976 resultados para wybory w 2007 roku
Ariebreen is a small (0.37 km2) valley glacier located in southern Spitsbergen. Our ground-penetrating radar surveys of the glacier show that it is less than 30 m thick on average, with a maximum thickness of 82 m, and it appears to be entirely cold. By analysing digital terrain models of the ice surface from different dates, we determine the area and volume changes during two periods, 1936-1990 and 1990-2007. The total ice volume of the glacier has decreased by 73% during the entire period 1936-2007, which is equivalent to a mean mass balance rate of -0.6190.17 m/yr w.eq. The glacier thinning rate has increased markedly between the first and second periods, from -0.5090.22 to -0.9590.17 m/yr w.eq.
La tesis analiza la realidad residencial construida en los municipios del Área Metropolitana de Madrid durante la democracia, en términos de localización, cantidad y calidad/cualidad, y su relación con el desarrollo de las políticas de planeamiento y de vivienda. La pregunta central que ha guiado la investigación es la siguiente: ¿cómo han incidido los instrumentos de política de vivienda y de planeamiento urbanístico en el crecimiento residencial de los municipios del Área Metropolitana de Madrid? Se trata de poner en relación dos políticas públicas orientadas por la Administración en sus distintos niveles de actuación: una de carácter territorial, el planeamiento urbanístico -cuya ejecución es de competencia municipal-, y otra de carácter sectorial, las políticas de vivienda -definidas por la Administración Central y Autonómica-. Al considerar la política de vivienda como el resultado de la política financiera, la política fiscal y la política de suelo, se ha observado cómo en España las dos primeras suponen más del 70% de la intervención presupuestaria en vivienda. Esta investigación se ha centrado particularmente en la tercera, la política de suelo, por su vinculación directa con el planeamiento urbanístico, pero sin dejar de tener en cuenta las dos primeras, no sólo por su implicación en el gasto público, sino porque han tenido tanto efecto, o más, en la conformación de la ciudad como ha podido tenerlo el planeamiento. La primera parte de la tesis se centra en el estudio de las políticas, sus objetivos e instrumentos (normativos y de planificación), mientras que en la segunda parte se analiza la realidad construida, por medio de una serie de variables e indicadores relacionados con la producción residencial (suelo y viviendas); en la tercera se presenta la parte de análisis y las conclusiones generales. Al cruzar los objetivos y los instrumentos de ambas políticas se ha podido concluir con una propuesta de periodización evidenciando las ontinuidades, cambios o transformaciones: después de una etapa de transición –de 1975 a 1978, coincide con los años de la transición democrática, en el que se definen las bases de las nuevas políticas-, se han podido diferenciar tres períodos: 1979-1989, 1990-1997 y 1998-2007. El primer período corresponde a los años en los que se fue construyendo todo el aparato institucional regulador con las nuevas administraciones que surgieron de la democracia. El segundo período, aunque comenzó con la aprobación de la Ley del Suelo de 1990 como instrumento clave del planeamiento regulador, se caracterizó por el cuestionamiento del modelo intervencionista y por los primeros planteamientos de liberalización. Finalmente, en el tercer período se pusieron las bases normativas de la liberalización del suelo en España, con la reforma de la Ley del Suelo de 1998 y otras medidas “remediales”. Finalmente, se presenta el análisis de los resultados sobre la realidad construida, teniendo como clave de interpretación la periodización propuesta a partir de las políticas, con el propósito de conocer cómo han podido incidir en el crecimiento residencial del AMM. Por tanto, la tesis aborda la inquietud de cuándo, cómo y dónde las políticas públicas han construido ciudad y han generado barrios, pues también trata de analizar los espacios urbanos que han sido el resultado físico de dichas políticas (aspectos de los conjuntos residenciales, el entorno inmediato y su relación con el tejido urbano existente), y no sólo de mostrar cantidades de viviendas construidas. Posteriormente, el estudio se centra en el análisis de las actuaciones públicas sobre suelos destinados a uno de los llamados “usos débiles”, las viviendas protegidas. Éstas se han beneficiado, de una u otra manera, de las ayudas económicas que se incluyen en los planes de vivienda y, por ello, están sujetas a unos parámetros definidos por la normativa vigente en cada caso. Ha interesado realizar una valoración de las mismas a partir de criterios de integración social y funcional, y de equilibrio territorial. ABSTRACT The PhD thesis analyses the residential areas built in the Metropolitan Area of Madrid, in terms of location, quality and quantity, and the relationship to the resulting built environment planning and housing policies. Its cover a period of tree decades since the onset of democracy in Spain in 1975 up to the beginning of the great recession starting 2007. The central question that has guided the research is the following: how the instruments of housing policy and urban planning have influenced the residential growth of the municipalities of the Metropolitan Area of Madrid? It is about putting together two different public policies that are also carried out at different levels of government: spacial and urban planning –whose execution is under municipal jurisdiction under principles and guidelines defined at a regional scale; and the sectorial housing policies which are mostly defined by the Nacional and Regional governments and are very interlinked with the wider economic policies of the country. When considering housing policy as the result of financial, fiscal and land policy, it has been noted in Spain that instruments under the first two types of measures (financial and fiscal) account for over 70% of the housing budget intervention. This research has particularly focused on the third, Land Policy, because of its direct link to urban planning. Nevertheless, the research also considers f inancial and f iscal pol icies, not only because of thei r signi f icant level of publ ic spending, but al so because of thei r great impacto n shaping the way the ci ty is bui l t . The first part of the thesis focuses on the study of the policies, objectives and instruments (housing and planning), while the second part analyses the built reality by means of a number of variables and indicators related to the housing production (land and housing). In the third part the analysis and general conclusions are presented. After relating the objectives and instruments of both policies, the thesis concludes with a proposal for periodization showing continuities, changes and transformations: after a transition period – from 1975 to 1978 coinciding with the years of the democratic transition, in which the basis of the new policies were defined- tree periods (1979-1989, 1990- 1997 and 1998-2007) have been d i s t i n g u i s h e d . The first period covers the years in which a new institutional apparatus wa s b u i l t wi t h t h e n e w a r r a n g eme n t s t h a t eme r g e d from democracy. The second period, even though it began with the approval of the Land Act 1990 as key element of the regulatory planning, was characterized by the questioning of public intervention and early approaches to liberalization. Finally, in the third period, the normative basis of liberalization was set up in Spain, with the reform of the Land Act 1998 and other “corrective” measures. At a final point, the analisys of the results on the reality constructed is presented having as a key of interpretation the periodization proposed. This provides tools for interpreting how policies did affect residential growth in the Metropolitan Area of Madrid. Therefore, the thesis addresses the issues of when, how and where public policies have inf luenced and guided the development of resident ial áreas in the región dur ing this t ime f rame. I t is also concerned with analysing those urban spaces that have been the physical result of such policies (aspects of residential complexes, the immediate environment and its relationship with the existing urban infraestructure), going beyond the analisys of statistical data. Subsequently, the study focuses on the analysis of public actions on land for the so-called "weak uses" particularly social housing. These have benefited in one way or another, of financial assistance included in housing plans and, therefore, are subject to some parameters defined by the regulations in force in each case.
Belarus holds a special position in Russian policy due to its geopolitical, military and transit significance. Russia's influence and position in the entire Eastern European region largely depend on how strong Russian influence in Belarus is. The process of Russian-Belarusian integration began in 1994, when Alyaksandr Lukashenka came to power in Minsk. At the time, Russia's policy towards Belarus was based on twomain assumptions. Firstly, the Kremlin supported Lukashenka's authoritarian regime. This allowed Russia to keep Belarus within its orbit of political influence and prevent other states from getting involved, since an undemocratic Belarus could not count on closer contacts with the West. Secondly, Russia heavily subsidised Belarus with cheap energy resources (way below the market price) and allowed the duty-free access of Belarusian goods to its market. Thus Belarus became a kind of 'sponsored authoritarianism' with a specific economic model, owing its existence to Russia's economic and political support. At the same time, Moscow's key objective in its policy towards Belarus was to make Minsk accept the Russian conditions concerning integration, which would in fact lead to Belarus' incorporation by the Russian Federation. However, Belarus managed to maintain its sovereignty, while Alyaksandr Lukashenka bandied the term 'integration' about in order to maintain the preferential model of his state's relations with Russia. Russia's intention to alter the nature of these bilateral relations became evident when Vladimir Putin took power in 2000. However, Moscow faced Minsk's refusal to accept the Russian integration plan (which, among other measures, provided for the takeover of Belarusian economic assets by Russian companies). This forced Russia to use its main tool against Minsk: the supplies of cheap gas and oil that had been sustaining Belarus' archaic economy. The most serious crisis in Russian-Belarusian relations broke out at the beginning of 2007, following Moscow's decision to raise the energy resource prices. This decision marked the beginning of the application of market principles to settlements between Moscow and Minsk. The key question this study is meant to answer concerns the consequences of the aforementioned decision by Russia for future Russian-Belarusian relations. Are they at a turning point? What are Russia's policy objectives? What results can come from the process of moving mutual relations onto an economic footing? What policy will replace Russia's 'sponsoring of Belarusian authoritarianism', which it has been implementing since 1994? Finally, what further measures will Russia undertake towards Belarus? The current study consists of five chapters. The first chapter offers a brief presentation of Belarus' significance and position in Russian policy. The second analyses the development of Russian-Belarusian political relations, first of all the establishment of the Union State, Belarus' position in Russian domestic policy and Russia's influence on Belarusian policy. The third chapter presents bilateral economic relations, primarily energy issues. The fourth chapter describes the state and perspectives of military cooperation between the two states. The fifth chapter presents conclusions, where the author attempts to define the essence of the ongoing re-evaluation in Russian-Belarusian relations and to project their future model.
Facsim. of: Poznań : Nakł. księgarni J.K. Kupańskiego, 1879.
Stacy A. Lischka & William L. Anderson, principal investigators.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
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