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Un noto centro di ricerca europea ha recentemente modificato un jet convenzionale di classe CS-25 in una piattaforma scientifica. Durante il processo di certificazione delle modifiche, l’impatto delle stesse sulle prestazioni è stato studiato in modo esaustivo. Per lo studio delle qualità di volo, i piloti collaudatori hanno sviluppato una procedura di certificazione ad hoc che consiste in test qualitativi separati della stabilità longitudinale, laterale e direzionale. L’obiettivo della tesi è analizzare i dati di volo, registrati durante i test di collaudo, con l'obiettivo di estrarre informazioni di carattere quantitativo circa la stabilità longitudinale del velivolo modificato. In primo luogo sono state analizzate tre diverse modifiche apportate all’aeromobile e successivamente i risultati sono stati messi a confronto per capirne l’influenza sulle qualità di volo dell’aeromobile. Le derivate aerodinamiche sono state stimate utilizzando la cosiddetta “identificazione dei parametri”, che mira a replicare le variabili registrate durante i test di volo, variando un dato insieme di coefficienti all’interno del modello linearizzato della dinamica dell’aeromobile. L'identificazione del modo di corto periodo ha consentito l'estrazione dei suoi parametri caratteristici, quali il rapporto di smorzamento e la frequenza naturale. La procedura ha consentito inoltre di calcolare il cosiddetto “Control Anticipation Parameter” (CAP), parametro caratterizzante delle qualità di volo di un aeroplano. I risultati ottenuti sono stati messi a confronto con i requisiti prescritti dalla normativa MIL-STD-1797-A, risultando conformi al livello più alto di qualità di volo.
The objective of the study is to investigate products used by women self-treating symptoms of reproductive tract infections (RTIs), including sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and their methods of administration. A household survey using a multi-stage cluster sample design was undertaken in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Women aged 18-60 years were interviewed (n = 867) and information was collected on demographics, reproductive health and sexual behaviours. A fifth of women reported having RTI/STI symptoms (20.5%), of whom 41.9% were treating these symptoms (mostly discharge [79.1%], ulcers [6.8%] and itching [7.7%]). Only three women were using medication prescribed by a health provider, while the remainder were self-treating using traditional medicines and modern products, including antiseptics, soaps, petroleum jelly, menthol creams and alum. Products were administered in various ways. Although RTI/STI treatment is widely available and free in public health facilities, many women are still self-treating. Potential harm of products for self-treatment requires further investigation and efforts should be made to improve STI service uptake.
PRINCIPALS: Most people enjoy sexual intercourse without complications, but a significant, if small, number need to seek emergency medical help for related health problems. The true incidence of these problems is not known. We therefore assessed all admissions to our emergency department (ED) in direct relation to sexual intercourse. METHODS: All data were collected prospectively and entered into the ED's centralised electronic patient record database (Qualicare, Switzerland) and retrospectively analysed. The database was scanned for the standardised key words: 'sexual intercourse' (German 'Geschlechtsverkehr') or 'coitus' (German 'Koitus'). RESULTS: A total of 445 patients were available for further evaluation; 308 (69.0%) were male, 137 (31.0%) were female. The median age was 32 years (range 16-71) for male subjects and 30 years (range 16-70) for female subjects. Two men had cardiovascular emergencies. 46 (10.3%) of our patients suffered from trauma. Neurological emergencies occurred in 55 (12.4%) patients: the most frequent were headaches in 27 (49.0%), followed by subarachnoid haemorrhage (12, 22.0%) and transient global amnesia (11, 20.0%). 154 (97.0%) of the patients presenting with presumed infection actually had infections of the urogenital tract. The most common infection was urethritis (64, 41.0%), followed by cystitis (21, 13.0%) and epididymitis (19, 12.0%). A sexually transmitted disease (STD) was diagnosed in 43 (16.0%) of all patients presenting with a presumed infection. 118 (43.0%) of the patients with a possible infection requested testing for an STD because of unsafe sexual activity without underlying symptoms. CONCLUSIONS: Sexual activity is mechanically dangerous, potentially infectious and stressful for the cardiovascular system. Because information on ED presentation related to sexual intercourse is scarce, more efforts should be undertaken to document all such complications to improve treatment and preventative strategies.
In patients with hepatitis C virus (HCV)-related advanced fibrosis/cirrhosis, 30% of sustained HCV clearance has been reported with pegylated interferon alpha-2a (PEG-IFN) alone, but the efficacy and tolerability of the PEG-IFN/ribavirin (RBV) combination remain poorly defined. A total of 124 treatment-naïve patients with biopsy proved HCV-related advanced fibrosis/cirrhosis (Ishak score F4-F6, Child-Pugh score < or =7) were randomized to 48 weeks of PEG-IFN (180 microg sc weekly) and standard dose of RBV (1000/1200 mg po daily, STD) or PEG-IFN (180 microg sc weekly) and low-dose of RBV (600/800 mg po daily, LOW). Sustained virologic response (SVR) rates with PEG-IFN/STD RBV (52%) were higher--albeit not significantly--than that with PEG-IFN/LOW RBV (38%, P = 0.153). In multivariate analysis, genotype 2/3 and a baseline platelet count > or =150 x 10(9)/L were independently associated with SVR. The likelihood of SVR was < 7% if viraemia had not declined by > or =2 log or to undetectable levels after 12 weeks. Nine adverse events in the STD RBV and 15 in the LOW RBV group were classified as severe (including two deaths); dose reductions for intolerance were required in 78% and 57% (P = 0.013), and treatment was terminated early in 23% and 27% of patients (P = n.s.). The benefit/risk ratio of treating compensated HCV-cirrhotics with STD PEG-IFN/RBV is favourable.
We quantitatively investigated inflammatory cells in the male urethra. Leukocytes in the first catch urine (FCU) from 87 men with and without urethritis were quantitated using haemocytometer counts and stained with an anti-CD45 pan-leukocyte antibody. An increased number of leukocytes in FCU specimens was associated with urethritis (P > 0.002), the presence of discharge and/or dysuria (P < 0.001), and detection of Chlamydia trachomatis (P < 0.001) and Neisseria gonorrhoeae (P < 0.001). In men with urethritis, higher leukocyte counts were also observed in the above groups (P = 0.07, 0.03 and P < 0.0001, respectively). As leukocyte number increased, the likelihood of detecting either pathogen increased. This study suggests that symptoms and signs are a surrogate marker for the degree of inflammation present, and that as urethral inflammation increases, the likelihood of detecting a sexually transmitted pathogen also increases. This would explain why men with asymptomatic urethritis are less likely to have a sexually transmitted infection detected than those with discharge and/or dysuria.
The electric utility business is an inherently dangerous area to work in with employees exposed to many potential hazards daily. One such hazard is an arc flash. An arc flash is a rapid release of energy, referred to as incident energy, caused by an electric arc. Due to the random nature and occurrence of an arc flash, one can only prepare and minimize the extent of harm to themself, other employees and damage to equipment due to such a violent event. Effective January 1, 2009 the National Electric Safety Code (NESC) requires that an arc-flash assessment be performed by companies whose employees work on or near energized equipment to determine the potential exposure to an electric arc. To comply with the NESC requirement, Minnesota Power’s (MP’s) current short circuit and relay coordination software package, ASPEN OneLinerTM and one of the first software packages to implement an arc-flash module, is used to conduct an arc-flash hazard analysis. At the same time, the package is benchmarked against equations provided in the IEEE Std. 1584-2002 and ultimately used to determine the incident energy levels on the MP transmission system. This report goes into the depth of the history of arc-flash hazards, analysis methods, both software and empirical derived equations, issues of concern with calculation methods and the work conducted at MP. This work also produced two offline software products to conduct and verify an offline arc-flash hazard analysis.
Background: Children's active commuting to school, i.e. walking or cycling to school, was associated with greater moderate-to-vigorous physical activity, although studies among ethnic minorities are sparse. Objectives: Among a low-income, ethnic minority sample of fourth grade students from eight public schools, we examined (1) correlates of active commuting to school and (2) the relationship between active commuting to school and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional analysis of baseline measurements from a sample of participants (n=149) aged 9-12 years from a walk to school intervention study in Houston, Texas. The primary outcome was the weekly rate of active commuting to school. Daily moderate-to-vigorous physical activity, measured by accelerometers, was a secondary outcome. Child self-efficacy (alpha=0.75), parent self-efficacy (alpha=0.88), and parent outcome expectations (alpha=0.78) were independent variables. Participant characteristics (age, gender, race/ethnicity, distance from home to school, acculturation, and BMI percentile) were independent sociodemographic variables. We used mixed-model regression analyses to account for clustering by school and a stepwise procedure with backward elimination of non-significant interactions and covariates to identify significant moderators and predictors. School-level observations of student pedestrians were assessed and compared using chi-square tests of independence. Results: Among our sample, which was 61.7% Latino, the overall rate of active commuting to school was 43%. In the mixed model for active commuting to school, parent self-efficacy (std. beta = 0.18, p=0.018) and age (std. beta = 0.18, p=0.018) were positively related. Latino students had lower rates of active commuting to school than non-Latinos ( 16.5%, p=0.040). Distance from home to school was inversely related to active commuting to school (std. beta = 0.29, p<0.001). In the mixed model for moderate-to-vigorous physical activity, active commuting to school was positively associated (std. beta = 0.31, p <0.001). Among the Latino subsample, child acculturation was negatively associated with active commuting to school (std. beta = -0.23, p=0.01). With regard to school-level pedestrian safety observations, 37% of students stopped at the curb and 2.6% looked left-right-left before crossing the street. Conclusion: Although still below national goals, the rate of active commuting was relatively high, while the rate of some pedestrian safety behaviors was low among this low-income, ethnic minority population. Programs and policies to encourage safe active commuting to school are warranted and should consider the influence of parents, acculturation, and ethnicity.
Hatte man zuvor lediglich Einzelbauten einen Denkmalswert zugesprochen, mehrten sich in den Jahren um 1900 im Zeichen eines wachsenden Interesses für die histori-sche Bedeutung und die ästhetischen Qualitäten alter – meist mittelalterlich gepräg-ter – Städte die Bemühungen um deren Erhaltung. Mit ausdrücklichem Rekurs auf den Denkmalswert der alten Städte wurden nun ein Vorgehen propagiert, das die Forderungen nach einer baulichen Modernisierung der Städte mit einer Erhaltung von deren charakteristischen Merkmalen vereinbaren sollte. Gerade solche Bemü-hungen um die Erhaltung des ‚Stadtbilds’ resultierten aber oft in massiven Eingriffen, welche die alten Städte nach einem unhistorischen Ideal ‚traditioneller’ Gestaltung überformten. Der Vortrag soll zeigen, dass solche Strategien nicht nur in einzelnen städ-tebaulichen Eingriffen und Sanierungskampagnen verfolgt wurden, sondern in eine breite Theoriediskussion unter Vertretern des Städtebaus und der Denkmalpflege eingebunden waren. Exemplarisch werden einige Berührungspunkte zwischen der deutschsprachigen und der italienischen Debatte dargestellt, zum einen an zwei bei-nahe gleichzeitigen Projekten zur Stadterneuerung in Florenz und in Frankfurt am Main, zum anderen an Beiträgen aus der Theoriedebatte. Im Zentrum steht dabei die Frage nach dem Zusammenhang zwischen den Idealvorstellungen der mittelalterli-chen Stadt einerseits und deren Niederschlag in Sanierungs- und Restaurierungskon-zepten anderseits.
In the United States today, adolescents face unacceptably high rates of mortality and morbidity due to the contraction of HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases and teenage pregnancy. In view of these rates, there is a need for applied preventive interventions to delay adolescent sexual behavior until adulthood. Project Alpha was a school-adopted, quasi-experimental program for adolescent male students attending Sharpstown High School in Houston, Texas. This intervention used student newsletters to provide specific role-model stories on community and student role models who have changed attitudes or improved efficacy to abstain from sexual behavior until adulthood. It was hypothesized that teenagers exposed to the intervention would show improvements in knowledge, beliefs, avoidance skills, perceived norms, intentions and self-efficacy to delay sexual behavior compared to no-treatment reference teenagers in the same school.^ In total, the Project Alpha program had a significant effect on student knowledge, beliefs (towards abstinence and having sex with multiple partners), perceived risk (HIV/STD testing), self-efficacy (could avoid sex with attractive girl who wants to have sex), perceived social norms (friends believing in sexual abstinence) and sexual intentions. However, no significant intervention effects were found in student's beliefs (that it was OK to have sex with girlfriend), perceived risk of HIV/STD, self-efficacy (to avoid sex with girlfriend) and social norms (friends believe it is OK to have sex with a girlfriend and multiple partners in the same month). ^
Chlamydia trachomatis infection (chlamydia) is the most common notifiable bacterial sexually transmitted infection (STI) worldwide. In the United States of America (USA) in 2009, 1,244,180 cases of chlamydia were reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the largest number of cases ever reported to CDC for any notifiable disease [1]. It has been estimated, from population prevalence surveys, that approximately 2 % of sexually active adults aged 18–44 years old in the UK [2] and 2.2 % (CI, 1.8–2.8 %) of the US population aged 14–39 years [3] are infected with chlamydia. This level of prevalence in the USA translates into an estimated 2,291,000 (95 % confidence interval, CI, 1,857,000–2,838,000) chlamydia infections each year [3]. Globally, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that there are about 92 million new cases of chlamydia each year [4].
Objective. This study was designed to determine the prevalence and incidence of HCV infection among non-sexual household contacts of HCV-infected women and to describe the association between HCV infection and potential household risk factors in order to examine whether non-sexual household contact is a route of transmission for HCV infection. ^ Methods. A baseline prevalence survey included 409 non-sexual household contacts of 241 HCV-infected index women in the Houston area from 1994 to 1997. A total of 470 non-sexual household contacts with no evidence of HCV infection at baseline investigation were re-assessed approximately three years after baseline enrollment. Information on potential risk factors was collected through face to face interviews and blood samples were tested for anti-HCV with ELISA-2 and Matrix/RIBA-2. The relationships between HCV infection and potential risk factors were examined by using univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses. ^ Results. The overall prevalence of anti-HCV positivity among 409 non-sexual household contacts was 4.4%. The highest prevalence of anti-HCV was found in parents (19.5%), followed by siblings (8.1%) and other relatives (5.6%); the children had the lowest prevalence of anti-HCV (1.2%). The univariate analysis showed that IDU, blood transfusion, tattoos, sexual contact with injecting drug users, more than 3 sexual partners in a lifetime, history of a STD, incarceration, previous hepatitis, and contact with hepatitis patients were significantly associated with HCV infection, however, sharing razors, nail clippers, toothbrushes, gum, food or beds with HCV-infected women, and history of dialysis, health care job, body piercing, and homosexual activities were not. Multivariate analysis found that IDU (OR = 221.7 with 95% CI of 22.8 to 2155.7) and history of a STD (OR = 11.7 with 95% CI of 1.2 to 113.1) were the only variables significantly associated with HCV infection. No such associations remained for other risk factors. The three-year cumulative incidence of anti-HCV among 352 non-sexual household contacts of HCV-infected women was zero. ^ Conclusion. This study has provided no evidence that non-sexual household contact is a likely route of transmission for HCV infection. The risk of sharing razors, nail clippers, toothbrushes, gum, food and/or beds with HCV-infected women is not evident and has not been shown to be the likely mode for HCV spread among family members. This study does suggest that IDU is the likely route of transmission for most HCV infection. Association also has been shown independently with a history of STD. The prevalence of anti-HCV among non-sexual household contacts was low. Exposure to common parenteral risk factors and sexual transmission between sexual partners may account for HCV spread among household members of HCV-infected persons. ^
Does parental monitoring influence the use of alcohol and drugs among inner city 7th grade students?
Objective. To examine associations between parental monitoring and adolescent alcohol/drug use. ^ Methods. 981 7th grade students from 10 inner-city middle schools were surveyed at the 3 month follow-up of an HIV, STD, and pregnancy prevention program. Data from 549 control subjects were used for analyses. Multinomial logistic regression was used to examine associations between five parental monitoring variables and substance use, coded as: low risk [never drank alcohol or used drugs (0)], moderate risk [drank alcohol, no drug use (1)], and high risk [both drank alcohol and used drugs or just used drugs (2)]. ^ Results. Participants were 58.3% female, 39.6% African American, 43.8% Hispanic, mean age 13.3 years. Lifetime alcohol use was 47.9%. Lifetime drug use was 14.9%. Adjusted for gender, age, race, and family structure, each individual parental monitoring variable (perceived parental monitoring, less permissive parental monitoring, greater supervision (public places), greater supervision (teen clubs), and less time spent with older teens) was significant and protective for the moderate and high risk groups. When all 5 variables were entered into a single model, only perceived parental monitoring was significantly associated (OR=0.40, 95% CI 0.29-0.55) for the moderate risk group. For the high risk group, 3 variables were significantly protective (perceived parental monitoring OR=0.28, CI 0.18-0.42, less time spent with older teens OR=0.75, CI 0.60-0.93, and greater supervision (public places) OR=0.79, CI 0.64-0.99). ^ Conclusion. The association between parental monitoring and substance abuse is complex and varied for different risk levels. Implications for intervention development are addressed. ^
This study is a secondary data analysis that assesses the relationship between risky sexual behaviors and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among drug users. This study analyzes data collected from drug users in the Houston Metropolitan area during 2004 and through August 2005, by researchers with the DASH (Drugs, AIDS, STDs and Hepatitis) project at The University of Texas at Houston School of Public Health. Specifically, the sexually transmitted infections that will be of interest in this proposed study are Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Hepatitis B Virus (HBV). Risky sexual behaviors that will be examined include lack of condom use, sexual orientation, trading sex for drugs, trading sex for money, and number of male and female sexual partners in the last 4 weeks. ^ Unadjusted, gender, sexual orientation, number of recent male and female sex partners, and a history of injection drug use were all found to be significant independent variables that increased the odds of STI status. When included in an overall model, these variables significantly increased the odds of STI status, including HBV infection, HIV infection, and HBV/HIV co-infection. History of injection drug use was significant for both HBV and HBV/HIV co-infection, whereas a gay sexual orientation was significant for both HIV and HBV/HIV co-infection. Additionally, having excessive female sex partners was significant for HIV infection. This significant association increases the need for implementation of stronger intervention programs tailored to suit this population's needs such as a combination of drug and sexually transmitted disease (STD) treatment. ^ The importance of these findings is that they establish the strength of associations between the previously mentioned risky sexual behaviors and STI status among drug users. This is crucial for assessing future risk of infection as well as for serving as a necessary component in intervention and treatment programs both for drug use and STIs. ^
While there are reports of developing sexual relationships on the Internet (I) among MSM, there are few reports that have examined the process of developing sexual relationships on the I and comparing to that in real life (IRL). This study examines the process to provide insight into how MSM make decisions about courtship, engages in negotiations for sex, and choose sexual partners and examines the comparative sexual risks taken between I vs. IRL negotiation. This self-selected convenience sample at a national level (n=1001) of MSM recruited through the I, systematically explored the different steps, the process of courtship in a flow chart of I and IRL dating to portray the process of filtering, courtship and/or negotiation for sex. Risk behaviors in both environments are presented along with interactions that create predictable sequences or "scripts". These sequences constitute 'filtering' and 'sexual positioning'. Differences between I & IRL suggest discussion of HIV/STD status to have consistent differences for all variables except 'unprotected sex' meaning no condom use. There was more communication on the I in regards to self revealing information or variables relating to reducing risks which enable 'filtering' (including serosorting). Data indicate more steps in the I process, providing more complex, multiple steps to filter and position with regard not only to HIV/STD risk but also to negotiate position for complementary sexual interest. The study established a pattern of MSM's courtships or negotiation for sex and a pattern of acquisition, and more I negotiation. Data suggest negotiation opportunities which could lend to intervention to advise people how to negotiate safely. ^ Previous studies have reviewed MSM and drug use. This is a study to review the process of drug use associated with sexual behavior regarding the Internet (I) and in real life (IRL) using a self-selected, convenience sample of MSM (n=1001) recruited nation-wide through the Internet. Data on MSM and drugs illustrate the Internet being used as a tool to filter for drug use among MSM. MSM's drug use in both environments highlights the use of sexual performance drugs with an IRL pursuit of intimacy or negotiation for sex. IRL encounters were more likely to involve drug use (both recreational and sexual performance-enhancing) than Internet encounters. This may be due to more IRL meetings occurring at bars, clubs or parties where drug use is a norm. Compared with IRL, the Internet may provide a venue for persons who do not want to use drugs to select partners with similar attitudes. This suggests that filtering may be occurring as part of the internet negotiation. Data indicated that IRL persons get drunk/high before having sex in past 60 days significantly more often than Internet participants. Age did not alter the pattern of results. Thus drug filtering is really not recreational drug filtering or selecting for PNP, but appears to be situationally-based. Thus, it should perhaps be seen as another form of filtering to select drug-free partners, rather than using the Internet to specifically recruit and interact with other recreational drug users. ^
This dissertation examines the psychosocial factors associated with sexual risk behavior among low socio-economic, minority middle school students in a large urban school district in Houston, Texas and is presented in the form of three articles. Article One examines the association between knowledge, perceived risk of HIV/STD, and self-reported lifetime engagement in vaginal sex among seventh grade students. The purpose of Article Two is to examine the association between knowledge about condoms, condom use attitudes, perceived peer norms about condom use, condom use negotiation self-efficacy, condom use self-efficacy, condom use intentions and actual condom use among seventh grade middle school adolescents. Finally, Article Three examines the association between attitudes, perceived peer norms, refusal self-efficacy about sex, sexual and abstinence intentions among seventh grade adolescents. By providing a better understanding of factors influencing sexual intentions and sexual behaviors among this population, these articles will enable practitioners to develop effective evidence-based interventions to delay sexual initiation and prevent youth from engaging in risky sexual behaviors, including risk of HIV/STDs and unintended pregnancy.^