597 resultados para tunica propria


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AIMS To investigate whether drugs others than mycophenolic acid and ipilimumab might cause graft-versus-host-like apoptotic enteropathy, the clinicopathological findings in four patients were examined who had developed watery diarrhoea and apoptotic enteropathy (three cases from colon and one case from ileal pouch) after intake of antimetabolites (methotrexate and capecitabine) and/or tumour necrosis factor-α inhibitors (etanercept and infliximab). METHODS The clinical charts, endoscopy reports and intestinal biopsies from all endoscopies were reviewed for all patients. Biopsies were evaluated semiquantitatively for apoptosis of basal crypts, dilated damaged crypts, defined as cystically dilated crypts with flattened degenerated epithelium containing apoptotic debris and few neutrophils, and mucosal architecture. Further, the presence of intraepithelial lymphocytes, chronic inflammatory cells in the lamina propria and mucosal ulcerations was recorded and immunohistochemical analysis for human cytomegalovirus and herpes simplex virus was performed. RESULTS Endoscopic examination revealed normal mucosa in two patients, whereas the other two showed focal ulcerations. Histological changes included increased apoptosis of basal crypts, the presence of dilated damaged crypts and architecture distortion. In all cases, a temporal association between drug intake and/or dose increase, and onset of diarrhoea, was observed, and no convincing evidence of other potentially underlying causes of colitis/enteritis was found, including infections. CONCLUSIONS Pathologists should be aware of the expanding spectrum of drugs that can cause apoptotic enteropathy, including antimetabolites and tumour necrosis factor-α inhibitors.


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AIMS In this work, we provide novel insight into the morphology of dissecting abdominal aortic aneurysms in angiotensin II-infused mice. We demonstrate why they exhibit a large variation in shape and, unlike their human counterparts, are located suprarenally rather than infrarenally. METHODS AND RESULTS We combined synchrotron-based, ultra-high resolution ex vivo imaging (phase contrast X-Ray tomographic microscopy) with in vivo imaging (high-frequency ultrasound and contrast-enhanced micro-CT) and image-guided histology. In all mice, we observed a tear in the tunica media of the abdominal aorta near the ostium of the celiac artery. Independently we found that, unlike the gradual luminal expansion typical for human aneurysms, the outer diameter increase of angiotensin II-induced dissecting aneurysms in mice was related to one or several intramural haematomas. These were caused by ruptures of the tunica media near the ostium of small suprarenal side branches, which had never been detected by the established small animal imaging techniques. The tear near the celiac artery led to apparent luminal dilatation, while the intramural haematoma led to a dissection of the tunica adventitia on the left suprarenal side of the aorta. The number of ruptured branches was higher in those aneurysms that extended into the thoracic aorta, which explained the observed variability in aneurysm shape. CONCLUSION Our results are the first to describe apparent luminal dilatation, suprarenal branch ruptures, and intramural haematoma formation in dissecting abdominal aortic aneurysms in mice. Moreover, we validate and demonstrate the vast potential of phase contrast X-ray tomographic microscopy in cardiovascular small animal applications.


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Intestinal dendritic cells (DCs) are believed to sample and present commensal bacteria to the gut-associated immune system to maintain immune homeostasis. How antigen sampling pathways handle intestinal pathogens remains elusive. We present a murine colitogenic Salmonella infection model that is highly dependent on DCs. Conditional DC depletion experiments revealed that intestinal virulence of S. Typhimurium SL1344 DeltainvG mutant lacking a functional type 3 secretion system-1 (DeltainvG)critically required DCs for invasion across the epithelium. The DC-dependency was limited to the early phase of infection when bacteria colocalized with CD11c(+)CX3CR1(+) mucosal DCs. At later stages, the bacteria became associated with other (CD11c(-)CX3CR1(-)) lamina propria cells, DC depletion no longer attenuated the pathology, and a MyD88-dependent mucosal inflammation was initiated. Using bone marrow chimeric mice, we showed that the MyD88 signaling within hematopoietic cells, which are distinct from DCs, was required and sufficient for induction of the colitis. Moreover, MyD88-deficient DCs supported transepithelial uptake of the bacteria and the induction of MyD88-dependent colitis. These results establish that pathogen sampling by DCs is a discrete, and MyD88-independent, step during the initiation of a mucosal innate immune response to bacterial infection in vivo.


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Salmonella typhimurium can colonize the gut, invade intestinal tissues, and cause enterocolitis. In vitro studies suggest different mechanisms leading to mucosal inflammation, including 1) direct modulation of proinflammatory signaling by bacterial type III effector proteins and 2) disruption or penetration of the intestinal epithelium so that penetrating bacteria or bacterial products can trigger innate immunity (i.e., TLR signaling). We studied these mechanisms in vivo using streptomycin-pretreated wild-type and knockout mice including MyD88(-/-) animals lacking an adaptor molecule required for signaling via most TLRs. The Salmonella SPI-1 and the SPI-2 type III secretion systems (TTSS) contributed to inflammation. Mutants that retain only a functional SPI-1 (M556; sseD::aphT) or a SPI-2 TTSS (SB161; DeltainvG) caused attenuated colitis, which reflected distinct aspects of the colitis caused by wild-type S. typhimurium: M556 caused diffuse cecal inflammation that did not require MyD88 signaling. In contrast, SB161 induced focal mucosal inflammation requiring MyD88. M556 but not SB161 was found in intestinal epithelial cells. In the lamina propria, M556 and SB161 appeared to reside in different leukocyte cell populations as indicated by differential CD11c staining. Only the SPI-2-dependent inflammatory pathway required aroA-dependent intracellular growth. Thus, S. typhimurium can use two independent mechanisms to elicit colitis in vivo: SPI-1-dependent and MyD88-independent signaling to epithelial cells and SPI-2-dependent intracellular proliferation in the lamina propria triggering MyD88-dependent innate immune responses.


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This is the first report describing a case where prolonged, severe malabsorption from brown bowel syndrome progressed to multifocally spread small bowel adenocarcinoma. This case involves a female patient who was initially diagnosed with chronic jejunitis associated with primary diffuse lymphangiectasia at the age of 26 years. The course of the disease was clinically, endoscopically, and histologically followed for 21 years until her death at the age 47 due to multifocal, metastasizing adenocarcinoma of the small bowel. Multiple lipofuscin deposits (so-called brown bowel syndrome) and severe jejunitis were observed microscopically, and sections of the small bowel showed dense lymphoplasmacytic infiltration of the lamina propria as well as blocked lymphatic vessels. After several decades, multifocal nests of adenocarcinoma cells and extensive, flat, neoplastic mucosal proliferations were found only in the small bowel, along with a loss of the mismatch repair protein MLH1 as a long-term consequence of chronic jejunitis with malabsorption. No evidence was found for hereditary nonpolyposis colon carcinoma syndrome. This article demonstrates for the first time multifocal carcinogenesis in the small bowel in a malabsorption syndrome in an enteritis-dysplasia-carcinoma sequence.


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INTRODUCTION Since the initial publication in 2000, Angiotensin II-infused mice have become one of the most popular models to study abdominal aortic aneurysm in a pre-clinical setting. We recently used phase contrast X-ray based computed tomography to demonstrate that these animals develop an apparent luminal dilatation and an intramural hematoma, both related to mural ruptures in the tunica media in the vicinity of suprarenal side branches. AIMS The aim of this narrative review was to provide an extensive overview of small animal applicable techniques that have provided relevant insight into the pathogenesis and morphology of dissecting AAA in mice, and to relate findings from these techniques to each other and to our recent PCXTM-based results. Combining insights from recent and consolidated publications we aimed to enhance our understanding of dissecting AAA morphology and anatomy. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION We analyzed in vivo and ex vivo images of aortas obtained from macroscopic anatomy, histology, high-frequency ultrasound, contrast-enhanced micro-CT, micro-MRI and PCXTM. We demonstrate how in almost all publications the aorta has been subdivided into a part in which an intact lumen lies adjacent to a remodeled wall/hematoma, and a part in which elastic lamellae are ruptured and the lumen appears to be dilated. We show how the novel paradigm fits within the existing one, and how 3D images can explain and connect previously published 2D structures. We conclude that PCXTM-based findings are in line with previous results, and all evidence points towards the fact that dissecting AAAs in Angiotensin II-infused mice are actually caused by ruptures of the tunica media in the immediate vicinity of small side branches.


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Gut was studied as a prototypical mucosal membrane in the murine BDF-1 syngeneic bone marrow transplant model. Measures of jejunal intraepithelial lymphocytes (IELs) and crypt cells were obtained by standard techniques and a method of quantifying gut lamina propria plasma cells (PCs) was developed. The degree of ablation of gut PCs and IELs after 900 rads total body irradiation with ('60)Co, and their repopulation effected by transplantation with 2.0 x 10('5) or 1.0 x 10('6) bone marrow cells demonstrated a prolonged period of profound depression in population levels of these cells which was not reflected by the extent of damage sustained to the epithelium. Differences in the depopulation and recovery of gut PCs and IELs revealed a tendency towards initial differentiation of effector cells. A positive dose response to high bone marrow cell innocula was obtained. Subsequent studies determined that gut IEL and PC repopulation was potentiated by the addition of IELs or buffy coat cells (BCs) to the bone marrow transplant. A method of isolating 1.4 - 4.0 x 10('7) viable IELs per gram of murine small bowel was devised employing intralumenal hyaluronidase digestion of the epithelial layer and centrifugation of the resulting suspension through discontinuous Percoll gradients. Irradiated mice received 2.0 x 10('5) bone marrow cells along with an equal number of IELs or BCs. The extent and duration of depression of numbers of IELs and PCs was markedly reduced by the addition of the IEL isolate to the transplantation innocula, and to a lesser degree by the addition of BCs. The augmentation of repopuation far exceeded that expected by simple lodging of cells suggesting that the additionally transplanted cells contained a subpopulation of mucosal membrane lymphoid stem cells or helper cells. Correlation analysis of PC versus IEL levels suggests a possible feedback mechanism governing the relative size of their populations. Normal ratios of IgA, IgM, and IgG bearing PCs was maintained post transplantation with all of the regimens. ^