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Understanding the mode-locked response of excitable systems to periodic forcing has important applications in neuroscience. For example it is known that spatially extended place cells in the hippocampus are driven by the theta rhythm to generate a code conveying information about spatial location. Thus it is important to explore the role of neuronal dendrites in generating the response to periodic current injection. In this paper we pursue this using a compartmental model, with linear dynamics for each compartment, coupled to an active soma model that generates action potentials. By working with the piece-wise linear McKean model for the soma we show how the response of the whole neuron model (soma and dendrites) can be written in closed form. We exploit this to construct a stroboscopic map describing the response of the spatially extended model to periodic forcing. A linear stability analysis of this map, together with a careful treatment of the non-differentiability of the soma model, allows us to construct the Arnol'd tongue structure for 1:q states (one action potential for q cycles of forcing). Importantly we show how the presence of quasi-active membrane in the dendrites can influence the shape of tongues. Direct numerical simulations confirm our theory and further indicate that resonant dendritic membrane can enlarge the windows in parameter space for chaotic behavior. These simulations also show that the spatially extended neuron model responds differently to global as opposed to point forcing. In the former case spatio-temporal patterns of activity within an Arnol'd tongue are standing waves, whilst in the latter they are traveling waves.
Part 7: Cyber-Physical Systems
Any other technology has never affected daily life at this level and witnessed as speedy adaptation as the mobile phone. At the same time, mobile media has developed to be a serious marketing tool for all kinds of businesses, and the industry has grown explosively in recent years. The objective of this thesis is to inspect the mobile marketing process of an international event. This thesis is a qualitative case study. The chosen case for this thesis is the mobile marketing process of Falun2015 FIS Nordic World Ski Championships due to researcher’s interest on the topic and contacts to the people around the event. The empirical findings were acquired by conducting two interviews with three experts from the case organisation and its partner organisation. The interviews were performed as semi-structured interviews utilising the themes arising from the chosen theoretical framework. The framework distinguished six phases in the process: (i) campaign initiation, (ii) campaign design, (iii) campaign creation, (iv) permission management, (v) delivery, and (vi) evaluation and analysis. Phases one and five were not examined in this thesis because campaign initiation was not purely seen as part of the campaign implementation, and investigating phase five would have required a very technical viewpoint to the study. In addition to the interviews, some pre-established documents were exploited as a supporting data. The empirical findings of this thesis mainly follow the theoretical framework utilised. However, some modifications to the model could be made mainly related to the order of different phases. In the revised model, the actions are categorised depending on the time they should be conducted, i.e. before, during or after the event. Regardless of the categorisation, the phases can be in different order and overlapping. In addition, the business network was highly emphasised by the empirical findings and is thus added to the modified model. Five managerial recommendations can be concluded from the empirical findings of this thesis: (i) the importance of a business network should be highly valued in a mobile marketing process; (ii) clear goals should be defined for mobile marketing actions in order to make sure that everyone involved is aware them; (iii) interactivity should be perceived as part of a mobile marketing communication; (iv) enough time should be allowed for the development of a mobile marketing process in order to exploit all the potential it can offer; and (v) attention should be paid to measuring and analysing matters that are of relevance
This dissertation addresses sustainability of rapid provision of safe water and sanitation required to meet the Millennium Development Goals. Review of health-related literature and global statistics demonstrates engineers' role in achieving the MDGs. This review is followed by analyses relating to social, environmental, and health aspects of meeting MDG targets. Analysis of national indicators showed that inadequate investment, poor or nonexistent policies and governance are challenges to global sanitation coverage in addition to lack of financial resources and gender disparity. Although water availability was not found to be a challenge globally, geospatial analysis demonstrated that water availability is a potentially significant barrier for up to 46 million people living in urban areas and relying on already degraded water resources for environmental income. A daily water balance model incorporating the National Resources Conservation Services curve number method in Bolivian watersheds showed that local water stress is linked to climate change because of reduced recharge. Agricultural expansion in the region slightly exacerbates recharge reductions. Although runoff changes will range from -17% to 14%, recharge rates will decrease under all climate scenarios evaluated (-14% to -27%). Increasing sewer coverage may place stress on the readily accessible natural springs, but increased demand can be sustained if other sources of water supply are developed. This analysis provides a method for hydrological analysis in data scarce regions. Data required for the model were either obtained from publicly available data products or by conducting field work using low-cost methods feasible for local participants. Lastly, a methodology was developed to evaluate public health impacts of increased household water access resulting from domestic rainwater harvesting, incorporating knowledge of water requirements of sanitation and hygiene technologies. In 37 West African cities, domestic rainwater harvesting has the potential to reduce diarrheal disease burden by 9%, if implemented alone with 400 L storage. If implemented in conjunction with point of use treatment, this reduction could increase to 16%. The methodology will contribute to cost-effectiveness evaluations of interventions as well as evaluations of potential disease burden resulting from reduced water supply, such as reductions observed in the Bolivian communities.
Within academic institutions, writing centers are uniquely situated, socially rich sites for exploring learning and literacy. I examine the work of the Michigan Tech Writing Center's UN 1002 World Cultures study teams primarily because student participants and Writing Center coaches are actively engaged in structuring their own learning and meaning-making processes. My research reveals that learning is closely linked to identity formation and leading the teams is an important component of the coaches' educational experiences. I argue that supporting this type of learning requires an expanded understanding of literacy and significant changes to how learning environments are conceptualized and developed. This ethnographic study draws on data collected from recordings and observations of one semester of team sessions, my own experiences as a team coach and UN 1002 teaching assistant, and interviews with Center coaches prior to their graduation. I argue that traditional forms of assessment and analysis emerging from individualized instruction models of learning cannot fully account for the dense configurations of social interactions identified in the Center's program. Instead, I view the Center as an open system and employ social theories of learning and literacy to uncover how the negotiation of meaning in one context influences and is influenced by structures and interactions within as well as beyond its boundaries. I focus on the program design, its enaction in practice, and how engagement in this type of writing center work influences coaches' learning trajectories. I conclude that, viewed as participation in a community of practice, the learning theory informing the program design supports identity formation —a key aspect of learning as argued by Etienne Wenger (1998). The findings of this study challenge misconceptions of peer learning both in writing centers and higher education that relegate peer tutoring to the role of support for individualized models of learning. Instead, this dissertation calls for consideration of new designs that incorporate peer learning as an integral component. Designing learning contexts that cultivate and support the formation of new identities is complex, involves a flexible and opportunistic design structure, and requires the availability of multiple forms of participation and connections across contexts.
Adaptability and invisibility are hallmarks of modern terrorism, and keeping pace with its dynamic nature presents a serious challenge for societies throughout the world. Innovations in computer science have incorporated applied mathematics to develop a wide array of predictive models to support the variety of approaches to counterterrorism. Predictive models are usually designed to forecast the location of attacks. Although this may protect individual structures or locations, it does not reduce the threat—it merely changes the target. While predictive models dedicated to events or social relationships receive much attention where the mathematical and social science communities intersect, models dedicated to terrorist locations such as safe-houses (rather than their targets or training sites) are rare and possibly nonexistent. At the time of this research, there were no publically available models designed to predict locations where violent extremists are likely to reside. This research uses France as a case study to present a complex systems model that incorporates multiple quantitative, qualitative and geospatial variables that differ in terms of scale, weight, and type. Though many of these variables are recognized by specialists in security studies, there remains controversy with respect to their relative importance, degree of interaction, and interdependence. Additionally, some of the variables proposed in this research are not generally recognized as drivers, yet they warrant examination based on their potential role within a complex system. This research tested multiple regression models and determined that geographically-weighted regression analysis produced the most accurate result to accommodate non-stationary coefficient behavior, demonstrating that geographic variables are critical to understanding and predicting the phenomenon of terrorism. This dissertation presents a flexible prototypical model that can be refined and applied to other regions to inform stakeholders such as policy-makers and law enforcement in their efforts to improve national security and enhance quality-of-life.
The usage of multi material structures in industry, especially in the automotive industry are increasing. To overcome the difficulties in joining these structures, adhesives have several benefits over traditional joining methods. Therefore, accurate simulations of the entire process of fracture including the adhesive layer is crucial. In this paper, material parameters of a previously developed meso mechanical finite element (FE) model of a thin adhesive layer are optimized using the Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm (SPEA2). Objective functions are defined as the error between experimental data and simulation data. The experimental data is provided by previously performed experiments where an adhesive layer was loaded in monotonically increasing peel and shear. Two objective functions are dependent on 9 model parameters (decision variables) in total and are evaluated by running two FEsimulations, one is loading the adhesive layer in peel and the other in shear. The original study converted the two objective functions into one function that resulted in one optimal solution. In this study, however, a Pareto frontis obtained by employing the SPEA2 algorithm. Thus, more insight into the material model, objective functions, optimal solutions and decision space is acquired using the Pareto front. We compare the results and show good agreement with the experimental data.
Nowadays, World Heritage Sites (WHS) have been facing new challenges, partially due to a different tourism consumption patterns. As it is highlighted in a considerable amount of studies, visits to these sites are almost justified by this prestigious classification and motivations are closely associated with their cultural aspects and quality of the overall environment (among others, Marujo et al, 2012). However, a diversity of tourists’ profiles have been underlined in the literature. Starting from the results obtained in a previous study about cultural tourists’ profile, conducted during the year 2009 in the city of Évora, Portugal, it is our intend to compare the results with a recent survey applied to the visitors of the same city. Recognition of Évora by UNESCO in 1986 as “World Heritage” has fostered not only the preservation of heritage but also the tourist promotion of the town. This study compares and examined tourists’ profile, regarding from the tourists’ expenditure patterns in Évora. A total of 450 surveys were distributed in 2009, and recently, in 2015, the same numbers of surveys were collected. Chi-squared Automatic Interaction Detection (CHAID) was applied to model consumer patterns of domestic and international visitors, based on socio demographic, trip characteristics, length of stay and the degree of satisfaction of pull factors. CHAID allowed find a population classification in groups that able to describe the dependent variable, average daily tourist expenditure. Results revealed different patterns of daily average expenditure amongst the years, 2009 and 2015, even if primarily results not revealed significant variations in socio-demographic and trip characteristics among the visitors’ core profile. Local authorities should be aware of this changing expensive behavior of cultural visitors and should formulate strategies accordingly. Policy and managerial recommendations are discussed.
The work described in this Master’s Degree thesis was born after the collaboration with the company Maserati S.p.a, an Italian luxury car maker with its headquarters located in Modena, in the heart of the Italian Motor Valley, where I worked as a stagiaire in the Virtual Engineering team between September 2021 and February 2022. This work proposes the validation using real-world ECUs of a Driver Drowsiness Detection (DDD) system prototype based on different detection methods with the goal to overcome input signal losses and system failures. Detection methods of different categories have been chosen from literature and merged with the goal of utilizing the benefits of each of them, overcoming their limitations and limiting as much as possible their degree of intrusiveness to prevent any kind of driving distraction: an image processing-based technique for human physical signals detection as well as methods based on driver-vehicle interaction are used. A Driver-In-the-Loop simulator is used to gather real data on which a Machine Learning-based algorithm will be trained and validated. These data come from the tests that the company conducts in its daily activities so confidential information about the simulator and the drivers will be omitted. Although the impact of the proposed system is not remarkable and there is still work to do in all its elements, the results indicate the main advantages of the system in terms of robustness against subsystem failures and signal losses.
Day by day, machine learning is changing our lives in ways we could not have imagined just 5 years ago. ML expertise is more and more requested and needed, though just a limited number of ML engineers are available on the job market, and their knowledge is always limited by an inherent characteristic of theirs: they are humans. This thesis explores the possibilities offered by meta-learning, a new field in ML that takes learning a level higher: models are trained on other models' training data, starting from features of the dataset they were trained on, inference times, obtained performances, to try to understand the relationship between a good model and the way it was obtained. The so-called metamodel was trained on data collected by OpenML, the largest ML metadata platform that's publicly available today. Datasets were analyzed to obtain meta-features that describe them, which were then tied to model performances in a regression task. The obtained metamodel predicts the expected performances of a given model type (e.g., a random forest) on a given ML task (e.g., classification on the UCI census dataset). This research was then integrated into a custom-made AutoML framework, to show how meta-learning is not an end in itself, but it can be used to further progress our ML research. Encoding ML engineering expertise in a model allows better, faster, and more impactful ML applications across the whole world, while reducing the cost that is inevitably tied to human engineers.
The emissions estimation, both during homologation and standard driving, is one of the new challenges that automotive industries have to face. The new European and American regulation will allow a lower and lower quantity of Carbon Monoxide emission and will require that all the vehicles have to be able to monitor their own pollutants production. Since numerical models are too computationally expensive and approximated, new solutions based on Machine Learning are replacing standard techniques. In this project we considered a real V12 Internal Combustion Engine to propose a novel approach pushing Random Forests to generate meaningful prediction also in extreme cases (extrapolation, very high frequency peaks, noisy instrumentation etc.). The present work proposes also a data preprocessing pipeline for strongly unbalanced datasets and a reinterpretation of the regression problem as a classification problem in a logarithmic quantized domain. Results have been evaluated for two different models representing a pure interpolation scenario (more standard) and an extrapolation scenario, to test the out of bounds robustness of the model. The employed metrics take into account different aspects which can affect the homologation procedure, so the final analysis will focus on combining all the specific performances together to obtain the overall conclusions.
In questo lavoro di tesi viene presentato e validato un modello di rischio di alluvione a complessità intermedia per scenari climatici futuri. Questo modello appartiene a quella categoria di strumenti che mirano a soddisfare le esigenze identificate dal World Climate Research Program (WRCP) per affrontare gli effetti del cambiamento climatico. L'obiettivo perseguito è quello di sviluppare, seguendo un approccio ``bottom-up" al rischio climatico regionale, strumenti che possano aiutare i decisori a realizzare l'adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici. Il modello qui presentato è interamente basato su dati open-source forniti dai servizi Copernicus. Il contributo di questo lavoro di tesi riguarda lo sviluppo di un modello, formulato da (Ruggieri et al.), per stimare i danni di eventi alluvionali fluviali per specifici i livelli di riscaldamento globale (GWL). Il modello è stato testato su tre bacini idrografici di medie dimensioni in Emilia-Romagna, Panaro, Reno e Secchia. In questo lavoro, il modello viene sottoposto a test di sensibilità rispetto a un'ipotesi enunciata nella formulazione del modello, poi vengono effettuate analisi relative all'ensemble multi-modello utilizzato per le proiezioni. Il modello viene quindi validato, confrontando i danni stimati nel clima attuale per i tre fiumi con i danni osservati e confrontando le portate simulate con quelle osservate. Infine, vengono stimati i danni associati agli eventi alluvionali in tre scenari climatici futuri caratterizzati da GWL di 1.5° C, 2.0° C e 3.0°C.
Understanding the molecular mechanisms of oral carcinogenesis will yield important advances in diagnostics, prognostics, effective treatment, and outcome of oral cancer. Hence, in this study we have investigated the proteomic and peptidomic profiles by combining an orthotopic murine model of oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC), mass spectrometry-based proteomics and biological network analysis. Our results indicated the up-regulation of proteins involved in actin cytoskeleton organization and cell-cell junction assembly events and their expression was validated in human OSCC tissues. In addition, the functional relevance of talin-1 in OSCC adhesion, migration and invasion was demonstrated. Taken together, this study identified specific processes deregulated in oral cancer and provided novel refined OSCC-targeting molecules.
Two single crystalline surfaces of Au vicinal to the (111) plane were modified with Pt and studied using scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS) in ultra-high vacuum environment. The vicinal surfaces studied are Au(332) and Au(887) and different Pt coverage (θPt) were deposited on each surface. From STM images we determine that Pt deposits on both surfaces as nanoislands with heights ranging from 1 ML to 3 ML depending on θPt. On both surfaces the early growth of Pt ad-islands occurs at the lower part of the step edge, with Pt ad-atoms being incorporated into the steps in some cases. XPS results indicate that partial alloying of Pt occurs at the interface at room temperature and at all coverage, as suggested by the negative chemical shift of Pt 4f core line, indicating an upward shift of the d-band center of the alloyed Pt. Also, the existence of a segregated Pt phase especially at higher coverage is detected by XPS. Sample annealing indicates that the temperature rise promotes a further incorporation of Pt atoms into the Au substrate as supported by STM and XPS results. Additionally, the catalytic activity of different PtAu systems reported in the literature for some electrochemical reactions is discussed considering our findings.
Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) is associated with pulmonary hypertension which is often difficult to manage, and a significant cause of morbidity and mortality. In this study, we have used a rabbit model of CDH to evaluate the effects of BAY 60-2770 on the in vitro reactivity of left pulmonary artery. CDH was performed in New Zealand rabbit fetuses (n = 10 per group) and compared to controls. Measurements of body, total and left lung weights (BW, TLW, LLW) were done. Pulmonary artery rings were pre-contracted with phenylephrine (10 μM), after which cumulative concentration-response curves to glyceryl trinitrate (GTN; NO donor), tadalafil (PDE5 inhibitor) and BAY 60-2770 (sGC activator) were obtained as well as the levels of NO (NO3/NO2). LLW, TLW and LBR were decreased in CDH (p < 0.05). In left pulmonary artery, the potency (pEC50) for GTN was markedly lower in CDH (8.25 ± 0.02 versus 9.27 ± 0.03; p < 0.01). In contrast, the potency for BAY 60-2770 was markedly greater in CDH (11.7 ± 0.03 versus 10.5 ± 0.06; p < 0.01). The NO2/NO3 levels were 62 % higher in CDH (p < 0.05). BAY 60-2770 exhibits a greater potency to relax the pulmonary artery in CDH, indicating a potential use for pulmonary hypertension in this disease.