducing the risk of cardiac events associated with very late ST, might improve long-term clinical outcomes for up to 4 years compared with durable polymer SES. Funding Biosensors Europe SA, Switzerland.


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Arts speech therapy (AST) is a therapeutic method within complementary medicine and has been practiced for decades for various medical conditions. It comprises listening and the recitation of different forms of speech exercises under the guidance of a licensed speech therapist. The aim of our study was to noninvasively investigate whether different types of recitation influence hemodynamics and oxygenation in the brain and skeletal leg muscle using near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). Seventeen healthy volunteers (eight men and nine women, mean age ± standard deviation 35.6 ± 12.7 years) were enrolled in the study. Each subject was measured three times on different days with the different types of recitation: hexameter, alliteration, and prose verse. Before, during, and after recitation, relative concentration changes of oxyhemoglobin (Δ[O2Hb]), deoxyhemoglobin (Δ[HHb]), total hemoglobin (Δ[tHb]), and tissue oxygenation saturation (StO2) were measured in the brain and skeletal leg muscle using a NIRS device. The study was performed with a randomized crossover design. Significant concentration changes were found during recitation of all verses, with mainly a decrease in Δ[O2Hb] and ΔStO2 in the brain, and an increase in Δ[O2Hb] and Δ[tHb] in the leg muscle during recitation. After the recitations, significant changes were mainly increases of Δ[HHb] and Δ[tHb] in the calf muscle. The Mayer wave spectral power (MWP) was also significantly affected, i.e., mainly the MWP of the Δ[O2Hb] and Δ[tHb] increased in the brain during recitation of hexameter and prose verse. The changes in MWP were also significantly different between hexameter and alliteration, and hexameter and prose. Possible physiological explanations for these changes are discussed. A probable reason is a different effect of recitations on the sympathetic nervous system. In conclusion, these changes show that AST has relevant effects on the hemodynamics and oxygenation of the brain and muscle.


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This study is to evaluate if different locations of the primary entry tear result in primary complicated, secondary complicated, or uncomplicated acute type B aortic dissection.